Showing posts with label Anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anxiety. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2021

How to Help Yourself Heal Emotionally

with a hand pressed up against a rainy window, she sighs...

A lot of people don’t understand why they can sometimes feel anxious, depressed, tired, lonely, sad, we’re just generally lacking the coping skills to deal with life when things get real.

There are so many reasons why we struggle with our mental health. Everything from genetics to brain chemistry to traumatic incidents that shape the way our brains function – all of these things are factors in how our psyches function.

Self healing is really just self soothing. Most of us learn how to self soothe when we are in our infancy. We might feel lonely or stressed, we miss our parents, and we cry for them. In a normal scenario, even a perfect one, parents can’t always be there to kiss our boo-boos. So, we learn how to soothe ourselves, to cure our own ills, to use our own logic and instinct for healing.

It’s never too late to learn how! Here’s a quick into to what has worked for me and those that I’ve coached. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

“ Stop being a perfectionist.”

My Twitter friend, @bigdaddyvinz, has laid down some really useful wisdom this month. Here’s what his eye-opening thread says:

Stop being a perfectionist.

The root of procrastination for most people ain't laziness, it's anxiety.

I know your anxiety will tell you the worst case scenario. It’s a damn liar.

If you're a procrastinator, you will find every excuse not to do what u need to do. But here's an advice: DO IT FIRST, I call it reverse procrastination.

Fill your heart & mind with positive things.

Music helps alot. stand up, put on your favorite songs and watch how you get the job done fast.

Challenge yourself.

Reward yourself after a job well done.

The best way to get something done is to begin.

Don't let procrastination take over your life. Be brave and take risks, your life is happening now.

It might feel like fun but trust me procrastination is the enemy of success.

Give yourself pep talks and encouraging words like:

- I can do this 

- I'm not going to procrastinate today 

- I am capable 

- I am strong enough 

- I am brave 

- I refuse to let negative thoughts control Me

I hope this thread made sense to every procrastinator out there,I hope this thread helps and motivate you stop ❤️

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