Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Characteristics of a Soul

This beautiful passage was forwarded to me by a friend.  If anyone knows where this is from, please let me know so that I can credit the original author.  Enjoy it! :)

At the dawn of spring, I am reminded by my children the joy of anticipating new life.

They will usually see a flower or two that has made its way through the soil to a world beyond itself. What starts out as a seedling or bulb is transformed by nature's capacity to evolve.

Inside each of us lies dormant an awareness, an identity, an ability to grow beyond what we appear to be. Every moment, we are being challenged by others and by circumstances to create a life that exceeds our present state of living.

To move toward our highest good takes a willingness on our part to let go of what we know to what can be known in and through us. You and I are part of the Created Order we see around us, and we are participants in Creating Order out of what we have been given to care for.

With this in mind, let us turn to ways our soul can be described in the characteristics that make up a flower:

1. The Ground.

The ground nurtures, protects, and gives birth to a flower. Inside the womb of the ground, life is taking root long before we can see it. Because we cannot see a flower that has been planted in the earth, does not mean life is not being created. To be full participants in our world means to be fully connected and rooted in the world we have been given.

2. The Stem.

The stem begins its growth in the earth below and into the sky above. This part of the flower is the connecting characteristic of the plant. Much like humanity, we are in this world without being fully of it. This creates a sacredness to our lives. It is our unique ability to live and grow in a way no one ever has, is, or ever will.

3. The Flower.

In full bloom, a flower is the illumination of all the life that has preceded it. The radiance and color that pour out of it create life. Notice the next time you look at a flower how you are affected by it. You may notice your heart open and be filled with joy. Or, you may notice more energy and clarity in your vision for being blessed with great beauty.

4. The Spirit of a Flower.

The spirit of a flower is the life force moving in and through it. It is the essence of a flower that identifies with your spirit. This part of you opens from the inside out and becomes ONE with the spirit of a flower. It is the same energy that runs in and through you. Like a flower, you begin to radiate your own soul from the essence of your own being.

Each spring, take the time to notice the part of you opening up to new life. Just like flowers, we grow from the inside out. What illuminates in our life began inside us. We nurture these inner qualities of attention until they eventually take root and grow into our daily lives. The growth that follows is created from what we attend to or hold our attention on within us.

Like the pedals of a flower opening to the world around it, we create a presence of awareness. In full bloom, the beauty or the lack thereof touches the lives of everyone around us. As our inner patterns of attention move through us, the world illuminates the seeds of awareness contained within us for so long. Here, a life is created. It is the life of our soul.

(Photo Credit:  USA Architect of the Capitol)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Vibrational Crystal Healing to Channel Your Inner Doctor

Crystals are prevalent in all places in ordinary, everyday life.  Computers, radios, televisions, cell phones all have crystals in them.  Technology can certainly benefit from their power, but crystals can also benefit people in other ways.  One new age technique that explores this concept is that of crystal vibrational healing.

Vibrational healing is done through harnessing the frequency of energy that radiates through the crystal and to a person's physical body.  This energy can cleanse the body of negativity -- sadness, fear, bad energy, and possibly even ill health -- and replace this unwanted energy with more positive vibrations.

I've heard some people claim that the physical body is never really ill, but rather it is our perception that illness exists.  I don't agree with this statement at all.  If this were true, then there wouldn't be any sick people in the world; instead, illness could be abolished by simply wishing it away.  Choosing not to believe you're sick is very risky and could be dangerous.  Instead, I believe that it's best to take sensible measures in addressing your health concerns.  See your doctor, eat well, exercise and do the best you can to maintain your body.  At the same time that you're using medical science to aid in your journey to wellness, you can also try vibrational healing to keep your mind positive and your spirit determined to fight.  This way, you will get the best of both worlds.

While you may not be able to control everything that happens in your body, you can work on your mental and spiritual outlook.  Studies have shown that meditation has had a wonderful effect on the well-being of illness sufferers.  Trying new age methods until you find one you're comfortable with, can't hurt you, and can possibly help.

