Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2013

Review: The Witch's Cat

"These are the words of the Witch's Cat, the most sacred and most powerful symbol in the mysterious world of Witchcraft.
Hold me... the gates to happiness could swing open.
Touch me... money and prizes could fall from the sky.
Caress me... love and romance could seek you out.
Gaze upon me... the instincts of the feline could protect you.
Possess me... I will do your bidding!"

He who possesses the Witch's Cat may unlock the door to the Supernatural! Possess the Cat and experience the powers of another world. Possess the Cat, it may bring riches, love, and happiness to your doorstep."

I wanted to let you all know what I think of California Astrology Association's "Witch's Cat."  When I was a child of about twelve, I purchased one because I thought it was so cute, and needed an extra good luck charm.  Unfortunately, the chain I had it on broke and I lost it forever!

A few years back, I decided to buy a new Cat to replace the one I'd lost years ago.  As you can see, it is an adorable piece, done in a cute stylized primitive design.  The black "antiquing" paint is fragile, though, and rubs off easily.  (You can see where mine has come off near the Cat's rear end.)  This piece is not sterling silver, probably not stainless steel or pewter, either.  When I wore it, my neck got a nasty green spot on it, so now I just use it as a good luck piece without wearing it.  (I may use the loop on top as an anchor to sew it onto a backpack or something!)

All in all, I give this purchase a C+.  The Cat gets points for adorableness, but has to lose points for quality.  However, it's around $20 and you can definitely get a nicer cat-shaped pendant elsewhere in Sterling silver for that amount.  If you aren't expecting great things from it jewelry-wise, it may still be worth purchasing.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stalked at 17: The Story That's a True Warning

The Lifetime movie, Stalked at 17, is a true eye-opener for people who consider teen romance to be a trivial story.  "He's only overprotective because he loves me," Angela offered this explanation as a reason for why her boyfriend, Chad, flipped out at the night before.

But the guy from the restaurant had Chad's number.  "The way he treats other people... someday he will treat you that way," he said in response.

Angela, who was only sixteen, met Chad while touring a university.  They hooked up at a party later that night, and from there, the two were inseperable.  On the surface, Chad seemed like the perfect guy.  He was gorgeous, smart, and going places with his life.  A student in college just on the verge of graduating, Chad seemed to have everything going for him.  He seemed to come from a good family, with a mother was on the city council with friends in high places.  And Chad had treated her so lovingly at first.  His true colors began to show quickly, though.

But Chad was a very controlling boyfriend.  He manipulated Angela at every opportunity; large betrayals such as getting her pregnant on purpose, and even small controlling things such as deciding what she should drink when she visited his mother's house.  He had an extremely volatile temper.  Chad's first reaction always seemed to be yelling and violent behavior -- from causing an embarrassing scene at a restaurant when Angela's chicken was undercooked, to wigging out when his roommates played their music too loudly -- Chad would show his terrible temper at every turn.

And Chad wasn't being up front with Angela about his past.  Although he'd told her that his biological mother had been murdered, the truth was that she was actually a drug addict who was serving time in prison for armed robbery.  And Angela wasn't the first girl that he had gotten pregnant; there was another one in his past, who had refused his proposals of marriage, gotten an abortion, and ended their relationship.

When Angela's parents decided that it was best for the two of them to stop seeing each other, Chad's true colors emerged.  Chad harrassed Angela's dad on the phone, calling his home and work incessantly.  He was hostile and threatening toward Angela's mother.  He would go to Angela's school and home to visit her without her parents' permission.  Eventually they filed a restraining order, which he and Angela periodically ignored.  When Chad attacked Angela's father in a parking lot with a tire iron, he was sent to jail for assault.  Angela's friend Tenaya calls him, "violent and creepy... a nut case."

While Chad was in jail, Angela continued living her life.  She stayed in school, saw her pregnancy through, and had a baby boy whom she named Josh.  When Chad turned to his biological mother for help, she agreed to his plot to kidnap Angela and the baby.

Chad and his mother didn't get very far, however.  After showing a remarkable amount of weak will throughout the entire movie, finally Angela becomes motivated to fight for herself and her child.  She finds a way to notify someone that she is in need of help, and takes control of the situation in order to escape from under his thumb.

I had never heard of this movie until I started reading other people's search terms, which were leading Stalked at 17 enthusiasts my way.  I found it to be a fairly entertaining movie with some redeeming qualities.  It was a nice way to spend a snowy afternoon.  However, I still love Obsessed way more. :)

Many people seemed to also be seeking the name of the song from Stalked at 17's trailer.  Allow me to help you!  It's called "All Alone" by David O'Dowda.  I've also found a video for it on YouTube.


