Showing posts with label easy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easy. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bathing Ritual to Renew Your Spirit

I just came across this charming post at the simple-living blog "Down To Earth" which encouraged its readers to share a photograph and to explain a bit about it.

The one that I chose was this picture, which I'd recently taken and had been meaning to add to my blog for some time now.  This past year, I had recently discovered how wonderful it was to take a long, luxurious soak in the tub.  One of the awesomest things about taking a big ole' bath is that anyone can do it.  Doesn't matter if you're old, young, rich, or poor -- if you have access to a tub and some water, you can make it an amazingly sensual experience no matter what other accoutrements you choose to add.

There's a joke that goes something like, "You know you're ghetto when you break out your best dish detergent when it's time to take a bubble bath," but really, who cares?  It makes no difference if you bathe with a 3-for-99-cents bar of soap from the dollar tree or a pot of $140 Russian Amber shampoo by Philip B., you can make your tub time truly luxurious with only a few little additions.

I like to add a few candles on the edge of my tub; they need not be expensive (and if you can make your own candles out of leftovers and an old spaghetti jar, so much the better!) but they certainly can lend an air of tranquil pleasure to your bath.  You can even find an artificial candlelight generator app on your Android phone (if you're so blessed), which I've done more than once.  The one I have (which I downloaded for free) even gives you customizable flame colors -- purple flame, anyone?

And bubbles are nice, but not always necessary -- by the way, I recall a few times where my own mother broke out the Ivory or the Palmolive dish liquid when, as a child, I craved bubbles in my bath.  If it's not going to harm your skin, who really cares?  No shame in being creative.  These days, I save my pennies for the luxury of something special from the Lush store when I can get it (and use it carefully).  But even bubbles from your dollar store or local pharmacy will do the trick wonderfully.

You can also add specific herbs and items to your bath to cleanse your soul and enhance positivity.  A bit of rose oil or dropping in rose petals for love, some sea salt to purify your energy levels, lavender to relax, rosemary to energize, or a sachet of fresh or dried basil to attract prosperity and positivity... these can all replenish your spiritual energy and give you a whole new lease on life!

Some folks choose to do their entire beauty regimens in the bath -- shaving legs, deep conditioning hair, even wearing a facial masque while splashing away in the tub.  And some people bring a cocktail (or in my case, a nice cold can of soda) into the tub, sipping their cares away.  Or, you can just relax and allow your tension to melt away, enjoying the sights, sounds, and scents of your spiritual bathing experience.  The bottom line is that your bathtime rituals can be fully customizable and specifically tailored to your needs and wants.

So grab your rubber ducky, and your favorite towel, and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Basic Psychic Protection

This article was written by Jay from and was emailed to me by a colleague of mine.  I enjoyed the suggestions so much that I thought it'd prove to be very useful to my readers and friends.   Enjoy!

Basic Psychic Protection

Basic psychic protection acts as an energy that wraps around us. The purpose of this energy is ultimately to block out all intrusive or malicious vibrations that come from other sources. As one begins to practice magic or any psychic art, their awareness of the world's energies increases greatly. With this newfound sensitivity comes exposure to a new realm of distractions. Astral entities may be attracted to your increased energy or activities. Other practitioners may notice you as well. Not all of these personalities may wish you harm, but it is best to be prepared with psychic protection, just in case.

 Bubble Technique
The most basic technique for protecting oneself magically is to simply imagine yourself inside a ball of white light that turns away any energy before it can touch you. When you visualize this ball of light around you, you want to make sure it appears opaque and solid in your mind's eye. This bubble should extend about a foot above your head and at least 6 inches below your feet. It doesn't have to be a perfect sphere; just make it fit around your body in whatever shape seems most comfortable or appropriate. You want to enforce the energy in the areas above and below to be just as strong as the areas in front and behind you. Rest assured that even after you come out of your concentrated state, this bubble will move with you without hindrance. Any vibrations that touch it will simply pass over and around your shield like the wind moving around a mountain. In the rare circumstance that your shield comes up against someone else's, it will bend to compensate, but not break, much like two balloons pressing together. You need to hold the image of an impenetrable force field in your mind for at least a good solid minute or two, before returning to your everyday life.

