Showing posts with label time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How Can I Attract Abundance, Prosperity, & Joy?

Joy and abundance are all around us! Sometimes, when we’re feeling stressed or depressed, our eyes aren’t really on the prize. Instead, our eyes are on the worst case scenario. Our minds are focused on merely surviving, not just thriving.

Here are a few secrets in order to not just attract the potential of joy, happiness, fulfillment – but also some tips on how to attract abundance. Real, true abundance that sustains and uplifts you.

Remember — if you don’t keep your eyes open, you might just be missing out on some good chances!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Manifesting Money Fast: The Attachment Rule

  So to really know what’s happening with your manifestation, you have to learn to listen to what the mind is telling you. Here are some ways to do that:

Use all your senses, especially your ears. Hear what’s in your heart, which is the primary key to knowing the mind. Whenever you feel unhappy, happy, or frightened, let your feelings flow. It’s important for feelings to be processed, and (if they don’t serve your greatest good), released.

Be mindful of your body as well as your kind, and experience what you feel holistically. Be totally honest with yourself. 

Acknowledge what’s happening. Is there depression about something in your past? Is it anxiety about something happening in the future? Is this excitement about something that’s coming up? Whatever it is, this is what the mind is saying. Then let it go. 

Practice non-attachment. Remember, you’re not attached to anything in the external world. It doesn’t matter if you get what you’re wishing for. The mind doesn’t judge. It doesn’t care about anything in the external world.

In that way, when you see things happening, you can take a non-attached attitude and let them be.

Be happy for the blessings that you do have. If you’re still doing all of these things and not manifesting just what you want... that’s okay. Keep going. The universe delivers in its own time, so trust the process.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What Sign Is Pluto In Now?

Currently, Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn, where it will stay until the year 2024.

What this means is that, generationally, there is a struggle with power and authority.  During this time, many people will be trying to reclaim control of their lives, and of the environment around them.  You'll see this manifest in ways such as society's renewed interest in trying to make less waste, being more self-sufficient, living "off the grid," growing their own food, making their own stuff, homeschooling, simplifying and streamlining what was previously quite complicated and complex.

During this time, it is very important for people to realize what they have control over, and attempt to change it.  Fine-tuning that which we have power over can make a world of difference in our lives.  Conversely, it's also vital that we realize what's bigger than we are -- what we cannot control -- and learn to make peace with those things as we tweak the areas of our life that we can control.

Capricorn rules over money, authority, and yes, greed.  Therefore, we are likely to see the falls and failings of the rich and powerful during this time.  People who have shown greed and dishonesty are likely to get a come-uppance at the hands of this astrological sign.  Additionally, corrupt authority has a chance to be exposed, shocking and appalling the public.  Again, this is karmic in nature as Pluto exposes the dirty backroom dealings that have controlled too much, or steered certain situations in ways that they should not have been.  Finally these dealings will be exposed for all to see.

Pluto's position in Capricorn might feel stifling or cold, but in fact, this is a very healing and therapeutic astrological time period.  Take heart!  Pluto's journey here seeks to destroy what feels restrictive and unnecessary, and instead paves the way for something new -- it knocks down existing structures, giving us space to rebuild what will serve us better.  Pluto will expose the truth, unpleasant as it may seem, and help us learn from what is, so that we can determine the best way to shape what's to come.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Asking the Universe for a Spiritual Awakening

If you want a spiritual awakening, try asking for one.  Many people live by the old adage, "God works His wonders in mysterious ways."  Whether or not you believe in God, this is a fabulous saying.  Do the other steps that can help you go in the right direction; have faith in the spirit of the universe, have the desire to change, and empower yourself to make those changes in your life.  Be bold!  Be brave!  And don't be afraid to ask the universe for signs and signals of how you can be doing a better job.  If you're allowing yourself to be guided by what begins to pop up into your heart, you're beginning to move along the right path.  However, you also must be hungry for it.  You need to ask the universe for help.  It sounds a little strange, I know, but vocalizing your wishes and aspirations out loud can go a long way toward the universe hearing your call.  Thoughts are things.  Words are stronger things, and actions are stronger still.  Use all of your abilities to communicate in order to ask the cosmic forces around you for the power for this transformation that you desire.  Show your need in words, deeds, and thoughts.  Mean it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dealing With Ideas That Limit You

In short, get rid of them!

