Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How Can I Attract Abundance, Prosperity, & Joy?

Joy and abundance are all around us! Sometimes, when we’re feeling stressed or depressed, our eyes aren’t really on the prize. Instead, our eyes are on the worst case scenario. Our minds are focused on merely surviving, not just thriving.

Here are a few secrets in order to not just attract the potential of joy, happiness, fulfillment – but also some tips on how to attract abundance. Real, true abundance that sustains and uplifts you.

Remember — if you don’t keep your eyes open, you might just be missing out on some good chances!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Dreaming about Carrots: Carrot Symbolism

The spiritual significance of dreams has fascinated humankind since, well, since dreams have existed. Orange

Each object in a dream carries with it symbolism that can be interpreted in the waking world.

Dreaming about carrots 🥕 can often hold a meaning of prosperity, self care, and proactive steps to take care of yourself and those around you. In many cultures, carrots are also symbolic of abundance, wealth, good health, and longevity as the carrot’s taproot can be replanted to grow again and again.

Carrots can also be symbolic as rewards; you’ve heard the phrase “carrot and stick” to mean rewarding or punishing someone for acting on your commands. This comes from people using carrots as food rewards to train livestock, especially horses. Dreams of carrots can symbolize the prize at the end of a long, hard road.

Because of a carrot’s golden color before mass farms turned them orange, carrots are often associated with wealth and prosperity. A golden carrot is a special item indeed!