 Mummy Technique
The visualizing of specific shapes forming around your body piece by piece adds focus and resolve to your psychic protection, and this is the basis of the mummy technique. Begin by creating the image of a ball of white light glowing just above your head where the crown chakra or higher-self psychic center is located. Focus on the energy here, willing its intensity to increase. Visualize white light sweeping down from this powerful sphere in the shape of a wide ribbon that begins to wrap around your head. You may want to leave some space between the energy ribbons and your physical body, perhaps 3-4 inches. Have the ribbon continue to wrap around your head, overlapping itself and creating a solid sheet that surrounds your head in protective energy. Don't stop at the head though. Let the ribbon continue to spin around your shoulders, torso, hips, legs all the way down to the feet, making sure to cover every spot so that you are entirely and safely wrapped. Once you've worked your way down to your feet, have it wrap underneath them, completing the blanket surrounding you. When you are completely wrapped, hold the image of what you just did in your mind for a few moments before opening your eyes. This exercise is a great way to improve your skills with energy manipulation while benefiting yourself.

 Burning Flame
The Burning Flame is best used in situations that may be dangerous or that you require a great amount of psychic protection over a short period of time. If you are entering a place/meeting/situation with a terrible amount of negativity you can perform this technique. Some people visualize their shields as a fire surrounding them at all times which is fine, although the method presented here is geared toward an emergency situation or on a temporary basis since it uses high amounts of energy.
Stand perfectly upright with your legs together and your arms flat against your side. Go deep inside yourself to the center of your being. Approach all of this with a confident intensity, your mind focused on your need for protection. Find your center and know that in your center is an intense source of energy, the very energy that all your magical abilities come from. With your consciousness in this core of your being, create an eruption of energy within yourself. Like a volcano building up pressure, cause your energy to rise and expand from your center out. As the energy reaches the outside of your body have it burst into a blue flame that surrounds your body. The curved base of the flame should be at your feet and the tip of the flame above your head. The intense energy flame will burn any outside vibrations before they can reach you. This flame won't harm you physically since it's a spiritual flame, but it will stop any other spirit or energy from touching you. Once the flames surround you, try to keep part of your mind focused on it as you proceed through the situation you felt required extra psychic protection. Imagine more energy fanning the flames stronger and higher as you exhale.
As with any of these techniques, practicing first in a safe place is highly recommended.

 Chakra Spin Protection
This powerful technique unites the chakras to create a shield fully embedded with all aspect of your will and energy. Begin by visualizing performing the Psychic Center Visualization as detailed in the Energy Techniquesdocument. A quick rehash: Charge the crown chakra, and draw a line down to the 3rd eye chakra. Charge the 3rd eye before drawing a line to the throat. Charge and continue to the heart, charge this chakra and draw a line of white light to the solar plexus chakra. After charging the solar plexus you move to the sex chakra, charge it and then onto the root chakra. As mentioned before, this is an adaptation of the traditional chakra system to have a center between the two feet so draw one more line to the ground center and charge this area. Create two lines of light from this center that swoop to each side of you in an upward curve before connecting with the crown chakra above your head. Begin cycling your energy through the lines timed with your breathing.
Instead of stopping at this point, continue cycling but move your focus to the curved lines at your side. We want to move these two lines simultaneously clockwise so that they being to spin around the body. Let them put out energy as they continue to move faster and faster until their light forms a solid wall of energy that surrounds you. Spin this wall of energy around you for a few moments. When you feel ready, let the image of the chakras fade from your mind, and let the spinning motion end, but hold onto the image of all the energy the chakras surrounded you with.

How often and how long?
You should practice psychic protection techniques at least once a day until your body picks up the habit and begins to naturally reinforce your shields with energy. After a month or two you should be proficient enough that you only need to revisualize your shields once a week. If you find yourself in a particularly nasty situation where you need an extra amount of protection, feel free to shield yourself again even if you had done so earlier in the day. As you become more comfortable and skilled at these techniques you will find it possible to reinforce your shield with little concentration and even while you body is in motion or otherwise distracted.

