Showing posts with label rituals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rituals. Show all posts

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reflections For Winter

The winter solstice is, of course, the one day of the year when our side of the Earth is tilted furthest away from the sun.  It is the darkest day of the year; a time when we have the least amount of daylight, and the longest night of all.

Winter has various spiritual meanings in all sorts of different cultures.  Many of these deal with rebirth, as the ground is covered with cold snow, you must keep in mind that the soil beneath all of that cold, hard ice is filled with the greenery to come.  It is incubating beneath the ground and preparing for the day when it shoots outward and upward.  This is an excellent metaphor for what I like to do each winter; I tend to use it as both a "wrap up" of the year -- taking stock of all that I've accomplished, keeping careful records of what has proven itself to be effective and what has not -- and as a planning stage to prepare for the upcoming seasons.

I enjoy the comforts and festivities of winter as well; I keep warm, I enjoy time with my family.  I shop, I cook, I decorate for the holidays a bit.  I create a warm, safe, loving little nest to shield those whom I love from the harsh, cold world outside. It feels nice to think of my home as a wonderfully safe haven for weary travellers and those who need to forget their troubles just for a little while; the wintry winds blow bitterly outside, yet within my home is a cozy fireplace and a hot cup of tea to welcome all who enters my little world.  (What can I say, I'm a consummate hostess!)  And, while I'm enjoying the warmth and laughter of the people who are closest to and most loved by me in all the world, I'm planning my moves for the year to come.  Winter is the ideal time for being slow, and still, and festive; yet still being productive and accomplishing much with all of the zeal and zest for life what one possesses.

Photo credits:  Thanks so much to David Blackwell and timo_w2s for their breathtaking winter photos!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Spell Ingredients From Your Kitchen!

Spiritual work does not need to be complicated in order to yield special results.  Incorporating small rituals into your daily life can be a wonderful way to live a magickal life that keeps you in harmony with the energies around you, as well as the energies in yourself as it all grows, changes, and evolves.  

Despite what is said in many books about the countless amounts of equipment that you need, the ancients always used the most commonplace of items in their workings.  Even the legendary witch Marie Laveau would tell her peers to "use what works."  The feelings behind what you're doing are the most important; the items you use are often symbols or offerings that will help the magick manifest.

You can hunt around your local supermarket -- or your very own kitchen! -- for these easy, inexpensive, yet very effective ingredients.

1.  Garlic.  It's cheap, it's tasty, and it is powerful!  Garlic contains a natural antibiotic which helps attack "bad" bacteria when you're sick, which is probably why it is so often featured in home remedies.  You might know about garlic's legendary vampire-fighting properties, but did you know that it's great as an all-purpose negativity buster as well?  Anytime you're feeling overwhelmed with negative energy, or feeling bogged down with the feeling that someone doesn't have your best interests at heart, cook yourself a nice lunch or dinner with lots of garlic added.  (Be sure to chew some parsley or eat yogurt after the meal, to minimize the potential for garlic breath!)

2.  Salt.  Another fabulous all-purpose ingredient that you can find right in your own kitchen.  You don't need to eat salt in order to get its purifying, space-clearing properties.  My favorite way to make use of it is a lovely cleansing bath.  I tend to opt for sea salt or even epsom salts in my bath water.  I add a bit of essential oil for fragrance -- though this is completely optional -- and relax in a warm tub, allowing the cleansing properties of the salt to wash away any negative residuals.  Salt is also wonderful for purifying a space by either scattering, or forming a circle around a specific area. 

3.  Basil.  Basil is legendary for things like purification, but did you know that this green leafy herb can also help attract money and material fortune?  Fresh basil is best, but dried basil works in a pinch as well.  To use it, make a tea out of the basil by putting a handful of the fresh leaves, or a big spoonful of the dried stuff, into boiling water.  Let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes, and then drain.  You may then pour it into your bath water, or drink the tea as-is for a powerful boost of luck.

4.  Rosemary.  This one is a personal favorite of mine for culinary use!  Rosemary has a delectable scent and distinctive taste.  It is so wonderful for all sorts of things -- not just for purity and protection, but for arousing creativity, enhancing the memory, and for bringing love.  You can add fresh or dried rosemary to some hot water, place it in front of you on a table, and cover your head with a towel to breathe in all of the lovely steam (only do this for a few minutes, though. not too long!).  This is a very good way to take in the fantastic properties of this herb.  

