An addiction can take control of a person's life. For example a successful man who is an alcoholic can lose everything including his business, family and reputation because of the devastating affects of his alcohol addiction. Alcohol is just one of many debilitating addictions that can affect our lives. Others include tobacco, prescription medication, food, recreational drugs or even sex. When a person is under the power of an addiction, that addiction controls their work relationships, personal relationships and so much more.
A person that is addicted to something is hindering and limiting their life. To live without addiction is to experience life as it should be, as we are born. There are several reasons why a person may become addicted to something. Some of the reasons include poor self esteem, a traumatic experience, stress or simple old bad judgment. If you are addicted to something, I am sure you have tried to regain control of your life and end the vicious cycle. For some people this is easy, but for many others, it's a desperate fight that seems to go on and on.
Hypnosis is an effective way to conquer addiction. The process of hypnosis is safe, gentle and extremely rewarding. Hypnosis works on a subconscious level. While a person is undergoing hypnosis they are induced into a deep state of relaxation. The subconscious mind is highly receptive to new perspectives and ideas during this sate of deep relation. The subconscious mind will receive positive suggestions that have an individual visualize a life without addiction. During the visualization process the individual is able to ìfeelî how great a life without addiction is and this can be extremely profound.
While an individual is in the process of hypnosis the individual is given encouragement, motivation, confidence building statements and a definite plant to conquer addiction. The positive suggestions that the subconscious mind receives causes the individual to change their negative behavior and thinking patterns. It is because of this change that a person is able to conquer their addiction.
Hypnosis alleviates both stress and anxiety, calming the nerves, the mind and the whole body. People who have undergone hypnosis have greater confidence and increased self esteem. If you want to conquer your addiction and turn your goals into reality I recommend, as a practicing hypnotherapist, that you seek out the services of a qualified hypnotherapist in your area. Hypnosis can help you to conquer your addiction and live a happier, healthier and more rewarding life.
Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts
Friday, August 23, 2019
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Coping With Pain via NLP, the Alternative Therapy's Alternative.
Pain can be defined quite simply as a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder, an affliction or an emotional distress. Mild pain can be treated in many ways ... over the counter drugs and balms. But what if the pain is chronic and unbearable? Well we get prescription drugs. Most of the drugs work well, but for some people with severe or chronic pain, NLP and hypnosis works wonders.
What is NLP? It is neuro-linguistic programming. NLP uses a set of models and principles to describe the relationship between mind and language. Though initially dubious about the treatment of pain with hypnosis, the medical community are now of the opinion that hypnosis does indeed help in controlling pain.
Acute pain lasts for a short while chronic pain lasts for a long time, usually more than a month. Even mild low - level pain can be debilitating. Pain comes in many forms, jabbing, throbbing stabbing, nagging etc. Pain is also influenced by various factors like memory, emotions and physical condition of each individual. Another perplexing complication is that sometimes pain has no organic cause at all.
Pain has sometimes been described as past remembered pain, present pain experience and also anticipated pain in the future. The combination of these three often gives us the meaning of pain and this is one of the reasons why chronic pain is almost always so debilitating. What increases the pain is the expectation that the pain will be there the next day, and the day after and the day after and so on.
A few of the techniques that help us deal with pain are given below
Trance and Relaxation are the easiest things that one can do relax. The way to relax is simple. All you have to do is tell yourself in a deep and gentle tone take a deep breathe and relax. With each breath you must relax further. Tell yourself that as you count down from 5 to1 you will relax still further till you are in a trance.
Synesthesia is a technique that is best done in a light trance. In this technique you explore the pain as a sensation. What exactly is the pain? Where is it, is it a slow or a fast moving pain? Does it have any color and texture? How does it move? This might seem difficult but don't worry. The important thing is to try and put some meaning to your pain, give it shape so that it makes some sense to your unconscious mind. What you have to do next is to think that the pain is outside your body where it is easier to observe. Try and examine it a little away from you say at a distance of about two meters. Now what you can do is to change the quality of pain. Make it smaller or bigger or change the color and the sound. Change the way it moves. Now observe what happens when you cause changes in the pain. When you are finally satisfied with the changes that you have made in your pain you can send the whole pain to a far away place or you can even put it back into your own body but in a different location where the pain can be more manageable. Or even better, you can just turn your pain up side down and put it back in the same place so that it cancels out the original pain.
Increasing Your Energy
Pain can be very debilitating and saps us of our energy. But we can overcome this by practicing some very simple visualization exercises. Bring yourself to a point of total relaxation and focus on breathing. Imagine golden ball of light all around your body,
which you can hear, as well as feel vibrating. Then imagine that when you breathe in you are taking in energy. The golden light now becomes brighter and brighter, the harmonies get louder and the vibrations become stronger and stronger. As you breathe out imagine that all the tension and pain are expelled from your body. Now the vibrations and harmonies become a tool to help you relax further and you can feel the sensations massaging your body. With the help of the techniques mentioned above you can help yourself in taking control of your pain. But remember that they are not hypnosis or NLP techniques.
What is NLP? It is neuro-linguistic programming. NLP uses a set of models and principles to describe the relationship between mind and language. Though initially dubious about the treatment of pain with hypnosis, the medical community are now of the opinion that hypnosis does indeed help in controlling pain.
Acute pain lasts for a short while chronic pain lasts for a long time, usually more than a month. Even mild low - level pain can be debilitating. Pain comes in many forms, jabbing, throbbing stabbing, nagging etc. Pain is also influenced by various factors like memory, emotions and physical condition of each individual. Another perplexing complication is that sometimes pain has no organic cause at all.
