Showing posts with label thank you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thank you. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Humanitarian Award: TechFromVets.Com is so very proud to bestow our latest Sage Institute Humanitarian Award to our friends at, an organization that is making the world better for our soldiers as well as the rest of the world.
This amazing organization is more than just your average technology company. It is owned and operated by military veterans; specializes in a number of different types of software development including, apps, websites, and other digital marketing materials. The skills which these veterans learn during their time in the military can translate into productive and proactive civilian duties as well.  Not only are these soldiers putting their sharp skills to good use to support themselves and their families, they are helping companies in the private sector benefit from their expertise.

Check out to learn more about this organization’s exciting projects!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Brainstorm Pro: A Blogger's Best Friend!

By now, most of you know very well about the type of person I am.  I blog, I write books, and I'm all over social media sharing helpful tips and little bits of information to make life a little easier and a lot more fun.  My blog is often a platform for me to share information and thoughts with fellow creative people.  So, when I come across a valuable resource, I love to let you all in on my discoveries!

One of the things that really bugs me at times is writer's block -- and in my line of work, where it's "publish or perish," that can really be some cause for concern.  A lot of times, my brain is so packed with ideas… but it's so hard to actually get them onto the page!  Even us wordsmiths can sometimes have trouble finding the right words for our craft.  (I visit more times during a writing session that I care to admit!)

Enter the fantastically helpful software, "Brainstorm Pro," by my friend Jesse Gilbert.  When you're searching for just the right word, simply use Brainstorm Pro to help point you in the right direction.  This tool is specifically designed to help word lovers like me to find just what we need quickly, with no drama, no waiting for web pages to load, and no ambiguity.  Brainstorm Pro enables me to keep my writing filled with that new-pronoun smell, and that factory-fresh adjective flavor that all writers crave.

Currently, this helpful tool is available for the Windows & MS Word platform, but a Mac version is coming soon.  I can't wait!  Check it out here for a free download and start brainstorming!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Pamphlet AGAINST Woman's Suffrage

Found a scan of this old-timey pamphlet encouraging women to not pursue the vote.  Yuck!  I would like to take this opportunity to "thank a feminist" as is going around the internet.  I appreciate all of the efforts of the women who have come before me.  And for those of you who don't vote (no matter what gender you are) -- register and vote!  It's important!  Thank you. :)

The text of the yucky pamphlet reads like this:

Votes of Women can accomplish no more than votes of Men.  Why waste time, energy, and money, without result?

VOTE NO on Woman Suffrage

Because 90% of the women either do not want it, or do not care.

Because it means competition of women with men instead of co-operation.

Because 80% of the women eligible to vote are married and can only double or annul their husbands' votes.

Because it can be of no benefit commensurate with the additional expense involved.

Because in some States more voting women than voting men will place the Government under petticoat rule.

Because it is unwise to risk the good we already have for the evil which may occur.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 2012 Client Update :)

Happy holidays to all of my customers who are celebrating this season!
Merry Christmas * Happy Chanukah *
Blessed Yule * Joyous Kwanzaa * Happy Festivus! ;)

... And of course, have a Happy New Year!!!

Many of you know that I've cut way back on my Keen time this year, due to some health issues and relocating, which has put a big ole split in my available time.  However, this month I've been working hard to make myself available.  And I will continue to do so throughout 2013 as well, so we can talk more. :)

This year, I look forward to helping all of you in continuing on your life paths.  Together, we can produce more happiness, more satisfaction out of life, better relationships with those who mean the most to us, and more positivity to share with the world! :)  2013 is going to be awesome indeed!  Come along with me along my journey, won't you?

I'm enclosing some free minutes for all of my Keen friends.  Feel free to pop onto the phone if you see me available, or click to chat whenever you see me.
I will also be unveiling some NEW and powerful services this year, so stay tuned!

Here's wishing everyone a happy, healthy, safe & satisfying holiday...
... and an even better 2013 ahead!
I thank ALL of YOU for sharing with me... YOU are the reason I'm on Keen...
I care about each and every one of you, and am so thankful you chose to seek my advice!

Lots of love to each and every one of you!
  @}-,-`-.   ~ Sage ~   .-`-,-{@  

My New-Age Blog: www.ConsultTheSage.Com

P.S.  I don't send updates too often because I hate bugging people.  So if you'd rather not receive free minutes or updates, please write me back and request to be transferred to my "NO PROMOTIONS" list, instead of just blocking.  I will be sure to keep your inbox peaceful & quiet!  :)  Thanks! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Artwork and a Big "Thank You"

I recently made myself an interesting new piece of artwork for my listings on --
Don't you just love that adorable "moon bunny angel" watching over her city from above?

The building in the picture, by the way, is historical landmark 
the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
My husband and I have some happy memories of spending time there together.
As a child, I remember touring the rooms and admiring the breathtaking art and architecture!

The original picture was taken by the amazing Joey Gannon who has graciously allowed
others to use it under the Creative Commons share-alike license.

Joey, I thank you most sincerely for sharing your inspiring vision of this place that's brought me so many wonderful times, both as a child and as an adult!  I couldn't have made my ad without your contribution!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Deepest Thanks!

I work really hard to make my blog a beautiful, informative, and interesting place to be.  However, I certainly don't do it alone!  A lot of wonderful sources have made this blog possible.  Some of the photos are mine, but many pieces of clip art & public domain images have come from the following sources. Lovely clip art of all types! Illustrations, photos, and more.
The Flickr Commons for amazing historical images and other publically available graphics.
Public-Domain-Photos.Com user-submitted public domain images for any purpose.
Public-Domain-Image.Com One of my favorite sites with all sorts of hidden gems.
Kohler's Medical For botanical illustrations.
Reusable Art Vintage art that's truly beautiful!
ARS A government website with public domain images.

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