Showing posts with label manifest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manifest. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How Can I Attract Abundance, Prosperity, & Joy?

Joy and abundance are all around us! Sometimes, when we’re feeling stressed or depressed, our eyes aren’t really on the prize. Instead, our eyes are on the worst case scenario. Our minds are focused on merely surviving, not just thriving.

Here are a few secrets in order to not just attract the potential of joy, happiness, fulfillment – but also some tips on how to attract abundance. Real, true abundance that sustains and uplifts you.

Remember — if you don’t keep your eyes open, you might just be missing out on some good chances!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Manifesting Money Fast: The Attachment Rule

  So to really know what’s happening with your manifestation, you have to learn to listen to what the mind is telling you. Here are some ways to do that:

Use all your senses, especially your ears. Hear what’s in your heart, which is the primary key to knowing the mind. Whenever you feel unhappy, happy, or frightened, let your feelings flow. It’s important for feelings to be processed, and (if they don’t serve your greatest good), released.

Be mindful of your body as well as your kind, and experience what you feel holistically. Be totally honest with yourself. 

Acknowledge what’s happening. Is there depression about something in your past? Is it anxiety about something happening in the future? Is this excitement about something that’s coming up? Whatever it is, this is what the mind is saying. Then let it go. 

Practice non-attachment. Remember, you’re not attached to anything in the external world. It doesn’t matter if you get what you’re wishing for. The mind doesn’t judge. It doesn’t care about anything in the external world.

In that way, when you see things happening, you can take a non-attached attitude and let them be.

Be happy for the blessings that you do have. If you’re still doing all of these things and not manifesting just what you want... that’s okay. Keep going. The universe delivers in its own time, so trust the process.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Spiritual Self-Help Snapchat Group!

Snapchat is the public’s favorite social media platform of the moment! And it’s only getting bigger and bigger.

SpiritClique is in the process of organizing a Snapchat group for people who are looking for real ways to heal mentally, spiritually, & emotionally. I’ll be raising new questions, sending fun inspiring quotes and info, and maybe even do  some free card reading for the Clique and its members! 

If you’ve followed my blog for the past decade, you’ll know how much love and care we have been putting into things around here. The blog and podcast will be staying 100% the same — we’re just adding more amazing free shit! 

Come hang out and talk with us on Snap!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Why Is My Manifestation Not Working?

Do you have a question you’re often asking yourself? Do you feel like you’re not getting the results you’re hoping for with your manifestation?

Do you feel like the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you right now?

Do you feel like you can’t trust the process?

What is it that you’re really asking?

 When we think about our dreams, it’s difficult to remember that these are a “waiting to happen.” Every dream is the future manifested in the present moment. The ultimate goal of our awareness is to realize that all dreams are waiting to happen, no matter how difficult we may think they are to achieve.

It’s natural to become impatient when the waiting is interminable. We grow frustrated, and before we know it, we begin to question our ability to manifest a manifestation. “I’m not good enough,” we think. “My mind doesn’t work right.”

We need to come to terms with the fact that it takes time to manifest any manifestation, because our mind is like a river and the path is like a riverbed. As long as the riverbed is soft and the riverbed is wet, the river will continue flowing. It takes time for the riverbed to dry up so that the riverbed can become solid.

When the riverbed dries up, our dreams will begin to rise up to the surface. When the riverbed is solid, our dreams will float up to the surface. Our mental perfection is inseparable from our conscious manifestation.

Don’t expect anything too soon, or you may miss the manifestation that is right for you. Trust the process.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hypnosis: Fact or Fiction?

The Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce would command himself to engage in out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences through self-hypnosis.

Under a trance state, he would give readings and diagnoses to people he has never met. His followers documented almost 14,000 journeys unto the spirit realm, made through his subconscious mind or what Cayce referred to as the soul.

Sensational historian David Lewis revealed that Adolf Hitler was once hypnotized and this may have been the root of the kind of life he has led.

Lewis claimed that in 1918, Hitler believed he has gone completely blind despite diagnoses of doctors that nothing is wrong with his eyes. Through hypnosis, a doctor suggested to Hitler that indeed, he has lost his eyesight but through will power he can make himself see again. Thats because God made him an exceptional person, the good doctor added. Since then, Lewis said, the hypnosis marked Hitler so much that he took life believing he was exceptional, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Robert F. Kennedys assassin was under the influence of a mastermind through hypnotism during the assassination, and was said to have shown robotic, trance-like movements and repeated RFK must die over and over again during police interrogation.

Have you read about clairvoyants reaching into other dimensions to get rare or secret information? How about mediums meddling with the underworld and calling the dead? Hypnosis stories are they for real?

Yes and No.

Yes, hypnotism really has been used as part of the treatment and therapy of various physical and psychological conditions. Through its ability to tap into the subconscious and to intensify focus and concentration, hypnosis can help you be more attuned with your intellectual and emotional capacity; thus helping you modify your habits and behaviors, or wield more control over the way you think and analyze.