Pain has sometimes been described as past remembered pain, present pain experience and also anticipated pain in the future. The combination of these three often gives us the meaning of pain and this is one of the reasons why chronic pain is almost always so debilitating. What increases the pain is the expectation that the pain will be there the next day, and the day after and the day after and so on.
A few of the techniques that help us deal with pain are given below
Trance and Relaxation are the easiest things that one can do relax. The way to relax is simple. All you have to do is tell yourself in a deep and gentle tone take a deep breathe and relax. With each breath you must relax further. Tell yourself that as you count down from 5 to1 you will relax still further till you are in a trance.
Synesthesia is a technique that is best done in a light trance. In this technique you explore the pain as a sensation. What exactly is the pain? Where is it, is it a slow or a fast moving pain? Does it have any color and texture? How does it move? This might seem difficult but don't worry. The important thing is to try and put some meaning to your pain, give it shape so that it makes some sense to your unconscious mind. What you have to do next is to think that the pain is outside your body where it is easier to observe. Try and examine it a little away from you say at a distance of about two meters. Now what you can do is to change the quality of pain. Make it smaller or bigger or change the color and the sound. Change the way it moves. Now observe what happens when you cause changes in the pain. When you are finally satisfied with the changes that you have made in your pain you can send the whole pain to a far away place or you can even put it back into your own body but in a different location where the pain can be more manageable. Or even better, you can just turn your pain up side down and put it back in the same place so that it cancels out the original pain.
Increasing Your Energy
Pain can be very debilitating and saps us of our energy. But we can overcome this by practicing some very simple visualization exercises. Bring yourself to a point of total relaxation and focus on breathing. Imagine golden ball of light all around your body,
which you can hear, as well as feel vibrating. Then imagine that when you breathe in you are taking in energy. The golden light now becomes brighter and brighter, the harmonies get louder and the vibrations become stronger and stronger. As you breathe out imagine that all the tension and pain are expelled from your body. Now the vibrations and harmonies become a tool to help you relax further and you can feel the sensations massaging your body. With the help of the techniques mentioned above you can help yourself in taking control of your pain. But remember that they are not hypnosis or NLP techniques.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Signs & Signals of a False Twin Flame
We're all looking for our soulmate, also known as a twin flame. There are so many discussions about it online, in books, movies, and personal conversations. Because of this, there is often a lot of confusion among people as to whether or not the "twin flame" that they're currently involved with is their true soulmate… as opposed to the false "twin flame."
Because our hopes and dreams hinge frequently on finding this person, we may sometimes come across people who seem too good to be true… false twin flames. Here are some signs that, perhaps, the person who seems like they might be a true twin flame, is actually a false one.
Just as our twin flame has many similarities to us, so too will the false twin flame. On a superficial level, this person may seem to be rather similar -- and sometimes, very similar, or complimentary to us. They may share similar goals, backgrounds, values, or personal tastes. However, with a false twin flame, the similarities may end there.
You true soulmate, or any person who loves you, will naturally want to be supportive of positive changes within your life. The hallmark of a false twin flame is of duplicitousness. If this person's behavior does not correspond to the love and care of your relationship, your feelings or personal well-being, then this person may not be exactly whom they seem to be.
Everyone has faults, flaws, and things about themselves that they'd like to repair. However, sooner or later, most of us will come to terms with those issues as we mature. Just as you are willing to sacrifice and improve yourself for the good of your relationship, so too should your soulmate be willing to do the same for you and your relationship. A false twin flame may show a selfish streak, be unwilling to improve him- or herself, or exhibit a lack of care regarding your feelings or what's best for you as a couple.
A false twin flame will also take advantage of the other person in the relationship, be it financially, spiritually, sexually, or otherwise. All the giving in the world is not enough for the false twin flame. The false twin flame is left unfulfilled, as is the giver. No one wins in a relationship like this.
While there may be a deep attraction between the two people, the giver may still feel a sense of anxiety or stress in the relationship. The false twin flame may behave in ways that upset or depress the giver, whether these actions are conscious or not. The false twin flame may deplete or sap the energy of the giver. This is not a healthy relationship.
Upon a break between these two, the giver may come to realize exactly how much time and effort was expended into this relationship while the false twin flame did not truly experience the same connection. Remember that many connections which are easily made, are also easily broken. It is important to take an objective look at this relationship. There are lessons to be learned from dealing with false twin flames as we evolve ever closer to the person we're supposed to be as we prepare to receive our true soulmate.
Because our hopes and dreams hinge frequently on finding this person, we may sometimes come across people who seem too good to be true… false twin flames. Here are some signs that, perhaps, the person who seems like they might be a true twin flame, is actually a false one.
Just as our twin flame has many similarities to us, so too will the false twin flame. On a superficial level, this person may seem to be rather similar -- and sometimes, very similar, or complimentary to us. They may share similar goals, backgrounds, values, or personal tastes. However, with a false twin flame, the similarities may end there.
You true soulmate, or any person who loves you, will naturally want to be supportive of positive changes within your life. The hallmark of a false twin flame is of duplicitousness. If this person's behavior does not correspond to the love and care of your relationship, your feelings or personal well-being, then this person may not be exactly whom they seem to be.
Everyone has faults, flaws, and things about themselves that they'd like to repair. However, sooner or later, most of us will come to terms with those issues as we mature. Just as you are willing to sacrifice and improve yourself for the good of your relationship, so too should your soulmate be willing to do the same for you and your relationship. A false twin flame may show a selfish streak, be unwilling to improve him- or herself, or exhibit a lack of care regarding your feelings or what's best for you as a couple.