Was "Stalked at 17" based on a true story?  According to this tweet from the star of the movie Taylor Spreitler who plays the main character, this movie is not based on a specific story.  However, it was inspired by some true events.

What other Lifetime movies do you enjoy?  Please leave me a comment below! :)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hail Mary, Full of Grace!

The mother of Jesus has a beautiful prayer that most people know as the "Hail Mary."  It is often recited like this in the Catholic tradition:

Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

Mary is a perfect example of the "Mother" archetype: nuturing, loving, and always willing to listen and help her children.  The imagery of Mary holding her baby Jesus has created some of the most touching and beautiful artwork that the world has ever known.

In Catholic school, we sang a song called "Hail Mary, Gentle Woman" which was written by Carey Landry sometime in the 1960s or 1970s.  I always loved it; it perfectly sums up the woman who mothered God's son, both gentle and strong at the same time.

The lyrics are as follows:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women
and blest is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of death. Amen.

Gentle woman, quiet light,
morning star, so strong and bright,
gentle Mother, peaceful dove,
teach us wisdom; teach us love.

You were chosen by the Father;
you were chosen for the Son.
You were chosen from all women
and for woman, shining one.

Blessed are you among women,
blest in turn all women, too.
Blessed they with peaceful spirits.
Blessed they with gentle hearts.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Taking Back Control of Your Life

Last year, because of the questions I commonly get asked by clients, I decided to make an instructional video on how to live a happier life. Even so, a lot of the traffic that I get seems to point to the notion that some folks are so discouraged with their situations that they have no idea where to even start!

It can be a difficult thing when your life is so overwhelming. You look at each part, seeing one mess after the next; figuring out which place to roll in your sleeves and get working. If you tweak one part, the rest may just fall to pieces. Fear and negativity keep us stuck in the comfortable, yet unhealthy, present, and both emotions make us reluctant to move forward into the unknown. If you feel that you're experiencing a spiritual crisis, you need to stop worrying and figure out how to regain control of your life. It can be difficult -- let's face it, it'll very likely be hard as hell in the beginning -- but stick with your goals. The end result will be worth all of the pain of growing.

Try following these 9 pieces of advice for just a week. They certainly cannot hurt you, and will very likely help. 

1. Take care of yourself physically. This doesn't mean that you need to spend every second at the gym and only eat carrots and celery for the rest of your days. But it does mean that you have to start treating yourself the way you try caring for everyone else in your life -- your spouse, kids, parents, or even your family pet! Would you deprive them of adequate sleep? How about healthy food and lots of water to keep them hydrated and nourished? These little things can be hard to remember to do when it's you, but you simply cannot take control of your life without catering to your basic needs. Appropriate rest, food, and exercise will put you in a far better frame of mind. This is especially true if you have health problems; working on improving your overall health may not cure the worst of what ails you, but it will maintain (and probably improve) your functioning parts.

2. Practice daily gratitude. This is the most vital thing that you can do for yourself on an emotional level. If you're constantly criticizing and finding fault with your surroundings, then you will get just what you ask for. However, if you open yourself up to gratitude and appreciation of what you do have, then more will flow your way. Each day, make it a point to think of what the universe has blessed you with, and enjoy it. There are people who have a lot less than you do.

3. Don't make assumptions about people. It's common for our fears to color the way we see ourselves, and other people. You may be afraid of not being liked or accepted by others, worry about being gossiped about, or feel concerned that something you've done has upset or offended someone. If these things are bothering you, it's better to get proof. Better yet, you can open your mouth and ask people if something is wrong. Your worrying is most likely for nothing. Wouldn't it be nice to relieve yourself of that kind of burden?

4. Stop black-and-white thinking. Most of the people and things in your life aren't all just "good" or "bad." Making generalizations about your environment and the people within it is a sure-fire way to keep your world very limited, and your mind small. But when you open your mind and realize that a million shades of gray exist between the good and the bad, you're opening yourself up to a new world. Rather than allow preconceived notions to control you, you are taking control of your own thoughts and putting yourself in the driver's seat.

5. Eliminate negative self-talk. We all have that nasty little voice inside our heads that can't seem to shut up when we're at our most vulnerable. This voice is nothing more than a fear-based illusion, trying to hold us back. While some fear or apprehension is a healthy thing, negative statements that we make to ourself can hurt our feelings just as bad as, if not worse than, if someone else were to say the same things to us. (And in fact, some negative self-talk is based on things that we have been criticized for in the past!) But if you're patient with yourself, and keep pushing forward despite that snarky inner dialogue, eventually that voice will fade. Until the time when your positive voice is the stronger of the twi, try not to pay attention to the negative stuff. It will get quieter and quieter with each small success you achieve, and the positive self-talk will grow. 