When you have beliefs, ideas, or impressions that curtail your own emotional development, you are committing a true act of cruelty upon yourself.  You're hindering your own progress and putting roadblocks up in the way of your own happiness.

Self-reflection can be an important part of growing up, no matter what age you may be.  Try getting out of your own comfort zone from time to time.  Dip your toes into new and unusual places -- it may be exciting or even frightening, but it will definitely expand your mind and show you cool new ways of living and thinking.

When you remove your old, limiting ways of thinking, you are opening yourself up to wild new possibilities for happiness and fulfillment!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Healing Tips For a Broken Heart

Each and every person in the world is unique.  We all come from different places and have endured different experiences throughout our lives.  However, there is one thing that will always unite people with one another, and that is that we all have feelings and emotions.  At one time or another, we have all experienced loss.  Just about everyone knows what it feels like to suffer from a broken heart.

Love is the most powerful force on Earth.  Sure, you can argue that other feelings are more important, and indeed they all play their own roles in our time here.  However, love is truly the tie than binds us to one another.  When we experience the loss of that love through a breakup, a death, or some other unforseen circumstance, the pain can be so intense that we feel as if we may never recover from that loss.  While it's true that you may never again be the same after this experience, there are ways to heal and to move on with your life.

The first step is to understand that love will often change our perception of the way that things are.  I'm not saying that your relationship has distorted your view on reality, but perhaps the bond that you shared with someone else may not have been as strong as you previously thought.  It may have been other feelings mingled in with that love -- dependency, comfort, sexual passion, a shared commitment towards your family, or any number of other life changes.  Most relationships will end sooner or later; love does not always last.  If you experienced a breakup, then naturally there were problems on your end, on the other end, or both.  Focusing on the reasons that the relationship ended will give you a new sense of perspective and acceptance.  From this, the healing can begin.

Your heart may feel as though the emotional wounds might never heal.  However, you must understand that with time, the hurt and the sorrow that you are experiencing will subside.  As I said before, you will not be the same person.  But you will definitely grow stronger from the experience, and as time goes by, you will begin to heal and feel more like your regular self again.  Give yourself the time to grieve.  If you're sad, acknowledge those feelings -- don't just stuff them inside.  Express them.  Feel them.  Yes, it will be painful.  However, being able to acknowledge the hurt and the despair in the wake of this loss is a vital part of the grieving process. 

The most important part of this process is to always keep in mind that with each passing day, you are healing more and more.  Just like a physical wound, it will hurt just a little less every day.  And, like a bodily ailment, you need to nourish yourself with the things that are needed to help the healing process -- and to avoid things which are bad for you.

The funny thing about a broken heart is that you won't always feel like it's broken. There will be times when you feel sad, no doubt, but there will also be times that you feel guilty, angry or even relieved. But, until you are completely over your former partner, you can be sure that there is some heart break playing a role in your emotions. So, how do you go about mending a broken heart?

To be blunt, you need to confront the problem. While you may be able to take temporary comfort in denial, it will only delay things from getting better. You have to be completely honest with yourself and how you feel.

Being honest is the only way you will be able to work things out. It won't be easy, but you need to figure out why you feel so heartbroken. Do you feel betrayed by your ex? Do you feel you betrayed them? Was there a death? Were they unfaithful? Do you feel guilty? Do you think you could have done more? Do you think you did all you could, and just can't understand why you broke up anyway? Whatever it is, identifying the real problem is the key to solving it.

Once you have figured out what the root of your broken heart is, you can fix it. For example, if you're feeling guilty, then you need to forgive yourself. But if it was something your partner did, then you need to forgive them. You have to be willing to do whatever it is that needs to be done.

You also need to be realistic about mending a broken heart. Because it isn't always easy, you may not be able to do it on your own. If you find you're just not getting any better, then it may be time to seek help from a counselor...again, whatever it takes. Give it time and face it head on, and you will be feeling better before you know it.

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