A false twin flame will also take advantage of the other person in the relationship, be it financially, spiritually, sexually, or otherwise. All the giving in the world is not enough for the false twin flame. The false twin flame is left unfulfilled, as is the giver. No one wins in a relationship like this.
While there may be a deep attraction between the two people, the giver may still feel a sense of anxiety or stress in the relationship. The false twin flame may behave in ways that upset or depress the giver, whether these actions are conscious or not. The false twin flame may deplete or sap the energy of the giver. This is not a healthy relationship.
Upon a break between these two, the giver may come to realize exactly how much time and effort was expended into this relationship while the false twin flame did not truly experience the same connection. Remember that many connections which are easily made, are also easily broken. It is important to take an objective look at this relationship. There are lessons to be learned from dealing with false twin flames as we evolve ever closer to the person we're supposed to be as we prepare to receive our true soulmate.
emotional vampires,
Monday, October 13, 2014
How To Deal With Excuses
This is a simple one... if you're making a lot of excuses, don't make 'em! :)
OK, maybe it's not all that simple. It can be tough to get out of the vicious cycle which is created by avoiding problems, casting blame, rationalizing and justifying. But in order to heal your life and those of the people around you, you must take a good, honest look at yourself and your actions.
Denial can be a soft, tempting place to live. You can comfort yourself without really addressing the root cause of whatever issue you're experiencing. However, once the comfort wears away, the old problems will still be there. When you're staying safely on the sidelines of life with your old friend Denial, you'll never really be able to get into the game.
Try to break the cycle! When you are tempted to make excuses for something, simply try to examine it from all sides. Figure out how you can do it right next time. You don't need to beat yourself up, but you really should try to take responsibility for what you have or haven't done. Remember -- the first step to self-improvement is the acknowledgement that improvement is needed. :)
OK, maybe it's not all that simple. It can be tough to get out of the vicious cycle which is created by avoiding problems, casting blame, rationalizing and justifying. But in order to heal your life and those of the people around you, you must take a good, honest look at yourself and your actions.
Denial can be a soft, tempting place to live. You can comfort yourself without really addressing the root cause of whatever issue you're experiencing. However, once the comfort wears away, the old problems will still be there. When you're staying safely on the sidelines of life with your old friend Denial, you'll never really be able to get into the game.
Try to break the cycle! When you are tempted to make excuses for something, simply try to examine it from all sides. Figure out how you can do it right next time. You don't need to beat yourself up, but you really should try to take responsibility for what you have or haven't done. Remember -- the first step to self-improvement is the acknowledgement that improvement is needed. :)
helping others,
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Dealing With Unhealthy Attachments
Getting mired down in bad situations can bring your emotional well-being to a screeching halt!
We all need to weather things that we don't like. From time to time, you might need to take a job that doesn't exactly thrill you. Perhaps you'll be required to interact with people who are less than nice -- but you've gotta do it. Life often has messes to clean, people to handle, problems to manage. It's just the way things are.
That said, there is a dark side to this coin... or, should I say, an even darker side? There are times and situations into which we will immerse our own selves, yet there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it. Perhaps we're stuck in a dead-end job, despite our fine qualifications. Or maybe we allow ourselves to continue in a very unsatisfying and harmful relationship instead of ending things and moving along into a healthier direction.
We don't always make our own misery in life -- there's plenty which is handed to us. However, because there are so many things in life which cannot be controlled, there really is no reason to continue dealing with unhealthy and upsetting things when we can control them.
When you choose to move your life into a healthy direction, you're choosing happiness. You're choosing life and positivity with all who know you. You are enabling yourself to give and receive love more freely when you let go of unhealthy attachments. It can be incredibly hard not to fall into traps like this -- but so rewarding when you free yourself.
We all need to weather things that we don't like. From time to time, you might need to take a job that doesn't exactly thrill you. Perhaps you'll be required to interact with people who are less than nice -- but you've gotta do it. Life often has messes to clean, people to handle, problems to manage. It's just the way things are.
That said, there is a dark side to this coin... or, should I say, an even darker side? There are times and situations into which we will immerse our own selves, yet there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it. Perhaps we're stuck in a dead-end job, despite our fine qualifications. Or maybe we allow ourselves to continue in a very unsatisfying and harmful relationship instead of ending things and moving along into a healthier direction.
We don't always make our own misery in life -- there's plenty which is handed to us. However, because there are so many things in life which cannot be controlled, there really is no reason to continue dealing with unhealthy and upsetting things when we can control them.
When you choose to move your life into a healthy direction, you're choosing happiness. You're choosing life and positivity with all who know you. You are enabling yourself to give and receive love more freely when you let go of unhealthy attachments. It can be incredibly hard not to fall into traps like this -- but so rewarding when you free yourself.
emotional vampires,
personal power,
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
The Limitations of Your Past

What you need to remember is that the past is just that -- the past. Today is a new day, and you can do things in a brand new way. You don't need to ride on the coattails of previous successes. You don't have to allow former mistakes and screw-ups to limit your current abilities. Yesterday's terrible choices may have resulted in difficult predicaments for you today, but that doesn't mean tomorrow will be equally awful. Make better choices today. Turn over a new leaf. Develop new habits, start new mindsets, and begin trying new ways of doing things.
Instead of allowing past hurts and losses to keep you afraid from living in new and healthy ways, take that chance. Know that self-improvement can be hard, but it is a doable and workable thing. Life can surprise you. Just try it and see.
helping others,
mental health,
Friday, May 16, 2014
The True Story of Betty Broderick: Her Marriage and Divorce
In the Lifetime movies about Betty Broderick, she is played by Meredith Baxter Birney. They are two of my favorite Lifetime movies, and they're based on the true story of a woman scorned!
