Showing posts with label spiritual awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual awakening. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Spiritual Awakenings: Choosing to Work With the Divine

A conscious choice to work with the divine can also help in your quest for a spiritual awakening.  The wish, need, and desire to change are all vital parts of your quest.  However, you also need to combine those things with action.  We have already discussed what prompts the desire for change, but the time for action must come when the desire begins to move you in that direction. 

It is OK to give into the feelings that you are experiencing.  I often advise people to "go with the instinct," and never is this more true than during your journey along the path to a spiritual discovery.  You must let down your guard and become willing to take on the spiritual energy around you as you give back your own. 

This does not mean that you need to give up on yourself or your own abilities, preferrin g that your higher power does all the work for you while you're doing nothing.  It does mean that you must give up your negativity, your despair, and your pain that hinders your spiritual and emotional development.  Instead, you must replace these things with faith and action, which will lead to a higher awareness and a greater level of happiness for yourself. 

Allow yourself to heal, and let the universe play its part in your healing.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Patience In Your Quest for a Spiritual Awakening

You must also remember that spiritual awakenings can take time to brew.  Only the very few lucky ones are able to simply have this awareness "pop" instantly into their levels of consciousness!  You cannot expect to be that fortunate.  As long as you're making progress through keeping your faith high, asking the universe for assistance, working hard and putting to use the gifts that the universe has given you, you're doing just fine.  However, you can't forget that these things do not happen overnight.  Sometimes, the connection to Spirit can be a bit fuzzy or your higher power's cell signal can get a bit weak at times!  But don't give up.  Persistence will pay off if you allow nature to take its course.  The connection is always there, we just need to take the time to allow things to happen.  Don't question if it will happen, or if it is meant to happen.  It is!  You must focus more on "when" it will occur, rather than "if" it will. 

Just as in all spiritual endeavors, you must remember to believe in yourself.  It is vital that you not only place this faith out into the universe, but you must also have faith in yourself as well.  By putting yourself in the right mindset and position to experience a spiritual awakening for yourself, you are enabling the universe to give you the gifts that you’ll need when the time comes.  Remember that you deserve to treat yourself with love, and to consciously experience joy and gratitude every day!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Seeking Help on Your Spiritual Quest

While you ask the universe for assistance to further your spiritual journey, try asking others around you for insight as well.  We're all moving along our own personal paths to spirituality at different rates, different times, and in different ways.  No two people will have the same experiences, and no two people will require the same type of help along the way.  However, you never know where inspiration will strike.  Talk to the people around you; ask about their own spiritualities.  Get insight and information on what the cornerstones of others' faith may be.  If you find something interesting in your research, take what you learn and try to find ways to apply those pearls of wisdom to your own life.  Remember to do your research, as well.  Don't be afraid to read books and do some research on the internet as well.   Without expanding your world and learning new things, you can grow spiritually stagnant.  You'll never get anywhere if you stay still!  You must open your heart and mind in order to receive what the universe and those around you are willing to give to you.  Your higher power may be reaching out to you through other sources, such as people and books that you encounter.  Receive these gifts, as they are given with love, and use them to empower yourself as you progress in your journey.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Asking the Universe for a Spiritual Awakening

If you want a spiritual awakening, try asking for one.  Many people live by the old adage, "God works His wonders in mysterious ways."  Whether or not you believe in God, this is a fabulous saying.  Do the other steps that can help you go in the right direction; have faith in the spirit of the universe, have the desire to change, and empower yourself to make those changes in your life.  Be bold!  Be brave!  And don't be afraid to ask the universe for signs and signals of how you can be doing a better job.  If you're allowing yourself to be guided by what begins to pop up into your heart, you're beginning to move along the right path.  However, you also must be hungry for it.  You need to ask the universe for help.  It sounds a little strange, I know, but vocalizing your wishes and aspirations out loud can go a long way toward the universe hearing your call.  Thoughts are things.  Words are stronger things, and actions are stronger still.  Use all of your abilities to communicate in order to ask the cosmic forces around you for the power for this transformation that you desire.  Show your need in words, deeds, and thoughts.  Mean it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Galactic Federation of Light

Whether you believe in benevolent aliens or not, this is fun to think about! :)

The Galactic Federation of Light are here to help us weather the dangers of other entities within our planet -- dark forces which are said to be destructive to the Earth.

The Earth has been isolated by the Galactic Federation of Light so as to control the growth and actions of dark forces. There are substantial amounts of guardians encompassing Earth and they notice all of our activities. Our Earth's isolation will end once the dark forces on Earth have been vanquished, and the light begins to encompass our planet.