Colors in Protection
Everyone likes to add a little color to his or her magic. When you give your energy it's own color, you are personalizing it and making it easier for you to relate to. Some people are very firm in the belief that white energy is the purest and therefore is most powerful. Generally white and blue are the most commonly used colors for psychic protection. There may be something to this, but it is always best to listen to your gut. If you feel an urge to have a green shield, then go with it. You can always experiment by changing your shield's color every week. If you find one shade or tone to be more effective than others, then stick with it. There are some generally accepted associations with each color that I'll post on the Temple of Manannan at a later date.
Complex combinations of color can be used to create very strong protection. For example you could make a shield that starts as red at the top of your head and then slowly graduates to orange, yellow, green, blue and then purple when it finally reached your feet. Visualizing such a shield takes strong focus, and holding it this image in your mind's eye as the day goes by can be challenging. Since the appearance of this shield requires much more effort, it is more strongly empowered by your will. Unusual patterns in shields can also aid you in psychic self-defense. Integrating a religious design or an occult symbol that represents protection can add extra strength and power.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Free Psychics Online: Too Good to Be True?

As a professional psychic, I am often asked by people where to go for reliable, accurate psychic readings... for free. While it's true that virtually anything is available for free online, via samples or trial periods, there are a few pieces of information that some people fail to take into account when searching for free stuff. Psychic readings are no exception to these misconceptions.
It is a common, though erroneous, opinion that someone who is truly giften with psychic abilities will not accept money for the simple act of providing help for other people. However, this is not really the correct outlook to have. A professional psychic is just that: a professional. Just about every consumer would expect other service providers to charge for their time and attention -- your family doctor, your plumber, and your most trusted car mechanic also make their livings by providing services that help other people -- and your psychic spiritual advisor is no different. While psychic ability is largely an innate gift that one must possess from birth, many of these skills and talents also require a great deal of study, training, and experience as well. Thus, charging a fee for one's time and services rendered is a completely acceptable practice.
Although a professional spiritual worker does dedicate his or her life to the practice of helping others, even the most gifted psychic in the world still needs to pay the bills and make a living. This is especially true for the full-time psychic who has devoted all of his or her time to honing skills. A full-time psychic may not have any other "day job" aside from his or her calling as a spiritual worker; giving psychic readings is not only their passion, but also their livelihood. Because it may be their sole means of income, it simply wouldn't be possible for such a person to give free readings.
One exception to the rule above is when a psychic gives a free "introductory" service, such as a mini-reading where the customer is given the opportunity to ask a question, by means of a free sample, for the client to follow up with a paid order for more time if it goes well. Many professional psychics are committed to their craft, and in order to help as many people as possible, the psychics must invest quite a bit of their own time, money, and energy, educating themselves and improving their own abilities. Additionally, a good psychic will spend their time getting to know clients so that they can understand them well, in order to provide the services and advice which are best for them. Obviously, investing these energies is not possible if the full-time psychic is unable to make a living for him- or herself. Psychic ability is a God-given gift, and such gifts are meant to be shared with the world; however, everyone has the right to set a value on their and energy in order to avoid people who might overuse or overtax their valuable assets. Psychics who claim to possess spiritual gifts yet who do not charge anything for their services often possess a diminished sense of self-worth, which is not a positive attitude to channel these gifts. Therefore, if you are seeking an accurate or helpful psychic reading, it is always best to do your homework and seek the services of a professional with enough confidence to do the job.
I enjoy being a professional spiritual advisor, and while there is some financial benefit to having my skill set, I don't feel that money should be a primary motivating factor in assisting others. I have given free readings to people to show a preview of my abilities, should they decide to become part of my client base. However, I am not a full-time psychic; spiritual advising is something that I do because I enjoy the challenges of it, the rewards of interaction with interesting people, and the opportunities to help and educate others with the gifts I have been given. I also provide regular "bonus time" for those clients that I know well and enjoy speaking with, because after all, it is this group of people who has made me successful at what I do, and it's my way of thanking them for it. Additionally, because I do have other means of income, I also give the public at large an opportunity to ask me questions via my Twitter accountmy YouTube channel, and my Facebook fan page, which I find to be an extremely positive and fun experience for everyone. If the askers decide to book time with me through Skype or via telephone, or they decide to pursue a more detailed reading via email, that's wonderful; however, it isn't the sole reason that I choose to give a little of my extra time to such causes. Social networking provides me a great deal of satisfaction in assisting other people, but also opportunities to hone my skills through the practice of beneficial psychic work. It's also a lovely way to help others, and my small way of making the world a better place.
If you certainly don't have $50 or more to book half an hour with a seasoned professional, though you do have a couple of dollars to spend, it may be in your best interest to find a professional psychic who is willing to charge you for only a portion of the time. For example, I dedicate certain blocks of my time to providing $5 email readings or 10-minute phone and Skype consultations to customers through a commercial website. I also provide psychic services and Tarot readings via my Keen listings, charging a low per-minute fee in an effort to give counsel to people who only want to ask a quick question or two. This provides access to my services for people who otherwise cannot afford to consult with a psychic. You may do well to find an established professional who, like me, provides their services for a reduced cost to those who are in need of a little extra help. Many people enjoy taking advantage of these services, and my $5 email reading promotion has been very well-received by people who enjoy this service. Other psychics will often do the same thing in order to help people, or in an effort to drum up business when seeking new clients.
There are some people who are in need of psychic readings, yet who do not have the finances to seek the services of a seasoned professional who charges a standard "professional" rate. In fact, perhaps even a reduced cost sample is a financial hardship in many cases. In such circumstances, it is understandable and may well be advisable to invest your time and energy in scouring the internet for a psychic who is willing to give you a free reading. Doing a search for "free online psychics" may help you come up with several possibilities. Be sure to do your research before choosing the one that is right for you.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Floribus Magicis Ritem