The first step with crystal healing is to focus on what you want to change.  To transform your feelings or physical state, try feeling those negative states with the opposite aspect.  For example, feed fear with courage.  Feed anger with tranquility.  Feed pain with relief.  Feed illness with health.  You can use crystals as tools to aid you in these transformations.

Find your favorite crystal, or one that feels right for the job, and place it against your heart, your third eye, or any chakra where you feel the need for relief.  Center on that negative feeling or state.  Feel it strongly.  If it helps, remember a time when you felt it the most -- it can be your fear, your illness, your pain.  Now, after you've zeroed in on that feeling, imagine it being attracted into the crystal like a magnet.  Meditate on that negativity being drained completely from your body, and being trapped inside the crystal.  Envision your body being cleansed completely of that feeling as it empties into the crystal.  Now, envision a glow around the crystal as it transforms and heals the energy.  Imagine the cleansed, positive, wonderful energy filling you completely and fortifying you with positivity and well-being.

You can use this technique whenever you feel the need for some extra cleansing or peace in your life.  It is a wonderfully quick and easy form of meditation for both the seasoned meditator, and the novice, alike.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Meditative Hypnosis for Spirit Guides & Angels

While I am not necessarily a firm believer in angels or spirit guides in a literal sense, I can't help but wonder if there are other beings out there who are looking out for our best interests -- helpful souls, perhaps of those who have passed on, those who love us.  Spirit guides are also a popular interest among my friends; recently I've read a few articles on using hypnosis as a tool to get in touch with those guardians.

The first option is to seek a spiritual hypnotist who can help you get in touch with your angels and guides.  Hypnosis is not the way it has been portrayed in movies -- it will not make you strip down and run into the K-Mart next door buck naked -- well, not unless that's your natural inclination.  Hypnosis does not force you to do things; it merely lowers your inhibitions.  You cannot be hypnotized into doing things that aren't in your true nature.  (However, you should find a hypnotist that you trust.)  Hypnosis is more like going into a meditative trance and using your imagination to open yourself up to new experiences; much like a good book or interesting movie that absorbs you until you feel that you're a part of it.  You can deepen that level of involvement and participate as much or as little as you like.

Another idea is to book time with a psychic reader whose expertise includes reading spirit guides.  Often, these mediums can recognize and pinpoint details about your guardians -- possibly physical appearance, energy signature, thoughts or feelings.

Regardless of how you choose to get in touch with your angels and guides, the most important thing to remember is that your guardians care for you, and they have your well-being in the center of their hearts.  If you request help or guidance to bolster you along your life journey, you will receive answers.  The trick is to be open, and be willing to give and receive communication with them.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Aura Polishing Techniques

A friend of mine who's very much into aura healing and cleansing shared this ritual with me. He does this every few days or so, in order to keep things balanced. It's unusual, to say the least, but definitely worth a shot if you're inclined toward working with your auras. This is what I've learned about aura cleansing, so I hope you enjoy it!  Every aura is different, and different things may work for various aura colors and aura patterns.

Strengthening and healing one's auras should be done each day, in order to keep things running smoothly. This is especially true if you know that you're going to be in a stressful situation, or if you're going to be around emotional vampires or other negative folks who drain away your energy.

In order to protect your aura, the first thing to do is to put up a spiritual "stop sign" to protect yourself from outside energy interfering. One way to do this is to cross your arms and legs in a protective stance (or sitting position).

Then, you can try my friend's unusual breathing technique which is said to clear the aura and balance the chakras. With this cleansing, your auric area is cleansed and your mind-body connection is balanced. It is done by breathing in with one nostril, then out with the other.

First, hold your nose as if you're going underwater; just pinch it between your fingers, but don't apply any pressure. Close off one nostril and breathe out. Keep your tongue steady and low in the mouth, just behind the front teeth. Apply pressure to the other nostril while releasing the original one, and then breathe in for a few seconds. Hold the breath for 10-15 seconds if you can; otherwise, just do it for as long as you can. Then exhale, and do the same thing with the other nostril. Repeat the entire process half a dozen times or so. It shouldn't take longer than a couple of minutes.

