Saturday, August 6, 2011

More Rituals to Keep Negative Energy at Bay

In times of stress or grief, we are all particularly susceptible to negative energy.  Here are a few ideas to help yourself manifest some forms of psychic protection.  Try adding one (or more) of these to your favorite meditation rituals; they can help you "lock in" positivity and enable you to protect yourself from negative energy.

These were emailed to me from a friend

Meditation:  Force Field of Light

Step One.  Stand (or sit up) as straight and tall as you can possibly manage.  Keep your arms down comfortably at your sides.  Take deep, slow, cleansing breaths.

Step Two.  Mentally scan your body for all tense or uncomfortable points, and release the tension in those parts.  Make sure that every part of you feels relaxed and comfortable.

Step Three.  Imagine that your body is surrounded by light.  Visualize your body being outlined by a bright, shimmering blue or white light.  The light is a strong barrier between you and any negativity that comes near you.

4. Continue to maintain this image and visualize a globe of brilliant white light above (but not touching) your head. The globe is inside of your bright blue aura.

5. Concentrate on this bright white globe so that it becomes brighter, glowing white like burning magnesium.

6. Keep both images of the bright blue aura and the brilliant white globe and mentally aspire to the highest standards of morality, good, and love that you can.

7. Next, feel the white globe showering you with glittering white light filled with silver sparkles. This white light should permeate your entire being, coursing vibrantly through you.

8. The outer shell of your aura should be an intense bright blue filled with the vibrant, sparkling white light. Concentrate on this complete image as long as you can, fully believing in its reality. Feel your outer auric shell as a hard, sharply defined blue as you feel blissful and alert.

9. As you close, let the image fade slowly while believing that it is not fading from reality.

Chakra Spin Protection

This powerful technique unites the chakras to create a shield fully embedded with all aspect of your will and energy. Begin by visualizing performing the Psychic Center Visualization as detailed in the Energy Techniques document. A quick rehash: Charge the crown chakra, and draw a line down to the 3rd eye chakra. Charge the 3rd eye before drawing a line to the throat. Charge and continue to the heart, charge this chakra and draw a line of white light to the solar plexus chakra. After charging the solar plexus you move to the sex chakra, charge it and then onto the root chakra. As mentioned before, this is an adaptation of the traditional chakra system to have a center between the two feet so draw one more line to the ground center and charge this area. Create two lines of light from this center that swoop to each side of you in an upward curve before connecting with the crown chakra above your head. Begin cycling your energy through the lines through breathing.

Instead of stopping at this point continue cycling but move your focus to the curved lines at your side. We want to move these two line simultaneously clockwise so that they being to spin around the body. Let them put of energy as they continue to move faster and faster until their light forms a solid wall of energy that surrounds you. Spin this wall of energy around you for a few moments. When you feel ready, let the image of the chakras fade from your mind, and let the spinning motion end, but hold onto the image of all the energy the chakras surrounded you with.

Burning Flame

The Burning Flame is best used in situations that may be dangerous or that you require a great amount of protection over a short period of time. If you are entering a place/meeting/situation with a terrible amount of negativity you can perform this technique. Some people visualize their shields as a fire surrounding them at all times which is fine, although the method presented here is geared toward an emergency situation or on a temporary basis since it uses high amounts of energy.

Stand perfectly upright with your legs together and your arms flat against your side. Go deep inside yourself to the center of your being. Approach all of this with a confident intensity, your mind focused on your need for protection. Find your center and know that in your center is an intense source of energy, the very energy that all your magical abilities come from. With your consciousness in this core of your being, create an eruption of energy within yourself. Like a volcano building up pressure, cause your energy to rise and expand from your center out. As the energy reaches the outside of your body have it burst into a blue flame that surrounds your body. The curved base of the flame should be at your feet and the tip of the flame above your head. The intense energy flame will burn any outside vibrations before they can reach you. This flame won't harm you physically since it's a spiritual flame, but it will stop any other spirit or energy from touching you. Once the flames surround you, try to keep part of your mind focused on it as you proceed through the situation you felt required extra protection. Imagine more energy fanning the flames stronger and higher as you exhale.

As with any of these techniques, practicing first in a safe place is highly recommended

Mummy Technique

The visualizing of specific shapes forming around your body piece by piece adds focus and resolve to your protection magic, and this is the basis of the mummy technique. Begin by creating the image of a ball of white light glowing just above your head, where the crown chakra or higher-self psychic center is located. Focus on the energy here, increasing its intensity as you focus on it. Visualize white light sweeping down from this powerful sphere in the shape of a wide ribbon that begins to wrap around your head. You may want to leave some space between the energy ribbons and your physical body, perhaps 3-4 inches. Have the ribbon continue to wrap around your head, overlapping itself and creating a solid sheet that surrounds your head in protective energy. Don't stop at the head though. Let the ribbon continue to spin around your shoulders, torso, hips, legs all the way down to the feet, making sure to cover every spot so that you are entirely and safely wrapped. When you work your way down to your feet have it wrap underneath them completing the blanket surrounding you. When you are completely wrapped, hold the image of what you just did in your mind for a few moments before opening your eyes. This exercise is a great way to improve your skills with energy manipulation while benefiting yourself.

Bubble Technique

The most basic technique for protecting oneself magically is to simply imagine yourself inside a ball of white light that turns away any energy before it can touch you. When you visualize this ball of light around you, you want to make sure it appears opaque and solid in your minds eye. This bubble should probably extend about a foot above your head, and at least 6 inches below your feet. It doesn't have to be a perfect sphere; just make it fit around your body in whatever shape seems most comfortable or appropriate. You want to enforce the energy in the areas above and below you to be just as strong as the area in front and behind you. Rest assured that even after you come out of your concentrated state, this bubble will move with you without problem. Any vibrations that touch it will simply pass over and around your shield like the wind moving over your car. In the rare circumstance that your shield comes up against someone else's, it will bend to compensate, but not break. Much like two balloons pressing together. You need to hold the image of an impenetrable force field in your mind for at least a good solid minute or two, before returning to your everyday life.

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