Showing posts with label protecting yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protecting yourself. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Your Personal Life Path

Following your personal life path is vital to the completion of your goals. Even if you lose your way, knowing where you want to go can enable you to get back on track when things get difficult... this makes it much more possible complete your goals and fulfill your dreams.

If, somehow, you steer yourself in the wrong direction, you will still be able to find a map to your destination, and to chart a new course for yourself. As long as you keep your focus, you will always be able to find a way toward personal fulfillment.

Success is a journey, not a destination. That is why it's so important to make each and every part of the process count toward that fulfillment. Having a positive attitude can be a tremendous help in moving your forward. Even when you're having trouble finding your way, keeping the right attitude will ensure that you're never lost. Instead, see yourself as a pioneer and a visionary. Those who come after you will learn from the path you've forged; because of your resolve to do things in a new and innovative way, you are changing the shapes of their own future maps.

When you come to a crossroads, use your instincts. Trusting yourself and your innate sense of what's right can guide you. Learn to trust your instincts and you can learn about new facets of yourself; from this, you can experience success in new and interesting ways. This can give you a tremendous sense of freedom!

If you miss an opportunity that comes along, don't despair. Know that there will be many others which come along the way, and you don't need to limit yourself, or waste time on regrets. Remember that you cannot go back, but you must go forward. Make the journey an exciting one. Once in awhile, remember to take the scenic route instead of the quickest and easiest way. And don't be afraid of taking a detour every now and again; these can enable you to find new and amazing things that you may otherwise not have seen.

You must also remember to be flexible. Even when some paths don't quite take you where you need to be, flexibility can enable you to prosper even when you don't always reach every goal along the way. It also helps you maintain the strength and resolve to keep going.

Think about how you might answer the following questions...

1. When the path before you becomes unclear, how can you continue?

2. What can you improve upon in order to increase your flexibility and openness to change?

3. How can you change your attitude in order to improve the quality of your journey?

Hopefully the answers to these questions will help you to advance along your own personal life path.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cheaters Beware, We're Onto You

As a professional psychic, one of the most common questions I'm asked each day is "Is s/he cheating on me?"  In fact, I am usually asked such a question at least twice every day.  Each situation is different; sometimes the person in question sparks a definitive yes or no inside me, but most answers are more complicated than that.  A lot of times, I'm able to pick up on the feelings of the seeker's partner of intent to cheat, especially because many people will think about it, talk about it with others, or go looking for it long before they actually commit the deed.

It is with this spirit that I present you with a new video designed to help you see the signs of whether or not your significant other is cheating.  Many of these signs have been cited by relationship experts, and shared with me by friends and clients.  As someone who has been in a relationship with an unfaithful partner, I can personally vouch for every one of these -- but remember, your mileage may vary.  Every situation will have its own unique quantifiers, so remember to get proof before deciding to take the next steps.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Fourteen Traits of a Serial Killer

My article on emotional vampires is one of the most commonly visited sections on this website.  Because I do specialize in relationships of all types -- romantic ones, family dynamics, friendships, and even workplace dynamics -- I am often consulted when someone is seeking answers about another person's mental stability.  Often people ask me if a friend or loved one might be dangerous or violent when angered or stressed.  (Regardless of my impressions of such people, I would always advise anyone to err on the side of caution if they even need to ask this question!)

Recently, I came across a documentary about such acts which caused me to wonder about how dangerous or violent people interact, undetected by most, with the public at large.  What makes someone commit such crimes against humanity?  How is such a person made (or born)?  While most emotional vampires are not murderers, and most abusers are not serial killers, a lot of the traits below are pretty major red flags.  I thought that this information would be interesting to my readers.

Traits of a Serial Killer:

1. Over 90 percent of serial killers are male. 

2. They tend to be intelligent, with IQ's in the "bright normal" range.

3. They do poorly in school, have trouble holding down jobs, and often work as unskilled laborers.

4. They tend to come from markedly unstable families.
5. As children, they are abandoned by their fathers and raised by domineering mothers.

6. Their families often have criminal, psychiatric and alcoholic histories.

7. They hate their fathers and mothers.

8. They are commonly abused as children — psychologically, physically and sexually. Often the abuse is by a family member.

9. Many serial killers spend time in institutions as children and have records of early psychiatric problems.

10. They have high rates of suicide attempts.

11. From an early age, many are intensely interested in voyeurism, fetishism, and sado-masochistic pornography.

12. More than 60 percent of serial killers wet their beds beyond the age of 12.

13. Many serial killers are fascinated with fire starting.

14. They are involved with sadistic activity or tormenting small creatures.

Source: Internal Association of Forensic Science, an article written by FBI Special Agent Robert K. Ressler

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Positive Affirmations to Improve Your Life NOW!

I've been doing research on using affirmations to change the way that we think and feel about ourselves. Using them can help to eliminate the negative self-talk that some of us are constantly battling every day. 

