Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

“ Stop being a perfectionist.”

My Twitter friend, @bigdaddyvinz, has laid down some really useful wisdom this month. Here’s what his eye-opening thread says:

Stop being a perfectionist.

The root of procrastination for most people ain't laziness, it's anxiety.

I know your anxiety will tell you the worst case scenario. It’s a damn liar.

If you're a procrastinator, you will find every excuse not to do what u need to do. But here's an advice: DO IT FIRST, I call it reverse procrastination.

Fill your heart & mind with positive things.

Music helps alot. stand up, put on your favorite songs and watch how you get the job done fast.

Challenge yourself.

Reward yourself after a job well done.

The best way to get something done is to begin.

Don't let procrastination take over your life. Be brave and take risks, your life is happening now.

It might feel like fun but trust me procrastination is the enemy of success.

Give yourself pep talks and encouraging words like:

- I can do this 

- I'm not going to procrastinate today 

- I am capable 

- I am strong enough 

- I am brave 

- I refuse to let negative thoughts control Me

I hope this thread made sense to every procrastinator out there,I hope this thread helps and motivate you stop ❤️

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hypnosis: Fact or Fiction?

The Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce would command himself to engage in out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences through self-hypnosis.

Under a trance state, he would give readings and diagnoses to people he has never met. His followers documented almost 14,000 journeys unto the spirit realm, made through his subconscious mind or what Cayce referred to as the soul.

Sensational historian David Lewis revealed that Adolf Hitler was once hypnotized and this may have been the root of the kind of life he has led.

Lewis claimed that in 1918, Hitler believed he has gone completely blind despite diagnoses of doctors that nothing is wrong with his eyes. Through hypnosis, a doctor suggested to Hitler that indeed, he has lost his eyesight but through will power he can make himself see again. Thats because God made him an exceptional person, the good doctor added. Since then, Lewis said, the hypnosis marked Hitler so much that he took life believing he was exceptional, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Robert F. Kennedys assassin was under the influence of a mastermind through hypnotism during the assassination, and was said to have shown robotic, trance-like movements and repeated RFK must die over and over again during police interrogation.

Have you read about clairvoyants reaching into other dimensions to get rare or secret information? How about mediums meddling with the underworld and calling the dead? Hypnosis stories are they for real?

Yes and No.

Yes, hypnotism really has been used as part of the treatment and therapy of various physical and psychological conditions. Through its ability to tap into the subconscious and to intensify focus and concentration, hypnosis can help you be more attuned with your intellectual and emotional capacity; thus helping you modify your habits and behaviors, or wield more control over the way you think and analyze.

But no, it is not the cure-all for your problems. It is not proven to be effective every time, as often claimed. The United States general surgeon reports there is insufficient evidence to support hypnosis as a treatment for smoking cessation. Again, the effectiveness of hypnotism depends on each and every different case it is being used for.

Indeed, it will not hurt to try hypnotism; but dont rely on it too much either. It may help you and may change your life forever. It may also work for you for an allotted period only. Or it may not and you may walk out of another hypnotism session unchanged and still be the same old self. Your results will depend on a lot of other factors aside from hypnosis, such as determination, motivation, and will power. Your destiny is still in your own hands.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Award Recipient: WHYBMNetwork's deCODED Sexes

deCODED Sexes is a SnapChat based show from the WHYBMNetwork that highlights the differences between gender roles in a creative, fun, and uplifting way.  The show stars a panel of guests who answer questions, make comments, and inform the viewer about a variety of subjects.

One of the things we love about this show is that while it has a humorous and lighthearted tone, its main intent is actually to inform and teach while it entertains.  Issues such as sociology, gender relations, and societal expectations based on our identities are highlighted and challenged.  The panel shares experiences that they have had based on relationships or other experiences, and the audience laughs along while they’re also thinking and relating to the characters.

We at the Sage Institute are proud to present deCODED Sexes with a Media Innovation Award!  Tackling complicated subject matters in ways that are relatable and easy to access is the hallmark of quality programming.  We love deCODED Sexes, and can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

Check them out online!

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

James Bowie: Humanitarian Award Recipient!

I am pleased to announce our newest recipient of the Sage Institute's Humanitarian Award.  James Bowie has worked tirelessly to make this world a better place, one person at a time.  Through his amazing efforts with Hull Homeless Outreach, a nonprofit organization in Kingston Upon Hull in the United Kingdom, James has been able to transform lives and make true, lasting change.

