Showing posts with label coping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coping. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Taking Back Control of Your Life

Last year, because of the questions I commonly get asked by clients, I decided to make an instructional video on how to live a happier life. Even so, a lot of the traffic that I get seems to point to the notion that some folks are so discouraged with their situations that they have no idea where to even start!

It can be a difficult thing when your life is so overwhelming. You look at each part, seeing one mess after the next; figuring out which place to roll in your sleeves and get working. If you tweak one part, the rest may just fall to pieces. Fear and negativity keep us stuck in the comfortable, yet unhealthy, present, and both emotions make us reluctant to move forward into the unknown. If you feel that you're experiencing a spiritual crisis, you need to stop worrying and figure out how to regain control of your life. It can be difficult -- let's face it, it'll very likely be hard as hell in the beginning -- but stick with your goals. The end result will be worth all of the pain of growing.

Try following these 9 pieces of advice for just a week. They certainly cannot hurt you, and will very likely help. 

1. Take care of yourself physically. This doesn't mean that you need to spend every second at the gym and only eat carrots and celery for the rest of your days. But it does mean that you have to start treating yourself the way you try caring for everyone else in your life -- your spouse, kids, parents, or even your family pet! Would you deprive them of adequate sleep? How about healthy food and lots of water to keep them hydrated and nourished? These little things can be hard to remember to do when it's you, but you simply cannot take control of your life without catering to your basic needs. Appropriate rest, food, and exercise will put you in a far better frame of mind. This is especially true if you have health problems; working on improving your overall health may not cure the worst of what ails you, but it will maintain (and probably improve) your functioning parts.

2. Practice daily gratitude. This is the most vital thing that you can do for yourself on an emotional level. If you're constantly criticizing and finding fault with your surroundings, then you will get just what you ask for. However, if you open yourself up to gratitude and appreciation of what you do have, then more will flow your way. Each day, make it a point to think of what the universe has blessed you with, and enjoy it. There are people who have a lot less than you do.

3. Don't make assumptions about people. It's common for our fears to color the way we see ourselves, and other people. You may be afraid of not being liked or accepted by others, worry about being gossiped about, or feel concerned that something you've done has upset or offended someone. If these things are bothering you, it's better to get proof. Better yet, you can open your mouth and ask people if something is wrong. Your worrying is most likely for nothing. Wouldn't it be nice to relieve yourself of that kind of burden?

4. Stop black-and-white thinking. Most of the people and things in your life aren't all just "good" or "bad." Making generalizations about your environment and the people within it is a sure-fire way to keep your world very limited, and your mind small. But when you open your mind and realize that a million shades of gray exist between the good and the bad, you're opening yourself up to a new world. Rather than allow preconceived notions to control you, you are taking control of your own thoughts and putting yourself in the driver's seat.

5. Eliminate negative self-talk. We all have that nasty little voice inside our heads that can't seem to shut up when we're at our most vulnerable. This voice is nothing more than a fear-based illusion, trying to hold us back. While some fear or apprehension is a healthy thing, negative statements that we make to ourself can hurt our feelings just as bad as, if not worse than, if someone else were to say the same things to us. (And in fact, some negative self-talk is based on things that we have been criticized for in the past!) But if you're patient with yourself, and keep pushing forward despite that snarky inner dialogue, eventually that voice will fade. Until the time when your positive voice is the stronger of the twi, try not to pay attention to the negative stuff. It will get quieter and quieter with each small success you achieve, and the positive self-talk will grow. 

6. It's not always about you. Like negative self-talk, negative reactions can hinder your ability to see things clearly. This is less about a voice in your head, and more of a knee-jerk reaction in a stressful situation. For example, if your boss or teacher wants to speak with you privately, you may assume that you're in trouble about something. Or perhaps people around you are laughing, so you worry that you're the subject of some joke. Occasionally your mind may go there, even if there isn't any evidence to support a negative theory. Try to put the situation into perspective and realize that there are many possibilities that you haven't even considered. Take the focus off of yourself, and realize that everyone has their own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Yours may not even enter into the equation.

7. Enjoy physical contact as often as possible. Now, get your mind out of the gutter; I didn't say you have to jump on top of everyone you meet! But don't underestimate the healing power of big ole hug! Participating in physical contact with other people -- friends, family, and pets -- will soothe and heal you in a way that words never can. If hugging is awkward for you, start slowly by shaking hands, patting people on the back, and giving high-fives. There are many, many studies which have been done on the benefits of physical contact, so make it a point to enjoy those benefits as much as you can.