6. It's not always about you. Like negative self-talk, negative reactions can hinder your ability to see things clearly. This is less about a voice in your head, and more of a knee-jerk reaction in a stressful situation. For example, if your boss or teacher wants to speak with you privately, you may assume that you're in trouble about something. Or perhaps people around you are laughing, so you worry that you're the subject of some joke. Occasionally your mind may go there, even if there isn't any evidence to support a negative theory. Try to put the situation into perspective and realize that there are many possibilities that you haven't even considered. Take the focus off of yourself, and realize that everyone has their own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Yours may not even enter into the equation.

7. Enjoy physical contact as often as possible. Now, get your mind out of the gutter; I didn't say you have to jump on top of everyone you meet! But don't underestimate the healing power of big ole hug! Participating in physical contact with other people -- friends, family, and pets -- will soothe and heal you in a way that words never can. If hugging is awkward for you, start slowly by shaking hands, patting people on the back, and giving high-fives. There are many, many studies which have been done on the benefits of physical contact, so make it a point to enjoy those benefits as much as you can.

8. Be a social butterfly. Solitude can be a wonderful thing. But too much alone time can put you at risk for loneliness or awkwardness when it does come time to interact with others. The more people you can surround yourself with, the happier you will be. That doesn't mean you need to go out clubbing every night of the week. But, expanding your social circle by a couple of people -- and going out of your way to keep those contacts participating in your life -- is a reward in and of itself. Being around healthy, positive people will make your own life feel much more positive too.

9. Help others, volunteer, and give of yourself. This has so many benefits that I'm only going to list a few. First and foremost is the obvious benefit to the one who's receiving the help. Additionally, you'll feel good for doing something wonderful and helping someone else. The psychological and spiritual benefits are great as well, because you're practicing #6 at the same time, and taking the focus off your own problems to address something else entirely. Helping others can open up your world in ways that you've never thought possible, and expose you to people and experiences that will enrich your life.

These are only a few tips that can help you feel stronger and more empowered in your life. Remember that happiness is not always going to just fall into your lap. Relationships are always going to require work, especially the relationship that you have with yourself. Make the effort to make lasting positive changes, and you will enjoy a newer, richer life experience.

Photo Credit: Thanks to (aka tibchris on Flickr) for making this picture available under a Creative Commons License. The model is the lovely and and inspiring Nikita Patel. Thanks to both of you for sharing!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Aries Psychic Sage Forecast for 2012!

Aries Psychic Sage Forecast for 2012! 

Here's a little more information...

January:  Your focus should be on new beginnings this month.  There are some pieces of unfinished business which are making it difficult for you to move on.  In order to get to the next phase of your life, you must allow yourself to grieve for these losses.  Remember that what you do will come back to you this year, so be sure to surround yourself with positivity and light.

February:  You must focus outward throughout February.  Certain people will need your help, and it will be your duty to be there for them in ways that they cannot do for themselves right now.  Criticism from others may bring you some inner pain this month; however, do your best to disconnect your feelings from the source of this.  Remember: it's not personal.  Use what you learn to improve yourself.

March:  Instead of fantasizing on what might be possible in the long run, now is the time for you to concentrate your energies only on what you can do right now to improve the world around you.  Dwelling too much on possibilities for the far-off future will prevent you from being able to accomplish the challenges which are currently right in front of you.  This month will pass quickly for you, so make the most of it.

April:  New information will yield some wonderful surprises for you throughout April.  A new relationship will bring surprising opportunities for collaboration in creative an unusual ways.  Enjoy seeking advice from someone unique and unconventional, who sees the world in a different way than you do.  Your perspective will change and your horizons will broaden.  Discover the beginning of a whole new facet of yourself.

May:  You will make some important realizations halfway through an important undertaking.  Perhaps there are better ways to handle what you've got in front of you, but the best you can do is damage control at this point.  Celebrate your accomplishments and move on -- prepare yourself for what next month has in store.  You will need plenty of energy for what's ahead!

June:  Stay close to home this month, and try as hard as you can to save money for a rainy day.  Rest, recharge your batteries.  There are secrets around you, but for the time being, it's better to accept the fact that some questions don't have answers.  Instead, devote your time to learning as much as you can about the circumstances that are right in front of you, right now.  The other truths will reveal themselves in due time.

July:  This month, devote some time to what thrills you.  Lately, you've been feeling like a puzzle with some of the pieces missing, so you must find ways to make yourself whole again.  Consider joining an organized group that is devoted to a serious passion of yours.  Find the joy and excitement that you've been lacking this year.  Celebrate what you love, revel in the fun of the things that bring you joy.

