Have you ever wanted to be more positive? Of course you have!
I am not talking about those imaginary people who wake up every morning with perfect hair, who sing at the sun and allow birds to fly in and chirp a happy morning tune to begin each day. Those people only exist in fairy tales!
But we do all have our own "emotional baseline" -- some people tend to be generally happier and more positive than others. The ups and downs may be affected by situations around us, or even those of our own choosing. Even though it's not possible -- or healthy -- to be 100% positive during every waking second of our lives, there are ways that we can each manage those emotional baselines in order to become happier and more productive.

Instead of waking up with those chirping birds, try to avoid things that tweet -- including social media -- in that first hour or two of your day. As an alternative, strive instead for quieter and less distracting ways to wake up in the mornings. Eat a healthy breakfast, meditate, and get ready for your day on your own terms. Immediately jumping on your phone, especially diving into social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter -- as much fun as they may be -- can really "harsh your mellow" and put you in a more distracted, more negative frame of mind, even before you've gotten out of bed! Tend to your own body's needs before picking up that smart phone.
Keeping your work and living spaces free of clutter can also help to keep your mindset positive. I don't know about the rest of the world, but I can get downright panicky when I lose something. Life is so much easier when my stuff is organized. However, I am not always the most organized human being -- in fact, I'm still working on that! I probably always will be. But I do know that cutting my clutter has helped me to discover what is most important in my life, and it's also enabled me to find it a little easier. When you minimize, you can prioritize, which can in turn make the pacing of your life slower, easier, happier.
Spending time around children and animals can help too. See the world through the lens of someone a bit simpler than you. Kids are naturally imaginative and intuitive, without all of the complications that adults sometimes like to throw into things. Animals, too. There is nothing like going on an adventure with your favorite kid, or taking your dog for a walk -- watch how they notice and enjoy all of the little things that we tend to miss! If you don't have either of these in your life, borrow some from a friend.
Remember to take notice of those little things in life. Our lives are made up of small moments, and there's lots to love in each one. Take care of yourself, take care of others, and let others care for you as well!