I'm still learning about auric work, so I'm not sure how standard the above exercise is. However, one thing I can say about it is that with all of the concentrating on breath, it certainly can help to refocus your mind onto something new if you're worried or stressed. Breathing exercises are often quite calming and strengthening. I often do a similar breathing exercise without all of the nose pinching. Do what feels most comfortable for you.

As you're breathing, you can also try a "cleansing vortex" visualization. To do this, as you're breathing, visualize a swirling vortex of light, beginning in your midsection, and whirling outward and away from you, cleansing and healing your entire body, removing and dispeling all negativity that is embedded within. Imagine the negativity changing to positive energy, then visualize the whirlwind scattering this positive energy outward and away, releasing it into the general environment and doing good things for others.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Calcite Crystals & Magickal Properties for Healing

Gemstone therapy is the use of crystals and gems for the betterment of one's life.  Throughout the ages, civilizations across the world have utilized precious stones to enhance their physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being.  The energy of each stone is different, and each energy can have an effect on the mind, spirit, or body.  Methods can vary between cultures, but the basic premise is that when one comes into contact with a crystal, these transformations can happen subtly over time.  Therefore, in order to gain the benefits from these crystals, it is vital to choose your gemstones carefully.

Calcite's physical properties make it a very interesting choice as a therapeutic crystal.  Calcite crystals are of a softer variety which are found in all types of colors -- red, yellow, green, blue, brown, black, grey, or white -- and many variations on these shades as well!  Calcium carbonate, also known as calcite, is a major component in limestone and chalk, as well as marble, which is just calcite which has been re-crystallized.  Under pressure, calcite stones release electrical energy.

The magickal properties of calcite crystals are varied and can be used for many purposes.  Calcite's reputation is that of a very spiritual type of stone, and is associated with the higher form of consciousness; thus, it is also reputed to aid in astral projection and out-of-body experiences. 

Each form of calcite has its own specific magickal properties.  Because calcium is a primary component, this stone is often felt to be of therapeutic use for joints and bones, and is therefore used by athletes and people who have physically demanding jobs.  Calcite can also contribute to the development and growth of the physical body, especially the bones and joints.  There is also an old belief that calcite, when ground and combined with creams, oils, or petroleum jelly, it can be used as a balm to treat inflammation or infections.

Calcite can also have varying attributes based on its color.  For example...

Red and pink calcites can be of great benefit in bringing love, understanding, compassion, and patience into one's being.  Associated with the heart chakra, stones in pinks and reds can also ease mental unrest or anxiety, or people who are experiencing spiritual crises.

Orange calcite is associated with the sacral chakra (i.e. the spleen) and can help uplift one's general mood.  Orange promotes happiness, joy, and good humor.  It is an uplifting stone which is good for grieving, depression, or stress.

Calcites in yellows and golds are good for help in meditation, being that these colors are often associatd with the sun.  These hues can also help to aid the bones and the skin, and also in detoxification of the spleen, pancreas, and the kidneys.

Green calcite crystals of all shades are wonderful for affecting change in one's life.  Not only are green calcites allgedly helpful in removing impurities from the body, they can also help someone transform a negative situation into a more positive one.  It can also alleviate anxiety or fear.  This is a wonderful crystal for helping to really change bad situations into your life, and to "make lemonade" from all of those negative things that life throws at you! :)

Calcites in blues are associated with the throat chakra.  It can protect you and help tough situations from getting worse.  Physically it can be used to treat conditions which are degenerative, such as degenerative disc disease, arthritis, and other degenerative illnesses.

White and clear calcite crystals can help someone improve communication and envisioning new aspects of their lives.  It can be instrumental in cleansing the body and removing toxins from the outer parts of the body.  It can also assist in providing mental clarity, particularly when the stone is implemented during meditation.  When a predicament is especially difficult, white and clear crystals of all types can help to open you to new possibilities and clarity.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bathing Ritual to Renew Your Spirit

I just came across this charming post at the simple-living blog "Down To Earth" which encouraged its readers to share a photograph and to explain a bit about it.

The one that I chose was this picture, which I'd recently taken and had been meaning to add to my blog for some time now.  This past year, I had recently discovered how wonderful it was to take a long, luxurious soak in the tub.  One of the awesomest things about taking a big ole' bath is that anyone can do it.  Doesn't matter if you're old, young, rich, or poor -- if you have access to a tub and some water, you can make it an amazingly sensual experience no matter what other accoutrements you choose to add.

