Ostara is also known as Eostre, or the Vernal Equinox. It is pronounced "oh-STAR-ah." Ostara is one of 8 major Pagan holidays. It falls on March 21st, the first day of spring. Many ancient cultures celebrated the first day of spring. We still celebrate it today in many forms! Ostara's name comes from an Teutonic goddess of springtime. This is how the Christian holiday of Easter got its name. Pagan people often use eggs, hares, lambs, and birds as symbols of celebration for this holiday. The word "Equinox" means "equal night" in Latin. During Ostara, the days once again begin to get longer, and nights shorter. Hot Cross Buns are another popular treat for both Ostara and Easter celebrants alike! Ostara is the season when things start to grow once again. It's an excellent time for beginning new endeavors.
Showing posts with label wicca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wicca. Show all posts
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Some Basic Facts About Ostara, the Spring Equinox
Ostara is also known as Eostre, or the Vernal Equinox. It is pronounced "oh-STAR-ah." Ostara is one of 8 major Pagan holidays. It falls on March 21st, the first day of spring. Many ancient cultures celebrated the first day of spring. We still celebrate it today in many forms! Ostara's name comes from an Teutonic goddess of springtime. This is how the Christian holiday of Easter got its name. Pagan people often use eggs, hares, lambs, and birds as symbols of celebration for this holiday. The word "Equinox" means "equal night" in Latin. During Ostara, the days once again begin to get longer, and nights shorter. Hot Cross Buns are another popular treat for both Ostara and Easter celebrants alike! Ostara is the season when things start to grow once again. It's an excellent time for beginning new endeavors.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
What is Imbolc/Candlemas?
Imbolc is also known as Candlemas, or the Feast of St. Brigid. It is pronounced "IM-bolk." Imbolc is one of 8 major pagan holidays. It falls on Feburary 1st or 2nd, the midpoint between winter and spring. Many ancient cultures celebrated some form of Imbolc, including ancient Eqyptian and Celtic people. Imbolc honors St. Brigid, and celebrates fertility, fire, and youth. Pagan people often use candles and bonfires as symbols of celebration for this holiday. Celebrants often use straw fools in rituals. These dolls may be kept throughout the year for continued good fortune. St. Brigid's Cross, a symbol which honors her, is often associated with this holiday. Imbolc is a time of renewal; it's a great time of year to make a fresh start! :)
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Are Spells Evil?

A spell is basically the same thing as a wish, a prayer, or form of meditation. There are often rituals involved. A spell can be done for good things, or (like any of the other things I just mentioned) bad things.
As a professional psychic, I try to steer people away from doing evil spells, wishing harm on others, or praying for other people's harm or failure. The universe has a way of sorting those things out for itself. If you commit harm on another person in thought or deed, the harm will come back to you. Therefore it's much better to cast spells, say prayers, and make wishes for good things only.
I have also cast spellwork for clients as well, but I insist on only focusing on good and positive things, and I ask the assistance of only positive forces to aid me!
Friday, May 31, 2013
The Wiccan Rede (Long Version)

Bide the Wiccan laws we must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Ye must live and let live,
Fairly take and fairly give.
Cast the circle thrice about,
To keep unwanted spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time,
Let the spell be spoken in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch,
Speak ye little and listen much.
Deosil go by waxing moon,
Chanting out the Wiccan runes.
Widdershins go by waning moon,
Chanting out the baneful tune.
When the Lady's moon is new,
Kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon is at Her peak,
Then the heart's desire seek.
Heed the North win's mighty gale;
Lock the door and trim the sail.
When the wind comes frome the South,
Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the moor wind blows from the West,
Departed spirits have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East,
Epect the new and set the fest.
Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them quick, and burn them slow.
Elder be the Lady's tree;
Burn it not, or cursed be.
When the Wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the wheel has turned to Yule,
Light the log and the Horned One rules.
Heed ye flower, bush, and tree;
By the Lady, Blessed Be.
Where the rippling waters go,
Cast a stone, the truth to know.
When ye have and hold a need,
Harken not to other's greed.