The following is my very own magick spell which is used for dispelling negativity, purifying a space, and consecrating it with your own unique energy signature.  I call this simply, "Floribus Magicis Ritem," which means "The Magic Ritual of Flowers."

For this rite, you will need the following:

a handful of sea salt
your favorite incense
a handful of lilacs, or a few drops of lilac oil
a handful of carnations, or a few drops of carnation oil

Sprinkle the area with sea salt.  "By the power of Earth, I consecrate this space."
Take a moment to visualize the spirits of Earth bringing some of their holy energies to the area.

Dredge the area with smoke from your incense.  "By the power of Air, I purify this space."
visualize the Air spirits emanating from the smoke to make the space pure.

sprinkle the lilac oil or petals.  "By the power of water, I cleanse this space."
Envision the power of Water bring harmony and happiness to the area that you're sprinkling.

Sprinkle the carnation oil or petals.  "By the power of fire, I protect this space."
Imagine glowing Fire energies lending their protection to the area.

You are now ready to do your own magical workings, or simply leave these items as-is to keep your space consecrated and to dispel negative energies from encroaching.

Salt is a an age-old component of many spiritual workings.  Its main purpose is to cleans and purify a space, getting rid of negative vibrations before you prepare to do your own personal rites.  Lilacs, a water-ruled flower, are the perfect component to promote living in harmony, as well as to enhance mental and psychic abilities.  Carnations are a very classic fire-type flower, and is often used to promote healing, both physically and mentally, as well as to boost one's power and add extra "oomph!" to your magick.

Notes:  You can use essential oils (add a few drops to some olive oil), fragrance oil, perfume, or whatever you have on hand -- even fresh flowers or dried petals.  Use enough to cover the whole area.  A handful or 2 should be more than sufficient for most small areas.

I'm in love with this gorgeous lilac photo by 4nitsirk -- thanks so much for generously sharing it!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Spell Ingredients From Your Kitchen!

Spiritual work does not need to be complicated in order to yield special results.  Incorporating small rituals into your daily life can be a wonderful way to live a magickal life that keeps you in harmony with the energies around you, as well as the energies in yourself as it all grows, changes, and evolves.  

Despite what is said in many books about the countless amounts of equipment that you need, the ancients always used the most commonplace of items in their workings.  Even the legendary witch Marie Laveau would tell her peers to "use what works."  The feelings behind what you're doing are the most important; the items you use are often symbols or offerings that will help the magick manifest.

You can hunt around your local supermarket -- or your very own kitchen! -- for these easy, inexpensive, yet very effective ingredients.

