Children are easily discouraged of lengthy sessions, and that is why almost all of the meditation courses offered for children are only for a day. If you're child is 8 to 12 years old, it's quite easy to find an organization or institution that offer such courses on meditation. Try to do a search online and see if you can find one near your locality. You can also ask friends and relatives if they know of a certain meditation course offered exclusively for children. Your child is a precious gift from God. So it is very important to aid him or her in their meditation.
There are several meditation techniques that you can choose from, but of all the techniques, it is best to choose the Anapana meditation. Why, you might ask; well, children are easily taught of this particular technique. Anapana meditation is a mental purification process that is achieved by self-observation. Children are very observant, so this is the right time to mentally train your child.
Anapana meditation is just the very first step in Vipassana meditation practice. This involves the observation of your natural respiration, the inhalation and exhalation. This step can help your child in mind concentration. Aside from that, this technique can also calm your child, help your child understand his self better, and how your child's mind works. Your child can develop inner strength to help him in choosing the appropriate and right actions over the wrong ones. Anapana meditation can provide your child with the right tool to face up to anxieties, fears, and childhood pressures.
You can greatly expect that your child will have a hearty interest in meditation and self introspection. This can also help in opening a new dimension in their life that will be of great value in the future and may be one that they can use for as long as they live.
Your child will truly become a much better person. Through Anapana meditation, your child's mind will be stronger, and he/she will avoid saying or doing things that are harmful and hurtful to other people. If your child possesses mind's strength, then he or she will be more peaceful and will feel happier.
Make sure that your child follows all the instructions given on the duration of the course. There are also certain codes of conduct that your child has to follow. Anapana meditation is a very good foundation for your child. What's good about this technique is that it also the entails participation of the family. You must provide proper support for your child so that he/she can learn easily. It would be best to accompany your child through the duration of the course.