An addiction can take control of a person's life. For example a successful man who is an alcoholic can lose everything including his business, family and reputation because of the devastating affects of his alcohol addiction. Alcohol is just one of many debilitating addictions that can affect our lives. Others include tobacco, prescription medication, food, recreational drugs or even sex. When a person is under the power of an addiction, that addiction controls their work relationships, personal relationships and so much more.
A person that is addicted to something is hindering and limiting their life. To live without addiction is to experience life as it should be, as we are born. There are several reasons why a person may become addicted to something. Some of the reasons include poor self esteem, a traumatic experience, stress or simple old bad judgment. If you are addicted to something, I am sure you have tried to regain control of your life and end the vicious cycle. For some people this is easy, but for many others, it's a desperate fight that seems to go on and on.
Hypnosis is an effective way to conquer addiction. The process of hypnosis is safe, gentle and extremely rewarding. Hypnosis works on a subconscious level. While a person is undergoing hypnosis they are induced into a deep state of relaxation. The subconscious mind is highly receptive to new perspectives and ideas during this sate of deep relation. The subconscious mind will receive positive suggestions that have an individual visualize a life without addiction. During the visualization process the individual is able to ìfeelî how great a life without addiction is and this can be extremely profound.
While an individual is in the process of hypnosis the individual is given encouragement, motivation, confidence building statements and a definite plant to conquer addiction. The positive suggestions that the subconscious mind receives causes the individual to change their negative behavior and thinking patterns. It is because of this change that a person is able to conquer their addiction.
Hypnosis alleviates both stress and anxiety, calming the nerves, the mind and the whole body. People who have undergone hypnosis have greater confidence and increased self esteem. If you want to conquer your addiction and turn your goals into reality I recommend, as a practicing hypnotherapist, that you seek out the services of a qualified hypnotherapist in your area. Hypnosis can help you to conquer your addiction and live a happier, healthier and more rewarding life.
Showing posts with label addiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label addiction. Show all posts
Friday, August 23, 2019
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Signs & Signals of a False Twin Flame
We're all looking for our soulmate, also known as a twin flame. There are so many discussions about it online, in books, movies, and personal conversations. Because of this, there is often a lot of confusion among people as to whether or not the "twin flame" that they're currently involved with is their true soulmate… as opposed to the false "twin flame."
Because our hopes and dreams hinge frequently on finding this person, we may sometimes come across people who seem too good to be true… false twin flames. Here are some signs that, perhaps, the person who seems like they might be a true twin flame, is actually a false one.
Just as our twin flame has many similarities to us, so too will the false twin flame. On a superficial level, this person may seem to be rather similar -- and sometimes, very similar, or complimentary to us. They may share similar goals, backgrounds, values, or personal tastes. However, with a false twin flame, the similarities may end there.
You true soulmate, or any person who loves you, will naturally want to be supportive of positive changes within your life. The hallmark of a false twin flame is of duplicitousness. If this person's behavior does not correspond to the love and care of your relationship, your feelings or personal well-being, then this person may not be exactly whom they seem to be.
Everyone has faults, flaws, and things about themselves that they'd like to repair. However, sooner or later, most of us will come to terms with those issues as we mature. Just as you are willing to sacrifice and improve yourself for the good of your relationship, so too should your soulmate be willing to do the same for you and your relationship. A false twin flame may show a selfish streak, be unwilling to improve him- or herself, or exhibit a lack of care regarding your feelings or what's best for you as a couple.
A false twin flame will also take advantage of the other person in the relationship, be it financially, spiritually, sexually, or otherwise. All the giving in the world is not enough for the false twin flame. The false twin flame is left unfulfilled, as is the giver. No one wins in a relationship like this.
While there may be a deep attraction between the two people, the giver may still feel a sense of anxiety or stress in the relationship. The false twin flame may behave in ways that upset or depress the giver, whether these actions are conscious or not. The false twin flame may deplete or sap the energy of the giver. This is not a healthy relationship.