1.  Garlic.  It's cheap, it's tasty, and it is powerful!  Garlic contains a natural antibiotic which helps attack "bad" bacteria when you're sick, which is probably why it is so often featured in home remedies.  You might know about garlic's legendary vampire-fighting properties, but did you know that it's great as an all-purpose negativity buster as well?  Anytime you're feeling overwhelmed with negative energy, or feeling bogged down with the feeling that someone doesn't have your best interests at heart, cook yourself a nice lunch or dinner with lots of garlic added.  (Be sure to chew some parsley or eat yogurt after the meal, to minimize the potential for garlic breath!)

2.  Salt.  Another fabulous all-purpose ingredient that you can find right in your own kitchen.  You don't need to eat salt in order to get its purifying, space-clearing properties.  My favorite way to make use of it is a lovely cleansing bath.  I tend to opt for sea salt or even epsom salts in my bath water.  I add a bit of essential oil for fragrance -- though this is completely optional -- and relax in a warm tub, allowing the cleansing properties of the salt to wash away any negative residuals.  Salt is also wonderful for purifying a space by either scattering, or forming a circle around a specific area. 

3.  Basil.  Basil is legendary for things like purification, but did you know that this green leafy herb can also help attract money and material fortune?  Fresh basil is best, but dried basil works in a pinch as well.  To use it, make a tea out of the basil by putting a handful of the fresh leaves, or a big spoonful of the dried stuff, into boiling water.  Let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes, and then drain.  You may then pour it into your bath water, or drink the tea as-is for a powerful boost of luck.

4.  Rosemary.  This one is a personal favorite of mine for culinary use!  Rosemary has a delectable scent and distinctive taste.  It is so wonderful for all sorts of things -- not just for purity and protection, but for arousing creativity, enhancing the memory, and for bringing love.  You can add fresh or dried rosemary to some hot water, place it in front of you on a table, and cover your head with a towel to breathe in all of the lovely steam (only do this for a few minutes, though. not too long!).  This is a very good way to take in the fantastic properties of this herb.  

5.  Ginger.  Another awesome herb for love and luck, and a great one for your health as well!  Ginger aids the stomach's digestion, and can also help nausea a great deal if you suffer from stomach distres.  Sprinkle powdered ginger around the outside of your home to keep trouble away.  Ginger tea can be quite calming, but is also said to aid you by opening you up to the possibilities of a new love.  You can add ginger to any spell or consumable to add "heat" and extra passion on top of your current magickal workings.  And never underestimate the power of a good gingerbread man!

6.  Chamomile.  Coming soon to a tea bag near you... this lovely flower, as I'm sure you know, packs quite a whallop when you need to calm down and give yourself a little time-out.  It helps to relax you, but did you also know that it can aid your magickal workings as well?  This is another herb that you can sprinkle around your home to keep negativity away.  Add the teabags to your warm bath; the fragrance will soothe you as the herbs work to attract love, fortune, and healing to your life.  You may also want to burn the dried flowers as incense.  I usually just purchase pure chamomile tea bags, and cut open the bags as I need them.  (CAUTION:  Porphyriacs should NOT consume anything containing chamomile!)

7.  Cinnamon.  Cinnamon has long been used for attracting good energy, love, and luck to many a practicioner.  The hot, sweet scent stimulates the senses and stirs the soul with longing.  Wearing delicious cinnamon-scented perfumes can really make a certain someone sit up and take notice!  Try steeping a few cinnamon sticks in some light oil (such as grape seed, or even extra-virgin olive oil), leave it for a few weeks, and then use the oil for cooking or to dress candles.  Cinnamon is wonderful as an incense because it raises high spiritual vibrations.  It draws money and raises protective energies as well.

Photo Credits:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin

(Never known to fail)

O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel,
Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed
Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate
Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of
the Sea, help me and show me herein you
are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of
God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I
humbly beseech you from the bottom
of my heart to succor me in my necessity
(make request).

There are none that can withstand your
power. O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times).

Holy Mary, I place this cause in your
hands (3 times).

Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days.
You must publish it, and it will be granted to you.

Photo credit:  This beautiful photo was taken by meddygarnet from Flickr.  Thanks for sharing your lovely work! :)

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