He founded this organization in 2013, and has been helping to provide the homeless with a voice ever since.  Together, with those who have volunteered their time and effort, James has been able to empower others to be their very best.  Jame's Bowie's organization does not turn away anyone who is in need of their services; the mission statement of this great charity includes the words, "to believe and make others believe in sharing, caring, and helping those in need."

If any of my readers are seeking more information about this great organization, check out Hull Homeless Outreach's Facebook page to learn more about how to get involved.  You can also have a look at their website, which has links to GoFundMe and explains other ways to help.

We are proud to present James Bowie with this award.  People like James make the world a better place by not just helping others, but by inspiring others to do so as well.  Thank you, James and Hull Homeless Outreach, for everything that you do!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Happiness in Communing with Nature

Our fast-paced world can really burn us out quickly.  With technology enabling us to communicate faster and easier than ever before, "alone time" is quickly becoming a concept of the past.  It can be wonderful to feel connected, but it can also be daunting and draining as well.  How can we get back to basics and quiet the multitudes of voices that surround us?

The answer may be simpler than you think.  Try communing with nature!

Immersing yourself in nature doesn't need to be an elaborately planned scenario.  Try taking a walk.  Even in an urban area, you're going to have opportunities to see animals and plants -- even if it's just squirrels in your local park, or the shade of a tree planted by the sidewalk of a busy road.  Find a place to sit and breathe the air.  Observe the weather -- is it sunny out?  What time of day is it?  Perhaps you can enjoy the clouds during the daytime, or try to see stars at night.

If that's too difficult, or your access to nature is limited, try simply gazing out your window at the sky.  Alternatively, you can bring natural elements inside by planting flowers, herbs, or other small plants indoors. 

Whatever way you decide to commune with nature, know that it will rejuvenate your mind and spirit when you're able to let go and focus on the world around you.  Our planet is filled with beautiful things, so take the time to enjoy!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happiness Through Self-Discovery

A SWOT analysis is a common method for gauging the stand of a brand or business.  It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  Occasionally, I enjoy doing this for myself as a personal exercise.

As we go through life, new experiences will often shape the way we see the world.  When we learn, we become better versions of ourselves.  It's vital to look inward at times, so that we can reassess ourselves.  What is important to us now?  What used to work for us, but no longer serves our greatest good?  Self-analysis can help us to not only become better people,  but to make better use of the skills and knowledge that we've acquired.

Discover what's new in your inner life.  Try new things, gain new abilities and new loves.  You may have hidden talents or skills that you've previously not discovered.  We are all treasures, so don't be afraid to dig in and find something new!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

How to Manifest Change, Positivity, and Vibrations at a Higher Spiritual Level

Every living living thing has its own vibration.  We are composed of particles that are constantly in motion, vibrating.

Philosophers and those who practice Eastern spiritualities have understood for thousands of years that the power our own vibrations can be utilized toward manifesting our personal and spiritual goals.  By using the power of intention, we can manifest change in our own lives.

First, we need to learn how to vibrate at a higher spiritual level.  Meditation can help.  We can also use the power of intention, which is sometimes referred to as the Law of Attraction.  It can be used to help the mind concentrate on positive outcomes, intend of dwelling on the negative and impressing those patterns into our subconscious mind.  When you think in positive ways, you operate at a higher vibration.

When you look for the positive things in life, you are opening yourself up to receiving more positivity.  Better opportunities will come to you, and you'll be better able to make the most of them. 

Release negativity from your life.  Anger, fear, and resentment will cause you to live on a lower plane of existence, and this will hinder your mind and spirit.  Let it go, and raise your vibrations so that your present and future life begins to improve. 

Practice positive self-talk, use affirmations if you need to do so -- they really can help to reverse undesirable thought patterns, and aid you in harnessing the powers of your subconscious mind.

Meditation can help you to clear your head as well.  Try it in order to focus on what's important to you, and to release that which no longer serves you well.  Regular meditation and deep-breathing exercises can help you to achieve peace and it clears your mind. 

Remember, that you cannot live your true will without determining what that means to you in the first place.  Using these techniques can help you to figure out which directions you'd like to go, to release what isn't currently working for you, and to embrace positive change.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Light Workers, Indigo Children & the Galactic Federation of Light

Is it true?  Maybe.  It's interesting to think about. :)

The Galactic Federation of Light possesses technological advances that are extraordinarily ahead of our own. They see how the universe functions and the way of our world. They have a significant understanding of awareness and how to fuse its utilization with their own technological advances.