8. Be a social butterfly. Solitude can be a wonderful thing. But too much alone time can put you at risk for loneliness or awkwardness when it does come time to interact with others. The more people you can surround yourself with, the happier you will be. That doesn't mean you need to go out clubbing every night of the week. But, expanding your social circle by a couple of people -- and going out of your way to keep those contacts participating in your life -- is a reward in and of itself. Being around healthy, positive people will make your own life feel much more positive too.

9. Help others, volunteer, and give of yourself. This has so many benefits that I'm only going to list a few. First and foremost is the obvious benefit to the one who's receiving the help. Additionally, you'll feel good for doing something wonderful and helping someone else. The psychological and spiritual benefits are great as well, because you're practicing #6 at the same time, and taking the focus off your own problems to address something else entirely. Helping others can open up your world in ways that you've never thought possible, and expose you to people and experiences that will enrich your life.

These are only a few tips that can help you feel stronger and more empowered in your life. Remember that happiness is not always going to just fall into your lap. Relationships are always going to require work, especially the relationship that you have with yourself. Make the effort to make lasting positive changes, and you will enjoy a newer, richer life experience.

Photo Credit: Thanks to (aka tibchris on Flickr) for making this picture available under a Creative Commons License. The model is the lovely and and inspiring Nikita Patel. Thanks to both of you for sharing!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships Video

For those of you who are following my series on healthy boundaries, I have created this video as a companion piece to the first article.  In this video, the concept of boundaries is explored and further defined.  You will also learn the difference between healthy boundaries and unhealthy ones, as well as to determine if your boundaries are too rigid or too loose.

Also, remember that the most important thing about boundaries is that they help keep you safe.  No one can set or enforce those boundaries but YOU.  Protect yourself -- LOVE yourself -- you deserve it!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Astrology & Job-Styles

These are just a few tweets that I did this morning. Adding them here for posterity -- I'd sure like to do an entry for each sign and their work styles in the future, it would be a lot of fun! :)

Aries are motivated people & love to stay on top of their goals. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Taurus are great with #money, and tend to be awesome at #cooking too! #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Gemini loves communication; a great sign for people in #sales, #film, or #writing. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Cancer are often sensitive; their moods can change with the #moon. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Leo would rather give orders than take 'em! They're loyal & love to teach. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Libra sometimes have trouble making decisions because they're so objective. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Virgo are reliable, loyal, & awesome at staying organized. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Scorpio are forthright & honest friends. Even if the truth hurts, they tell it! :) #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Sagittarius would do well in a career involving travelling & adventure! :) #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Capricorn are practical & work hard; don't mind starting at the bottom & working up! #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Aquarius are smart but can be misunderstood because they're often ahead of their time. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Pisces are intuitive & creative, would do well w/ small business in a field they love. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Astrological Compatibility Chart

This weekend, I constructed a basic chart for compatibilities based on astrological sun signs.  This is some very simple, basic compatibility data.  For best results, I'd recommend checking the natal charts of yourself and the person you're analyzing.  Even so, this is a nice quick-and-dirty bit of information that may help you learn a bit about yourself and someone else.  (Note: I may even make a YouTube companion video for the chart -- we shall see!)  To see the chart in a larger format, just click on it below.

1.  Hearts.  Generally a great dynamic with lots of attraction.  Called "conjunct" by astrologists everywhere, it is a dynamic that is very beneficial because you can understand one another quite well: your likes, dislikes, and values will very likely be quite similar.  Sometimes this can cause friction, since occasionally people who are extremely alike may annoy one another and know how to push one another's buttons; however, in any case, these people will often have an innate knowledge and understanding of one another.  Love 'em or hate 'em, this often proves to be a very emotionally intense relationship.  Includes:  Aries and Aries, Taurus and Taurus, Gemini and Gemini, Cancer and Cancer, Leo and Leo, Virgo and Virgo, Libra and Libra, Scorpio and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Sagittarius, Capricorn and Capricorn, Aquarius and Aquarius, Pisces and Pisces.