With a fool no seasons spend,
Or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part,
Bright the cheeks, and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law ye should,
Three times bad, and three times good.
When misfortune is enow,
Wear the blue star on thy brow.
True in love ye must e're bee,
Lest thy love is false to thee.
These words the Wiccan Rede fulfill;
And ye harm none, do what ye will.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Moon Phases for Spiritual Work
The best spiritual works tend to ebb and flow with the changes in nature. One of the easiest ways to set your spiritual clock is to wait for nightfall, and look up -- let the moon be your guide!
Here are a few clues as to how to use those moon phases to your advantage:
New Moon (also known as "Dark of the Moon")
When the sky is void of a moon, it is like having a do-over. This is the perfect clean slate; spellcasters can use this phase to help remove unwanted elements in his or her life. It is perfect for cleansing and banishing negative energies. Remember, though, that when there's an empty space in your life, it must be filled. Try to do so with positive, healing energies and thoughts.
Waxing Crescent
This is when the moon begins to grow. It's the perfect time to do spiritual work involving nurturing, growing, and creating. This phase is particularly useful for spells of personal power, protection, monetary abundance, and the improving of friendships and other relationships. Constructive and positive work will be enhanced during this time.
First Quarter
Between the new and full moon comes the First Quarter. This is the middle of the waxing phase, when the moon is "half cooked." As the moon continues to grow in size, you may find the best time for attracting and pulling positivity toward your life. Love spells and personal power spells flourish during this time.
Waxing Gibbous
The moon is getting bigger and approaching full-moon status. If you have any loose ends (such as unfinished spells or other spiritual work), this is the appropriate time to bring those to a natural conclusion. You may also wish to use this phase to plan ahead in what you'd like your future spellwork to include. Some also say that either Gibbous phase is an excellent time for divination and for doing protective spells or prayers.
Full Moon
A full moon is famous (or perhaps infamous?) for its mystical power. This is a perfect time for meditation and to gain strength. It's a wonderful time for practices that require the most powerful and potent magicks. If you're looking to use the power of the full moon in your spells, check the moon phase information for your area online and try not to wait until the full moon begins waning. (NOTE: Sometimes, a Blue Moon will occur; this is when a month has two full moons instead of just one. Use that extra full moon well. It can add a special power boost to your favorite full-moon spells!)
Waning Gibbous
For those negative or annoying influences in your life, you will do best to banish them during the waning parts of the moon's phases. The waning gibbous, being the largest waning phase, can help with the really troublesome issues that you need to conquer. Just as with the waxing gibbous, it is always a good time for divination, as well.
Last Quarter
As the moon begins to finish its cycle, you can use this time to seek balance. Focusing on eliminating negativity, while restoring positivity, and replacing the bad with the good, can be especially effective at this time of the month.
Waning Crescent
As you're waiting for the new moon to arrive, you can use this waning crescent for banishment of illness, depression, and to prevent harm against others. It is a cleansing and reflective time. You may also want to use this phase as inspiration to tie up loose ends and finish anything that you've been procrastinating.
banishing negative energy,
book of shadows,
new age,
Monday, December 31, 2012
Of Spellwork: Ingredients, Incantations, & Gestures
Spellcasting, like any type of task, can take on different styles and forms, which largely depend on the spellcaster. While there are many ingredients and directions to be followed, there is always room for variation.
Spells largely consist of instructions which specify the actions, gestures, spoken or written words, and important items to use during casting. Any spell that involves the written or spoken word requires that you write or speak clearly and legibly. Some will require shouting, whispering, or just speaking -- in any event, do these things as firmly and with as much conviction as possible. And don't forget to enunciate; remember what happened to Harry Potter the first time he tried going to Diagon Alley through the chimney!
Gestures may be equally important. Strive to be as accurate as possible with these gestures.