All things considered, their understanding on the exact fabric of our universe permits them to travel through time and space with great ease. Additionally, they can replicate anything from virtually nothing, basically by utilizing replicators that can reassemble molecules and particles. It is additionally possibly that these beings can allow things to manifest simply by the use of their conscious will.

The Galactic Federation of Light is a united alliance of spiritual creatures from a remote part of the universe, a large number of which resemble humans.

The Galactic Federation of Light come from other planes where they draw upon divine forces to promote better, more peaceful life. They are thought to be loving and delight in working for the advancement of others within the universe. They are even often prepared to lay down their own lives for the well-being of other beings.

These beings are far different from more sinister forces, whose purpose is to drain energies and harm others, causing disharmony and annihilation in their wake.

Those within Galactic Federation of Light comprehend the unity of all.  They dwell in a state which is known as "Full Consciousness" which is a multi-dimensional awareness that connects us all.

People on Earth are still limited in our perception and many of us have limited ability to understand the oneness which connects us all.  However, we are slowly evolving to have this consciousness returned to us.

Earth with her occupants is continuously viewed as a young planet by our more advanced human siblings of the Galactic Federation. Our more established space siblings are diligently taking care of us, their family, to assist us in advancing to the era which is known as the Ascension.

Despite the fact that the Galactic Federation of Light is here to support people throughout this exciting time, they are for the most part prohibited to meddle with the choices that we make. Their plan is to make us gradually aware of their presence.

Thusly, many of these very developed entities from the Galactic Federation of Light have been born here on Earth and live among us to help and to heal us, and to provide us with information about this universal consciousness.

Our world is seen by these beings as a world much like the Orion. It is viewed as a planet of darkness, though we do have some light as well.  The Federation is attempting to further illuminate us and help us to reach our fullest potential.

Those on Earth who are incarnated in order to help the planet now, must bring about more lightwork into this world, both now and in their future incarnations, so that we will be prepared for the Ascension.

These lightworkers are often known as Indigo people or Indigo children.  There are other names as well -- Crystal Children, Star Seeds, Wanderers.  These people are thought to be highly evolved humans which have celestial ties to the Galactic Federation of Light which are often yet unknown to them.

The Forces of Light are comprised of very advanced souls.  A number of these are presently on earth, either incarnated as humans, or in their spiritual form.  Among these are emissaries from the Angelic Hierarchy or the ascended Masters of the Federation who assist us here on Earth.

For quite a while the Galactic Federation of Light have continually postponed their intentions for First Contact due to a threat of mass obliteration at the hands of the Orion faction if First Contact occurs.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Galactic Federation of Light

Whether you believe in benevolent aliens or not, this is fun to think about! :)

The Galactic Federation of Light are here to help us weather the dangers of other entities within our planet -- dark forces which are said to be destructive to the Earth.

The Earth has been isolated by the Galactic Federation of Light so as to control the growth and actions of dark forces. There are substantial amounts of guardians encompassing Earth and they notice all of our activities. Our Earth's isolation will end once the dark forces on Earth have been vanquished, and the light begins to encompass our planet.

The Galactic Federation of Light is not of Earth -- some call them extraterrestrials. The delegates of the Galactic Federation of Light are thought to resemble humans, however, and their emissaries often live on Earth in a human incarnation. People of Earth will, at some point in the future, also join with the Galactic Federation of Light.

They have discreetly done numerous things to help us.  For example, some say that they have assisted in the following ways:

Disabling atomic weapons;

Lessening the effects the radiation emitted from the nuclear emergency in Japan;

Assisting in clearing the Gulf Coast oil spill;

Neutralizing chemical fallout in various crisis areas around the world;

Cleaning up contaminations or pollution in specific parts of our planet.

After the end of the second world war, the delegates of the Galactic Federation of Light reached the Unites States government to caution them of the extraterrestrials from the Orion Empire, with whom the Unites States government had a mysterious First Contact.

The Galactic Federation of Light have a protocol of not interfering directly with people until enough of us are mindful of their existence -- in this way, they can gradually alert us of their presence in ways that are less fearful. That is one of the main reasons behind the rise in UFO sightings all around the globe throughout our present times.

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