2.  Thumbs-Up.  You've got similarities and complimentary styles.  These dynamics are "trine" and often quite positive for friendships, romances, and family relations.  While there are enough differences in, say, execution and expression of personal style, many values will remain similar between the two of you.  This is often a very respectful and close partnership where both people can feel an instant connection.  Includes:  Aries and Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, Taurus and Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, Gemini and Libra, Gemini and Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces, Leo and Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Virgo and Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, Scorpio and Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, Sagittarius and Aries, Sagittarius and Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo, Aquarius and Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, Pisces and Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

3.  Peace Sign.  Called a "sextile," these are signs which have complimentary elements that "feed" off of one another's differences.  You and the other person may not be similar in a lot of ways, but you genuinely like and respect one another.  This makes for a very interesting partnership and it can help you learn a lot about yourself, as well as appreciate the differences that other people have to offer.  Great for collaborations, and also makes for very interesting friendships and romances. Signs which are sextile include:  Aries and Gemini, Aries and Aquarius, Taurus and Cancer, Taurus and Pisces, Gemini and Aries, Gemini and Leo, Cancer and Virgo, Cancer and Taurus, Leo and Gemini, Leo and Libra, Virgo and Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio, Libra and Leo, Libra and Sagittarius, Scorpio and Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn, Sagittarius and Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, Capricorn and Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius, Aquarius and Aries.

4.  Swirly Arrow-Circle Thing.  These are known as "opposition signs" because they are at a perfect 180 degrees apart in the zodiac -- and yes, opposites do attract!  While there can often be an extreme and intense attraction between these two signs, it can also be a very trying dynamic.  Dealing with someone who is so different than you can be wonderful and intriguing, yet also dramatic and frustrating at the same time.  It takes two very special opposition parties to overcome the differences and see them through to get to the other side -- if and when this happens, your relationship can be a match made in heaven!  This compatibility includes:  Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces, Libra and Aries, Scorpio and Taurus, Sagittarius and Gemini, Capricorn and Cancer, Aquarius and Leo, Pisces and Virgo.

5. Purple Smiley.  This is known as a "semi-square," which can create some tension since these placements will fall either before or after your sign.  While this can prove to be tough going for some relationships where emotions run high (such as a romantic or family dynamic), it can often be the basis for great friendships regardless of the differences which are present in those signs.  Often this makes a good alliance for people who have similar goals, and there can also be a lot of complimentary input and ideas coming from both sides.  While there are differences, the parties involved can often seen one another's point of view with a bit of extra effort in communication, and the relationship which results from this hard work can be very fruitful indeed.  Signs with this aspect include:  Aries and Pisces, Aries and Taurus, Taurus and Aries, Taurus and Gemini, Gemini and Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, Cancer and Gemini, Cancer and Leo, Leo and Cancer, Leo and Virgo, Virgo and Leo, Virgo and Libra, Libra and Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, Scorpio and Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius, Sagittarius and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, Capricorn and Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, Aquarius and Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, Pisces and Aquarius, Pisces and Aries.

6.   Grey "Ehh..." Smiley.  It is formally known as a "quincunx" or, sometimes informally, called an "inconjunct."  This indicates a separation of about 150 degrees, both before and after a sign's opposite.  Often there is little attraction between these signs, and sometimes even what one may consider "bad chemistry."  There are often few similarities in personality or values, and frequently one sees differences and areas where criticism can pop into the picture.  In the best of cases, this dynamic may ultimately elicit boredom, and in the worst of cases, a lot of stress and headaches for all parties involved.  Placements include:  Aries and Virgo, Aries and Scorpio, Taurus and Libra, Taurus and Sagittarius, Gemini and Scorpio, Gemini and Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius, Cancer and Aquarius, Leo and Capricorn, Leo and Pisces, Scorpio and Aries, Scorpio and Aquarius, Libra and Taurus, Libra and Pisces, Virgo and Aries, Virgo and Aquarius, Leo and Pisces, Leo and Capricorn, Virgo and Aries, Virgo and Gemini, Libra and Taurus, Libra and Pisces, Scorpio and Aries, Scorpio and Aquarius, Sagittarius and Taurus, Sagittarius and Cancer, Capricorn and Gemini, Capricorn and Leo, Aquarius and Cancer, Aquarius and Virgo, Pisces and Leo, Pisces and Libra.