Ingredients are another vital part of spellwork. Try to get the best ingredients you can manage. If there's something rare or time-sensitive that is difficult to acquire, a substitution may be allowed. You can check online or in your spellbooks for the appropriate correspondences. Many, if not most, ingredients should only be used once and not "recycled" for other spells. However, in my opinion, some are fine to use over and over again. For example, if you have a cleansing spell that requires a white candle, there is no reason you can't reuse the candle in your future magickal workings. Just cleanse the item appropriately when you're finished, and re-consecrate it in the future. The same goes for things like crystals, cloth items, and essential oils; you can always cleanse and re-program them.
Spells largely consist of instructions which specify the actions, gestures, spoken or written words, and important items to use during casting. Any spell that involves the written or spoken word requires that you write or speak clearly and legibly. Some will require shouting, whispering, or just speaking -- in any event, do these things as firmly and with as much conviction as possible. And don't forget to enunciate; remember what happened to Harry Potter the first time he tried going to Diagon Alley through the chimney!
Gestures may be equally important. Strive to be as accurate as possible with these gestures.
Ingredients are another vital part of spellwork. Try to get the best ingredients you can manage. If there's something rare or time-sensitive that is difficult to acquire, a substitution may be allowed. You can check online or in your spellbooks for the appropriate correspondences. Many, if not most, ingredients should only be used once and not "recycled" for other spells. However, in my opinion, some are fine to use over and over again. For example, if you have a cleansing spell that requires a white candle, there is no reason you can't reuse the candle in your future magickal workings. Just cleanse the item appropriately when you're finished, and re-consecrate it in the future. The same goes for things like crystals, cloth items, and essential oils; you can always cleanse and re-program them.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
On Spells and Wicca
A lot of people hear terms like "witchcraft" and "Wicca," and will assume that those who follow religious practices like these must be evil, bad, or devil-worshippers. I have met people from all types of religions; some people are good, and some aren't so good. Wicca is a nature-based religion with a nod to various Gods and Goddesses of many cultures and times in human history; many Wiccans also choose to include the Judeo-Christian God, plus Jesus, Mary, and Catholic saints in their worshipping practices.
Wicca (a term which comes from the old English word for "witch") is not devil worship and is not inherently evil: in fact, the Wiccan Rede, which is the most serious commandment of those practicing magick, is summed up in only a few words: "Do what thou will, but harm none." By learning more about this complex religion (whether you agree with it or not), you will understand that it is not bad or evil. And as always, when you learn the truth about something, you can then decide what to think for yourself.
Not all spell practitioners are Wiccan, and not all Wicca believers use spells (though many of them do). There are spiritual workings in many world religions, including more mainstream beliefs such as Christianity (all types), Judaism, Islam, Hindu, and Buddhist. Wiccan "magick" is often spelled with a "k" to differentiate between spiritual work versus performance magic, which has nothing to do with spirituality. At their most basic form, spells are simply another form of prayer. These practices, like prayer, are used to request assistance in changing the outcome of a situation, to bring spiritual guidance and help. Calling on a higher power in order to create a desired outcome, as well as to connect with our own divine presence (the God and Goddess inside all of us), are the purposes of spellwork.
Spells are not performed for anyone unless they ask for it and/or give their permission. Love spells, curses, and other spells which directly affect other people are considered to be underhanded and dishonest. If it goes against another person's free will, it is an abuse of power, and should not be done. Any spell which is used to manipulate or control someone else is forbidden under the Wiccan Rede, which explicitly says to "harm none." There is also the Threefold Law to take into consideration, which simply states that any action that is taken which affects others will come back threefold, be it for good or bad. Therefore, people who practice Wicca believe that not only is manipulating through spells (as well as treating other badly in general) going to come back and bite you where it counts, it's also forbidden to hurt others because it just isn't nice. Plainly stated, Wiccans generally consider themselves to be "good witches," not bad ones.
Spells which are meant to bring out abundance and positive changes are said to have more power when done during waxing phases of the moon. These are the types of spells which are cast for better luck, fertility, and protection. Casting when your mood is positive is imperative. If you're feeling negative or unsure of your abilities, it may affect your spellwork.
Banishing spells -- those are often spells which are used to get rid of something, such as bad luck or other unwanted elements in your life, are best done during the moon's waning phases. Again, a confident, positive approach is always best.