But no, it is not the cure-all for your problems. It is not proven to be effective every time, as often claimed. The United States general surgeon reports there is insufficient evidence to support hypnosis as a treatment for smoking cessation. Again, the effectiveness of hypnotism depends on each and every different case it is being used for.

Indeed, it will not hurt to try hypnotism; but dont rely on it too much either. It may help you and may change your life forever. It may also work for you for an allotted period only. Or it may not and you may walk out of another hypnotism session unchanged and still be the same old self. Your results will depend on a lot of other factors aside from hypnosis, such as determination, motivation, and will power. Your destiny is still in your own hands.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Award Recipient: WHYBMNetwork's deCODED Sexes

deCODED Sexes is a SnapChat based show from the WHYBMNetwork that highlights the differences between gender roles in a creative, fun, and uplifting way.  The show stars a panel of guests who answer questions, make comments, and inform the viewer about a variety of subjects.

One of the things we love about this show is that while it has a humorous and lighthearted tone, its main intent is actually to inform and teach while it entertains.  Issues such as sociology, gender relations, and societal expectations based on our identities are highlighted and challenged.  The panel shares experiences that they have had based on relationships or other experiences, and the audience laughs along while they’re also thinking and relating to the characters.

We at the Sage Institute are proud to present deCODED Sexes with a Media Innovation Award!  Tackling complicated subject matters in ways that are relatable and easy to access is the hallmark of quality programming.  We love deCODED Sexes, and can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

Check them out online!

Add WHYBMNetwork on Snapchat:
#deCODEDSexes Merch Shop -

Friday, June 10, 2016

Affirmation Definition: What Are Affirmations, And How Can We Use Them?

The term “affirmation” can sound so magical, so esoteric.  Is it an incantation?  A chant?  A mantra?  I suppose if that’s what you want it to be, it can be.  However, it needn’t be shrouded in such mystery.  In the simplest of terms, an affirmation is a simple phrase, sentence, a prayer, or even just a word that you can think or speak out loud in order to gain personal power.  As its name implies, an affirmation affirms — it makes things happen, turns a neutral or negative thought or feeling into something more positive.

Affirmations, while simple, can have an immense amount of power!  They can transform your relationship with yourself, and with others.  They can enable you to view the world differently.  Affirmations can aid in comforting you during times of fear or distress, and can even help you to attract positive people and situations in your life.  In short, affirmation power can open up your entire being, and make you, yourself, become a wellspring of positivity for yourself — and source of positive energy for the universe through which to work its wonders.

The best part about affirmations is that anyone can use them — instantly!  They are free, they are fast, and they require nothing more than faith and conviction.  There are many places to find affirmations online, but you can also create your own as well, to fit whatever situation you need.

Remember that words have power.  Thoughts create action.  Affirmations can bridge the gap between thought and deed, in order to empower you to be your very best self so that you may improve your own life.  They can help you see new opportunities where none existed before.  They can open your heart and soul to new experiences, so that you can enjoy all that life has to offer.  They can also uplift you, comfort you, and enable you to heal yourself spiritually — so that you can continue to be your very best.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

You Will Never Be Perfect

Yes, I know the title of this message is pretty harsh!  But it's true.  When you strive for physical perfection, you should realize that you will never actually BE perfect.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't have goals and dreams -- you should.  That's healthy.  But the moment you begin to fixate on that number on the scale, or that perfect hair color, or that ideal clothing size, know that your goals will change the moment you achieve it.

Why?  It's because as humans, we're always conditioned to want more.  We might think that there's one magical solution to all of our problems, but the truth is that when we find that solution... we simply come up with a new set of problems.

Strive instead of health.  Excerise because it feels great, it's good for your body, and it releases endorphins which can lead to greater happiness and clarity of thought.  Take joy in your body and all the things it can do.  Eat healthy food that you love.  Appreciate where you are right now.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Love and Accept Your Body

The number on the scale, your BMI, or your clothing size -- none of these have any bearing on your worth as a person. 

We are so much more than just our bodies!  A friend of mine recently turned me on to an expression: "You are a spirit driving meat-coated skeleton made from stardust."  Consider that your entire existence is a miracle!  You have a mind that can think and reason, a heart that love and feel, and a soul that ties all of your parts together as it guides you along your path. 

You have the capacity for kindness, humor, love, and creativity.  None of these things can be measured with a scale, they can only be felt.

It's understandable to sometimes get caught up in comparing ourselves to society's ridiculous beauty standards.  But, when you're having that moment, take another to remember that your existence is a miracle.  Love your body for the things it can do.  Treat it well and strive for health.  The bottom line is that you are more than your body -- you're the whole beautiful package!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Balancing Your Conscious & Subconscious Mind

Have you ever heard the phrase "mind over matter"?  Our subconscious awareness is a powerful thing.  That part of our mind cannot discern the difference between reality and what we say is reality; it cannot reject anything that we tell it.  The subconscious mind must accept whatever information that we choose to give it.  Therefore, your mind can be a powerful catalyst in manifesting your wishes.