When you use affirmations, it's important to say them as if what you want is already a reality of your life, rather than merely say what you hope will happen.  Quite honestly, I feel kind of silly talking about things that don't yet exist for me -- like better health, or more time to do what I need to do -- it's a bit strange saying things like "I enjoy perfect health" on those days when I wake up feeling like crap.  Nevertheless, I figured I'd give it a shot.  It certainly can't hurt, and maybe it actually will help me to feel better!  I also get a lot out of the ones that I truly feel each and every day, such as the first one in the video: "My life is full of things to enjoy and appreciate."  Who can't agree with that one? 

Here are a few affirmations that I've come up with, and wanted to share with you; see if you can find a good one to try regularly. Also, you've gotta love that adorable little can-can girl in the background!  I added a rainbow of colors to spice up the vintage black and white footage.  Can you believe that this was recorded over a hundred years ago?  She's looking mighty fine for her age. ;)

I don't just want you to sit there passively, reading the affirmation on the screen.  Say each one out loud; feel them.  Heck, SHOUT THEM if you feel the spirit moving you.  And if you have any affirmations that you particularly enjoy using, feel free to leave me some comments about them! Thanks!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Basic Psychic Protection

This article was written by Jay from and was emailed to me by a colleague of mine.  I enjoyed the suggestions so much that I thought it'd prove to be very useful to my readers and friends.   Enjoy!

Basic Psychic Protection

Basic psychic protection acts as an energy that wraps around us. The purpose of this energy is ultimately to block out all intrusive or malicious vibrations that come from other sources. As one begins to practice magic or any psychic art, their awareness of the world's energies increases greatly. With this newfound sensitivity comes exposure to a new realm of distractions. Astral entities may be attracted to your increased energy or activities. Other practitioners may notice you as well. Not all of these personalities may wish you harm, but it is best to be prepared with psychic protection, just in case.

 Bubble Technique
The most basic technique for protecting oneself magically is to simply imagine yourself inside a ball of white light that turns away any energy before it can touch you. When you visualize this ball of light around you, you want to make sure it appears opaque and solid in your mind's eye. This bubble should extend about a foot above your head and at least 6 inches below your feet. It doesn't have to be a perfect sphere; just make it fit around your body in whatever shape seems most comfortable or appropriate. You want to enforce the energy in the areas above and below to be just as strong as the areas in front and behind you. Rest assured that even after you come out of your concentrated state, this bubble will move with you without hindrance. Any vibrations that touch it will simply pass over and around your shield like the wind moving around a mountain. In the rare circumstance that your shield comes up against someone else's, it will bend to compensate, but not break, much like two balloons pressing together. You need to hold the image of an impenetrable force field in your mind for at least a good solid minute or two, before returning to your everyday life.

 Mummy Technique
The visualizing of specific shapes forming around your body piece by piece adds focus and resolve to your psychic protection, and this is the basis of the mummy technique. Begin by creating the image of a ball of white light glowing just above your head where the crown chakra or higher-self psychic center is located. Focus on the energy here, willing its intensity to increase. Visualize white light sweeping down from this powerful sphere in the shape of a wide ribbon that begins to wrap around your head. You may want to leave some space between the energy ribbons and your physical body, perhaps 3-4 inches. Have the ribbon continue to wrap around your head, overlapping itself and creating a solid sheet that surrounds your head in protective energy. Don't stop at the head though. Let the ribbon continue to spin around your shoulders, torso, hips, legs all the way down to the feet, making sure to cover every spot so that you are entirely and safely wrapped. Once you've worked your way down to your feet, have it wrap underneath them, completing the blanket surrounding you. When you are completely wrapped, hold the image of what you just did in your mind for a few moments before opening your eyes. This exercise is a great way to improve your skills with energy manipulation while benefiting yourself.

 Burning Flame
The Burning Flame is best used in situations that may be dangerous or that you require a great amount of psychic protection over a short period of time. If you are entering a place/meeting/situation with a terrible amount of negativity you can perform this technique. Some people visualize their shields as a fire surrounding them at all times which is fine, although the method presented here is geared toward an emergency situation or on a temporary basis since it uses high amounts of energy.
Stand perfectly upright with your legs together and your arms flat against your side. Go deep inside yourself to the center of your being. Approach all of this with a confident intensity, your mind focused on your need for protection. Find your center and know that in your center is an intense source of energy, the very energy that all your magical abilities come from. With your consciousness in this core of your being, create an eruption of energy within yourself. Like a volcano building up pressure, cause your energy to rise and expand from your center out. As the energy reaches the outside of your body have it burst into a blue flame that surrounds your body. The curved base of the flame should be at your feet and the tip of the flame above your head. The intense energy flame will burn any outside vibrations before they can reach you. This flame won't harm you physically since it's a spiritual flame, but it will stop any other spirit or energy from touching you. Once the flames surround you, try to keep part of your mind focused on it as you proceed through the situation you felt required extra psychic protection. Imagine more energy fanning the flames stronger and higher as you exhale.
As with any of these techniques, practicing first in a safe place is highly recommended.