There's a joke that goes something like, "You know you're ghetto when you break out your best dish detergent when it's time to take a bubble bath," but really, who cares?  It makes no difference if you bathe with a 3-for-99-cents bar of soap from the dollar tree or a pot of $140 Russian Amber shampoo by Philip B., you can make your tub time truly luxurious with only a few little additions.

I like to add a few candles on the edge of my tub; they need not be expensive (and if you can make your own candles out of leftovers and an old spaghetti jar, so much the better!) but they certainly can lend an air of tranquil pleasure to your bath.  You can even find an artificial candlelight generator app on your Android phone (if you're so blessed), which I've done more than once.  The one I have (which I downloaded for free) even gives you customizable flame colors -- purple flame, anyone?

And bubbles are nice, but not always necessary -- by the way, I recall a few times where my own mother broke out the Ivory or the Palmolive dish liquid when, as a child, I craved bubbles in my bath.  If it's not going to harm your skin, who really cares?  No shame in being creative.  These days, I save my pennies for the luxury of something special from the Lush store when I can get it (and use it carefully).  But even bubbles from your dollar store or local pharmacy will do the trick wonderfully.

You can also add specific herbs and items to your bath to cleanse your soul and enhance positivity.  A bit of rose oil or dropping in rose petals for love, some sea salt to purify your energy levels, lavender to relax, rosemary to energize, or a sachet of fresh or dried basil to attract prosperity and positivity... these can all replenish your spiritual energy and give you a whole new lease on life!

Some folks choose to do their entire beauty regimens in the bath -- shaving legs, deep conditioning hair, even wearing a facial masque while splashing away in the tub.  And some people bring a cocktail (or in my case, a nice cold can of soda) into the tub, sipping their cares away.  Or, you can just relax and allow your tension to melt away, enjoying the sights, sounds, and scents of your spiritual bathing experience.  The bottom line is that your bathtime rituals can be fully customizable and specifically tailored to your needs and wants.

So grab your rubber ducky, and your favorite towel, and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Basic Psychic Protection

This article was written by Jay from and was emailed to me by a colleague of mine.  I enjoyed the suggestions so much that I thought it'd prove to be very useful to my readers and friends.   Enjoy!

Basic Psychic Protection

Basic psychic protection acts as an energy that wraps around us. The purpose of this energy is ultimately to block out all intrusive or malicious vibrations that come from other sources. As one begins to practice magic or any psychic art, their awareness of the world's energies increases greatly. With this newfound sensitivity comes exposure to a new realm of distractions. Astral entities may be attracted to your increased energy or activities. Other practitioners may notice you as well. Not all of these personalities may wish you harm, but it is best to be prepared with psychic protection, just in case.

 Bubble Technique
The most basic technique for protecting oneself magically is to simply imagine yourself inside a ball of white light that turns away any energy before it can touch you. When you visualize this ball of light around you, you want to make sure it appears opaque and solid in your mind's eye. This bubble should extend about a foot above your head and at least 6 inches below your feet. It doesn't have to be a perfect sphere; just make it fit around your body in whatever shape seems most comfortable or appropriate. You want to enforce the energy in the areas above and below to be just as strong as the areas in front and behind you. Rest assured that even after you come out of your concentrated state, this bubble will move with you without hindrance. Any vibrations that touch it will simply pass over and around your shield like the wind moving around a mountain. In the rare circumstance that your shield comes up against someone else's, it will bend to compensate, but not break, much like two balloons pressing together. You need to hold the image of an impenetrable force field in your mind for at least a good solid minute or two, before returning to your everyday life.