Purification is often done with the lighting of incense, the sprinkling of water, and the casting of salt -- these actions are found in cultures throughout the world, including other religions. Have you ever sprinkled salt over your shoulder? Used incense or holy water in church? These are not coincidences; items such as these are renowned the world over for their transformative properties.
Most people purify their spaces before committing any type of spiritual work or spell in order to keep the space and their work happy and benevolent.
Wicca (a term which comes from the old English word for "witch") is not devil worship and is not inherently evil: in fact, the Wiccan Rede, which is the most serious commandment of those practicing magick, is summed up in only a few words: "Do what thou will, but harm none." By learning more about this complex religion (whether you agree with it or not), you will understand that it is not bad or evil. And as always, when you learn the truth about something, you can then decide what to think for yourself.
Not all spell practitioners are Wiccan, and not all Wicca believers use spells (though many of them do). There are spiritual workings in many world religions, including more mainstream beliefs such as Christianity (all types), Judaism, Islam, Hindu, and Buddhist. Wiccan "magick" is often spelled with a "k" to differentiate between spiritual work versus performance magic, which has nothing to do with spirituality. At their most basic form, spells are simply another form of prayer. These practices, like prayer, are used to request assistance in changing the outcome of a situation, to bring spiritual guidance and help. Calling on a higher power in order to create a desired outcome, as well as to connect with our own divine presence (the God and Goddess inside all of us), are the purposes of spellwork.
Spells are not performed for anyone unless they ask for it and/or give their permission. Love spells, curses, and other spells which directly affect other people are considered to be underhanded and dishonest. If it goes against another person's free will, it is an abuse of power, and should not be done. Any spell which is used to manipulate or control someone else is forbidden under the Wiccan Rede, which explicitly says to "harm none." There is also the Threefold Law to take into consideration, which simply states that any action that is taken which affects others will come back threefold, be it for good or bad. Therefore, people who practice Wicca believe that not only is manipulating through spells (as well as treating other badly in general) going to come back and bite you where it counts, it's also forbidden to hurt others because it just isn't nice. Plainly stated, Wiccans generally consider themselves to be "good witches," not bad ones.

Banishing spells -- those are often spells which are used to get rid of something, such as bad luck or other unwanted elements in your life, are best done during the moon's waning phases. Again, a confident, positive approach is always best.
Purification is often done with the lighting of incense, the sprinkling of water, and the casting of salt -- these actions are found in cultures throughout the world, including other religions. Have you ever sprinkled salt over your shoulder? Used incense or holy water in church? These are not coincidences; items such as these are renowned the world over for their transformative properties.
Most people purify their spaces before committing any type of spiritual work or spell in order to keep the space and their work happy and benevolent.
banishing negative energy,
book of shadows,
new age,
unusual practices,
Friday, August 31, 2012
About Spells, Hexes, & Curses
Since ancient times, even the most primitive people have had spiritual beliefs. Sometimes, the spiritual customs of a people would be called wishes, prayers, even spells, hexes, or curses.
Of Spells...
A spell is basically the same as a wish or a prayer. Basic magickal workings involve rituals of some type. Most of these involve the spoken word. Words are thought to be manifestations of thoughts, which may in turn bring about desired deeds or tangible manifestations, whether good or ill. Words and prayers hold power within them, as any religious officiant can tell you.
Physical rituals can be combined with these words to add a dramatic flair or to specify to the universe more information about the desired outcome. This type of ritual is called "sympathetic magick." However, rituals needn't be this complicated. A few spoken words, a few moments of meditation, even a hand gesture or two may be considered enough for a ritual to be effective.
When a magickal ritual was considered effective, the actions which were taken to bring about the desired outcome would be written down or recorded in some way, so that they could be used in the future. And in this way, the practitioner's Book of Shadows was born.
Ancient Egypt is one of the best examples of the early recording of spellwork. Rituals were written, complete with ingredients and directions about how to intone any specific words which were used. Here is an example of an ancient Egyptian spell that was used in order to counteract or to protect against food poisoning:
O Sakhmet of yesterday, Wadjet of today,
You have come and replenished this table of [name]
Just as you did for your father Re, when you came forth from the cult city of Pe.