The Galactic Federation of Light is not of Earth -- some call them extraterrestrials. The delegates of the Galactic Federation of Light are thought to resemble humans, however, and their emissaries often live on Earth in a human incarnation. People of Earth will, at some point in the future, also join with the Galactic Federation of Light.

They have discreetly done numerous things to help us.  For example, some say that they have assisted in the following ways:

Disabling atomic weapons;

Lessening the effects the radiation emitted from the nuclear emergency in Japan;

Assisting in clearing the Gulf Coast oil spill;

Neutralizing chemical fallout in various crisis areas around the world;

Cleaning up contaminations or pollution in specific parts of our planet.

After the end of the second world war, the delegates of the Galactic Federation of Light reached the Unites States government to caution them of the extraterrestrials from the Orion Empire, with whom the Unites States government had a mysterious First Contact.

The Galactic Federation of Light have a protocol of not interfering directly with people until enough of us are mindful of their existence -- in this way, they can gradually alert us of their presence in ways that are less fearful. That is one of the main reasons behind the rise in UFO sightings all around the globe throughout our present times.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Wishing for a Spiritual Awakening

You must also try to keep your potential awakening in the proper perspective.  The common perception of a stereotypical spiritual experience is a magical, mystical transformation that occurs inside of us.  However, this experience is not one that will simply happen out of nowhere.  In order to embark on the spiritual path, you open your mind and your heart to the deity of your choice (or even just to the power of the universe).  You need to be willing to bare and share your soul with this higher power, and to become accepting that there are larger forces in the universe than simply our own wills.  As powerful as we are, and as much as change must begin inside us, we also need to become attuned to the energies of the universe.  It is the desire to change our lives, to prepare to step into the unknown, and to do it by ourselves which will put us in the right direction.  While change does come from within, most of us are unwilling to change our lives under normal, comfortable circumstances.  It is only when change is absolutely necessary that we are most likely to make it.  For example, we may suffer for years in a relationship that makes us unhappy, but we may be comfortable there; or, perhaps we toil away for a long time with a job that we hate.  We may stay in these negative patterns because, while unpleasant, are comfortable and familiar.  But if we should be dumped by the other person, or fired from our job, we are then forced to open our eyes and make a change.  Spirituality does not work that way; the desire must fuel the action.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Desire for a Spiritual Transformation

Another element which will enable you to travel a little closer to your spiritual awakening is the desire to be awakened spiritually.  It's true that desire alone cannot do a whole lot without any action behind it, but the desire is what plants the seeds of accomplishment in any endeavor.  And sometimes, a spiritual awakening will just spontaneously occur in someone -- with or without any desire at all!  But these are not something that you should simply expect to happen.  You must begin with your mindset.  A desirous heart and mind will begin to seek pathways to your spiritual awakening.  Paying attention and looking for signs can go a long way toward getting you on the right path.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Faith For a Spiritual Awakening

Faith is a vital ingredient in a spiritual transformation.  It's easy to have faith in practical things.  If we fall, we know that there will be solid ground underneath to catch us.  If it's supposed to rain, we merely need to open an umbrella or seek shelter.  Whether we possess this faith or not, the ground shall always exist.  A strong shelter will always protect us from the elements.  However, believing in what we cannot see or know is much more difficult.  You do not need to believe in God or any one religion in order to experience a spiritual transformation, but you should have an understanding that the universe is filled with mysteries that you cannot yet comprehend.  The understanding and faith in a higher power, or the might of the universal energies around us, must be present in order to commune with the divine.  There is a love and a spiritual connection that bonds us all to one another.  Faith will open your eyes and help you to see the spiritual meanings in everything around it.  Just as a key can unlock a door to the unknown, your faith can unlock the powerful spiritual mysteries around you.  It can also unlock your heart and allow you to connect with others, as well as with the divine love which binds us all.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to Have a Spiritual Awakening

Maybe you want to know how to bring about your own spiritual awakening.  The invocation of your own spiritual awakening is a difficult and ambitious undertaking.  You cannot turn a spiritual awakening on and off; it must simply happen.  However, you can get yourself into the right mindset to become ready for it.  When you open your heart and mind, you are in a much better position to receive direction and enlightenment from the divine.  Because the spirituality of every individual is completely different, you cannot expect that what works for another person will work for you, and vice versa.  If you're letting nature take its course, you cannot force a spiritual awakening.  Just relax.  It'll happen in its own time.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Physical Signs and Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

When physical manifestations of a spiritual awakening occur, you may or may not be feeling like our muscle-bound friend here!  But there are some documentations of what a spiritual awakening feels like in your body, as well as how to deal with the repercussions.  Enjoy!