Betty was born in a town in southern New York, and had a very strict childhood. She was 18 years old when she met her husband-to-be, Daniel T. Broderick. They married in 1969 and had five children. In addition to their daughter and four sons (one of whom died within days of his birth), the couple also suffered several miscarriages. During the majority of their marriage, Betty was pregnant with many small children to raise.
While Daniel went to medical school Betty raised the kids and was also the primary breadwinner of the family. Her husband then changed the course of his studies and went on to earn a law degree as Betty continued to work and support their large family.
Daniel Broderick met Linda Kolkena in 1983 when he hired her as a receptionist. She was a beautiful and gregarious young woman, a former flight attendant who had lost her job due to flirtatious behavior. Betty accused Daniel of having an affair with Linda on numerous occasions, yet he continuously denied ever having any sort of non-professional relationship with her prior to the Brodericks' divorce.
The Brodericks' marriage became very strained, hostile and emotionally abusive. Daniel moved out of their residence against Betty's wishes and eventually, he filed for divorce. The divorce was a brutal event for both of them, and it took a very long time before it was finalized. During this time, Betty had abandoned her children and Daniel was awarded custody. Betty sent hateful, angry letters and voicemail messages to the family as she felt that she had been "replaced" by Linda, who resembled a younger version of Betty.
In 1989, after four years of legal work, the divorce became official. Daniel and Linda married in April of 1989 and Betty moved on as well, co-habitating with a boyfriend that she'd had for some time during the separation. The angry messages and violations of restraining order continued as Betty's anger did not seem to be assuaged.
In November of 1989 -- six months after Dan and Linda's marriage -- Betty illegally trespassed on their property, sneaking into the couple's bedroom, and shot them each in the head at close range. Although she has denied even recalling the act of pulling the trigger, Betty was convicted of murder and sentenced to two 15-year terms in prison. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz has diagnosed with Betty Broderick with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She's currently incarcerated at a women's prison in California.
Some view Betty Broderick as something of a hero to cast-away wives, and some as their worst nightmare.
What do you think? Feel free to comment and give your opinion of this story!
Betty was born in a town in southern New York, and had a very strict childhood. She was 18 years old when she met her husband-to-be, Daniel T. Broderick. They married in 1969 and had five children. In addition to their daughter and four sons (one of whom died within days of his birth), the couple also suffered several miscarriages. During the majority of their marriage, Betty was pregnant with many small children to raise.
While Daniel went to medical school Betty raised the kids and was also the primary breadwinner of the family. Her husband then changed the course of his studies and went on to earn a law degree as Betty continued to work and support their large family.
Daniel Broderick met Linda Kolkena in 1983 when he hired her as a receptionist. She was a beautiful and gregarious young woman, a former flight attendant who had lost her job due to flirtatious behavior. Betty accused Daniel of having an affair with Linda on numerous occasions, yet he continuously denied ever having any sort of non-professional relationship with her prior to the Brodericks' divorce.
The Brodericks' marriage became very strained, hostile and emotionally abusive. Daniel moved out of their residence against Betty's wishes and eventually, he filed for divorce. The divorce was a brutal event for both of them, and it took a very long time before it was finalized. During this time, Betty had abandoned her children and Daniel was awarded custody. Betty sent hateful, angry letters and voicemail messages to the family as she felt that she had been "replaced" by Linda, who resembled a younger version of Betty.
In 1989, after four years of legal work, the divorce became official. Daniel and Linda married in April of 1989 and Betty moved on as well, co-habitating with a boyfriend that she'd had for some time during the separation. The angry messages and violations of restraining order continued as Betty's anger did not seem to be assuaged.
In November of 1989 -- six months after Dan and Linda's marriage -- Betty illegally trespassed on their property, sneaking into the couple's bedroom, and shot them each in the head at close range. Although she has denied even recalling the act of pulling the trigger, Betty was convicted of murder and sentenced to two 15-year terms in prison. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz has diagnosed with Betty Broderick with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She's currently incarcerated at a women's prison in California.
Some view Betty Broderick as something of a hero to cast-away wives, and some as their worst nightmare.
What do you think? Feel free to comment and give your opinion of this story!
emotional vampires,
lifetime movies,
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Casting Spells on Other People
As a professional psychic and spirit worker, I have been asked to cast spells for people. I'm happy to do so, with certain conditions. If you're unsure about whether or not to cast a spell on someone, feel free to go by my list of three important self-imposed rules for safe and successful spellcasting.
1. The first rule of casting a spell on someone is this: In order to stay safe, to make sure you're not doing something "evil." Spellwork that comes from a place of light, or positivity, or "The Source" will not harm other people. In your magick, as well as the rest of your life, take care to "harm none" and you'll be much safer. Avoid casting hexes or curses, as the negative energy that you emit from this is bound to come back to you -- according to some traditions, threefold, tenfold, or even more! No one wants that!
2. Don't cast a spell on someone which forces them to do something against their will. This is the case with things such as love or breakup spells. While it is possible that they can work, their actions will not be motivated by their heart. A spell such as this never really creates lasting love, or any lasting feeling, nor will it create the feeling in a sincere and heartfelt way. Instead, what you'll get is a hollow echo of the real thing, and you'll wind up miserable. Trust me, I've seen it happen!
3. Never cast a spell on someone without their permission. Even if you think you're helping that person, it is a violation of someone's personal boundaries for you to determine what you think is best for them. If they come to you and ask, then it's fine! If you ask them ahead of time and they're OK with it, it's also fine. But imposing your will on other people can actually become more harmful than helpful. The one exception to this is when you know that someone is experiencing a real emergency or crisis; just as "implied consent" in an emergency compels medical professionals to treat seriously ill patients, so can spiritual workers imply consent for those experiencing major crises as well.