5.  Ginger.  Another awesome herb for love and luck, and a great one for your health as well!  Ginger aids the stomach's digestion, and can also help nausea a great deal if you suffer from stomach distres.  Sprinkle powdered ginger around the outside of your home to keep trouble away.  Ginger tea can be quite calming, but is also said to aid you by opening you up to the possibilities of a new love.  You can add ginger to any spell or consumable to add "heat" and extra passion on top of your current magickal workings.  And never underestimate the power of a good gingerbread man!

6.  Chamomile.  Coming soon to a tea bag near you... this lovely flower, as I'm sure you know, packs quite a whallop when you need to calm down and give yourself a little time-out.  It helps to relax you, but did you also know that it can aid your magickal workings as well?  This is another herb that you can sprinkle around your home to keep negativity away.  Add the teabags to your warm bath; the fragrance will soothe you as the herbs work to attract love, fortune, and healing to your life.  You may also want to burn the dried flowers as incense.  I usually just purchase pure chamomile tea bags, and cut open the bags as I need them.  (CAUTION:  Porphyriacs should NOT consume anything containing chamomile!)

7.  Cinnamon.  Cinnamon has long been used for attracting good energy, love, and luck to many a practicioner.  The hot, sweet scent stimulates the senses and stirs the soul with longing.  Wearing delicious cinnamon-scented perfumes can really make a certain someone sit up and take notice!  Try steeping a few cinnamon sticks in some light oil (such as grape seed, or even extra-virgin olive oil), leave it for a few weeks, and then use the oil for cooking or to dress candles.  Cinnamon is wonderful as an incense because it raises high spiritual vibrations.  It draws money and raises protective energies as well.

Photo Credits:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, or "LBRP" for short, is a very common ritual for people who need calming, centering, and grounding.  I personally have used it for years to calm myself when I've experienced nervousness or anxiety.  It also works very well for me when I have trouble sleeping.  If you're new to meditation or centering your thoughts, try this.  You will enjoy the sense of well-being that it brings you.

Because so many other people have provided great instructions -- you need only Google "LBRP" to find a version that works for you -- I have chosen to include my favorite version available online.  This is from the RoseMoon Spiritual Centre website, and it most closely mimics the version that I do when I need to perform this ritual.

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is a tool to assist you in maintaining your own Light, and protect you from the overwhelming sea of emotions and energies flying about the world.

It takes about 40 seconds to do once you know it. Personally I like to stretch it out to take up about a minute and a half. It should be done three times a day. When you wake up, do it in your bedroom.
Before you go to sleep, do it in your living room. On your lunch break at work, do it quietly somewhere, even in the toilet stall.
First we have the longer explanation, then the short form you can read to remind you what to do. The figures can be imagined as female or male, as you choose.
Here we go.

Part 1.
"The Qabalistic Cross"
Imagine a ball of light above your head. Reach up with your right hand and grab the light. Now when you touch yourself with that hand part of the light will go into you.
• Touch your forhead and say "Atah" Let it fill with light.
• Touch your pelvis at the pubic bone and say "Malkuth". Let it fill with light.
• Touch your right shoulder and say "Ve Geburah". Let it fill with light.
• Touch your left shoulder and say "Ve Gedulah". Let it fill with light.
• Hold your hands in prayer over your heart and say "Lee-ohlam". Let it fill with light.
• Feel your whole body fill with the cross of light. Say "Amen"
These words are Hebrew. They are the last part of the Lord's Prayer. "Thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen" Jesus told his disciples to pray using these words. You can read it for yourself in the bible. I am sure that you have seen a Catholic cross themselves. You can use this Qaballistic cross anytime of the day to give you a spiritual charge. It takes about three seconds to do once you know the words and motions by heart.