 Chakra Spin Protection
This powerful technique unites the chakras to create a shield fully embedded with all aspect of your will and energy. Begin by visualizing performing the Psychic Center Visualization as detailed in the Energy Techniquesdocument. A quick rehash: Charge the crown chakra, and draw a line down to the 3rd eye chakra. Charge the 3rd eye before drawing a line to the throat. Charge and continue to the heart, charge this chakra and draw a line of white light to the solar plexus chakra. After charging the solar plexus you move to the sex chakra, charge it and then onto the root chakra. As mentioned before, this is an adaptation of the traditional chakra system to have a center between the two feet so draw one more line to the ground center and charge this area. Create two lines of light from this center that swoop to each side of you in an upward curve before connecting with the crown chakra above your head. Begin cycling your energy through the lines timed with your breathing.
Instead of stopping at this point, continue cycling but move your focus to the curved lines at your side. We want to move these two lines simultaneously clockwise so that they being to spin around the body. Let them put out energy as they continue to move faster and faster until their light forms a solid wall of energy that surrounds you. Spin this wall of energy around you for a few moments. When you feel ready, let the image of the chakras fade from your mind, and let the spinning motion end, but hold onto the image of all the energy the chakras surrounded you with.

How often and how long?
You should practice psychic protection techniques at least once a day until your body picks up the habit and begins to naturally reinforce your shields with energy. After a month or two you should be proficient enough that you only need to revisualize your shields once a week. If you find yourself in a particularly nasty situation where you need an extra amount of protection, feel free to shield yourself again even if you had done so earlier in the day. As you become more comfortable and skilled at these techniques you will find it possible to reinforce your shield with little concentration and even while you body is in motion or otherwise distracted.

Colors in Protection
Everyone likes to add a little color to his or her magic. When you give your energy it's own color, you are personalizing it and making it easier for you to relate to. Some people are very firm in the belief that white energy is the purest and therefore is most powerful. Generally white and blue are the most commonly used colors for psychic protection. There may be something to this, but it is always best to listen to your gut. If you feel an urge to have a green shield, then go with it. You can always experiment by changing your shield's color every week. If you find one shade or tone to be more effective than others, then stick with it. There are some generally accepted associations with each color that I'll post on the Temple of Manannan at a later date.
Complex combinations of color can be used to create very strong protection. For example you could make a shield that starts as red at the top of your head and then slowly graduates to orange, yellow, green, blue and then purple when it finally reached your feet. Visualizing such a shield takes strong focus, and holding it this image in your mind's eye as the day goes by can be challenging. Since the appearance of this shield requires much more effort, it is more strongly empowered by your will. Unusual patterns in shields can also aid you in psychic self-defense. Integrating a religious design or an occult symbol that represents protection can add extra strength and power.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Psychic Sage Forecast for June 2011

Aries:  This month, new information will lead to greater success with your work, but those who are close to you will be feeling neglected.  The end of the month brings "surprise" expenses... so you'll end up breaking even, except for the lessons you've learned!

LOVE DAYS: 1, 7, 11

Taurus:  Try to stick close to home and go slow this month, and save your pennies for a rainy day.  Someone who you respect will be criticizing you for what they perceive as "laziness," but they don't know the whole story.  Be careful and take things one step at a time.

LOVE DAYS: 20, 29, 30

Gemini:  You've been mired in feelings of nostalgia for the past: simpler times, moments of youthful enthusiasm and fun.  But the truth is, it's time for you to move on and live in the present.  Stop escaping from the conflicts at hand and delve into them.  This will be a struggle.  Hang in there!

LOVE DAYS: 12, 29
PROSPERITY DAYS:  18, 20, 28

Cancer:  The next few weeks will be full of possibility.  An endeavor that you've been working on will finally begin to turn in your favor, but only if you take control of the situation.  You will gain new insight about a difficult problem, which will give you new ideas about how to handle it.

LOVE DAYS:  2, 19, 24

Leo:  You're focused on some important projects this month.  The direction that your biggest priority will take is still unclear to you; you need to explore all avenues before making up your mind.  You're going to get much closer with someone who really interests you.  The end of the month will bring a calm after the storm.

LOVE DAYS:  3, 4, 18, 22

Virgo:  There are hidden details surrounding something that has been worrying you.  Try to shake things up a bit this month by exploring new places -- whether it's a new coffee shop down the street, or a vacation somewhere truly exotic -- this will bring peace, companionship, and a whole new perspective to your life.  Keep your emotions in check; try not to let little things bother you this month.

PROSPERITY DAYS:  16, 17, 24, 25

Libra:  Many responsibilities from your past are now coming to a "head" this month.  Seek advice from someone older and wiser who's been there before.  You will learn some new information which leads to a burst of creativity in resolving some of the issues at hand.  Go with your instincts!