Your physical body can also be affected by what your mind chooses to believe or what thoughts are put out into the universe.  Our worlds are also determined to a large extent by how we process information.  The subconscious mind can frame how we see the world outside of ourselves. 

When we choose to accept something on a conscious level, it will become ingrained in our subconscious too.  And these two together will also have an effect upon our bodies as well.  This can put our bodies and minds into an entirely new state of being.

If you envision yourself being healthy, living in abundance, and surrounded with love, those thoughts are more likely to manifest in your life than if you choose to envision yourself always struggling to pay the bills, feeling crappy, and full of problems in your relationships.  You need to put your mind into a higher state of being, and live your true will from the inside out, in order to help yourself to manifest these changes and to make better decisions for yourself.

Putting yourself in this positive frame of mind will help you to attract that which you desire, rather than to attract negativity.  So take those hopes and wishes, don't be afraid to dream and impress those good thoughts onto your subconscious mind.  It can make a world of difference.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

How to Manifest Change, Positivity, and Vibrations at a Higher Spiritual Level

Every living living thing has its own vibration.  We are composed of particles that are constantly in motion, vibrating.

Philosophers and those who practice Eastern spiritualities have understood for thousands of years that the power our own vibrations can be utilized toward manifesting our personal and spiritual goals.  By using the power of intention, we can manifest change in our own lives.

First, we need to learn how to vibrate at a higher spiritual level.  Meditation can help.  We can also use the power of intention, which is sometimes referred to as the Law of Attraction.  It can be used to help the mind concentrate on positive outcomes, intend of dwelling on the negative and impressing those patterns into our subconscious mind.  When you think in positive ways, you operate at a higher vibration.

When you look for the positive things in life, you are opening yourself up to receiving more positivity.  Better opportunities will come to you, and you'll be better able to make the most of them. 

Release negativity from your life.  Anger, fear, and resentment will cause you to live on a lower plane of existence, and this will hinder your mind and spirit.  Let it go, and raise your vibrations so that your present and future life begins to improve. 

Practice positive self-talk, use affirmations if you need to do so -- they really can help to reverse undesirable thought patterns, and aid you in harnessing the powers of your subconscious mind.

Meditation can help you to clear your head as well.  Try it in order to focus on what's important to you, and to release that which no longer serves you well.  Regular meditation and deep-breathing exercises can help you to achieve peace and it clears your mind. 

Remember, that you cannot live your true will without determining what that means to you in the first place.  Using these techniques can help you to figure out which directions you'd like to go, to release what isn't currently working for you, and to embrace positive change.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Free Binaural Beats to Attract Your Soulmate!

The world needs more love!  Lonely souls, meant to be together, should be joined and united as they're intended. Can the Law of Attraction help?

I've done research on binaural beats and other brain entertainment in order to share my findings with you.  I have put together a set of videos featuring soothing images and binaural beats which can help to put your mind in the right "frequency" to find your true love.  Bookmark them and use them every day when you're feeling the need to connect, or beginning to lose hope that your soulmate is coming.  Enjoy!

Ten-Fold Journey meditations into Twin Flames Reunion.
Better realized if you have seen each other at least once.

The four functions of Self,
* will
* sense
* think
* feel
relationship; Self's attributes,
* identity
* power
* awareness
* ability
and expression of Self, are listed in the first column.
The second column shows the actual choice of frequencies for the script.

A - 1. - will ------------- 9.19hz - conflict resolution
B - 2. - sense ----------- 24.027hz - Twin Flame
C - 3. - think ------------ 7.83hz - anti-mind control
D - 4. - feel ------------ 2hz - astral ear
E - 5. - relationship ----- 9hz - relationships
F - 6. - identity --------- 16.4hz - spirit
G - 7. - power ------------ 4.5hz - shamanic state of consciousness
H - 8. - awareness -------- 5.5hz - moves beyond knowledge to knowing
I - 9. - ability ---------- 8hz - past life regression
J - 0. - expression ------- 12hz - expression

The second recording plays in reverse order the previous set, with different
music, though.

J - 0. - expression ------- 12hz - expression
I - 9. - ability ---------- 8hz - past life regression
H - 8. - awareness -------- 5.5hz - moves beyond knowledge to knowing
G - 7. - power ----------- 4.5hz - shamanic state of consciousness
F - 6. - identity --------- 16.4hz - spirit
E - 5. - relationship ----- 9hz - relationships
D - 4. - feel ------------- 2hz - astral ear
C - 3. - think ------------ 7.83hz - anti-mind control
B - 2. - sense ------------ 24.027hz - Twin Flame
A - 1. - will ------------- 9.19hz - conflict resolution

Algorithmic piano music mixed with sound frequencies.

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