1. The first rule of casting a spell on someone is this: In order to stay safe, to make sure you're not doing something "evil." Spellwork that comes from a place of light, or positivity, or "The Source" will not harm other people. In your magick, as well as the rest of your life, take care to "harm none" and you'll be much safer. Avoid casting hexes or curses, as the negative energy that you emit from this is bound to come back to you -- according to some traditions, threefold, tenfold, or even more! No one wants that!
2. Don't cast a spell on someone which forces them to do something against their will. This is the case with things such as love or breakup spells. While it is possible that they can work, their actions will not be motivated by their heart. A spell such as this never really creates lasting love, or any lasting feeling, nor will it create the feeling in a sincere and heartfelt way. Instead, what you'll get is a hollow echo of the real thing, and you'll wind up miserable. Trust me, I've seen it happen!
3. Never cast a spell on someone without their permission. Even if you think you're helping that person, it is a violation of someone's personal boundaries for you to determine what you think is best for them. If they come to you and ask, then it's fine! If you ask them ahead of time and they're OK with it, it's also fine. But imposing your will on other people can actually become more harmful than helpful. The one exception to this is when you know that someone is experiencing a real emergency or crisis; just as "implied consent" in an emergency compels medical professionals to treat seriously ill patients, so can spiritual workers imply consent for those experiencing major crises as well.
alternative therapy,
book of shadows,
helping others,
personal power,
Monday, December 2, 2013
How to Cut Toxic People & Negative Friends Out of Your Life
Connections with other people are one of life's greatest joys. Interacting with those that you love and who love you can make the difference between an awful day and an amazing one.
However, we all have people in our lives who are less than perfect. In fact, no one in this world is perfect! There will be times when our best friends, loved ones, and life partners will have bad days. They might grumble, they might be negative, or they may even be snarky and mean to us. Or, we might be the ones who are feeling negative, and will do the same to other people. This is normal and natural -- everyone has good days and bad. If we love each other, we'll put up with it, because the bad is often outweighed by the good.
But there are also people who don't quite fit this mold. You know the types I'm talking about -- the drama queens, the judgmental jerks, the negativity sinks, the time wasters, negative friends, and the users. (I have a book about emotional vampires, which you can peruse here, which goes into greater depth about the types of emotional vampires that we deal with on a day to day basis.) When you care about someone, but they are depleting you, perhaps it's time to have a heart-to-hear with them about what's going on. It is okay to speak up and explain to your negative friends when your needs aren't getting met. Don't assume that you're being selfish just because you're standing up for yourself and your own well-being. (Also… here's a radical thought: What's so wrong with being a bit selfish now and again, anyway?) Dump that toxic friend! You do not need to spend time with someone who's draining away your energy.
If you've already had these conversations with those negative friends, and you're still searching for ways to end a friendship gracefully, chances are that your needs are still not being met. I'm assuming that you've already taken a good, long look at the friendship, including the parts that you had played in your dealings with this emotional vampire.
However, we all have people in our lives who are less than perfect. In fact, no one in this world is perfect! There will be times when our best friends, loved ones, and life partners will have bad days. They might grumble, they might be negative, or they may even be snarky and mean to us. Or, we might be the ones who are feeling negative, and will do the same to other people. This is normal and natural -- everyone has good days and bad. If we love each other, we'll put up with it, because the bad is often outweighed by the good.
But there are also people who don't quite fit this mold. You know the types I'm talking about -- the drama queens, the judgmental jerks, the negativity sinks, the time wasters, negative friends, and the users. (I have a book about emotional vampires, which you can peruse here, which goes into greater depth about the types of emotional vampires that we deal with on a day to day basis.) When you care about someone, but they are depleting you, perhaps it's time to have a heart-to-hear with them about what's going on. It is okay to speak up and explain to your negative friends when your needs aren't getting met. Don't assume that you're being selfish just because you're standing up for yourself and your own well-being. (Also… here's a radical thought: What's so wrong with being a bit selfish now and again, anyway?) Dump that toxic friend! You do not need to spend time with someone who's draining away your energy.
If you've already had these conversations with those negative friends, and you're still searching for ways to end a friendship gracefully, chances are that your needs are still not being met. I'm assuming that you've already taken a good, long look at the friendship, including the parts that you had played in your dealings with this emotional vampire.
You may be feeling as though you've tried all of the solutions that you can -- speaking from the heart, setting limits, enforcing boundaries, or saying "no" once in awhile, only to continue to be met with disrespect, negativity, or a lack of reciprocity. It's now time for you to cut this toxic friendship from your life, so that you can invest that time in focusing on bigger and better things.
There are two ways that you can go about this: The easy way (which is often harder!), and the hard way (which is often easier!). Either can be effective; it simply depends on the type of negative person you are cutting out of your life.
The easy one has one basic step: Just cut them out. Quit calling or texting them. Stop taking their calls, unfriend them online, quit inviting them to your functions, and stop going to theirs. If you have mutual friends, you must also resist the temptation to talk about them with those friends. The drawback of this is that there could be some backlash, particularly if you're close. However, if this "friend" has done an egregious thing to you, betrayed a major trust, or committed some significant act of betrayal, it may be the way to go.
