Monday, August 17, 2015

Brainstorm Pro: A Blogger's Best Friend!

By now, most of you know very well about the type of person I am.  I blog, I write books, and I'm all over social media sharing helpful tips and little bits of information to make life a little easier and a lot more fun.  My blog is often a platform for me to share information and thoughts with fellow creative people.  So, when I come across a valuable resource, I love to let you all in on my discoveries!

One of the things that really bugs me at times is writer's block -- and in my line of work, where it's "publish or perish," that can really be some cause for concern.  A lot of times, my brain is so packed with ideas… but it's so hard to actually get them onto the page!  Even us wordsmiths can sometimes have trouble finding the right words for our craft.  (I visit more times during a writing session that I care to admit!)

Enter the fantastically helpful software, "Brainstorm Pro," by my friend Jesse Gilbert.  When you're searching for just the right word, simply use Brainstorm Pro to help point you in the right direction.  This tool is specifically designed to help word lovers like me to find just what we need quickly, with no drama, no waiting for web pages to load, and no ambiguity.  Brainstorm Pro enables me to keep my writing filled with that new-pronoun smell, and that factory-fresh adjective flavor that all writers crave.

Currently, this helpful tool is available for the Windows & MS Word platform, but a Mac version is coming soon.  I can't wait!  Check it out here for a free download and start brainstorming!

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