7.  Thumbs-Down.  Astrologists call this aspect a "square" as these are the signs which are 90 degrees apart from one another.  These signs often suffer a very disjointed relationship with one another.  Communication can be difficult, values and outlooks on the world may be very contrasting and also too difficult to understand.  Often we find ourselves attracted to those who "square" us, yet the clashes and upheavals which come from a lack of understanding can make this dynamic challenging at best, and just unbelievably crappy at worst.  Proceed with extreme caution!  This aspect includes the following signs:  Aries and Cancer, Aries and Capricorn, Taurus and Leo, Taurus and Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo, Gemini and Pisces, Cancer and Aries, Cancer and Libra, Leo and Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, Virgo and Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, Libra and Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, Sagittarius and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, Capricorn and Aries, Capricorn and Libra, Aquarius and Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio, Pisces and Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Your Personal Life Path

Following your personal life path is vital to the completion of your goals. Even if you lose your way, knowing where you want to go can enable you to get back on track when things get difficult... this makes it much more possible complete your goals and fulfill your dreams.

If, somehow, you steer yourself in the wrong direction, you will still be able to find a map to your destination, and to chart a new course for yourself. As long as you keep your focus, you will always be able to find a way toward personal fulfillment.

Success is a journey, not a destination. That is why it's so important to make each and every part of the process count toward that fulfillment. Having a positive attitude can be a tremendous help in moving your forward. Even when you're having trouble finding your way, keeping the right attitude will ensure that you're never lost. Instead, see yourself as a pioneer and a visionary. Those who come after you will learn from the path you've forged; because of your resolve to do things in a new and innovative way, you are changing the shapes of their own future maps.

When you come to a crossroads, use your instincts. Trusting yourself and your innate sense of what's right can guide you. Learn to trust your instincts and you can learn about new facets of yourself; from this, you can experience success in new and interesting ways. This can give you a tremendous sense of freedom!

If you miss an opportunity that comes along, don't despair. Know that there will be many others which come along the way, and you don't need to limit yourself, or waste time on regrets. Remember that you cannot go back, but you must go forward. Make the journey an exciting one. Once in awhile, remember to take the scenic route instead of the quickest and easiest way. And don't be afraid of taking a detour every now and again; these can enable you to find new and amazing things that you may otherwise not have seen.

You must also remember to be flexible. Even when some paths don't quite take you where you need to be, flexibility can enable you to prosper even when you don't always reach every goal along the way. It also helps you maintain the strength and resolve to keep going.

Think about how you might answer the following questions...

1. When the path before you becomes unclear, how can you continue?

2. What can you improve upon in order to increase your flexibility and openness to change?

3. How can you change your attitude in order to improve the quality of your journey?

Hopefully the answers to these questions will help you to advance along your own personal life path.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cheaters Beware, We're Onto You

As a professional psychic, one of the most common questions I'm asked each day is "Is s/he cheating on me?"  In fact, I am usually asked such a question at least twice every day.  Each situation is different; sometimes the person in question sparks a definitive yes or no inside me, but most answers are more complicated than that.  A lot of times, I'm able to pick up on the feelings of the seeker's partner of intent to cheat, especially because many people will think about it, talk about it with others, or go looking for it long before they actually commit the deed.

It is with this spirit that I present you with a new video designed to help you see the signs of whether or not your significant other is cheating.  Many of these signs have been cited by relationship experts, and shared with me by friends and clients.  As someone who has been in a relationship with an unfaithful partner, I can personally vouch for every one of these -- but remember, your mileage may vary.  Every situation will have its own unique quantifiers, so remember to get proof before deciding to take the next steps.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Powerful Gratitude :)

Today, I did a reading for someone and got the most wonderful message from them in return.  I had sent them a thank-you message first, and got this in response.


I really am the one who should be thanking you! You gave me the peace of mind I needed to carry on today. I've been making myself sick (literally) with worry about him. I feel there's a hole in my heart, like Bella Swan in "Twilight: New Moon." I've gotten mixed signals from readers (some yes, some no, some yes but only as a friend...I've blown ALL my money trying to find peace of mind) but YOU picked up on things BEFORE I gave you details, so I'm putting faith in you. I needed someone to talk to, to listen to me and help me and not be judgmental...
[this part is a bit personal, so I'm not gonna share it, have to keep the issues confidential, you know!]...

Thanks again. I can't tell you the levels you've lifted my heart today. "

I'm absolutely in awe that this person took the time to write me such a sweet and heartfelt message.  The power of "thank you" can lift anyone's heart.  It was so nice to get a message like this, that I just had to brag about it a little :)

The lesson here is this... when someone helps you, say thank you!  If you appreciate something, tell the person who's done you a solid.  Don't let the day go by without finding something to be grateful and thankful for; even in the darkest times, there is always something positive to look at and to feel relief over.  On the worst days, it can be hard to see that... but it's there.  You just have to look a little harder once in awhile. :)

Photo Credit:  Another awesome picture by joebeone!  Thank you. :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

12 Drug-Free Ways To Treat Chronic Pain

If you were interested enough in this article to begin reading it, I'm sure I don't need to tell you how debilitating it is to suffer from chronic pain of any type. It robs you of time and energy. It sucks away the joy that you could be having from experiencing other things. It takes away opportunities to spend time with friends, to be productive at work, to do the things you want to do... not to mention the things you have to do. Pain is the enemy, and it's time to fight back.