The hard way involves keeping the negative friend in your life. However, you'll simply be spending less time with them. (I must admit, I've done this method before! It works!) This method is much better for people that you do like, but are just too difficult to be around all the time. Maybe they're very high-maintenance, very negative, or just really different from you in uncomfortable ways. Perhaps they don't respect your boundaries and don't seem to respond well to discussions or other attempts to correct it. However, if they genuinely mean well and are not going out of their way to hurt you, the "hard way" is worth a try. It will take a lot more time, but will also be much easier on your friendship. Encourage this person to branch out and do new things -- this way, there'll be less time for them to bug you. ;) Pare down your communication: for example, if you speak on the phone every day or two, try cutting down to a couple times a week. If you hang out every week, try canceling from time to time and see if you can get it down to a couple of times a month. Make a plan to reduce the amount of time that you spend with him or her. Write it down on your calendar if you need to, but stick to the plan. On the occasions that you do talk or hang out, keep things positive and cordial. I'd also recommend that, during any conversation that you do have, you try to insert details about things that are keeping you so busy -- talk about your kids, your job, any hobbies or interests or obligations which might take up your time. You don't need to complain about these types of things (unless they truly are driving you nuts!), but making sure to acknowledge them will help take the edge off with your friend.
There are two ways that you can go about this: The easy way (which is often harder!), and the hard way (which is often easier!). Either can be effective; it simply depends on the type of negative person you are cutting out of your life.
The easy one has one basic step: Just cut them out. Quit calling or texting them. Stop taking their calls, unfriend them online, quit inviting them to your functions, and stop going to theirs. If you have mutual friends, you must also resist the temptation to talk about them with those friends. The drawback of this is that there could be some backlash, particularly if you're close. However, if this "friend" has done an egregious thing to you, betrayed a major trust, or committed some significant act of betrayal, it may be the way to go.
The hard way involves keeping the negative friend in your life. However, you'll simply be spending less time with them. (I must admit, I've done this method before! It works!) This method is much better for people that you do like, but are just too difficult to be around all the time. Maybe they're very high-maintenance, very negative, or just really different from you in uncomfortable ways. Perhaps they don't respect your boundaries and don't seem to respond well to discussions or other attempts to correct it. However, if they genuinely mean well and are not going out of their way to hurt you, the "hard way" is worth a try. It will take a lot more time, but will also be much easier on your friendship. Encourage this person to branch out and do new things -- this way, there'll be less time for them to bug you. ;) Pare down your communication: for example, if you speak on the phone every day or two, try cutting down to a couple times a week. If you hang out every week, try canceling from time to time and see if you can get it down to a couple of times a month. Make a plan to reduce the amount of time that you spend with him or her. Write it down on your calendar if you need to, but stick to the plan. On the occasions that you do talk or hang out, keep things positive and cordial. I'd also recommend that, during any conversation that you do have, you try to insert details about things that are keeping you so busy -- talk about your kids, your job, any hobbies or interests or obligations which might take up your time. You don't need to complain about these types of things (unless they truly are driving you nuts!), but making sure to acknowledge them will help take the edge off with your friend.
If you have mutual friends, and you try the above method, you may be required to spend time with this person anyway. That's okay! Sometimes being in a group with the toxic person can make things a lot more palatable. You'll both have other people to talk with, and you can even spend time together in a more controlled setting.
A few words of caution: If you're trying valiantly to keep things civil and the other person is not being accepting of the way things are, things could get dicey. Try the following phrases to diffuse tension:
"I understand."
"I'm sorry."
"Let's talk about this later, when we've both had time to calm down."
Whether you actually agree with the above statements is not the point. Diffusing a tough situation is the name of the game. Anyone who is going to throw tantrums, though, might need you to revert back to "the easy method."
Does this technique sound passive-aggressive? I know that some aspects of it certainly are. However, when you're dealing with an emotional vampire, sometimes it's much easier to do things gently as it helps to minimize the drama which is the emotional vampire's lifeblood. It also helps to preserve your sanity, as well.
A few words of caution: If you're trying valiantly to keep things civil and the other person is not being accepting of the way things are, things could get dicey. Try the following phrases to diffuse tension:
"I understand."
"I'm sorry."
"Let's talk about this later, when we've both had time to calm down."
Whether you actually agree with the above statements is not the point. Diffusing a tough situation is the name of the game. Anyone who is going to throw tantrums, though, might need you to revert back to "the easy method."
Does this technique sound passive-aggressive? I know that some aspects of it certainly are. However, when you're dealing with an emotional vampire, sometimes it's much easier to do things gently as it helps to minimize the drama which is the emotional vampire's lifeblood. It also helps to preserve your sanity, as well.
emotional vampires,
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013
The Other Face of Clark Rockefeller (Christian Gerharsreiter)
The "Clark Rockefeller" mystery is one of the more compelling stories of the past few decades. Some may wonder how this man was able to fool his wife, with whom he was so close and intimate, for so long.
In the Lifetime movie, Who Is Clark Rockefeller?, there were many instances of foreshadowing which gave the viewer some helpful hints. If you're experiencing any of these issues with someone that you suspect may be betraying you (though more likely on a smaller scale than this!), do not hesitate to investigate further.
Here are some of the clues that appear in the movie; some may apply to your own situation as well:
Changing stories: His stories constantly changed. At one time, he was trying to work with his uncle, David, but then in later stories, he told Sandra that David was actually his cousin. And in another instance... first, his mother was a "horsey set" debutante by the name of Mary. Then, in another story, Clark mentioned that his mother was child actress Ann Carter.
Crazy-making: When Sandra Boss called him on the discrepancy about his mother, he gave her a look as if she were ridiculous and quipped, "I think I know my own mother's name!"
Lack of proof: The Rockefeller in-laws never materialized. Clark would casually mention this or that relative as if he'd just spoken to them, yet Sandra was never introduced to them. Reigh also didn't get the opportunity to met them. Clark never shared his personal information with Sandra, such as his social security number or contact information for his family, citing "strange" privacy issues.
