Friday, March 28, 2014

"Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about."

Does your life feel like it's so much harder than everyone else's?  Are you constantly looking around at your friends, your family, and those people on Facebook that you went to school with and thinking, "Damn, these people have perfect lives!"  The truth is that we really don't know what someone's life looks like on the inside.  The person in public who brags about their wealth, their great marriage, or their amazing kids may be doing just that -- bragging.  Who knows what really happens when they walk through their front doors?  The same can be said for someone who smiles and tries to seem brave when life is throwing them some hard times.  We can also try to be more understanding of those who complain when their lives seem so effortless; the truth is that we just don't know what someone else's life is truly like.  Stop comparing your own to something that you don't fully understand.  Don't judge.  Life is hard enough for all of us.

Visit Regina's website here.

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