New and unusual physical changes.  Physical issues or complaints that you thought were long resolved may be popping back up, or perhaps the reverse is true; issues which seem to plague you on a regular basis seem to be fading or, at least, not bugging you as much.  You may experience tiredness, muscle cramps, changes in hearbeat, libido changes (for good or ill), migraines or back pain.  It's always best to talk to your doctor when you experience physical changes, illness symptoms, or pain, and it is what I always recommend.  However, do not panic (unless your medical professional advises you to do so!).  Many times, spiritual awakenings will tax our bodies in ways that we would not realize or expect.

Surprising and unexpected energy bursts that prompt you into action, along with periods of overwhelming lethargy and tiredness.  You may feel like you're ready to leap out of your chair and go slay a dragon one day, followed by a wave of fatigue only moments later.  Your energy levels may be shifting and it will take you some time to get used to those changes.  The best way to handle such energy shifts is to go with the flow.  When you have an energy burst, use it to your advantage.  Try to recognize a pattern so that when you do have bouts of energy, you can accomplish things without getting stuck halfway through.  If you feel tired and need to rest, do it.  Sleep when you need to sleep, even if you happen to require more rest than you previously did; if you're tired but not able to fall asleep, try doing something soothing but productive; I like to read, catch up on my emails, blog or work on whatever book I'm writing.  Find ways to occupy your mind and get things done until you are suitably ready to rest.

Feeling more in sync with cyclical changes in nature.  As the moon goes through each of its phases, you may be experiencing certain physical or emotional sensations that are associated with those phases.  You may notice that you are increasingly aware of weather patterns and seasonal cycles.  A stronger connection to nature and a heightened sense of awareness of the earth's changes can be beneficial to you.

Nails and hair growing faster than usual.  This may be a sign that you're also craving additional protein in your diet, and the body is making use of it.  You may also notice that the quality of the hair and nails has changed as well.  Perhaps your nails are stronger and break less.  Or your hair is smoother and more luminous, with less breakage and more durability.

Fluttering heartbeat.  Spiritual awakenings can cause disturbances in several of the body's natural processes.  The circulatory system, and the major organs, are no different.  When you heart chakra becomes extremely full and sensitive, you may experience what is known as benign PVCs.  A racing, pounding heart which begin and ends with no rhyme or reason can indicate stress or an opening of the heart chakra.  Always check with your doctor whenever you have any cardiac issues, however.  Make sure that there are no other issues which may be making you ill, as heart conditions are serious business!

A heightened sense of physical sensitivity, especially with the skin.  A spiritual awakening can cause dermatological issues such as rosacea, shingles, breakouts, and hives.  Many of these conditions are often caused by stress and nerves; spiritual changes are no different.  Some psychological issues, when left unchecked, can come out through the pores as people tend to bottle up traumatic or problematic issues.  Try to de-stress as much as you possibly can.  Treat both your symptoms as well as your underlying emotional issues.

You may also experience more physical sensitivity with your other senses.  Eyesight may be clearer and more keen, though the sensitivity could also become painful where there are bright lights or with visuals that require more focus and concentration.  Your senses of smell and taste can also become quite intense, particularly the sense of smell.  With a sharper sense of smell, you can pick up on a great many additional things, however, you must be careful; scents that you usually love may become too intense for you, and may make you ill.  Sense of touch can also manifest a great deal more sensitivity; textures and temperatures that are ordinarily pleasurable or at least tolerable may be too difficult for you to handle.  Hearing may also be sharper and you might find that you can hear things much more easily than you used to do, but noises and sounds which are too loud or intense may become harder to tolerate.

Migraines, headaches, and other unfamiliar sensations of the head or scalp.  You may be experiencing more frequent sensations along your crown chakra as it begins to accept new information.  These can come in the form of migraines, pressure, tingling, or itching.  Some people have reported feeling a gentle pressure or the feeling of "picking up" new energies from this chakra.  If your doctor rules out any other conditions, and you feel it is your crown chakra opening to accept new energy, simply wait it out.  The sensations become less stimulating over time.

New eating habits, unplanned weight losses and gains, unusual cravings.  Your weight may fluctuate in unexpected ways.  Or, your eating habits might change; you may be experiencing cravings that you never used to have.  Perhaps you've developed the adverse reaction, and have been having issues tolerating something that you used to enjoy.  Maybe you're famished during each meal, when before you'd merely pick at your food.  Regardless of the new changes in your food and weight habits, these are all signs of other spiritual, physical, or emotional changes in your life.  Try not to worry so much about the weight issues, unless you're approaching unhealthy over- or underweight states; these may be temporary.  Take some exercise, make sure you're staying healthy and keeping in touch with your doctor or nutritionist, and pay attention to the signals that your body is sending you.  It is telling you what it needs.