In hindsight, it's easy to see these discrepancies and issues. However, from the day-to-day living, these things are so close to home that it may be hard to zoom out and see them for the lies that they are.
Some people have called Sandra Boss gullible, stupid, and "unsympathetic." However, my heart goes out to her. Once you accept certain things, however dysfunctional the relationship, it becomes easier and easier to blur the line between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. She was only one of so many people that Christian Gerhartsreiter fooled. It is human nature to want to accept the truth of the person that we love, and to want to believe the words that they say. I think that victims of similar ploys, even if orchestrated by less adept transgressors, will also have some sympathy for a woman who has had to endure such betrayal.
So many people have been taken in by far less competent liars than "Clark Rockefeller." Lying and betraying someone in this way is a terrible form of emotional abuse. Protect yourself. And when you find someone who is truly worthy of your trust, you can feel much more confident in giving it to them as you know what to expect.
Many have been intrigued by the tale, wondering who the real Clark Rockefeller is and where he came from. Christian Gerhartsreiter's kidnapping of his daughter was his undoing as his true identity became known. The public will learn even more secrets about Clark Rockefeller (or Christian Gerhartsreiter)'s life will come to light his trial for murdering Jonathan Sohus and Linda Sohus begins soon.
In the Lifetime movie, Who Is Clark Rockefeller?, there were many instances of foreshadowing which gave the viewer some helpful hints. If you're experiencing any of these issues with someone that you suspect may be betraying you (though more likely on a smaller scale than this!), do not hesitate to investigate further.
Here are some of the clues that appear in the movie; some may apply to your own situation as well:
Changing stories: His stories constantly changed. At one time, he was trying to work with his uncle, David, but then in later stories, he told Sandra that David was actually his cousin. And in another instance... first, his mother was a "horsey set" debutante by the name of Mary. Then, in another story, Clark mentioned that his mother was child actress Ann Carter.
Crazy-making: When Sandra Boss called him on the discrepancy about his mother, he gave her a look as if she were ridiculous and quipped, "I think I know my own mother's name!"
Lack of proof: The Rockefeller in-laws never materialized. Clark would casually mention this or that relative as if he'd just spoken to them, yet Sandra was never introduced to them. Reigh also didn't get the opportunity to met them. Clark never shared his personal information with Sandra, such as his social security number or contact information for his family, citing "strange" privacy issues.
In hindsight, it's easy to see these discrepancies and issues. However, from the day-to-day living, these things are so close to home that it may be hard to zoom out and see them for the lies that they are.
Some people have called Sandra Boss gullible, stupid, and "unsympathetic." However, my heart goes out to her. Once you accept certain things, however dysfunctional the relationship, it becomes easier and easier to blur the line between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. She was only one of so many people that Christian Gerhartsreiter fooled. It is human nature to want to accept the truth of the person that we love, and to want to believe the words that they say. I think that victims of similar ploys, even if orchestrated by less adept transgressors, will also have some sympathy for a woman who has had to endure such betrayal.
So many people have been taken in by far less competent liars than "Clark Rockefeller." Lying and betraying someone in this way is a terrible form of emotional abuse. Protect yourself. And when you find someone who is truly worthy of your trust, you can feel much more confident in giving it to them as you know what to expect.
Many have been intrigued by the tale, wondering who the real Clark Rockefeller is and where he came from. Christian Gerhartsreiter's kidnapping of his daughter was his undoing as his true identity became known. The public will learn even more secrets about Clark Rockefeller (or Christian Gerhartsreiter)'s life will come to light his trial for murdering Jonathan Sohus and Linda Sohus begins soon.
lifetime movies,
Sunday, June 16, 2013
The True Story of Brenda Geck and "Family Sins"
One of my favorite Lifetime movies is called "Family Sins," starring Kirstie Alley as Brenda Geck, the evil matriarch that we all love to hate!
This movie is actually based on a real family, the Burt family of Pawtucket, Rhodie Island, who was led by their beloved mother, Frances Burt. "Family Sins" is the story of Frances Burt, who was a mother to many of her own children and a foster mother to several more. She was unspeakably cruel and abusive to her children -- mentally and emotionally tormenting them, but also physically abusive and violent with them. She beat them and harmed them physically in many other ways, forcing them to commit crimes for her. Younger ones were forced to shoplift items for her, and the older children were then groomed to carry out more sinister crimes as they grew, including arson, racketeering, and fraud.
Their family kidnapped a disabled woman and kept her prisoner in their home, cashing her Social Security checks, raping her repeatedly, and forcing her live as a servant.
Frances Burt was eventually tried and convicted in 1994 of kidnapping, welfare fraud, disability fraud, extortion, sexual assault, and kidnapping. She was sentenced to 30 years in prison, though after serving 11 years, Burt was released in June of 2001. She is currently on probation.
Although this movie is entertaining, it also serves as a reminder that even people who seem the most perfect and "together" on the surface may be hiding their own dark secrets. You can never judge a book by its cover!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Stalked at 17: The Real Story of Chad Bruning's True Colors
Sometimes, abusive personalities form in people who have had less than perfect childhoods. And of course, they can also be present in people with idyllic and perfect family lives as well.
According to a study which was done in the early 2000s, a child from an abusive home is 30% more likely to repeat the abusive actions that are done either between his or her parents, or to repeat the abuse which is done to him or her.
In "Stalked At 17," the character Chad Bruning came from a very dysfunctional and unstable home life. His biological mother, a drug addict who had been serving prison time for theft, was so unstable that she was even willing to kidnap Chad's girlfriend and baby in order to placate her son.