August:  An event from your past has been haunting you recently.  In order to get your current issues in order, you must first go back and reevaluate what has already transpired.  Allow yourself to grieve.  You're now strong enough to investigate issues surrounding these, and also open enough to learn from any mistakes that you or others have made.  

September:  While last month brought some feelings which weighed heavily on your heart, September makes you feel lighter and happier than you have all summer.  You've been working hard to for the peace of mind that you've finally achieved.  Reflection is an important part of this process.  Maintain that positive attitude; it should hold you in good stead for quite some time to come!

October:  It has been said that we are never given burdens which are too heavy for us to manage.  This theory will be put to the test for you this month as some rough patches begin to show.  Fortunately, your quick-minded optimism shines through and helps you to keep on guard to not just meet, but conquer those challenges this month.  You're on the top of your game!  Enjoy the power!

November:  The time for action is now.  Share your good fortune with others, but don't forget that you serve as a role model to people much more than you know.  You are admired for your strength and your ability to gain the upper hand in challenging situations.  Teach your ways to those who want to learn.  Not only will you enjoy the satisfaction of giving and helping others, but you will also be providing valuable information to someone who truly deserves it.

December:  You feel as if you're ready to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor for the year.  Some enjoyment is definitely due, but remember that you also must be planning your next steps thereafter.  This year has brought you some new hardships which you've addressed admirably; you have also been able to resolve quite a bit of unfinished business.  This year has wrapped up well, so now it's time to think what you'd like 2013 to bring you.  Start planning now!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Here's my Psychic Sage Forecast for October of 2011.  I hope that everyone has an awesome month, and especially a safe and spooky Halloween! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hooverphonic: Mad About You (Lyrics & More)

I love this song by Belgian pop group Hooverphonic.  It is really meaningful to me, because it so hauntingly and accurately describes the nature of toxic relationships, codependency, and addiction issues.  People can indeed become addicted to drama, and feed off of one another's unhealthy energies.  Sometimes, the feeling of being in love with someone that you know is bad for you -- feeling out of control because you want someone so bad -- can be exhilarating even while poisonous at the same time.

And here are the lyrics:

feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain
it's driving me insane
i can't fake
for god sakes why am i
driving in the wrong lane

trouble is my middle name
but in the end i'm not too bad
can someone tell me if it's wrong to be so mad about you

mad about you

are you the fishy wine that will give me
a headache in the morning
or just a dark blue land mine
that'll explode without a decent warning

give me all your true hate
and i'll translate it in our bed
into never seen passion, never seen passion
that is why i am so mad about you

mad about you
mad about you

trouble is your middle name
but in the end you're not too bad
can someone tell me if it's wrong to be

so mad about you
mad about you

give me all your true hate
and i'll translate it in your bed
into never seen passion
that is why i am so mad about you

mad about you

Pic by Ph.Viny and shared with Creative Commons license. :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Positive Affirmations to Improve Your Life NOW!

I've been doing research on using affirmations to change the way that we think and feel about ourselves. Using them can help to eliminate the negative self-talk that some of us are constantly battling every day. 

When you use affirmations, it's important to say them as if what you want is already a reality of your life, rather than merely say what you hope will happen.  Quite honestly, I feel kind of silly talking about things that don't yet exist for me -- like better health, or more time to do what I need to do -- it's a bit strange saying things like "I enjoy perfect health" on those days when I wake up feeling like crap.  Nevertheless, I figured I'd give it a shot.  It certainly can't hurt, and maybe it actually will help me to feel better!  I also get a lot out of the ones that I truly feel each and every day, such as the first one in the video: "My life is full of things to enjoy and appreciate."  Who can't agree with that one? 

Here are a few affirmations that I've come up with, and wanted to share with you; see if you can find a good one to try regularly. Also, you've gotta love that adorable little can-can girl in the background!  I added a rainbow of colors to spice up the vintage black and white footage.  Can you believe that this was recorded over a hundred years ago?  She's looking mighty fine for her age. ;)

I don't just want you to sit there passively, reading the affirmation on the screen.  Say each one out loud; feel them.  Heck, SHOUT THEM if you feel the spirit moving you.  And if you have any affirmations that you particularly enjoy using, feel free to leave me some comments about them! Thanks!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Psychic Forecast Video, June 2011

It's my first YouTube video!  I have predictions here for next month, a brief reading for each sign.  For your convenience, I have also predicted and included "Love Days," "Prosperity Days," and a "Personal Power Day" for every sign so that you can schedule all those important events. :)

I hope that you enjoy it!  Please subscribe to my channel 'cause I have lots of cool new things coming up. :)

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