 Mummy Technique
The visualizing of specific shapes forming around your body piece by piece adds focus and resolve to your psychic protection, and this is the basis of the mummy technique. Begin by creating the image of a ball of white light glowing just above your head where the crown chakra or higher-self psychic center is located. Focus on the energy here, willing its intensity to increase. Visualize white light sweeping down from this powerful sphere in the shape of a wide ribbon that begins to wrap around your head. You may want to leave some space between the energy ribbons and your physical body, perhaps 3-4 inches. Have the ribbon continue to wrap around your head, overlapping itself and creating a solid sheet that surrounds your head in protective energy. Don't stop at the head though. Let the ribbon continue to spin around your shoulders, torso, hips, legs all the way down to the feet, making sure to cover every spot so that you are entirely and safely wrapped. Once you've worked your way down to your feet, have it wrap underneath them, completing the blanket surrounding you. When you are completely wrapped, hold the image of what you just did in your mind for a few moments before opening your eyes. This exercise is a great way to improve your skills with energy manipulation while benefiting yourself.

 Burning Flame
The Burning Flame is best used in situations that may be dangerous or that you require a great amount of psychic protection over a short period of time. If you are entering a place/meeting/situation with a terrible amount of negativity you can perform this technique. Some people visualize their shields as a fire surrounding them at all times which is fine, although the method presented here is geared toward an emergency situation or on a temporary basis since it uses high amounts of energy.
Stand perfectly upright with your legs together and your arms flat against your side. Go deep inside yourself to the center of your being. Approach all of this with a confident intensity, your mind focused on your need for protection. Find your center and know that in your center is an intense source of energy, the very energy that all your magical abilities come from. With your consciousness in this core of your being, create an eruption of energy within yourself. Like a volcano building up pressure, cause your energy to rise and expand from your center out. As the energy reaches the outside of your body have it burst into a blue flame that surrounds your body. The curved base of the flame should be at your feet and the tip of the flame above your head. The intense energy flame will burn any outside vibrations before they can reach you. This flame won't harm you physically since it's a spiritual flame, but it will stop any other spirit or energy from touching you. Once the flames surround you, try to keep part of your mind focused on it as you proceed through the situation you felt required extra psychic protection. Imagine more energy fanning the flames stronger and higher as you exhale.
As with any of these techniques, practicing first in a safe place is highly recommended.

 Chakra Spin Protection
This powerful technique unites the chakras to create a shield fully embedded with all aspect of your will and energy. Begin by visualizing performing the Psychic Center Visualization as detailed in the Energy Techniquesdocument. A quick rehash: Charge the crown chakra, and draw a line down to the 3rd eye chakra. Charge the 3rd eye before drawing a line to the throat. Charge and continue to the heart, charge this chakra and draw a line of white light to the solar plexus chakra. After charging the solar plexus you move to the sex chakra, charge it and then onto the root chakra. As mentioned before, this is an adaptation of the traditional chakra system to have a center between the two feet so draw one more line to the ground center and charge this area. Create two lines of light from this center that swoop to each side of you in an upward curve before connecting with the crown chakra above your head. Begin cycling your energy through the lines timed with your breathing.
Instead of stopping at this point, continue cycling but move your focus to the curved lines at your side. We want to move these two lines simultaneously clockwise so that they being to spin around the body. Let them put out energy as they continue to move faster and faster until their light forms a solid wall of energy that surrounds you. Spin this wall of energy around you for a few moments. When you feel ready, let the image of the chakras fade from your mind, and let the spinning motion end, but hold onto the image of all the energy the chakras surrounded you with.

How often and how long?
You should practice psychic protection techniques at least once a day until your body picks up the habit and begins to naturally reinforce your shields with energy. After a month or two you should be proficient enough that you only need to revisualize your shields once a week. If you find yourself in a particularly nasty situation where you need an extra amount of protection, feel free to shield yourself again even if you had done so earlier in the day. As you become more comfortable and skilled at these techniques you will find it possible to reinforce your shield with little concentration and even while you body is in motion or otherwise distracted.