Protect [name] with that papyrus wand of life which is in your hand, in that name of yours of Wadjet.
Shoot your arrow against all the food of him who shall speak against [name] by means of any evil matters. Let a slaughter be made of them, like that time when you overpowered the enemies of Re in the primordial age, in that name of yours of Sakhmet.
Your offerings belong to [name]
He is Re from whom you came forth.
So long as he exists, you will exist, and vice versa!
Of Hexes...
A spell is said to stay enforced until it the power is specifically neutralized or cut off, either through the original spellcaster, or through another who works to neutralize negative energy. It can also dissipate naturally if the practitioner does not continue to supply the energy or direction. Spells and hexes will fizzle out over time if they are not reinforced. Naturally, strong belief in this magick is a key component to its effectiveness.
Hexes are also known as curses. As with spells, hexes are also thoughts, words, or rituals -- or a combination of all three -- which are expressed or used for a specific outcome. Hexes, unlike spells, are always the projection of negative energy including hate, fear, jealousy, or any other destructive, negative emotion or intention. The more energy that is gathered and directed toward a spell or a hex, the more power it is said to have.
Belief is also a necessary component of this type of magick as well. Fear or uncertainty, whether conscious or unconscious, can intensify the ill effects for the recipient of such a spell.
It is also a said that negative energy acts like a magnet, attracting more negative energy to the one who has cast the hex. Therefore, you must be extremely careful when you choose to work this type of dark magick, as it will almost certainly backfire and wind up hurting you even more than the person against whom you are casting. When at all possible, choose to cast benevolent and loving spells rather than vengeful or harmful hexes.
Egyptian Spell Source: Univ of Chicago
Of Spells...
A spell is basically the same as a wish or a prayer. Basic magickal workings involve rituals of some type. Most of these involve the spoken word. Words are thought to be manifestations of thoughts, which may in turn bring about desired deeds or tangible manifestations, whether good or ill. Words and prayers hold power within them, as any religious officiant can tell you.
Physical rituals can be combined with these words to add a dramatic flair or to specify to the universe more information about the desired outcome. This type of ritual is called "sympathetic magick." However, rituals needn't be this complicated. A few spoken words, a few moments of meditation, even a hand gesture or two may be considered enough for a ritual to be effective.
When a magickal ritual was considered effective, the actions which were taken to bring about the desired outcome would be written down or recorded in some way, so that they could be used in the future. And in this way, the practitioner's Book of Shadows was born.
Ancient Egypt is one of the best examples of the early recording of spellwork. Rituals were written, complete with ingredients and directions about how to intone any specific words which were used. Here is an example of an ancient Egyptian spell that was used in order to counteract or to protect against food poisoning:
O Sakhmet of yesterday, Wadjet of today,
You have come and replenished this table of [name]
Just as you did for your father Re, when you came forth from the cult city of Pe.
Protect [name] with that papyrus wand of life which is in your hand, in that name of yours of Wadjet.
Shoot your arrow against all the food of him who shall speak against [name] by means of any evil matters. Let a slaughter be made of them, like that time when you overpowered the enemies of Re in the primordial age, in that name of yours of Sakhmet.
Your offerings belong to [name]
He is Re from whom you came forth.
So long as he exists, you will exist, and vice versa!
Of Hexes...
A spell is said to stay enforced until it the power is specifically neutralized or cut off, either through the original spellcaster, or through another who works to neutralize negative energy. It can also dissipate naturally if the practitioner does not continue to supply the energy or direction. Spells and hexes will fizzle out over time if they are not reinforced. Naturally, strong belief in this magick is a key component to its effectiveness.
Hexes are also known as curses. As with spells, hexes are also thoughts, words, or rituals -- or a combination of all three -- which are expressed or used for a specific outcome. Hexes, unlike spells, are always the projection of negative energy including hate, fear, jealousy, or any other destructive, negative emotion or intention. The more energy that is gathered and directed toward a spell or a hex, the more power it is said to have.