LOVE DAYS:  14, 23, 25

Scorpio:  May is going to be awesome for Scorpio!  Prosperity and love are both in the cards for you this month.  There will be some important action required of you as well.  Proceed with caution only at the beginning; as soon as you've figured out which actions to take, move swiftly.  Your instincts are right on point with the situation.

LOVE DAYS:  7 ,13, 21, 29

Sagittarius:  Your hopes have been high lately.  Some may say you're wearing rose-colored glasses, but don't let their dour viewpoints get to you.  People will be watching you carefully this month, but the opinions they form will be rash and filled with inaccuracies.  Don't be afraid to let others know how you feel. 

LOVE DAYS:  26, 21

Capricorn:   You need to separate yourself from the crowd this month, and give yourself a bit of a break.  Other people's drama is stressing you out quite a lot.  Ordinarily it's good to resolve issues, but now is a better time to lay low and wait for the storm to pass.  Someone unexpected will defend you in the middle of the month.  Be sure to express thanks for it.

LOVE DAYS:  1, 6, 21

AQUARIUS:  Even though you'll be expected to play by some pretty strict rules thoughout May, you just won't be able to get ahead this month.  There will be quite a strain on you physically and financially within the coming weeks, but fortunately you can rely on your friends to keep your head on straight.  

LOVE DAYS:  18, 24, 30
POWER DAY:  19, 22

PISCES:  You need to focus on yourself this month or else you will not be much good to anyone else.  You have some pretty lofty dreams right now and your creativity is high, so enjoy planning for the future.  Do not allow criticism to go to your head; the source of these negative words is actually jealousy and resentment which will be worked out when the time is right.

LOVE DAYS:  12, 21, 24

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Free Psychics Online: Too Good to Be True?

As a professional psychic, I am often asked by people where to go for reliable, accurate psychic readings... for free. While it's true that virtually anything is available for free online, via samples or trial periods, there are a few pieces of information that some people fail to take into account when searching for free stuff. Psychic readings are no exception to these misconceptions.
It is a common, though erroneous, opinion that someone who is truly giften with psychic abilities will not accept money for the simple act of providing help for other people. However, this is not really the correct outlook to have. A professional psychic is just that: a professional. Just about every consumer would expect other service providers to charge for their time and attention -- your family doctor, your plumber, and your most trusted car mechanic also make their livings by providing services that help other people -- and your psychic spiritual advisor is no different. While psychic ability is largely an innate gift that one must possess from birth, many of these skills and talents also require a great deal of study, training, and experience as well. Thus, charging a fee for one's time and services rendered is a completely acceptable practice.
Although a professional spiritual worker does dedicate his or her life to the practice of helping others, even the most gifted psychic in the world still needs to pay the bills and make a living. This is especially true for the full-time psychic who has devoted all of his or her time to honing skills. A full-time psychic may not have any other "day job" aside from his or her calling as a spiritual worker; giving psychic readings is not only their passion, but also their livelihood. Because it may be their sole means of income, it simply wouldn't be possible for such a person to give free readings.
One exception to the rule above is when a psychic gives a free "introductory" service, such as a mini-reading where the customer is given the opportunity to ask a question, by means of a free sample, for the client to follow up with a paid order for more time if it goes well. Many professional psychics are committed to their craft, and in order to help as many people as possible, the psychics must invest quite a bit of their own time, money, and energy, educating themselves and improving their own abilities. Additionally, a good psychic will spend their time getting to know clients so that they can understand them well, in order to provide the services and advice which are best for them. Obviously, investing these energies is not possible if the full-time psychic is unable to make a living for him- or herself. Psychic ability is a God-given gift, and such gifts are meant to be shared with the world; however, everyone has the right to set a value on their and energy in order to avoid people who might overuse or overtax their valuable assets. Psychics who claim to possess spiritual gifts yet who do not charge anything for their services often possess a diminished sense of self-worth, which is not a positive attitude to channel these gifts. Therefore, if you are seeking an accurate or helpful psychic reading, it is always best to do your homework and seek the services of a professional with enough confidence to do the job.
I enjoy being a professional spiritual advisor, and while there is some financial benefit to having my skill set, I don't feel that money should be a primary motivating factor in assisting others. I have given free readings to people to show a preview of my abilities, should they decide to become part of my client base. However, I am not a full-time psychic; spiritual advising is something that I do because I enjoy the challenges of it, the rewards of interaction with interesting people, and the opportunities to help and educate others with the gifts I have been given. I also provide regular "bonus time" for those clients that I know well and enjoy speaking with, because after all, it is this group of people who has made me successful at what I do, and it's my way of thanking them for it. Additionally, because I do have other means of income, I also give the public at large an opportunity to ask me questions via my Twitter accountmy YouTube channel, and my Facebook fan page, which I find to be an extremely positive and fun experience for everyone. If the askers decide to book time with me through Skype or via telephone, or they decide to pursue a more detailed reading via email, that's wonderful; however, it isn't the sole reason that I choose to give a little of my extra time to such causes. Social networking provides me a great deal of satisfaction in assisting other people, but also opportunities to hone my skills through the practice of beneficial psychic work. It's also a lovely way to help others, and my small way of making the world a better place.
If you certainly don't have $50 or more to book half an hour with a seasoned professional, though you do have a couple of dollars to spend, it may be in your best interest to find a professional psychic who is willing to charge you for only a portion of the time. For example, I dedicate certain blocks of my time to providing $5 email readings or 10-minute phone and Skype consultations to customers through a commercial website. I also provide psychic services and Tarot readings via my Keen listings, charging a low per-minute fee in an effort to give counsel to people who only want to ask a quick question or two. This provides access to my services for people who otherwise cannot afford to consult with a psychic. You may do well to find an established professional who, like me, provides their services for a reduced cost to those who are in need of a little extra help. Many people enjoy taking advantage of these services, and my $5 email reading promotion has been very well-received by people who enjoy this service. Other psychics will often do the same thing in order to help people, or in an effort to drum up business when seeking new clients.
There are some people who are in need of psychic readings, yet who do not have the finances to seek the services of a seasoned professional who charges a standard "professional" rate. In fact, perhaps even a reduced cost sample is a financial hardship in many cases. In such circumstances, it is understandable and may well be advisable to invest your time and energy in scouring the internet for a psychic who is willing to give you a free reading. Doing a search for "free online psychics" may help you come up with several possibilities. Be sure to do your research before choosing the one that is right for you.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the Thirteenth and Other Superstitions

