Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Traits of a Sociopath

1. They are charming, and have a way with words.  There’s a tendency to be engaging and charismatic.  They aren’t shy or self-conscious; because of their disregard for acceptable social behavior, they will speak whenever they feel like it and often say whatever they think will make an impact.

2. They have an exaggerated sense of self-importance.  Sociopaths often see themselves as being better than everyone else, or “special” somehow.  They have an unrealistically enhanced view of themselves.  They will brag; they are opinionated, and overly self-assured.

3. They get bored easily.  A sociopath has a higher than average need for stimulation, and they are often prone to boredom.  Sociopaths seek out things that are exciting and novel.  They take chances and often engage in risky behavior, because they are easily bored.  They also lack self-discipline, and get bored with routine; failure to hold a job for an extended period of time can be a telling sign.

4. They lie.  The lies can big big, small, or anything in between.  Sociopaths think nothing of being dishonest.  At a sociopath’s best, he or she can be crafty and shrewd; at worst, they can be manipulative, deceitful, and sneaky in their dishonesty.

5. They manipulate people.  This doesn’t have to mean they’re deceptive, but often deceit can play a part in manipulation.  The difference between manipulation and dishonesty is the level of ruthlessness or lack of empathy present.  A true sociopath has little interest or awareness in the feelings of others; people are seen as sources of gratification, not as humans with emotions.

6. They have no remorse.  A sociopath will not have any concern for the sadness, pain, loss, or suffering of his or her victims.  Someone like this is seen as heartless and inconsiderate.  In fact, there is often a certain level of scorn or indifference concerning the sociopath’s victims.

7. They are shallow and superficial.  Someone like this has a limited spectrum of emotions.  He or she may display signs of caring or friendliness when necessary or beneficial, but check further; there may be nothing underneath to suggest much beneath the surface.

8. They are cold-hearted.  We’ve discussed the lack of empathy toward a sociopath’s victims, but there is also a lack of empathy for people in general.  A sociopath may be described as “a cold fish” -- they are inconsiderate and self-absorbed, with little room for interest in other people’s feelings.

9. They are parasites.  Often, a sociopath will intentionally manipulate others and become financially dependent on other people.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that they will con people out of direct cash; it may be as simple as failure to pay his or her own way, expecting other people to pick up the tab for his or her lifestyle.  This is often seen as selfishness, a lack of self-discipline, lack of motivation, an inability to behave responsibly or to follow through with responsibilities.

10. They will have problems controlling their emotions.  You will notice that a sociopath may have difficulty controlling his or her temper.  They may jump to conclusions, behave in haste, and lash out verbally or physically at other people when they are annoyed.  A sociopath’s patience is very limited, as are his or her ability to manage his or her feelings in a healthy way.

11. They are promiscuous.  Sociopaths often have shallow and brief sexual encounters and affairs.  Often, they have little discrimination in sexual partners, and are willing to have sex with virtually anyone.  A sociopath might have a history of engaging in multiple relationships at once, or a history of using coercion to get sex from others.  Sociopaths often take pride in boasting of their sexual conquests and activities as well.

12. Their behavior problems begin at a young age.  Before the teenage years, a sociopath likely already been committing unacceptable behaviors.  Young sociopaths often participate in activities including bullying, violence, setting fires, sexual behavior or activity, drugs or alcohol, running away from home, cheating, stealing, and vandalizing.

13. They don’t have life direction or long-term goals.  While a sociopath may talk a good game, there are often little or no attempts to follow through with goals as time passes.  There may be a history of failure or inability to develop long-term plans.  A sociopath may lack direction, both physically and mentally.  They may change jobs, residences, even circles of friends as time passes.

14. They are impulsive.  A sociopath may exhibit behaviors that clearly show action without thinking beforehand.  There are unable to deal with temptations, urges, or frustrations.  Sociopaths often commit reckless behaviors and engage in behaviors that are foolish or without thinking of the consequences.

15. They are irresponsible.  A sociopath may get the reputation for repeatedly failing to honor commitments or follow through on promises.  They may also fail to take care of obligations, such as ignoring bills or defaulting on loans, shirking responsibilities, performing tasks lazily, tardiness or absence to work, or failing to live up to agreements he or she has made.

16. They do not accept responsibility for their actions.  Sociopaths will often try to escape their responsibilities.  They may blame others for their own mistakes, or simply fail to acknowledge responsibilities in any way.  This often goes hand in hand with denial and manipulation of others.

17. They fall in and out of live easily.  Many of their relationships, including love and marriage, are brief and shallow.  When someone is lacking in the emotional skills to participate in a relationship, combined with a lack of ability to follow through with responsibilities, they will connect briefly but shallowly.  Such romantic connections are made easily and broken easily to them.

18. They may be juvenile delinquents.  Aside from simple behavior problems, a young sociopath will have trouble understanding or following basic societal laws or guidelines.  Between the ages of 13 and 18, sociopaths often commit crimes and engage in behavior that involves aggression, exploitation, and manipulation.

19. They fail to meet legal obligations or requirements.  If he or she has been in trouble with the law, it is not unusual for a sociopath to disregard or violate requirements which have been set for them; often due to being careless, deliberately ignoring notices, or failure to be in attendance when summoned.

20. They can disregard laws or rules in a number of ways.  A sociopath may violate a number of rules or laws, whether or not they are caught.  There may be pride or bragging involving getting away with criminal activity or violating rules.  Many sociopaths believe that they are “above” the rules.


  1. What source(s) did u use to write this article? My husband IS this person. I have been battling, in court, his grips upon our child and me for over the past two years.

    1. Hi! Actually, I've used my own personal experiences as a life coach to compile this list. If I can be of any assistance to you, let me know! :) Good luck with your court battle -- I'll be sending positive vibes your way.

    2. Hi! Actually, I've used my own personal experiences as a life coach to compile this list. If I can be of any assistance to you, let me know! :) Good luck with your court battle -- I'll be sending positive vibes your way.