Part 2.
The Pentagrams
• Face East. If this is not possible pick any direction and just pretend that it is East. East is where the sun rises.
Before you in the air draw a giant pentagram. This is done by using your right index finger, or if you prefer use the whole hand. Start by pointing down by your left hip. Draw an imaginary line from there to up above your head. Next down by your right hip. Now over to your left shoulder. Then across to the right shoulder. Lastly back down to the left hip. Now imagine that pentagram shining in front of you. Electric blue is a nice colour to see it in. If you see it a different colour that's fine.
Take a step forward with your left foot. Just the left. Leave your right one where it is. The size of the step will be determined by your space. take a tiny one in the bathroom stall. Take a Giant one in the living room. Take a medium one in the bedroom.
At the same time you step forward thrust your open hands into the pentagram.
As you do both of these there is one more thing. You have to say a name of God. Here, at the first pentagram you will say "Yud Hey Vau Heh". This is the spelling out of the Name "Jehovah" or "Yahweh". In Hebrew it is not permitted to say this name out loud so we spell it.
Now step back with your left foot so it is once again beside your right foot. Touch your right index finger to your lips like you are making the "Shhh no talking" gesture.
Point your right index finger to the center of the pentagram and make a quarter turn to your right. As you do so draw an imaginary arc of white light.
• You are now facing South.
Do the same thing here. Draw and see the pentagram the same way, enter it the same way but say "Adoni" This is Hebrew for Lord. Step back and make the "Shhh" gesture and then point to the center and once again make a quarter turn to your right drawing an arc of white light.
• You are now facing West.
In the west do the same as the previous to but say "Eh-heh-yeh" This is the name Moses was given when he asked the burning bush "Who shall I say sent me?" He was told, by God, to "Say that 'I am' sent you.". So these words mean "I am".
• Move to the North in the same manner as before; a quarter turn to your right while drawing an arc of imaginary white light.
You can probably guess by now that it's all the same except for the name of God that is spoken. So do the pentagram etc. The name this time is "Agla". 'Agla' is a kind of code word nickname for God. It's made up like an acronym from the Hebrew words "Atah Geburah Lee-ohlam Adonai" You've seen these words before. They mean "Thine is the power forever my Lord"
Do the "Shhh" thing and then draw a fourth and final arc of light to the East, back where you started.
You are now standing in the center of a circle of white light. At each quarter there is a giant electric blue pentagram.
Feels pretty good eh? It gets better. Now we post a guard at each pentagram.
Open up your arms. Stretch out like you are a cross. Call the guards to their posts.

The Guards
• Raphael in the East. Raphael is an Angel warrior with a keen intellect who has many legions at his disposal. He has the power of Air. He likes to wear Yellow trimmed with Purple. His favourite weapon is the staff.

• Gabriel in the West. Gabriel is also an Angel warrior. He can feel danger coming and defeat it before it attacks. He likes to wear Blue with Orange trim. He has the power of water. His legions are uncounted

• Michael is in the South. He carries a flaming sword and likes to wear Red trimmed with Green. He is fast and leathel. His armies are unnumbered.

• Auriel is in the North. Auriel will take the brunt of assaults. He is strong and stout. He carries a big shield to offer protection. He dresses in Browns and Olives. He may wear camoflage.
So. How do you get them in their place? Standing in the cross position call them. Better still, command them firmly: they are soldiers and you are the commander:
"Before me Raphael. Behind me Gabriel. On my right Michael. On my left Auriel." 
Now say "Around me flame the pentagrams. Within me shines a six-rayed star." Envision the sphere of light all around you, and the white light within you filling up the sphere. You are filled with divine light and protected from other energy sources.
Almost done.
Part 3.
Do part 1 again, the Qabalistic cross.
Now you're done.
Here it is in short form, without the expanations.

Short Form
Grab ball of light
Touch head "Atah"
Touch pubic bone "Malkuth"
Touch right shoulder "Ve Geburah"
Touch left shoulder "Ve Gedulah"
Hands folded in prayer "Lee-ohlam Amen"
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Yud Heh Vau Heh"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Adonai"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Eh-heh-yeh"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Agla"
Turn to right drawing arc
Stand in cross position "Before me Rapahael
Behind me Gabriel
On my right Michael
On my left Auriel
Around me flame the pentagrams
Within me shines a six-rayed star"
Grab ball of light
Touch head "Atah"
Touch pubic bone "Malkuth"
Touch right shoulder "Ve Geburah"
Touch left shoulder "Ve Gedulah"
Hands folded in prayer "Lee-ohlam Amen"
Try this three times a day for a month. You will notice a substantial difference! (Most people notice a difference the first or second time they do it.) And reinforce it any time you feel you might be picking up free-ranging energy (see quiz above for examples).
When you’ve become practiced at it, you can do this even subtly in a chair or car, with small movements, or visualize it anywhere: an elevator, the street, the subway....
This will make your life better. Do it. It's magic.
And if you like this practice, check out the Rose and Cross!

Photo credit: Amazing stained glass angel photos by Lawrence OP!  Thanks so much for making them available!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin

(Never known to fail)

O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel,
Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed
Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate
Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of
the Sea, help me and show me herein you
are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of
God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I
humbly beseech you from the bottom
of my heart to succor me in my necessity
(make request).

There are none that can withstand your
power. O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times).

Holy Mary, I place this cause in your
hands (3 times).

Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days.
You must publish it, and it will be granted to you.

Photo credit:  This beautiful photo was taken by meddygarnet from Flickr.  Thanks for sharing your lovely work! :)

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