Many people choose to fight their pain by using medications as their first line of defense. While drugs are a perfectly viable and acceptable method for dealing with chronic pain, there are many things reasons why some people choose not to go the route of medications. What if the side effects are too difficult to handle? How about dependency or addiction issues? Cost is often a factor as well. And, while some pain medication is fine occasionally when you need it... if you're dealing with a chronic situation, you may decide to seek out alternatives to taking a handful of pills every day.

At the age of 33, my back pain became unbearable, and I finally sought medical help. The diagnosis was degenerative spinal disc disease. My lumbar region has reached a level of degeneration that is rarely seen in a person my age, and much more often seen in someone in their 70s. Often, I am unable to walk for longer than 10 minutes at a time before feeling the need to stop and rest. There are days when the pain is so intense that I can't do anything except stay in bed, wrapped up in my blankie, wishing that I could trade bodies with anyone else. Very often, I miss out on fun things that are taken for granted by people who enjoy good health. After extensively researching the subject of pain management and trying all sorts of methods to alleviate my own severe discomfort, I have found that there are quite a few ways of treating pain without resorting to surgical treatments or the use of medications. Allow me to share some of the best methods that I have found with you.

Cutaneous stimulation is just a fancy term for applying various sensations to the skin. Heat and cold are typically applied to achy body parts in an effort to soothe their discomfort. Heat is good for muscle stiffness or cramping; cold is best on inflammation or tired aches resulting from overexertion. There are many ways to use heat: heating pads, even fancy "moist heat" producing ones, work well; but my favorite methods are tried-and-true simplicity: a hot water bottle, a lovely steaming hot shower, even a sock filled with rice or lentils and microwaved until they're warm and placed on the problem area. I also love stick-on heat patches for soothing relief, especially just before bed, to keep me toasty and comfortable all night long. Cold therapy is much simpler; just use an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas on the pain. Remember to wrap these in a towel first, as you don't want to injure the skin with burns or frost bite!

Massage is a wonderful way to relax, but is also a fabulous source of relief for many types of muscular pain. Massage the area firmly, or get a friend to help you out if it's in an area you can't reach by yourself. Stimulation like this enhances the circulatory system and helps to flush toxins from the body as well as aiding and healing your body and mind.

Rest is an obvious pain control method, but is too often overlooked. If you're not feeling well, do you really need to vacuum under your couch today? Leave it alone, and do it another day when your pain is easier to manage. We all want to live up to our full potential, but straining yourself when you're at your worst is not going to benefit anyone, and it may turn one bad day into several. Give yourself a break and rest until you're feeling better.

Physical therapy is a very sensible, effective treatment method if you have certain chronic physical issues. Much muscular pain is caused by misuse or overuse of the part that hurts. Strengthening your body can help to correct a multitude of problems, as well as to promote healing if your pain is associated with an injury. Stretching the muscles can also provide relaxation and relief from pain which can show results in only a few sessions, but remember not to overdo it! Even a chronic condition such as arthritis can be helped by physical therapy; by strengthening the muscles around the inflamed joints, you are sparing the joints from as additional stress and giving your body added support. I have not gotten relief from my DDD with physical therapy, but it has helped a the arthritis in my knees and hips, as well as weakness in my shoulder's rotator cuff area.

Electrotherapy is very much like a massage that is done manually, though in this case, electricity is used to achieve similar results. This is usually done with a TENS machine, which applies an electric current through the skin to help alleviate pain. It sounds a lot scarier than it actually is; in fact, electrotherapy can feel fantastic on aching muscles. Like an old-fashioned massage, electrotherapy can enhance your circulation and relax your muscles, both of which are very helpful in controlling pain.

Changing your diet to include anti-inflammatory foods is one of the easiest ways to manage painful physical symptoms. Every type of food has an impact on the body, and by arming yourself with knowledge of which foods can increase or decrease inflammation, you are taking better control of your day-to-day wellness. Green tea, blueberries, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and extra-virgin olive oil are all wonderful foods that help combat inflammation naturally, without the use of drugs. Try looking into your diet a little deeper to eliminate or cut back on the foods that are causing inflammation, which may also ease other uncomfortable symptoms.

