Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Magickal Properties of Garnet

Garnets are loved and revered the world over for their breathtaking beauty, their lustre, and their mystical powers.  While they have similar physical characteristics to crystals (such as structural formations), garnets are actually composed of crystal silicate materials that can vary in hardness.  They are found all over the world in a stunning array of shades.  The most commonly known garnet hues are red and pink, but they are also seen in oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, browns, blacks, and even clear.  Some garnets even change their reflective color depending on how much light is reflecting off of them.

Because of the common red color of garnet crystal, it is often associated most with the more aggressive emotional moods, such as anger and aggression.  Long ago, it was known as the "warrior stone," as it was carried into battle to protect soldiers and warriors from injury and illness, and to help them come out as the victors in their battles.

Garnets are also often used in love spells, to keep a man or woman faithful to the garnet's owner.  It can also enhance the wearer's sex life, making him or her appear more physically attractive to the one she or he desires. It’s also the January birthstone — and can be used for all birth months as a powerful talisman.

Like most crystals and minerals, garnets have some great healing properties as well.  Garnets are great for detoxifying the body, drawing out negative physical elements as well as bad energies from the bearer.  It is also great for reviving the libido and rekindling emotional passion, not just for sex, but for anything where the bearer feels the need to focus and get down to business.  Try garnets for giving yourself a bit of extra drive in business and personal endeavors as well.

Friday, March 21, 2014

"It's OK to let your children see you cry."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "It's OK to let your children see you cry."

You may not realize how naturally intuitive children are.  Although they're human like the rest of us, kids have not yet been conditioned to think as adults do.  Their innocence gives them a refreshingly honest, loving view of the world and its inhabitants.  Because of these things, kids are naturally more in tune with the feelings of other people.  Children can perceive your fear and sorrow whether you express it or not, but doing so may be reassuring for them.  Kids don't always realize that adults can feel scared, sad, or indignant at the ways of the world just as they may do sometimes.  Crying isn't always a sign of weakness; it takes strength to show someone how vulnerable you are as you're shedding tears.

Visit Regina's website here.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Some Basic Facts About Ostara, the Spring Equinox

Ostara is also known as Eostre, or the Vernal Equinox. It is pronounced "oh-STAR-ah." Ostara is one of 8 major Pagan holidays.  It falls on March 21st, the first day of spring.  Many ancient cultures celebrated the first day of spring.  We still celebrate it today in many forms!  Ostara's name comes from an Teutonic goddess of springtime.  This is how the Christian holiday of Easter got its name.  Pagan people often use eggs, hares, lambs, and birds as symbols of celebration for this holiday.  The word "Equinox" means "equal night" in Latin.  During Ostara, the days once again begin to get longer, and nights shorter.  Hot Cross Buns are another popular treat for both Ostara and Easter celebrants alike!  Ostara is the season when things start to grow once again.  It's an excellent time for beginning new endeavors.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Signs & Symptoms of Emotional Eating

You feel guilt, fear, or shame about the way that you relate to food.

Food is a constant thought or obsession.

You snack when you are feeling bored, worried, or other times when you aren't really hungry.

Food is a source of comfort to you.

When you're feeling happy, you "celebrate" with certain types of food.

You consume food in order to make yourself feel happier.

Even if you are full, you continue to eat.

You are unable to stop yourself from overeating.

You continue to obsess over food long after you have finished eating; you think about food even after your stomach is full.

You crave food at random times, and have trouble functioning without it even if you are not really physically hungry.

When emotions of any type run high, you choose to eat.

Because of the way you eat, you have a problem with your weight.

"Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present."

What's in the past is over and done forever, but that might not stop some of us from reliving those painful memories.  It can be really hard to live with past regrets, past hurts, and past transgressions.  If you have done wrong, seek forgiveness from others as well as from yourself.  If someone else has wronged you, strive to forgive; even in cases where forgiveness seems like light-years away, you can at least forgive yourself for allowing feelings of resentment or distrust to rule over you.  Instead of being a victim and a slave to your past, try to examine things with the intention of learning valuable lessons that can carry over into your present and future.  Don't allow previous traumas to break you.  Be brave.  Be strong.  Put the past in its place, and embrace the future with a renewed sense of self.

Visit Regina's website here.

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