Unexpected surges of energy.  You may be getting hot and cold flashes at random times, or perhaps you feel waves of power or energy surges coursing through your body.  These may be gently felt, or they could be more powerful waves of energy.  Rather than worry about the source of this energy, embrace it and appreciate that it is just your body changing and reattuning itself to a new spiritual level.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Spiritual Awakening: The Dark Side

In some cases, an individual will experience an extremely intense spiritual awakening, which can also be likened to a spiritual emergency or crisis.  This is because the person cannot handle the experience.  The individual may not realize or understand what is happening to him or her.  Some people may mistakenly feel or believe that they are invincible, as if they have reached a point of ultimate enlightenment which disconnects them from reality.  I have heard some stories about people who have experienced a spiritual emergency due to loss or moments of extreme crisis, and have experienced moments of madness with this awakening.

A spiritual awakening can also come spontaneously to someone through a life-altering event, such as a medical problem like epilepsy, a stroke, or other condition that involves extreme pain or physical trauma.  A near-death experience can trigger a religious experience as well.  Psychosis, schizophrenia, and depression can not only cause a sacred experience, but can also be triggered by the spiritual awakening as well in people who are predisposed to mental illness.

Some people attempt to coax a spiritual awakening through drug use or dangerous meditation practices that I cannot recommend.  A spiritual experience can make someone feel a flood of very powerful, intense emotions and sensations all at once.  If the person is not yet ready for this experience, he or she can encounter physical, emotional, or mental health problems which may continue to be present long after the spiritual awakening has come and gone.  The individual may have reached a point of enlightenment or connection with the divine for a fleeting moment, but must also pay for these experiences with a lifetime of difficulties in return.  It is much better to allow the divine love of the universe to come to you and flow through you when you are truly ready, rather than simply when you feel you are ready.  For these reasons, I must recommend that you do not rush or force your awakening.  Instead, let it come at just the right moment; your higher power will know when you are ready to handle the experience.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mental/Cognitive Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Mental/Cognitive Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Changes in dreaming.  You may be experiencing some vivid, crazy dreams!  Everything is brighter, more detailed, and much more vivid than you have remembered your dreams to be.  Sometimes, you may be frightened to go to sleep because of the detail of your dreams can be slightly alarming.  Perhaps you find that you're remembering the dreams better as well.  One's dream life is another way for the higher powers to communicate with you.  Or, perhaps you're experiencing lucid dreaming, where you have more control over what it happening to you.  Try keeping a dream journal and writing down what you remember of your dreams, as they are often clues and messages from your own inner self.

Psychological, mental, or emotional confusion.  You may reach an epiphany where you begin to see all of the loose ends in your life.  You feel as if you need to get these things straightened out, but may also feel a sense of overwhelming at the thought.  It can be a daunting task to know where to begin.  The best advice that I can give you here is to take baby steps.  Decide which things that seem the easiest, or things that seem the most important, and get started on tackling them.  Although you may feel like things are a real mess right now, you can straighten these things out one step at a time.

Learning quickly, and working things through in a much more efficient manner than you did before.  You seem to be picking things up a lot more easily than you previously did in the past.  A rapid sense of understanding and quick learning seems to be pervasive in all aspects of your life.  Some people call this "being in the zone."  This is one of the benefits of a spiritual awakening: feeling that connection with other people and things, as well as to yourself, can be of great benefit to you spiritually and personally.  You may also have more internal fortitude to deal with personal issues which you previously did not feel brave enough to tackle.  Again, this is another benefit to be enjoyed.  Part of a spiritual awakening is finding that courage that you never knew that you had, and allowing it to be a new source of strength that you can call upon when you need it.

Brain fog is another common side-effect of a spiritual awakening.  You may experience moments between complete clarity, and total brain fog.  The creative, emotional, and psychic abilities are also often affected for the positive during a transitional period.  The left side of your brain -- the one that is in charge of keeping order, memory, organization, and focus -- may become duller when comparing to your right hemisphere, which controls your creative, visionary, and psychic impulses.  As your right brain becomes stronger and more thoroughly utilized, the left side may occasionally suffer some drawback from either being underutilized or from lack of interest in certain things which may previously have been more important to you.  This can result in forgetfulness, "brain farts," or procrastination in doing things that require additional focus and concentration.  You may need to push yourself a little harder in order to strike a balance.

