Spiritual work does not need to be complicated in order to yield special results. Incorporating small rituals into your daily life can be a wonderful way to live a magickal life that keeps you in harmony with the energies around you, as well as the energies in yourself as it all grows, changes, and evolves.

You can hunt around your local supermarket -- or your very own kitchen! -- for these easy, inexpensive, yet very effective ingredients.
1. Garlic. It's cheap, it's tasty, and it is powerful! Garlic contains a natural antibiotic which helps attack "bad" bacteria when you're sick, which is probably why it is so often featured in home remedies. You might know about garlic's legendary vampire-fighting properties, but did you know that it's great as an all-purpose negativity buster as well? Anytime you're feeling overwhelmed with negative energy, or feeling bogged down with the feeling that someone doesn't have your best interests at heart, cook yourself a nice lunch or dinner with lots of garlic added. (Be sure to chew some parsley or eat yogurt after the meal, to minimize the potential for garlic breath!)
2. Salt. Another fabulous all-purpose ingredient that you can find right in your own kitchen. You don't need to eat salt in order to get its purifying, space-clearing properties. My favorite way to make use of it is a lovely cleansing bath. I tend to opt for sea salt or even epsom salts in my bath water. I add a bit of essential oil for fragrance -- though this is completely optional -- and relax in a warm tub, allowing the cleansing properties of the salt to wash away any negative residuals. Salt is also wonderful for purifying a space by either scattering, or forming a circle around a specific area.

4. Rosemary. This one is a personal favorite of mine for culinary use! Rosemary has a delectable scent and distinctive taste. It is so wonderful for all sorts of things -- not just for purity and protection, but for arousing creativity, enhancing the memory, and for bringing love. You can add fresh or dried rosemary to some hot water, place it in front of you on a table, and cover your head with a towel to breathe in all of the lovely steam (only do this for a few minutes, though. not too long!). This is a very good way to take in the fantastic properties of this herb.

6. Chamomile. Coming soon to a tea bag near you... this lovely flower, as I'm sure you know, packs quite a whallop when you need to calm down and give yourself a little time-out. It helps to relax you, but did you also know that it can aid your magickal workings as well? This is another herb that you can sprinkle around your home to keep negativity away. Add the teabags to your warm bath; the fragrance will soothe you as the herbs work to attract love, fortune, and healing to your life. You may also want to burn the dried flowers as incense. I usually just purchase pure chamomile tea bags, and cut open the bags as I need them. (CAUTION: Porphyriacs should NOT consume anything containing chamomile!)

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