Showing posts with label financial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2021

Manifesting Money Fast: The Attachment Rule

  So to really know what’s happening with your manifestation, you have to learn to listen to what the mind is telling you. Here are some ways to do that:

Use all your senses, especially your ears. Hear what’s in your heart, which is the primary key to knowing the mind. Whenever you feel unhappy, happy, or frightened, let your feelings flow. It’s important for feelings to be processed, and (if they don’t serve your greatest good), released.

Be mindful of your body as well as your kind, and experience what you feel holistically. Be totally honest with yourself. 

Acknowledge what’s happening. Is there depression about something in your past? Is it anxiety about something happening in the future? Is this excitement about something that’s coming up? Whatever it is, this is what the mind is saying. Then let it go. 

Practice non-attachment. Remember, you’re not attached to anything in the external world. It doesn’t matter if you get what you’re wishing for. The mind doesn’t judge. It doesn’t care about anything in the external world.

In that way, when you see things happening, you can take a non-attached attitude and let them be.

Be happy for the blessings that you do have. If you’re still doing all of these things and not manifesting just what you want... that’s okay. Keep going. The universe delivers in its own time, so trust the process.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Spotlight on Abhijit S. Kulkarni of Reliable Solutions

Abhijit Kulkarni has recently been presented with an Award of Achievement in the category of Business, as our choice for Forex Trader of the Year (Asia). He is a professional forex trader, fund manager and analyst, as well as a passionate entrepreneur. Abhijit is a unique individual, set apart from the crowd through his not just his passion for the work that he does, but also the generosity he has shown in teaching and guiding others in order to improve the forex trading community.

Ahijit’s firm, Reliable Solutions Limited, prides itself on being geared toward providing education for effective trading on a global scale, as well as developing platforms which are geared specifically toward management and education. Abhijit has designed his firm to be a unique entity, as it is the first unique brokerage which deals exclusively with the customer's interest.

However, he was not always the successful businessman that he is now. Due to economic changes throughout India, from where Abhijit originates, opportunities for advancement were not always readily available. In his earlier years, young Abhijit pursued his dreams of becoming an animator; however, once he discovered the basics of forex trading, Abhijit's interest in this profession grew into a true passion for the work. 

Despite the difficult conditions in his home country for forex market, Abhijit persevered, tenaciously educating himself in the finer points of forex trading and always seeking success. The idea for Reliable Solutions came about 7 years ago, when Abhijit first got into the forex trading field. After extensive research, Abhijit set out to discover why so many traders have struggled to succeed. A realization that the forex trading market lacked honesty and transparency in its education,  Abhijit Kulkarni set out to change the field. His pioneering spirit has truly revolutionized the field of forex trading and how its education is dispensed to forex newcomers who are looking to gain information.

We are proud to present this Award of Achievement to Abhijit Kulkarni for his relentless pursuit of success, as well as his devotion to helping others toward achieving their own goals.

Congratulations, Abhijit!  And thanks again for all that you do!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

My Lucky Bingo Mat

From time to time, when I see a product or service that is truly beneficial, I love sharing it with my readers and followers.  Since so many of you love the thrill that come with games of chance, I wanted to share with you my thoughts about a cool product that I've recently learned about.  It's called My Lucky Bingo Mat, and it's a real game changer!

I have no doubt that many of you love Bingo as much as I do! (After all, even psychic sages need their downtime to hang with the ladies & let off some steam!)  However, there are a few things that have actually kept me away from my favorite Monday night haunt (Club Cafe's Bingo night!).  Simply put, there are issues involving "turf wars."  People like to spread out and crowd one another, which means I have to go early and try really hard not to sit near any known offenders.
My Lucky Bingo Mat has changed that problem for me.  Now my personal space is well defined, and since the mat is non-slip silicone, it stays right where I put it rather than scooting around and accidentally crowding anyone else.  This feature is actually just a bonus for its intended use:  The non-slip fabrication means that your cards stay right where you put them without having to waste time and tape.  All you need to do is lay your cards right onto the mat, and enjoy yourself -- presto, no muss and no fuss!  The silicone mat has plenty of room for your little extras (like daubers and lucky charms), and is easy to care for too; should you spill your latte while jumping up to yell "BINGO!," the surface needs only a quick wipe to be as good as new!

Recently, I bought one for a good friend of mine who is disabled.  Bingo is one of the things that she still enjoys quite a lot, but since she suffers from neuropathy and arthritis, she doesn't get out as much as she used to.  (I never mind taping her cards for her, but I know she hates to ask!)  I think she's going to be delighted with her very own My Lucky Bingo Mat, in her signature lucky color -- red!

To all of you who are ready to ditch the tape and focus on fun: I highly recommend this product!  Go to their website to learn more. :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

"Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about."

Does your life feel like it's so much harder than everyone else's?  Are you constantly looking around at your friends, your family, and those people on Facebook that you went to school with and thinking, "Damn, these people have perfect lives!"  The truth is that we really don't know what someone's life looks like on the inside.  The person in public who brags about their wealth, their great marriage, or their amazing kids may be doing just that -- bragging.  Who knows what really happens when they walk through their front doors?  The same can be said for someone who smiles and tries to seem brave when life is throwing them some hard times.  We can also try to be more understanding of those who complain when their lives seem so effortless; the truth is that we just don't know what someone else's life is truly like.  Stop comparing your own to something that you don't fully understand.  Don't judge.  Life is hard enough for all of us.

Visit Regina's website here.

Friday, February 28, 2014

"Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck."

I'm sure that most people reading this have already gone well beyond their first paychecks by now!  But if you haven't, do consider starting to save now.  100 years ago, the average human life expectancy was less than 50 years.  We're living well into our 80s now in many parts of the world!  However, old age can be expensive.  Even though we think we'll be young forever, we will all eventually need to slow down and grow up -- if we're lucky!  Do the best you can to take care of yourself, physically, emotionally, and financially.  Remember that needs must come before wants. 

Visit Regina's website here.

Try to see the big picture and put something away for those far-off rainy days.  You will thank your past self someday.

Friday, January 31, 2014

"Pay off your credit cards every month."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!
I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Pay off your credit cards every month." 

Oh boy, this one's a toughie for some people!  I do my best to pay my bills on time, but hey, sometimes it's hard to remember every last thing.  And we've all had our share of financial crises from time to time.  Things happen sometimes.  Cars break.  People get sick and need things that their insurance may not cover.  Things at home need to be fixed.  Clothing emergencies occur (and I'm talking about actual wardrobe malfunctions, not "Oooh my favorite store is having a shoe sale!).  Holidays come and go, along with the often high expectations of our loved ones.  And... let's face it... sometimes our favorite store has a shoe sale that we just can't resist!  When money comes in slow, it seems to go out quickly.  The trick is to live within our means.  We need to take a look around us, and really prioritize what we need over what we want.  Paying our bills are a legitimate "need."  If you're able to pay off your credit cards 100% every month, you'll sleep a lot better knowing that your charges aren't out there garnering crazy amounts of interest.  If you cannot do this, at least get your minimums paid... but then consider doing the work to get as far out of debt as you can.  Life is so much sweeter when you have lots of room on those credit cards for rainy days.

Visit Regina's website here.

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