Upon a break between these two, the giver may come to realize exactly how much time and effort was expended into this relationship while the false twin flame did not truly experience the same connection. Remember that many connections which are easily made, are also easily broken. It is important to take an objective look at this relationship. There are lessons to be learned from dealing with false twin flames as we evolve ever closer to the person we're supposed to be as we prepare to receive our true soulmate.
Because our hopes and dreams hinge frequently on finding this person, we may sometimes come across people who seem too good to be true… false twin flames. Here are some signs that, perhaps, the person who seems like they might be a true twin flame, is actually a false one.
Just as our twin flame has many similarities to us, so too will the false twin flame. On a superficial level, this person may seem to be rather similar -- and sometimes, very similar, or complimentary to us. They may share similar goals, backgrounds, values, or personal tastes. However, with a false twin flame, the similarities may end there.
You true soulmate, or any person who loves you, will naturally want to be supportive of positive changes within your life. The hallmark of a false twin flame is of duplicitousness. If this person's behavior does not correspond to the love and care of your relationship, your feelings or personal well-being, then this person may not be exactly whom they seem to be.
Everyone has faults, flaws, and things about themselves that they'd like to repair. However, sooner or later, most of us will come to terms with those issues as we mature. Just as you are willing to sacrifice and improve yourself for the good of your relationship, so too should your soulmate be willing to do the same for you and your relationship. A false twin flame may show a selfish streak, be unwilling to improve him- or herself, or exhibit a lack of care regarding your feelings or what's best for you as a couple.
A false twin flame will also take advantage of the other person in the relationship, be it financially, spiritually, sexually, or otherwise. All the giving in the world is not enough for the false twin flame. The false twin flame is left unfulfilled, as is the giver. No one wins in a relationship like this.
While there may be a deep attraction between the two people, the giver may still feel a sense of anxiety or stress in the relationship. The false twin flame may behave in ways that upset or depress the giver, whether these actions are conscious or not. The false twin flame may deplete or sap the energy of the giver. This is not a healthy relationship.
Upon a break between these two, the giver may come to realize exactly how much time and effort was expended into this relationship while the false twin flame did not truly experience the same connection. Remember that many connections which are easily made, are also easily broken. It is important to take an objective look at this relationship. There are lessons to be learned from dealing with false twin flames as we evolve ever closer to the person we're supposed to be as we prepare to receive our true soulmate.
emotional vampires,
Monday, October 13, 2014
How To Deal With Excuses
This is a simple one... if you're making a lot of excuses, don't make 'em! :)
OK, maybe it's not all that simple. It can be tough to get out of the vicious cycle which is created by avoiding problems, casting blame, rationalizing and justifying. But in order to heal your life and those of the people around you, you must take a good, honest look at yourself and your actions.
Denial can be a soft, tempting place to live. You can comfort yourself without really addressing the root cause of whatever issue you're experiencing. However, once the comfort wears away, the old problems will still be there. When you're staying safely on the sidelines of life with your old friend Denial, you'll never really be able to get into the game.
Try to break the cycle! When you are tempted to make excuses for something, simply try to examine it from all sides. Figure out how you can do it right next time. You don't need to beat yourself up, but you really should try to take responsibility for what you have or haven't done. Remember -- the first step to self-improvement is the acknowledgement that improvement is needed. :)
OK, maybe it's not all that simple. It can be tough to get out of the vicious cycle which is created by avoiding problems, casting blame, rationalizing and justifying. But in order to heal your life and those of the people around you, you must take a good, honest look at yourself and your actions.
Denial can be a soft, tempting place to live. You can comfort yourself without really addressing the root cause of whatever issue you're experiencing. However, once the comfort wears away, the old problems will still be there. When you're staying safely on the sidelines of life with your old friend Denial, you'll never really be able to get into the game.
Try to break the cycle! When you are tempted to make excuses for something, simply try to examine it from all sides. Figure out how you can do it right next time. You don't need to beat yourself up, but you really should try to take responsibility for what you have or haven't done. Remember -- the first step to self-improvement is the acknowledgement that improvement is needed. :)
helping others,
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Dealing With Unhealthy Attachments
Getting mired down in bad situations can bring your emotional well-being to a screeching halt!