Colors in Protection
Everyone likes to add a little color to his or her magic. When you give your energy it's own color, you are personalizing it and making it easier for you to relate to. Some people are very firm in the belief that white energy is the purest and therefore is most powerful. Generally white and blue are the most commonly used colors for psychic protection. There may be something to this, but it is always best to listen to your gut. If you feel an urge to have a green shield, then go with it. You can always experiment by changing your shield's color every week. If you find one shade or tone to be more effective than others, then stick with it. There are some generally accepted associations with each color that I'll post on the Temple of Manannan at a later date.
Complex combinations of color can be used to create very strong protection. For example you could make a shield that starts as red at the top of your head and then slowly graduates to orange, yellow, green, blue and then purple when it finally reached your feet. Visualizing such a shield takes strong focus, and holding it this image in your mind's eye as the day goes by can be challenging. Since the appearance of this shield requires much more effort, it is more strongly empowered by your will. Unusual patterns in shields can also aid you in psychic self-defense. Integrating a religious design or an occult symbol that represents protection can add extra strength and power.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Novena to St. Claire

"Novena to Saint Claire"

Pray whether you believe or not and promise to publish or circulate.

Ask for 3 favours: 1 business and 2 impossible.

Say 9 Hail Mary's and the following prayer for 9 nights in front of a lighted candle,

God of mercy you inspired St. Claire with the love of poverty by the help of her prayers. May we follow Christ in poverty of spirit and come to the joyful vision of your glory in the kingdom of heaven. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your son who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen

Photo credit:  This breaktaking picture of St. Claire statue is courtesy of veesees of Flickr.  Thanks so much for sharing!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, or "LBRP" for short, is a very common ritual for people who need calming, centering, and grounding.  I personally have used it for years to calm myself when I've experienced nervousness or anxiety.  It also works very well for me when I have trouble sleeping.  If you're new to meditation or centering your thoughts, try this.  You will enjoy the sense of well-being that it brings you.

Because so many other people have provided great instructions -- you need only Google "LBRP" to find a version that works for you -- I have chosen to include my favorite version available online.  This is from the RoseMoon Spiritual Centre website, and it most closely mimics the version that I do when I need to perform this ritual.

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is a tool to assist you in maintaining your own Light, and protect you from the overwhelming sea of emotions and energies flying about the world.

It takes about 40 seconds to do once you know it. Personally I like to stretch it out to take up about a minute and a half. It should be done three times a day. When you wake up, do it in your bedroom.
Before you go to sleep, do it in your living room. On your lunch break at work, do it quietly somewhere, even in the toilet stall.
First we have the longer explanation, then the short form you can read to remind you what to do. The figures can be imagined as female or male, as you choose.
Here we go.

Part 1.
"The Qabalistic Cross"
Imagine a ball of light above your head. Reach up with your right hand and grab the light. Now when you touch yourself with that hand part of the light will go into you.
• Touch your forhead and say "Atah" Let it fill with light.
• Touch your pelvis at the pubic bone and say "Malkuth". Let it fill with light.
• Touch your right shoulder and say "Ve Geburah". Let it fill with light.
• Touch your left shoulder and say "Ve Gedulah". Let it fill with light.
• Hold your hands in prayer over your heart and say "Lee-ohlam". Let it fill with light.
• Feel your whole body fill with the cross of light. Say "Amen"
These words are Hebrew. They are the last part of the Lord's Prayer. "Thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen" Jesus told his disciples to pray using these words. You can read it for yourself in the bible. I am sure that you have seen a Catholic cross themselves. You can use this Qaballistic cross anytime of the day to give you a spiritual charge. It takes about three seconds to do once you know the words and motions by heart.

