Friday, April 9, 2021

Gemstone Project: Chronically Illin’

Seven of swords

 The person I made this necklace for (and his gf — who I’d like to make one for, too!) works with someone close to me.  The subject is a male hip-hop artist that struggles with some health issues.

Because this was a gift commission, I began by pulling a card in my search for inspirado. I wanted bold colors and a modern, masculine style. Our guy is a New England Patriots fan, so that took care of the color scheme quite nicely! Since I overbought on red seed beads for a khokhloma project I never got around to finishing 😂 I had tons of reds in every shade — I picked the boldest and closest to the Patriots’ colors.

My card was the six of swords. This is a card of air, of a flexible and positive spirit that enjoys wandering to avoid danger *and* also to gain experience and have adventures — not just in the physical world, but also the creative journeys of the soul this movement can bring. This soul is innately intelligent about survival and self-preservation, so they can enjoy many facets of life packed into the time they have on this earth. Basically, he can live many lives in the space of just the one we’re all given! 

The gemstones I picked were: Sapphire (for good mental & tummy health); Buffalo bone (symbolizing the bod in harmony with nature, it imbues all the powers of buffalo — including Taurean bonuses to musical creativity!); Black imperial jasper cubes (to deflect negative energy & return it back to the sender!); Smoky blue dragon vein agate drums (for creativity & fire, powers of dragon including mental prowess, bod health, & an eye for opportunities). In the the very middle of the piece, I added the one yellow Flameheart Carnelian that I have! It’s mostly an orange-y yellow, with a heart of red and white — specifically for health & calmness of the solar plexus [aka tummy] and sacral [intestines/ass/bladder] chakras. Red is a great color for creativity & physical health, blue is for mental strength to stay positive through all.

Also tried real hard to make this (a) masculine, and (b) hip hop.

Also “chronic” is a double meaning, as is “illin” — It’s just so punny I can’t stand it!  I hope he likes it!!

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