But the worst issue of all is Chad himself. Although he was raised by his mother's boss, welcomed and included into that family, he still felt a sense that something was missing. As a result, he chose the worst possible reason for bringing a child into the world: Because he didn't feel loved enough by the people around him. His craving for love and control prompted him to emotionally and physically abuse and manipulate his girlfriend, Angela, as well as lie to her and conceive a child without her knowledge or consent.
It is important to remember that abuse can happen even in relationships with people as young as Chad and Angela. Not all abusive relationships are between adults, and not all teen and young-adult relationships are innocent, carefree, and idyllic. Although this is just a Lifetime movie which can be watched for fun, it is important to remember that even here, there are lessons to be learned about relationships.
In order to do the best for yourself, your mate, and the children that you may decide to have in the future, it is imperative that we all understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. By educating ourselves and each other about the dangers of manipulative, controlling, or even abusive personalities, we are protecting ourselves from present and future damage. Stay strong and be smart. You deserve a healthy, happy relationship and a wonderful future!
P.S. Do you like the picture? I drew it from a 10-pixel pencil in Photoshop! I couldn't find any public domain photos to use, so I made a little fan art. (If anyone out there draws -- let me know, I'd love to find more for future articles!)

In "Stalked At 17," the character Chad Bruning came from a very dysfunctional and unstable home life. His biological mother, a drug addict who had been serving prison time for theft, was so unstable that she was even willing to kidnap Chad's girlfriend and baby in order to placate her son.
But the worst issue of all is Chad himself. Although he was raised by his mother's boss, welcomed and included into that family, he still felt a sense that something was missing. As a result, he chose the worst possible reason for bringing a child into the world: Because he didn't feel loved enough by the people around him. His craving for love and control prompted him to emotionally and physically abuse and manipulate his girlfriend, Angela, as well as lie to her and conceive a child without her knowledge or consent.
It is important to remember that abuse can happen even in relationships with people as young as Chad and Angela. Not all abusive relationships are between adults, and not all teen and young-adult relationships are innocent, carefree, and idyllic. Although this is just a Lifetime movie which can be watched for fun, it is important to remember that even here, there are lessons to be learned about relationships.
In order to do the best for yourself, your mate, and the children that you may decide to have in the future, it is imperative that we all understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. By educating ourselves and each other about the dangers of manipulative, controlling, or even abusive personalities, we are protecting ourselves from present and future damage. Stay strong and be smart. You deserve a healthy, happy relationship and a wonderful future!
P.S. Do you like the picture? I drew it from a 10-pixel pencil in Photoshop! I couldn't find any public domain photos to use, so I made a little fan art. (If anyone out there draws -- let me know, I'd love to find more for future articles!)
emotional vampires,
lifetime movies,
Friday, March 15, 2013
Is the Lifetime Movie "Stalked at 17" a True Story?
The internet has been abuzz about the Lifetime movie, Stalked at 17. Because my readers tend to be fans of media that focuses on relationships, I thought I'd answer this question once and for all.
Taylor Spreitler, who plays Angela, the victim of Chad's insane and possessive love in this movie, commented on the status of this movie through Twitter a few months back. While she says that the movie is a composite which is "inspired by true events," it does not follow a particular case play-by-play. Instead, it is a worst-case-scenario cautionary tale about what can happen when you allow the person you love to overstep boundaries and to take complete control of your heart, your body, and your life.
Spreitler does add that this type of dysfunctional behavior in relationships is indeed "an issue," which should be discussed more in the mainstream consciousness. Teen relationship abuse, also known as "dating abuse" in some circles, is more prevalent than you might think. 10% of all teens have been hit, slapped, or otherwise physically harmed by their boyfriend or girlfriend. And a whopping 25% of teenage girls are the victims of sexual or physical abuse. These saddening statistics might change if more light would be shined on this subject, in order to send the message that physical or sexual violence in a relationship is never okay!
For more information, visit to learn more about healthy relationships.
Taylor Spreitler, who plays Angela, the victim of Chad's insane and possessive love in this movie, commented on the status of this movie through Twitter a few months back. While she says that the movie is a composite which is "inspired by true events," it does not follow a particular case play-by-play. Instead, it is a worst-case-scenario cautionary tale about what can happen when you allow the person you love to overstep boundaries and to take complete control of your heart, your body, and your life.
Spreitler does add that this type of dysfunctional behavior in relationships is indeed "an issue," which should be discussed more in the mainstream consciousness. Teen relationship abuse, also known as "dating abuse" in some circles, is more prevalent than you might think. 10% of all teens have been hit, slapped, or otherwise physically harmed by their boyfriend or girlfriend. And a whopping 25% of teenage girls are the victims of sexual or physical abuse. These saddening statistics might change if more light would be shined on this subject, in order to send the message that physical or sexual violence in a relationship is never okay!
For more information, visit to learn more about healthy relationships.
emotional vampires,
lifetime movies,
Friday, September 2, 2011
Hooverphonic: Mad About You (Lyrics & More)
it's driving me insane
i can't fake
for god sakes why am i
driving in the wrong lane
trouble is my middle name
but in the end i'm not too bad
can someone tell me if it's wrong to be so mad about you
mad about you
are you the fishy wine that will give me
a headache in the morning
or just a dark blue land mine
that'll explode without a decent warning
give me all your true hate
and i'll translate it in our bed
into never seen passion, never seen passion
that is why i am so mad about you
mad about you
mad about you
trouble is your middle name
but in the end you're not too bad
can someone tell me if it's wrong to be
so mad about you
mad about you
give me all your true hate
and i'll translate it in your bed
into never seen passion
that is why i am so mad about you
mad about you
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