Another Friday the Thirteenth is here once again, and with it has come awareness of superstitions and the supernatural. Friday the Thirteenth may be unlucky for some people, but I've always enjoyed it. I usually associate it with neither positive nor negative luck. However, it definitely is a day of mystical and unusual occurrences, either for good or bad. Make sure you keep a lucky charm on hand! Here are a few interesting myths and superstitions to remember for next Friday the Thirteenth, and for all year 'round.

1. Black cats are said to be inherently unlucky, however having one "cross your path" as you're walking is especially unlucky.

2. When you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck. To reverse this back luck streak, you can bury the pieces of the mirror, or throw them into a stream.

3. "Step on a crack, break your mother's back." Avoid cracks in streets, sidewalks, and even the floor, as they are reputed to have unlucky consequences for you and those around you.
4. If a wild bird enters your house, someone close to you will die.

5. An old eastern European legend says that if you have accidentally put on your underwear inside out, you will have an especially lucky day. If you need a little extra luck on a particular day... go ahead and put it on inside out anyway... it couldn't hurt!

6. Opening an umbrella in the house is said to bring bad fortune to those inside the house, so keep those umbrellas closed unless you're outside.

7. When you move, do not take your old broom with you. Throw it away, and get a new broom for your new house.

8. If your palms itch, money will be changing hands -- your right palm itching indicates that you'll be receiving money; An itch on your left palm means that you will be lending or paying money to someone soon.

9. Horseshoes are good luck! If you hang one above the doorway, it will bring good luck to your household. In Ireland, it is believed that the horseshoe must be facing upward so that the luck "catches" in the curve of the horseshoe.

10. If you spill salt, you must throw some over your shoulder to prevent back luck from coming. Some say that it must be your left shoulder, other say that either shoulder will do.

11. When you sneeze, your soul might try to escape your body, or the devil may possess you. Therefore it's important to bless someone when you hear them sneeze.

12. If you see a shooting star, make a wish. All wishes that are made on shooting stars are said to come true. But if you tell your wish, it won't come true!

13. If thirteen people sit down to eat a meal together, then one of those people will die within a year.

Photos credits: Calendar pic (c) W. J. Pilsak; Kitty pic, thanks to DrL

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

12 Drug-Free Ways To Treat Chronic Pain

If you were interested enough in this article to begin reading it, I'm sure I don't need to tell you how debilitating it is to suffer from chronic pain of any type. It robs you of time and energy. It sucks away the joy that you could be having from experiencing other things. It takes away opportunities to spend time with friends, to be productive at work, to do the things you want to do... not to mention the things you have to do. Pain is the enemy, and it's time to fight back.

Many people choose to fight their pain by using medications as their first line of defense. While drugs are a perfectly viable and acceptable method for dealing with chronic pain, there are many things reasons why some people choose not to go the route of medications. What if the side effects are too difficult to handle? How about dependency or addiction issues? Cost is often a factor as well. And, while some pain medication is fine occasionally when you need it... if you're dealing with a chronic situation, you may decide to seek out alternatives to taking a handful of pills every day.