Belief is also a necessary component of this type of magick as well. Fear or uncertainty, whether conscious or unconscious, can intensify the ill effects for the recipient of such a spell.
It is also a said that negative energy acts like a magnet, attracting more negative energy to the one who has cast the hex. Therefore, you must be extremely careful when you choose to work this type of dark magick, as it will almost certainly backfire and wind up hurting you even more than the person against whom you are casting. When at all possible, choose to cast benevolent and loving spells rather than vengeful or harmful hexes.
Egyptian Spell Source: Univ of Chicago
banishing negative energy,
book of shadows,
personal power,
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Why Didn't My Love Spell Work?
Spells are essentially prayers or wishes. There are as many spells in existence as there are goals, wishes, and desires. Some of the more common desires that people do spellwork for involve finaces or health, but the most popular spell out there is still the old-fashioned love spell. Many folks swear by their own spellwork, or that of someone else. However, there are still some people out there who may try a hand at spellwork without yielding the desired results.
Why, then, do some spells work perfectly, while others fizzle and fail entirely? There are many reasons why your spell may not have been so effective.
To understand the most basic reason, you must first understand what spellwork is. In its most basic definition, spellwork is about concentrating your spiritual energy and focusing it on a particular goal. Just like a prayer or a wish, a spell requires focus and concentration. If you are unable to devote the right amount of focus to your spellwork, then its efficacy of the spell will be compromised. Concentration and focus are vital when doing any sort of spellwork.
Another issue in the effectiveness of one's spells is the materials which are being used. It is important to try following each instruction as carefully as possible, and to supply the right ingredients for each spell. In some cases, you may not have the access to every ingredient that is requested in the spell you are using. Sometimes certain articles can be substituted, and sometimes not. It also depends on the practitioner; what works really well for one person might not work as well for another. You need to learn what works for you.
It is also important to understand that someone who is new to spellwork will not have the same results as a seasoned practicioner. Newbies might feel that casting a spell for personal gain might be an easy shortcut to getting what they want. However, simply downloading a spell from the internet and following the instructions is not always going to be sufficient. Experience can help even a weak spell have more powerful results. If you're not that experienced with spells and you haven't gotten the results that you're seeking, don't give up. The experience that you gain from your failures will help you to learn what works for you, as well as what doesn't.
Negative energy can also make even the most well-intentioned spell fizzle instead of sizzle. If you are unable to believe in your own abilities, then why would the universe take this spell seriously? Faith is a key ingredient to productive spellwork. Having negativity surround you can also have a serious impact on the efficacy of your spiritual workings as well. Make sure you keep positive and supportive people around you during this time. If your spell is to get rid of negative energy, such as in a cleansing spell, you must try your hardest to have faith that the work will be productive.
Patience is also a vital component to successful spellwork. Some people will do spells, expecting miraculous overnight results. While this may be the case in movies or books, real magickal work takes time to manifest your desired outcome. In fact, sometimes it can take years! If something is worth all of the trouble of concentration, positivity, diligence, and faith, it is also worth the patience to see this situation play out to the end. Sometimes, you don't get exactly what you'd expected; in time, you will get what is best for you, which in many cases can surpass even your most ardent wishes and expectations. Help the universe to answer your request by working toward this goal as best as you can, while being open-minded and patient. The results can be well worth it.
The bottom line about spellwork is that it's complicated. Every person's ability is different, and as with most things in life, your results will vary. However, you are likely to see more results when you make the effort and be persistent. Keep trying, and you may see wonderful things develop!
Why, then, do some spells work perfectly, while others fizzle and fail entirely? There are many reasons why your spell may not have been so effective.
To understand the most basic reason, you must first understand what spellwork is. In its most basic definition, spellwork is about concentrating your spiritual energy and focusing it on a particular goal. Just like a prayer or a wish, a spell requires focus and concentration. If you are unable to devote the right amount of focus to your spellwork, then its efficacy of the spell will be compromised. Concentration and focus are vital when doing any sort of spellwork.
