Showing posts with label alternative therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alternative therapy. Show all posts

Friday, November 25, 2011

Magickal Properties of Amethyst

Each crystal of every type has a particular sort of energy.  The vibration has an effect on the mind and body, resulting in transformation of spiritual and physical health.  Crystals can be used in a number of different ways, but the underlying premise of each of these philosophies is that if you come into contact with your crystal on a regular basis, it will benefit you.

It is important to find the right crystal for the condition that you're trying to change.  Amethyst may be the right type of gemstone for your purposes, depending on the type of help that you seek.

Amethyst is a type of quartz crystal, and most amethysts come from Brazil, Sri Lanka, Canada, and eastern parts of Africa.  Amethysts are often purple in hue, but shades can differ from extremely pale lilac or translucent purple, to deep rich violets and plums.  Amethyst is one of the most famous purple gemstones, and has been used to make jewelry since ancient times.  England's monarchy possesses some fabulous Crown Jewels which prominently feature royal purple amethysts of astounding size and beauty.   Additionally, the Roman Catholic church favors it as a popular choice for clergy; every pope since the sixteenth century has worn amethyst jewelry of some type.

Amethyst has been long reputed to have healing properties.  Many myths and legends describe it as being a powerful stone for spiritual as well as physical strength.

Spiritual uses of amethyst have long been celebrated.  It is said to be a wonderful stone to enhance meditation, to strengthen trust, common sense, and mental flexibility as well.  Amethyst is also useful to keep a person grounded and provide the ability to flow well with life changes that may be experienced.  Amethyst is also instrumental for recalling dreams, as well as a mineral of humility and can be used for us to help see the bigger picture, as well as our place in that picture, instead of focusing on trivial or unimportant matters that do not help us in the long run.  Because of its association with helping mental energies, it can also aid those who are suffering from worry and anxiety.

Common folklore also suggests than amethyst has many healing properties as well.  It is said to make one's immune system stronger, as well as to aid the metabolism, circulation of the blood, and hormone production.   Amethyst is also beneficial for headaches and to control the body's blood sugar.  Amethyst's healing properties are also legendary as a stone of help and solace for those seeking aid with addictions -- whether it is food, alcohol, drugs, or other issues, amethyst is said to help one control their addictions.  Amethyst can motivate and inspire, helping people to gain focus in order to achieve their goals.  It is also useful in treating unrest and nervousness, helping insomniacs relax and sleep, and assisting those with emotional troubles to let go of anger and fear.

Feng Shui teachings laud amethyst's abilities to affect change, and it can be used in almost any context where a need for change is concerned.  Placing an amethyst in the very center of a room, or even of the entire home, can help balance the living space and improve the spiritual quality of the residence.  Amethyst can also assist the gaining of knowledge and intelligence when place in the northeastern corners of a home or a room.

Amethyst is a lovely and powerful stone which may just be the right cure for what ails you.  Try harnessing the power of this beautiful and amazing gemstone whenever you need it!

Thanks Katherine_Davis from Flickr for the awesome picture! :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reflexology Basics

UPDATE:  I've made a reflexology chart!  Click here to see it!

Reflexology is an ancient healing art that originates thousands of years before Christianity. It is said to have a wonderful and powerful impact on the health of those who receive its practice, both in body and in mind. However, it is not a mainstream healing technique, and not much information about reflexology is commonly known. Because I consider it to be a safe and relaxing practice, I'd love to share some of the information about reflexology in the hopes that my readers will give it a try sometime.

This healing practice has been around since the very beginnings of recorded human history. Ancient health and spiritual practicioners in Egypt and China developed this healing technique. Their theories revolve around the concept that every person has an energy flowing through them, as well as around them, and often illnesses can be caused or exacerbated by disruptions in the flow. The human feet contain energy points which connect to various organs or parts of the body. By providing pressure or stimulation to various energy points in the foot, one can change the energy. A reflexology practicioner can remove blocks, stimulate to encourage energy flow, or balance the the energy back to its rightful state. By doing this, once can promote and restore physical and mental health. 

Reflexology's benefits must often be experienced in order to be believed. There are many advantages and positive effects that are enjoyed by those who receive this soothing technique.

Reflexology techniques can have a wonderful effect on the physical being; it can remove tension in the muscles of the feet. All massage is beneficial for assisting in the removal of toxins from the body, enabling the body to help heal itself more efficiently. Quite a few conditions are thought to be alleviated on some level by reflexology, such as circulatory issues, headaches, certain digestive ailments, high blood pressure, neck or back pain, and even female health issues such as PMS or infertility. Massage is generally good for these types of conditions because the manipulation of the muscles and tissue which is done during the massage is quite effective as a stress reliever; when physical stress is reduced, the instances of the conditions above is often reduced or even eliminated entirely in some cases. If the power of the reflex points actually does connect to various bodily organs, then the potentials of reflexology's benefits are well worth the exploration.

Not only can reflexology help physical issues, but it can also relieve the recipient of emotional stress as well. It is a soothing technique that can put someone into a wonderful state of relaxation. Physical and emotional tensions are alleviated, allowing the body to feel rejuvenated. A stressful condition, such as anxiety or depression, can be alleviated with some simple relaxing touches. This relaxation can enable the recipient to have a more peaceful and relaxed outlook, possibly even improving insomnia and promoting a more restful sleep, which will in turn have even more health-boosting power.

In general, reflexology is a relatively safe practice -- however, I must advise you to check with your physician before starting a reflexology program as this type of massage may not be advisable for people with certain health conditions. There are many ailments which conventional medicine is, as yet, unable to treat effectively, so reflexology may be a great alternative health practice for you to try in such instances. After getting advice from your doctor, look online to find the right reflexologist that will meet your needs and help to enhance your physical and emotional health. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Magic Properties of Tea

Tea is traditionally made from the leaves of the tea plant, but it can also be made with various herbs which have been steeped in water.

People in cultures throughout the world drink tea.  It can be consumed with milk, lemon, or sugar.

Different types, styles, and temperatures of tea can be used for different purposed. For a relaxing beverage, try a cup of iced tea.  Hot tea is better for soothing and warming you when you're feeling cold or sad.  Try green tea if you're looking to wake up and be refreshed!  Mint tea helps to cleanse the palate and soothe the mind, getting you ready for the next meal or the next path in your life.  Tea with cinnamon or other spices can make you feel warm when the temperature is low outside.  If you're suffering from insomnia and in need of a sleeping aid, consider giving jasmine or chamomile teas a try.

The emotional benefit of teas cannot be understated.  In times of stress, sorrow, or grief, a cup of tea can stimulate you into action.  It can also help to soothe and warm you when you're feeling ill or depressed.  Tea can also help to energize you and provide an uplifting feeling, prompting good feelings and making even a happy time feel that much nicer.

There are so many varieties of teas, and many of them can be enjoyed in all sorts of different ways.  Find your favorite and enjoy! :)

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