Impatience and the consciousness of time as it passes.  As you experience the changes that go along with a spiritual awakening, you become keenly aware of the seconds as they slip past you.  You want to make the most of each morsel of time that you have, to harness all of the gifts that you currently possess. This may manifest as a feeling of impatience or even a sense of overwhelming as you struggle to determine how best to use the time you have.  Try to make lists and keep focused on one task at a time.

A feeling of restless energy which makes it difficult to relax.  With all of the physical and emotional changes that you are experiencing, it's no wonder that you're having trouble centering and calming yourself into a state that is fit for sleeping.  You may have trouble falling asleep, or once you have slept awhile, issues with staying asleep.  This is a fairly common phenomenon during the time of spiritual awakening.  Some people find it helpful to sleep in cycles of a few hours throughout the day, enjoying frequent naps rather than one 8-hour sleep session.  Do what feels right for you.

Memories from the past break through to the present.  Sometimes, we repress memories intentionally.  Other times, things that seem insignificant at the time may resurface during a spiritual awakening.  Pay attention to what's going on around you, and see if there's a way to draw correlations between what you're remembering and what you're currently living.  Don't force more memories to resurface; they will do so when the time is right, and when they do, you can use them to learn more about your current life path.

Feeling dizzy, experiencing vertigo.  Sometimes, we need a little extra grounding.  Sometimes you may feel a physical or spiritual lightness after overcoming a spiritual or emotional state of chaos.  We may feel dizzy, unbalanced, or fear falling.  This is a very common symptom of a new spiritual awakening.  Take care of yourself, rest, and give yourself some time to adjust to the new physical state.  Some say that you need to ground yourself by adding more protein into your diet; check with your doctor and do what feels right.  Be very careful, take things slow, and don't push yourself beyond your means right now.

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Benefits of a Spiritual Awakening

The positive advantages of a spiritual awakening cannot be underestimated.  Inside yourself, you can gain a newfound sense of peacefulness and calm that will carry you to heights you have never imagined.  You will become braver and more confident, as well.  Because you'll become more comfortable, kind, and loving with yourself, you will feel a lot less lonely when you're alone.  You can keep much better company with yourself, as you'll become more introspective and have more thoughts to process and enjoy.  Although someone may have had painful and sad experiences in the past, the spiritual awakening can make a person stronger and more self-aware, so that painful memories do not hurt as badly as they might have done earlier.  You also become more able to appreciate the here and now; the gifts that the universe has given become more precious and meaningful when you put them into perspective and realize your good fortune.  What you don't have becomes far less important to you, and you feel much less focused on material wants and more trivial issues that seem to matter so much less in the grand scheme of things.  Fear and uneasiness may be replaced by a newfound sense of calm.  Your new faith can give you a pervasive sense of inner strength.

The benefits of a spiritual awakening do not begin and end with your sense of self.  Interactions with other people will also be improved.  You shall find yourself being less judgmental of others, more open-minded and more accepting of those who live their lives in ways which are different than yours.  One of the reasons for this is stronger connection that you'll feel with other people; simply by experiencing your own spiritual awakening, you will be able to put your issues into better perspective, and understand where you fit into the world better.  Thus, you can connect and interact much better with other people.  You will feel a renewed sense of love and faith toward humankind, as well as experience more tolerance and acceptance of others.  A spiritual awakening often enables people to feel less inclined to argue that our ways are the best, or the right ways; and that others' ways are the wrong ones.  Because you are also more confident and happy, you feel better about sharing with other people.  Your giving nature and loving tendencies will emerge stronger than ever, as you share of yourself without the anticipation of receiving anything from others in return.  The simple act of giving and sharing your blessings will bring you more happiness once you've come to understand the joys of giving of yourself.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How to Prepare for a Spiritual Awakening

Everyone is composed of three basic layers: our body (the physical), our mind (the intellectual), and our soul (the spiritual).  Caring for our bodies is a fairly straightforward business.  Mental health can have its variations, but there are many consistencies from one person to the next.  However, the spirituality of each person can vary wildly from one to the next.  Spirituality centers around exploring our origins and our destinations; where our souls originate and where they will be going after our bodies have ceased to be, as well as the exploration of our place in this world, life's purposes and meanings.  While we all possess our own individual soul, not everyone in the world is destined to experience a life-altering spiritual transformation. 

It can be difficult to find information about spirituality that meshes well with our own personal needs.  Reading, doing research, and talking to other people can be great ways to explore new ideas.  However, when you don't exactly know where to start or what sort of spirituality experiences that you are seeking, it can be frustrating and often feel like a futile, fruitless search that never ends. 

Most people who embark upon spiritual quests will tell you that the search for your own life purpose and meaning can be a lifelong endeavor.  Even when you are unsure of where you're going or how to get there, we all have the ability to listen to our hearts.  Deep inside all of us is a voice that's reassuring us of the right path for us, letting us know that there is something more to our lives than simply the physical realm around us.