At the age of 33, my back pain became unbearable, and I finally sought medical help. The diagnosis was degenerative spinal disc disease. My lumbar region has reached a level of degeneration that is rarely seen in a person my age, and much more often seen in someone in their 70s. Often, I am unable to walk for longer than 10 minutes at a time before feeling the need to stop and rest. There are days when the pain is so intense that I can't do anything except stay in bed, wrapped up in my blankie, wishing that I could trade bodies with anyone else. Very often, I miss out on fun things that are taken for granted by people who enjoy good health. After extensively researching the subject of pain management and trying all sorts of methods to alleviate my own severe discomfort, I have found that there are quite a few ways of treating pain without resorting to surgical treatments or the use of medications. Allow me to share some of the best methods that I have found with you.

Cutaneous stimulation is just a fancy term for applying various sensations to the skin. Heat and cold are typically applied to achy body parts in an effort to soothe their discomfort. Heat is good for muscle stiffness or cramping; cold is best on inflammation or tired aches resulting from overexertion. There are many ways to use heat: heating pads, even fancy "moist heat" producing ones, work well; but my favorite methods are tried-and-true simplicity: a hot water bottle, a lovely steaming hot shower, even a sock filled with rice or lentils and microwaved until they're warm and placed on the problem area. I also love stick-on heat patches for soothing relief, especially just before bed, to keep me toasty and comfortable all night long. Cold therapy is much simpler; just use an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas on the pain. Remember to wrap these in a towel first, as you don't want to injure the skin with burns or frost bite!

Massage is a wonderful way to relax, but is also a fabulous source of relief for many types of muscular pain. Massage the area firmly, or get a friend to help you out if it's in an area you can't reach by yourself. Stimulation like this enhances the circulatory system and helps to flush toxins from the body as well as aiding and healing your body and mind.

Rest is an obvious pain control method, but is too often overlooked. If you're not feeling well, do you really need to vacuum under your couch today? Leave it alone, and do it another day when your pain is easier to manage. We all want to live up to our full potential, but straining yourself when you're at your worst is not going to benefit anyone, and it may turn one bad day into several. Give yourself a break and rest until you're feeling better.

Physical therapy is a very sensible, effective treatment method if you have certain chronic physical issues. Much muscular pain is caused by misuse or overuse of the part that hurts. Strengthening your body can help to correct a multitude of problems, as well as to promote healing if your pain is associated with an injury. Stretching the muscles can also provide relaxation and relief from pain which can show results in only a few sessions, but remember not to overdo it! Even a chronic condition such as arthritis can be helped by physical therapy; by strengthening the muscles around the inflamed joints, you are sparing the joints from as additional stress and giving your body added support. I have not gotten relief from my DDD with physical therapy, but it has helped a the arthritis in my knees and hips, as well as weakness in my shoulder's rotator cuff area.

Electrotherapy is very much like a massage that is done manually, though in this case, electricity is used to achieve similar results. This is usually done with a TENS machine, which applies an electric current through the skin to help alleviate pain. It sounds a lot scarier than it actually is; in fact, electrotherapy can feel fantastic on aching muscles. Like an old-fashioned massage, electrotherapy can enhance your circulation and relax your muscles, both of which are very helpful in controlling pain.

Changing your diet to include anti-inflammatory foods is one of the easiest ways to manage painful physical symptoms. Every type of food has an impact on the body, and by arming yourself with knowledge of which foods can increase or decrease inflammation, you are taking better control of your day-to-day wellness. Green tea, blueberries, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and extra-virgin olive oil are all wonderful foods that help combat inflammation naturally, without the use of drugs. Try looking into your diet a little deeper to eliminate or cut back on the foods that are causing inflammation, which may also ease other uncomfortable symptoms.

Biofeedback therapy is another little-known treatment that some people rely on for the treatment of chronic pain. This therapy trains a patient to consciously control bodily functions that otherwise occur involuntarily. Biofeedback therapy primarily focuses on stress management and health conditions that are often exacerbated by stress. It can be effective for problems like TMJ, migraines, back pain, constipation, and painful muscle spasms, as well as mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Chiropractic helps to treat ailments of the muscular and skeletal systems. Practitioners of this type of therapy are trained to heal the body's complaints with their hands, as opposed to drugs or surgery, working under the premise that the body is a self-healing organism. Although the efficacy of chiropractic is disputed in some circles, it is generally agreed to be quite safe, and definitely worth a try for ailments such as back and neck pain.

Orthopedic devices are often very effective in helping to alleviate painful conditions where posture or positioning of the body is problematic. Back braces can prevent a patient from aggravating a bad injury or condition. Podiatric orthotics, which provide arch support for the feet, can provide an amazing amount of pain relief for plantar fasciitis, leg and foot pain, or even back and hip problems as orthotics change the alignment of the entire body. Ankle, knee, elbow and hand braces are helpful for arthritis and to lend support to areas in need of extra help. I, personally, have gotten so much relief for my plantar fasciitis by wearing the orthotics that my podiatrist prescribed for me.