Biofeedback therapy is another little-known treatment that some people rely on for the treatment of chronic pain. This therapy trains a patient to consciously control bodily functions that otherwise occur involuntarily. Biofeedback therapy primarily focuses on stress management and health conditions that are often exacerbated by stress. It can be effective for problems like TMJ, migraines, back pain, constipation, and painful muscle spasms, as well as mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Chiropractic helps to treat ailments of the muscular and skeletal systems. Practitioners of this type of therapy are trained to heal the body's complaints with their hands, as opposed to drugs or surgery, working under the premise that the body is a self-healing organism. Although the efficacy of chiropractic is disputed in some circles, it is generally agreed to be quite safe, and definitely worth a try for ailments such as back and neck pain.

Orthopedic devices are often very effective in helping to alleviate painful conditions where posture or positioning of the body is problematic. Back braces can prevent a patient from aggravating a bad injury or condition. Podiatric orthotics, which provide arch support for the feet, can provide an amazing amount of pain relief for plantar fasciitis, leg and foot pain, or even back and hip problems as orthotics change the alignment of the entire body. Ankle, knee, elbow and hand braces are helpful for arthritis and to lend support to areas in need of extra help. I, personally, have gotten so much relief for my plantar fasciitis by wearing the orthotics that my podiatrist prescribed for me.

A Japanese treatment for stress, Reiki has enjoyed popularity in the Western world in recent times as well. Reiki is a type of alternative medicine involving spirituality and the healing power of touch. Many people enjoy respite from pain through these methods, as Reiki's primary focus is to heal through physical contact and to alleviate the stress from which many illnesses originate. Like many holistic pain management therapies, it is considered to be safe, and can be quite effective. I have been practicing Reiki on other people for many years, and have personally witnessed some awesome results with many who have suffered, including a few of my pets as well as some people.

Another fantastic stress reliever is meditation. Meditating can alleviate the emotional stress which often causes physical tension. Learning the ability to stay "in the moment" can help to relax the body by training the mind to focus on things other than physical pain or discomfort. Meditation also employs techniques such as "quieting" the mind, tuning out stimuli such as distracting environmental conditions which may make mental stress worse, and in turn, manifests physical stresses. One study cites several patients with rheumatoid arthritis; their symptoms did not disappear, though they reported feeling better in mood by an average of about 30%. People of all types can gain benefits from meditation as enhancing one's mood can often affect one's physical well-being.

Acupuncture is one of the world's oldest forms of health treatment, though only in recent times has it received attention and validation in the Western world. It is a procedure that involves inserting needles into various points in the body. This technique has been reputed to successfully treat and prevent various diseases, though there are existing studies that show hard proof of acupuncture's efficacy in controlling certain types of pain. In fact, a 1998 study showed that acupuncture is the alternative health procedure that is most recommended by doctors of traditional medicine; more than half of the doctors involved in this study agreed that acupuncture could be beneficial in helping patients. Another study confirmed that a whopping 68% of the patients who had received acupuncture felt that it was a positive and helpful experience. My spine specialist has recently suggested that I look into acupuncture for my back problems, and I've decided to try it. (Stay tuned for another article where I report my findings!)

This is only a partial list of treatments that are available for chronic pain. When you're having a day that is particularly agonizing, one of the best things you can do is to stay optimistic about your options and keep an open mind. The good news is that there are more treatments available to pain sufferers than ever before, and you never know whether or not something will be effective for you until you give it a try. Don't be afraid to ask your healthcare professionals about other treatments that might be available; the next thing you investigate might just be the key to improving your quality of life.


"Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods"

"University of Maryland Medical Center: Biofeedback"

"Wikipedia: Chiropractic"

"Meditation a Hit for Pain Management"

"New Studies Confirm Acupuncture Relieves Pain"

 Photo Credits:
Thanks to Grand Velas Resort for the lovely massage pic!
I love the foot physical therapy (electrode) image by emily_hammie. :) (I've done this!)
Also the broccoli by sk8geek and olive oil by Kevan are veggie-licious.  Thanks!!!
Gorgeous "perfect spot" by dmap Travel Guide. Beautiful!
Acupuncture image by peruisay.  Thank you so much! :)

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