Take heart; the universe is infinite and ever-expanding.  Regardless of the place you're in right now, your spiritual identity will grow and evolve with each passing day.  Spirituality is a malleable, changeable thing.  The longer a person lives, the more information he or she gains.  As time passes, our worldview will change and so will our hearts and minds along with it.  There is so much all around us, beside us, and within us that can help to contribute to a rich and vibrant spiritual life.

Monday, May 13, 2013

External Symptoms and Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

Major life changes.  While this is not necessarily a symptom of a spiritual awakening, it is often a trigger.  Significant life events, such as divorce, job loss or change, death of someone close to you, moving, or major illness (yours or someone else's) can give impetus to a newfound spiritual status as well.  While we cannot always prevent these life changes from occurring -- and indeed, in many cases, have no control over these at all -- we can control our reactions to them.  Even negative changes may manifest something positive at the end.  You are stronger than you realize.

Technical difficulties.  It feels like Mercury is in retrograde all the time!  Your computer may crash, your cell phone might lose its signal, or your car refuses to start.  Yes, these things can happen to everyone from time to time.  However, if you notice a significant increase in the technical difficulties with machinery and mechanical devices, this may be your higher power trying to tell you something.  Some folks actually do reiki healing techniques on their cars or computers.  Couldn't hurt!  But more than anything, try to keep these issues in their proper perspective.

You notice cycles which seem to repeat themselves over and over again.  Issues that you may have had in the past (and avoided) are much more likely to resurface.  Incidents that you have put aside may keep coming back to pass as they require your attention and resolution.  People that you have avoided, pushed away, or whose issues you have failed to handle adequately may suddenly be thrust back into your life, prompting you to finally resolve the issues between you.  Even if the people themselves are not presenting themselves back into your life, the old issues that you've had with others can still keep cropping back up into your consciousness.  It's also possible that new people will trigger these same negative feelings or dealings.  This is your consciousness's way of trying to clear the air with you.  In order to properly attune yourself to your new spiritual level, you must first clear away the toxic emotional debris and ineffective ways of dealing with these issues.  Try to take these occurrences as the lessons which they are intended, and work on the issues so that you can more formally immerse yourself in new and exciting arenas.

A keener sense of mystical coincidences, miracles, and cosmic "gifts."  Your eyes may open to interesting new experiences such as symbols and signs which may have ordinarily been ignored by you in the past.  Seemingly innocuous aspects of your life may start to carry extra significance and meaning.  You may find these in day-to-day life, but they may also manifest during sleep in the form of meaningful dreams and visions.  Spiritual awakenings will often bring those hidden meanings out into the open for people, whether they are seeking them or not.  Coincidences may also happen more often; strange or unusual occurrences can often cluster together and help to you dictate your path in life.  Try being on the lookout for cosmic messages, as it can be a fun and interesting experience.

Your own personal "Law of Attraction" success.  Remember that thoughts, even when unuttered and discarded, are still going someplace.  Although you may not act on all thoughts, they are still existing on some level, and you are still putting them out to the universe.  Perhaps you're manifesting some great things, but be careful what, good or ill, you're wishing for -- you might just get it!

What's more, it seems that the opportunities to learn lessons and to put personal issues into their proper places seem to be cropping up more and more.  This is the universe's way of telling you that it is time to handle your emotional and personal baggage now, in order to prepare for the changes which are about to come.  You may see signs throughout the course of your day which point to certain thoughts or ideas at hand which you need to tackle -- take those hints for what they are, and do your best to try to see them through.  You already know what you need to do; but now, it is time to do it.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

What Does a Spiritual Awakening Feel Like?

For those who have never actually had the opportunity to experience their own spiritual transformation, the act of the spiritual awakening can be a rather tough thing to actually put into words.  Some will simply say that in order to understand what one is, you must first experience it.  Although these occurrences are different for everyone, there are some underlying similarities that many people have reported.  Certain people have reported that there is an overwhelming surge of energy, yet simultaneously, there's a soothing sense of calm and peaceful overtone.  You may also feel warm or hot flashes, tingling, or other unusual sensations.  Ripples of love and ecstasy may course through your body, filling you with a sense that all is more than just right with the world -- it's amazing!  In the fleeting time that you feel this amazing occurrence, it may seem as if you have become part of everything around you; one with the entire universe, and all of the love and joy that is contained within it.  Your soul opens to all the divine beauty in the universe and becomes part of it.  It may last only a few seconds, more or less.  Sometimes, the transformation and its buildup is gradual and gentle; other times it is as quick and intense as a spontaneous orgasm.  While the experience is different for each and every person, your end result will still be the same: you have awakened your spiritual consciousness, opened your heart to an amazing and divine connection with your higher power.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Psychic Symptoms & Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