A Japanese treatment for stress, Reiki has enjoyed popularity in the Western world in recent times as well. Reiki is a type of alternative medicine involving spirituality and the healing power of touch. Many people enjoy respite from pain through these methods, as Reiki's primary focus is to heal through physical contact and to alleviate the stress from which many illnesses originate. Like many holistic pain management therapies, it is considered to be safe, and can be quite effective. I have been practicing Reiki on other people for many years, and have personally witnessed some awesome results with many who have suffered, including a few of my pets as well as some people.

Another fantastic stress reliever is meditation. Meditating can alleviate the emotional stress which often causes physical tension. Learning the ability to stay "in the moment" can help to relax the body by training the mind to focus on things other than physical pain or discomfort. Meditation also employs techniques such as "quieting" the mind, tuning out stimuli such as distracting environmental conditions which may make mental stress worse, and in turn, manifests physical stresses. One study cites several patients with rheumatoid arthritis; their symptoms did not disappear, though they reported feeling better in mood by an average of about 30%. People of all types can gain benefits from meditation as enhancing one's mood can often affect one's physical well-being.

Acupuncture is one of the world's oldest forms of health treatment, though only in recent times has it received attention and validation in the Western world. It is a procedure that involves inserting needles into various points in the body. This technique has been reputed to successfully treat and prevent various diseases, though there are existing studies that show hard proof of acupuncture's efficacy in controlling certain types of pain. In fact, a 1998 study showed that acupuncture is the alternative health procedure that is most recommended by doctors of traditional medicine; more than half of the doctors involved in this study agreed that acupuncture could be beneficial in helping patients. Another study confirmed that a whopping 68% of the patients who had received acupuncture felt that it was a positive and helpful experience. My spine specialist has recently suggested that I look into acupuncture for my back problems, and I've decided to try it. (Stay tuned for another article where I report my findings!)

This is only a partial list of treatments that are available for chronic pain. When you're having a day that is particularly agonizing, one of the best things you can do is to stay optimistic about your options and keep an open mind. The good news is that there are more treatments available to pain sufferers than ever before, and you never know whether or not something will be effective for you until you give it a try. Don't be afraid to ask your healthcare professionals about other treatments that might be available; the next thing you investigate might just be the key to improving your quality of life.


"Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods"

"University of Maryland Medical Center: Biofeedback"

"Wikipedia: Chiropractic"

"Meditation a Hit for Pain Management"

"New Studies Confirm Acupuncture Relieves Pain"

 Photo Credits:
Thanks to Grand Velas Resort for the lovely massage pic!
I love the foot physical therapy (electrode) image by emily_hammie. :) (I've done this!)
Also the broccoli by sk8geek and olive oil by Kevan are veggie-licious.  Thanks!!!
Gorgeous "perfect spot" by dmap Travel Guide. Beautiful!
Acupuncture image by peruisay.  Thank you so much! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Floribus Magicis Ritem

The following is my very own magick spell which is used for dispelling negativity, purifying a space, and consecrating it with your own unique energy signature.  I call this simply, "Floribus Magicis Ritem," which means "The Magic Ritual of Flowers."

For this rite, you will need the following:

a handful of sea salt
your favorite incense
a handful of lilacs, or a few drops of lilac oil
a handful of carnations, or a few drops of carnation oil

Sprinkle the area with sea salt.  "By the power of Earth, I consecrate this space."
Take a moment to visualize the spirits of Earth bringing some of their holy energies to the area.

Dredge the area with smoke from your incense.  "By the power of Air, I purify this space."
visualize the Air spirits emanating from the smoke to make the space pure.

sprinkle the lilac oil or petals.  "By the power of water, I cleanse this space."
Envision the power of Water bring harmony and happiness to the area that you're sprinkling.

Sprinkle the carnation oil or petals.  "By the power of fire, I protect this space."
Imagine glowing Fire energies lending their protection to the area.

You are now ready to do your own magical workings, or simply leave these items as-is to keep your space consecrated and to dispel negative energies from encroaching.

Salt is a an age-old component of many spiritual workings.  Its main purpose is to cleans and purify a space, getting rid of negative vibrations before you prepare to do your own personal rites.  Lilacs, a water-ruled flower, are the perfect component to promote living in harmony, as well as to enhance mental and psychic abilities.  Carnations are a very classic fire-type flower, and is often used to promote healing, both physically and mentally, as well as to boost one's power and add extra "oomph!" to your magick.

Notes:  You can use essential oils (add a few drops to some olive oil), fragrance oil, perfume, or whatever you have on hand -- even fresh flowers or dried petals.  Use enough to cover the whole area.  A handful or 2 should be more than sufficient for most small areas.