Another issue in the effectiveness of one's spells is the materials which are being used. It is important to try following each instruction as carefully as possible, and to supply the right ingredients for each spell. In some cases, you may not have the access to every ingredient that is requested in the spell you are using. Sometimes certain articles can be substituted, and sometimes not. It also depends on the practitioner; what works really well for one person might not work as well for another. You need to learn what works for you.
It is also important to understand that someone who is new to spellwork will not have the same results as a seasoned practicioner. Newbies might feel that casting a spell for personal gain might be an easy shortcut to getting what they want. However, simply downloading a spell from the internet and following the instructions is not always going to be sufficient. Experience can help even a weak spell have more powerful results. If you're not that experienced with spells and you haven't gotten the results that you're seeking, don't give up. The experience that you gain from your failures will help you to learn what works for you, as well as what doesn't.
Negative energy can also make even the most well-intentioned spell fizzle instead of sizzle. If you are unable to believe in your own abilities, then why would the universe take this spell seriously? Faith is a key ingredient to productive spellwork. Having negativity surround you can also have a serious impact on the efficacy of your spiritual workings as well. Make sure you keep positive and supportive people around you during this time. If your spell is to get rid of negative energy, such as in a cleansing spell, you must try your hardest to have faith that the work will be productive.
Patience is also a vital component to successful spellwork. Some people will do spells, expecting miraculous overnight results. While this may be the case in movies or books, real magickal work takes time to manifest your desired outcome. In fact, sometimes it can take years! If something is worth all of the trouble of concentration, positivity, diligence, and faith, it is also worth the patience to see this situation play out to the end. Sometimes, you don't get exactly what you'd expected; in time, you will get what is best for you, which in many cases can surpass even your most ardent wishes and expectations. Help the universe to answer your request by working toward this goal as best as you can, while being open-minded and patient. The results can be well worth it.
The bottom line about spellwork is that it's complicated. Every person's ability is different, and as with most things in life, your results will vary. However, you are likely to see more results when you make the effort and be persistent. Keep trying, and you may see wonderful things develop!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Quick Color Correspondences
Lots of people use color for spiritual practices, such as rituals, prayers, or spells. Some people choose certain colors for various "lucky" purposes, believing that a specific shade might help to elicit a feeling or attract good things their way.
Color magick is a very special subject to me -- I feel that all colors have important significance to my own personal well-being. Bright colors are difficult for me to be around, though I do love vivid and deep shades of darker hues. And, like everyone, there are some colors I gravitate toward, as well as some that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing. :)
Below is a quick-and-dirty list of basic correspondences. Feel free to check other sections of my blog in the future as I'll be doing more articles on color magick in the future!
Red is very often associated with the planet Mars (the red planet!). It's a color of the physical body and usually symbolizes very visceral and passionate feelings feelings, such as lust or anger. It is excellent for promoting physical health, love, and protection. However, remember, the darker your red, the more violent your outcome may be! Light reds and pinks are good for soothing anger and calming someone when they're in a difficult emotional state.
Orange is a mixture of red and yellow, thus carries both of these elements within its power. Warm orange shades are fantastic for physical healing and to promote vigorous health and growth. A more yellow-toned orange is best for prosperity and abundance.
Yellow is a very happy, positive color which is often used in rituals to combat sadness, anxiety, or depression. It is also good for promoting understanding between two parties, as well as enhancing communication and memory.
Green is frequently associated with money and financial prosperity here in America, because our money is green. However, as a general rule, green is one of the best colors to use when you're seeking good health, as well as seeking assistance with matters of nature (such as planting or gardening). Like yellow, it is an uplifting color, and has the ability to also promote positivity and good feelings.
Blue is my personal go-to color for spiritual protection and personal safety. Any shade will do, from the darkest navy to the palest periwinkle. It is also proven to be a relaxing and emotionally soothing color, particularly in lighter incarnations.