We all need to weather things that we don't like. From time to time, you might need to take a job that doesn't exactly thrill you. Perhaps you'll be required to interact with people who are less than nice -- but you've gotta do it. Life often has messes to clean, people to handle, problems to manage. It's just the way things are.
That said, there is a dark side to this coin... or, should I say, an even darker side? There are times and situations into which we will immerse our own selves, yet there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it. Perhaps we're stuck in a dead-end job, despite our fine qualifications. Or maybe we allow ourselves to continue in a very unsatisfying and harmful relationship instead of ending things and moving along into a healthier direction.
We don't always make our own misery in life -- there's plenty which is handed to us. However, because there are so many things in life which cannot be controlled, there really is no reason to continue dealing with unhealthy and upsetting things when we can control them.
When you choose to move your life into a healthy direction, you're choosing happiness. You're choosing life and positivity with all who know you. You are enabling yourself to give and receive love more freely when you let go of unhealthy attachments. It can be incredibly hard not to fall into traps like this -- but so rewarding when you free yourself.
We all need to weather things that we don't like. From time to time, you might need to take a job that doesn't exactly thrill you. Perhaps you'll be required to interact with people who are less than nice -- but you've gotta do it. Life often has messes to clean, people to handle, problems to manage. It's just the way things are.
That said, there is a dark side to this coin... or, should I say, an even darker side? There are times and situations into which we will immerse our own selves, yet there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it. Perhaps we're stuck in a dead-end job, despite our fine qualifications. Or maybe we allow ourselves to continue in a very unsatisfying and harmful relationship instead of ending things and moving along into a healthier direction.
We don't always make our own misery in life -- there's plenty which is handed to us. However, because there are so many things in life which cannot be controlled, there really is no reason to continue dealing with unhealthy and upsetting things when we can control them.
When you choose to move your life into a healthy direction, you're choosing happiness. You're choosing life and positivity with all who know you. You are enabling yourself to give and receive love more freely when you let go of unhealthy attachments. It can be incredibly hard not to fall into traps like this -- but so rewarding when you free yourself.
emotional vampires,
personal power,
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
The Limitations of Your Past

What you need to remember is that the past is just that -- the past. Today is a new day, and you can do things in a brand new way. You don't need to ride on the coattails of previous successes. You don't have to allow former mistakes and screw-ups to limit your current abilities. Yesterday's terrible choices may have resulted in difficult predicaments for you today, but that doesn't mean tomorrow will be equally awful. Make better choices today. Turn over a new leaf. Develop new habits, start new mindsets, and begin trying new ways of doing things.
Instead of allowing past hurts and losses to keep you afraid from living in new and healthy ways, take that chance. Know that self-improvement can be hard, but it is a doable and workable thing. Life can surprise you. Just try it and see.
helping others,
mental health,
Friday, March 14, 2014
Signs & Symptoms of Emotional Eating
You feel guilt, fear, or shame about the way that you relate to food.
Food is a constant thought or obsession.
You snack when you are feeling bored, worried, or other times when you aren't really hungry.
Food is a source of comfort to you.
When you're feeling happy, you "celebrate" with certain types of food.
You consume food in order to make yourself feel happier.
Even if you are full, you continue to eat.
You are unable to stop yourself from overeating.
You continue to obsess over food long after you have finished eating; you think about food even after your stomach is full.
You crave food at random times, and have trouble functioning without it even if you are not really physically hungry.
When emotions of any type run high, you choose to eat.
Because of the way you eat, you have a problem with your weight.
Food is a constant thought or obsession.
You snack when you are feeling bored, worried, or other times when you aren't really hungry.
Food is a source of comfort to you.
When you're feeling happy, you "celebrate" with certain types of food.
You consume food in order to make yourself feel happier.
Even if you are full, you continue to eat.
You are unable to stop yourself from overeating.
You continue to obsess over food long after you have finished eating; you think about food even after your stomach is full.
You crave food at random times, and have trouble functioning without it even if you are not really physically hungry.
When emotions of any type run high, you choose to eat.
Because of the way you eat, you have a problem with your weight.
mental health,
personal power,
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