Part 2.
The Pentagrams
• Face East. If this is not possible pick any direction and just pretend that it is East. East is where the sun rises.
Before you in the air draw a giant pentagram. This is done by using your right index finger, or if you prefer use the whole hand. Start by pointing down by your left hip. Draw an imaginary line from there to up above your head. Next down by your right hip. Now over to your left shoulder. Then across to the right shoulder. Lastly back down to the left hip. Now imagine that pentagram shining in front of you. Electric blue is a nice colour to see it in. If you see it a different colour that's fine.
Take a step forward with your left foot. Just the left. Leave your right one where it is. The size of the step will be determined by your space. take a tiny one in the bathroom stall. Take a Giant one in the living room. Take a medium one in the bedroom.
At the same time you step forward thrust your open hands into the pentagram.
As you do both of these there is one more thing. You have to say a name of God. Here, at the first pentagram you will say "Yud Hey Vau Heh". This is the spelling out of the Name "Jehovah" or "Yahweh". In Hebrew it is not permitted to say this name out loud so we spell it.
Now step back with your left foot so it is once again beside your right foot. Touch your right index finger to your lips like you are making the "Shhh no talking" gesture.
Point your right index finger to the center of the pentagram and make a quarter turn to your right. As you do so draw an imaginary arc of white light.
• You are now facing South.
Do the same thing here. Draw and see the pentagram the same way, enter it the same way but say "Adoni" This is Hebrew for Lord. Step back and make the "Shhh" gesture and then point to the center and once again make a quarter turn to your right drawing an arc of white light.
• You are now facing West.
In the west do the same as the previous to but say "Eh-heh-yeh" This is the name Moses was given when he asked the burning bush "Who shall I say sent me?" He was told, by God, to "Say that 'I am' sent you.". So these words mean "I am".
• Move to the North in the same manner as before; a quarter turn to your right while drawing an arc of imaginary white light.
You can probably guess by now that it's all the same except for the name of God that is spoken. So do the pentagram etc. The name this time is "Agla". 'Agla' is a kind of code word nickname for God. It's made up like an acronym from the Hebrew words "Atah Geburah Lee-ohlam Adonai" You've seen these words before. They mean "Thine is the power forever my Lord"
Do the "Shhh" thing and then draw a fourth and final arc of light to the East, back where you started.
You are now standing in the center of a circle of white light. At each quarter there is a giant electric blue pentagram.
Feels pretty good eh? It gets better. Now we post a guard at each pentagram.
Open up your arms. Stretch out like you are a cross. Call the guards to their posts.

The Guards
• Raphael in the East. Raphael is an Angel warrior with a keen intellect who has many legions at his disposal. He has the power of Air. He likes to wear Yellow trimmed with Purple. His favourite weapon is the staff.

• Gabriel in the West. Gabriel is also an Angel warrior. He can feel danger coming and defeat it before it attacks. He likes to wear Blue with Orange trim. He has the power of water. His legions are uncounted

• Michael is in the South. He carries a flaming sword and likes to wear Red trimmed with Green. He is fast and leathel. His armies are unnumbered.

• Auriel is in the North. Auriel will take the brunt of assaults. He is strong and stout. He carries a big shield to offer protection. He dresses in Browns and Olives. He may wear camoflage.
So. How do you get them in their place? Standing in the cross position call them. Better still, command them firmly: they are soldiers and you are the commander:
"Before me Raphael. Behind me Gabriel. On my right Michael. On my left Auriel." 
Now say "Around me flame the pentagrams. Within me shines a six-rayed star." Envision the sphere of light all around you, and the white light within you filling up the sphere. You are filled with divine light and protected from other energy sources.
Almost done.
Part 3.
Do part 1 again, the Qabalistic cross.
Now you're done.
Here it is in short form, without the expanations.

Short Form
Grab ball of light
Touch head "Atah"
Touch pubic bone "Malkuth"
Touch right shoulder "Ve Geburah"
Touch left shoulder "Ve Gedulah"
Hands folded in prayer "Lee-ohlam Amen"
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Yud Heh Vau Heh"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Adonai"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Eh-heh-yeh"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Agla"
Turn to right drawing arc
Stand in cross position "Before me Rapahael
Behind me Gabriel
On my right Michael
On my left Auriel
Around me flame the pentagrams
Within me shines a six-rayed star"
Grab ball of light
Touch head "Atah"
Touch pubic bone "Malkuth"
Touch right shoulder "Ve Geburah"
Touch left shoulder "Ve Gedulah"
Hands folded in prayer "Lee-ohlam Amen"
Try this three times a day for a month. You will notice a substantial difference! (Most people notice a difference the first or second time they do it.) And reinforce it any time you feel you might be picking up free-ranging energy (see quiz above for examples).
When you’ve become practiced at it, you can do this even subtly in a chair or car, with small movements, or visualize it anywhere: an elevator, the street, the subway....
This will make your life better. Do it. It's magic.
And if you like this practice, check out the Rose and Cross!

Photo credit: Amazing stained glass angel photos by Lawrence OP!  Thanks so much for making them available!

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