Purple has long been the color which is most associated with royalty. It is a combination of the passion of red and the submissive of blue, so with it carries a balance of these feelings -- a mix of the intense and the soothing. This makes it a wonderfully grounding color, helping with emotional balance and honor, with a focus on helping the practitioner find the moral high ground and do the right thing.
Brown is a color that I often associate with nature and sensuality. It can be used in spells or rituals involving the earth or its elements. Brown is a grounding and stabilizing color as well. It's also just right to use when dealing with protection and well-being of animals.
Black is often thought to be a color of "evil," but in reality, it's just the opposite. Black represents the unseen and unknown. This makes it a perfect choice for protection. Because it isn't really a color, but a lack thereof, it's the best possible color for cleansing, absorbing and destroying negativity or unwanted energies.
White is a combination of all colors, and therefore is what every practicioner needs for a good "all purpose" item. If you don't have the right color, or can't quite figure out which one to use, white is your best bet. It symbolizes purity and a powerful connection with the divine.
Grey is similar to black in that it can absorb negativity, but I've heard that it's better for neutralizing rather than destroying that energy. Because this neutral shade symbolizes the middle ground, neither one thing nor the other thing, grey is the right choice for rituals of glamorie or ones involving hidden or private activities.
Color magick is a very special subject to me -- I feel that all colors have important significance to my own personal well-being. Bright colors are difficult for me to be around, though I do love vivid and deep shades of darker hues. And, like everyone, there are some colors I gravitate toward, as well as some that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing. :)
Below is a quick-and-dirty list of basic correspondences. Feel free to check other sections of my blog in the future as I'll be doing more articles on color magick in the future!
Red is very often associated with the planet Mars (the red planet!). It's a color of the physical body and usually symbolizes very visceral and passionate feelings feelings, such as lust or anger. It is excellent for promoting physical health, love, and protection. However, remember, the darker your red, the more violent your outcome may be! Light reds and pinks are good for soothing anger and calming someone when they're in a difficult emotional state.
Orange is a mixture of red and yellow, thus carries both of these elements within its power. Warm orange shades are fantastic for physical healing and to promote vigorous health and growth. A more yellow-toned orange is best for prosperity and abundance.
Yellow is a very happy, positive color which is often used in rituals to combat sadness, anxiety, or depression. It is also good for promoting understanding between two parties, as well as enhancing communication and memory.
Green is frequently associated with money and financial prosperity here in America, because our money is green. However, as a general rule, green is one of the best colors to use when you're seeking good health, as well as seeking assistance with matters of nature (such as planting or gardening). Like yellow, it is an uplifting color, and has the ability to also promote positivity and good feelings.
Blue is my personal go-to color for spiritual protection and personal safety. Any shade will do, from the darkest navy to the palest periwinkle. It is also proven to be a relaxing and emotionally soothing color, particularly in lighter incarnations.
Purple has long been the color which is most associated with royalty. It is a combination of the passion of red and the submissive of blue, so with it carries a balance of these feelings -- a mix of the intense and the soothing. This makes it a wonderfully grounding color, helping with emotional balance and honor, with a focus on helping the practitioner find the moral high ground and do the right thing.
Brown is a color that I often associate with nature and sensuality. It can be used in spells or rituals involving the earth or its elements. Brown is a grounding and stabilizing color as well. It's also just right to use when dealing with protection and well-being of animals.
Black is often thought to be a color of "evil," but in reality, it's just the opposite. Black represents the unseen and unknown. This makes it a perfect choice for protection. Because it isn't really a color, but a lack thereof, it's the best possible color for cleansing, absorbing and destroying negativity or unwanted energies.
White is a combination of all colors, and therefore is what every practicioner needs for a good "all purpose" item. If you don't have the right color, or can't quite figure out which one to use, white is your best bet. It symbolizes purity and a powerful connection with the divine.
Grey is similar to black in that it can absorb negativity, but I've heard that it's better for neutralizing rather than destroying that energy. Because this neutral shade symbolizes the middle ground, neither one thing nor the other thing, grey is the right choice for rituals of glamorie or ones involving hidden or private activities.
book of shadows,
color magick,
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