As a professional psychic, I am often asked by people where to go for reliable, accurate psychic readings... for free. While it's true that virtually anything is available for free online, via samples or trial periods, there are a few pieces of information that some people fail to take into account when searching for free stuff. Psychic readings are no exception to these misconceptions.
It is a common, though erroneous, opinion that someone who is truly giften with psychic abilities will not accept money for the simple act of providing help for other people. However, this is not really the correct outlook to have. A professional psychic is just that: a professional. Just about every consumer would expect other service providers to charge for their time and attention -- your family doctor, your plumber, and your most trusted car mechanic also make their livings by providing services that help other people -- and your psychic spiritual advisor is no different. While psychic ability is largely an innate gift that one must possess from birth, many of these skills and talents also require a great deal of study, training, and experience as well. Thus, charging a fee for one's time and services rendered is a completely acceptable practice.
Although a professional spiritual worker does dedicate his or her life to the practice of helping others, even the most gifted psychic in the world still needs to pay the bills and make a living. This is especially true for the full-time psychic who has devoted all of his or her time to honing skills. A full-time psychic may not have any other "day job" aside from his or her calling as a spiritual worker; giving psychic readings is not only their passion, but also their livelihood. Because it may be their sole means of income, it simply wouldn't be possible for such a person to give free readings.
One exception to the rule above is when a psychic gives a free "introductory" service, such as a mini-reading where the customer is given the opportunity to ask a question, by means of a free sample, for the client to follow up with a paid order for more time if it goes well. Many professional psychics are committed to their craft, and in order to help as many people as possible, the psychics must invest quite a bit of their own time, money, and energy, educating themselves and improving their own abilities. Additionally, a good psychic will spend their time getting to know clients so that they can understand them well, in order to provide the services and advice which are best for them. Obviously, investing these energies is not possible if the full-time psychic is unable to make a living for him- or herself. Psychic ability is a God-given gift, and such gifts are meant to be shared with the world; however, everyone has the right to set a value on their and energy in order to avoid people who might overuse or overtax their valuable assets. Psychics who claim to possess spiritual gifts yet who do not charge anything for their services often possess a diminished sense of self-worth, which is not a positive attitude to channel these gifts. Therefore, if you are seeking an accurate or helpful psychic reading, it is always best to do your homework and seek the services of a professional with enough confidence to do the job.

If you certainly don't have $50 or more to book half an hour with a seasoned professional, though you do have a couple of dollars to spend, it may be in your best interest to find a professional psychic who is willing to charge you for only a portion of the time. For example, I dedicate certain blocks of my time to providing $5 email readings or 10-minute phone and Skype consultations to customers through a commercial website. I also provide psychic services and Tarot readings via my Keen listings, charging a low per-minute fee in an effort to give counsel to people who only want to ask a quick question or two. This provides access to my services for people who otherwise cannot afford to consult with a psychic. You may do well to find an established professional who, like me, provides their services for a reduced cost to those who are in need of a little extra help. Many people enjoy taking advantage of these services, and my $5 email reading promotion has been very well-received by people who enjoy this service. Other psychics will often do the same thing in order to help people, or in an effort to drum up business when seeking new clients.