The psychic effects of a spiritual awakening are as varied as the people who experience them.  However, there are certain spiritual repercussions that are fairly common.  Here's a list of what to look for:

Experiencing a stronger connection to people as well as other life forms.  Perhaps you're more able to read and understand living things in a better way than you did previously.  Animals may sense this newfound connection as well.  Communication with other living things feels easier and more natural.  If animals seem to be responding better to you, try nutruring plants as well.  See if you're able to reach out and make new connections.  We are all inhabitants of the world!  During a spiritual awakening, you may feel this connection more profoundly with people, plants, and animals alike, a new awareness of sense of community and of everything working together from their own places in the universe.  Practice love and compassion in everything that you do.

Disturbances during meditation, prayer, or quiet times.  As you contact your guides, pray to God, or meditate, you may have issues focusing your thoughts or energy.  As you experience more signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening, you may find that you need less time to meditate or pray to your higher power, as your ability to communicate those thoughts and feelings simply require less time.  Perhaps you simply don't need to allot as much time as before, or you may be communicating and/or centering yourself unconsciously in small ways throughout your waking (or sleeping) day.

A keener sense of awareness of others' presences.  This manifests through an understanding or consciousness of not only the presence of living and natural beings on this plane -- pets, friends, and random folks -- but also through consciousness of supernatural beings.  It may be a stretch, but some who undergo a spiritual transformation may just be becoming aware of spirits or even spectral presences.  There are some folks who are born with this ability, and others who develop it over time.  A spiritual awakening can bring many latent talents to the surface, including hidden abilities or weaker ones which suddenly become stronger.  If this is a frightening phenomenon for you, try meditation, prayer, or even calling upon friendly angels and spirit guides to protect you.  Remember -- most angelic or spiritual presences are either intent on trying to help you, or they are neutral in purpose.  Very, very few of these presences are harmful or mean, however some fear or paranoia is natural.

An increase in psychic or extrasensory abilities.  It is not unusual when someone experiences a spiritual awakening, for the sixth sense to become keener and stronger.  You will notice a heightened sense of awareness.  Perhaps you will experience clairvoyant, psychic, or empathic abilities that have been latent up to this point in your life, beginning to come forth and give you a new sense of perspective.

The discovery of a spirituality or philosophy that works for you.  Perhaps, for the first time in your life, you have found a type of spiritual or philosophical constructs that seem to correspond with just how you're thinking or feeling.  You may possess a deep hunger to learn more about a specific type of religion or belief.  This can help you to put your other issues into perspective, to aid you in growing on your spiritual journey.  The best way to go along with this is to read all you can, talk to other people, and ask questions if you're feeling lost.  Remember that exploration leads to discovery!

More communication with your higher power.  A stronger desire to meditate, to pray, or simply to commune with nature will always manifest itself in a spiritual awakening.  Perhaps you have found a new desire to speak to your guardian angels or spirit guides, and a greater inspiration to try making that connection.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Is a Spiritual Awakening?

A spiritual awakening is also known as a mystical experience, spiritual emergency or crisis, religious experience, or sacred transformation.  It can be known by many other names as well, and is prevalent throughout various cultures throughout the word.  It is a transformative experience that occurs when someone makes contact with the divine, also known as a transcendent reality, higher power, or even with God.  This experience can usually involve coming to a spiritual or mystical epiphany, gaining insight that the person did not possess before the experience.  It may arrive with such speed and clarity that everything seems more clear, but can also be a frightening experience as this knowledge may contradict previously held beliefs or understanding.  It may also involve conversion or the adaptation of a new spiritual framework, a spiritual healing, or some other type of religious or spiritual enlightenment.  The spiritual awakening is brought forth usually by joining forces with the divine, as opposed to the person experiencing it simply coming upon it as a natural part of their thought process.  Sometimes, the higher power reaches out to the querent without any effort on the querent's part, perhaps sensing the person to be in some form of crisis (as in a spiritual emergency), but this is a more rare form of awakening.

In his book, "The Varieties of Religious Experience," American philosopher and psychologist William James attempted to describe this type of religious experience by certain variables which have been shared by most of the people who have had them.  His criteria for the classic spiritual awakening are that the experience must be transient (meaning that it is a temporary state in which the person experiences the awakening, then returns to a regular state of mind); it must be ineffable (which means that it cannot adequately be described by mere words, it is instead something which can only be understood through personal experience); it must be noetic (meaning that the individual should feel as though he or she has gained some type of insight or knowledge from the experience); and it must be passive (which means that it cannot be actively forced, it must simply occur -- though prayer, meditation, and other actions may put the querent in a more prepared mindset for the spiritual awakening).

