Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Balancing Your Conscious & Subconscious Mind

Have you ever heard the phrase "mind over matter"?  Our subconscious awareness is a powerful thing.  That part of our mind cannot discern the difference between reality and what we say is reality; it cannot reject anything that we tell it.  The subconscious mind must accept whatever information that we choose to give it.  Therefore, your mind can be a powerful catalyst in manifesting your wishes.

Your physical body can also be affected by what your mind chooses to believe or what thoughts are put out into the universe.  Our worlds are also determined to a large extent by how we process information.  The subconscious mind can frame how we see the world outside of ourselves. 

When we choose to accept something on a conscious level, it will become ingrained in our subconscious too.  And these two together will also have an effect upon our bodies as well.  This can put our bodies and minds into an entirely new state of being.

If you envision yourself being healthy, living in abundance, and surrounded with love, those thoughts are more likely to manifest in your life than if you choose to envision yourself always struggling to pay the bills, feeling crappy, and full of problems in your relationships.  You need to put your mind into a higher state of being, and live your true will from the inside out, in order to help yourself to manifest these changes and to make better decisions for yourself.

Putting yourself in this positive frame of mind will help you to attract that which you desire, rather than to attract negativity.  So take those hopes and wishes, don't be afraid to dream and impress those good thoughts onto your subconscious mind.  It can make a world of difference.

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