Emotional Signs and Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakenings can trigger amazing things inside your mind, heart, and of course, your spirit!  A spiritual awakening can also have interesting effects on your physical body.  In this entry, we're going to look at some of the changes which a spiritual awakening can cause in your emotional arena.  (We'll look at other types of changes later this year.)

Here are but a few of the signs of a spiritual awakening:

A stricter sense of morality.  As your spiritual awakening is experienced, you start to understand the importance of living your true will.  Along with this understanding comes a desire to treat other beings with honor and respect.  Secrets, lies, or actions that deter you from your true will may become increasingly difficult to participate or tolerate.  You place a new importance on honesty and reciprocity in all dealings with others.

A conscious need to seek your soulmate, other half, or twin flame.  When we experience a spiritual awakening, we may have the desire to share this experience with someone close to us who can understand.  In the event that you are single and seeking that person, your commitment to the search may have intensified since your awakening has come upon the horizon.  Remember that if you want this encounter to happen, you must continue to work on your own life in order to prepare and welcome this soulmate.

An anxious, nervous sense that something significant may be about to occur.  You may be experiencing worry, suspicion, or the perception of a significant impending event.  Try not to allow fear or worry to get the best of you.  Take things slowly and work on one small issue at a time.  The feeling about what's to come may be a natural reaction to any surprise, good or bad. 

A heightened sense of emotional sensitivity.  Even small things may suddenly become overwhelming to you.  You may cry easily, become sad or upset at things that may perhaps not have affected you so much in the past.  You may also have unexpected and intense bouts of inexplicable bliss, profound elation, comfort and peace.  The heart chakra may also be presenting with aches, pains, or a sense of pressure.  This is often due to your chakra opening and accepting new information or energy.  Try to be open to your newfound sensitivity; let the feelings ebb and flow naturally.  Try some cleansing exercises or deep breathing as you allow the chakra to naturally expand, strengthen, and grow.

A new need for solitude and alone time.  During a spiritual awakening, you may feel that being around others is more draining of your emotional and psychic resources.  Even if you're very gregarious and love people, they can be especially draining and taxing as you're more attuned with your own inner changes lately.  Perhaps you just want to stay home more instead of going out and doing the things you used to enjoy.  Or, instead of running with your usual crowd, you are now preferring to keep to yourself.  You may not be depressed or anxious, but you might just need this time alone.  Go with it an enjoy, but do your best to keep connections with others alive -- you don't want them to think you've forgotten about them!

A newfound need for spiritual connection and meaning.  Your spiritual awakening will spark a craving for purpose and a deep desire for understanding of the world around you.  It is also possible that, for the first time ever, you find yourself longing for something you cannot name.  An inner peace or a connection to spiritual ideas in order to make you feel whole.  Listen to your heart, and go where it takes you.  This can be an exciting time in your life to learn and grow!

Moments of newfound clarity.  Perhaps you're going through a significant epiphany in your life now.  After what may be an entire lifetime of living or thinking in a certain way, a shift in perspective (through whatever means) has caused you to see things in a whole new light.  You may feel a stronger attunement with your higher power, or with a force that is greater than yourself.  You may find yourself suddenly more concerned with humanity or healing the world around you.

A sense that you have gone through some changes, or that you are currently experiencing change.  You may not feel the same as you used to feel.  You may not even be able to pinpoint what those differences are between the old and new "you."  However, the differences are there, and you can sense them even if you are unable to put the changes into words just yet.  Remember that that best is yet to be.  Continue to move on this spiritual journey and you will be able to find these answers. 

A heightened sense of creativity.  This one is huge for many people!  It could be that the changes you've been witnessing inside yourself are simply giving you more to think about, and therefore you are feeling more inspired than you ordinarily are.  However, you may also be attracting more creative impulses, or setting off an enhanced ability to draw inspiration from external sources.  As you pick up these new ideas, do your best to keep track of them for future use.  They may be needed not just for new projects that will require future attention, but also as a way to chart and track your own spiritual progress.

A deep need to find your true sense of self and life purpose.  What has worked for you in the past is just fine, but when a spiritual awakening occurs, maybe your old ways of doing things are simply not going to work for you anymore.  You may feel restricted by attachments, people, or lifestyles which do not suit your true purpose.  You may need to let go of toxic relationships or bad situations that do not enable you to live your true will.

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