I'm in love with this gorgeous lilac photo by 4nitsirk -- thanks so much for generously sharing it!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"How To Win a Boyfriend"

Recently, I was doing some "winter cleaning" and found a bunch of interesting old artifacts from way back when.  Included in this was vintage-y "self-help" style pamphlet for teenage girls, which seemed to come from the 1970s or 1980s, that I assume used to belong to a relative as a young one in that era.  While a lot of the advice seems to be extremely outdated and hilarious, there are some good nuggets of timeless wisdom intertwined, mainly about being true to one's values and caring for others.  There is no copyright information, but I've decided to type it all out and share it with you for your amusement.  Enjoy!

How To Win a Boyfriend

The only way to have a friend is to be one.  Make friends with people you have something in common with, like hiking or music.  If you want to be friends with Jaime because she's always cheerful, ask yourself what makes her that way and imitate her.

Get involved in activities at school, house of worship, and in your neighborhood.  Don't stay home because no one will hurt your feelings that way.  Go to concerts, plays, and community activities.  Join the school swim team or act in the school play.  Volunteer to work your church spaghetti supper.  And if your next-door neighbor is selling homegrown vegetables from a stand at the end of her driveway, offer to help.

What are you doing?  What any sensible business person does.  You are building a network of contacts that will pay off later when people invite you to parties and football games.

But just going places isn't enough.  You need to act alive, to really enjoyy ourelf, to have fun.  Even though you are shy, people may misinterpret that shyness as conceity.  Smile, laugh, and take part in conversations.

If you feel out of place at school dances, join the committee that sets up the chairs and provides the refreshments.  Work does more than take your mind off your shyness.  It allows you to feel part of the action and gives you coruage.  Act like you belong there and people will assume you belong there.  So will you and the confidence will radiate like a light that everyone will see.

Remember, enthusiasm attacts enthusiastic people.  Keep a positive attitude.  Don't be offended if someone rejects your advances.  Everyone gets turned down.  They don't lock themselves in their rooms.  They get out and try again.  You are worthy of other people's affection and if you treat others well, tey will see that you're the kind of person they want to hang out with.

A positive attitude is related to another important part of the puzzle.  It's called positive imaging.

Always try to act with grace, dignity, and maturity.  Don't think you have al of that?  You do, although it might be buried beneath the surface.  Here's a hint:  Think of someone you admire and respect.  Create a vision of that person in your mind, an image of that person performing well in a difficult situation.  Whar does he or she do to cope?  Adopt that style.

One word of caution.  Smiling and acting friendly doesn't mean bending over backwards for all people all of the time.  Are you sure you want to become friends with the kids who do drugs and get into trouble?  How will the attention they give you make you a better person?  They may seem to like you if you do favors for them, but when they're tired of using you, they'll dump you just like they did to others in your school.

Before you do them any favors ask yourself this:  Will I feel guilty or ashamed of what I'm about to do?  If the answer is yes, don't do it.  There are people who would be glad to have you as a friend, just the way you are.  

Now that you've landed some new friends, you have to take care of them or they and your old friends will slip away.  How do you keep friends?  The same way you attract them:

* Be a friend all of the time.  Listen to your friends' problems.  Smile and nod to show you understand.  Defend them from unjust attacks.  If they need a favor, offer your help.  If they need more than you can give, know your limits; suggest they talk to their parents, their minister, or the school counselor.

* Don't badmouth people behind their backs.  This gives both them and you a bad reputation.  If someone did this to you, it would hurt, so why do it to a potential friend?  If a person has hurt your feelings, talk it over with him or her.  Don't accuse or attack.  Say you value the persons friendship and that you want to work things out.  Talk is not cheap; it is one of the most valuable things you can do.

*  You have worked hard to feel good about yourself and you have a right to brag a little.  But don't carry it too far.  If your new friends misinterpret your pride as a belief that you're better than everyone else, they'll try to take you down a peg.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Healing Words For a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime

Recently I was asked to give someone an update on a friend who hadn't been seen in a year, though who certainly hadn't been forgotten.  My impressions on this subject were that the person in question wasn't so good for this querent to begin with, and that there was quite a lot of secret dealings going on without her knowledge or understanding.

In life, we meet all sorts of different people.  As the saying goes, "People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."  Sometimes, a relationship is born with an expiration date... these relationships can change you for the better or for the worse.  If it's for the better, accept it and enjoy all of the good things that knowing this person has yielded.  Pass along the positivity to others.

Sometimes, however, people can come into our lives, and before we know it, things have turned to chaos.  Not everyone that we meet is going to enrich our lives in the same way.  But even the people that cross our paths who change us for the worse can be viewed as a blessing.  In the short term, an unpleasant person may have stripped away something important from us, or something that we think is important, but in the end, we are left with the freedom to rebuild.  This realization alone can help so much with putting a bad relationship into perspective, being grateful for the thing that we do have, an reprioritizing as we learn what truly is meaningful in our lives.  Such endings give us room to improve and rebuild in ways that we never would have done without such interference.  It may be difficult to believe that such hardships are actually blessings, but hardship can often make people stronger and better in the long run, as well as help people to appreciate all of the good things in life that they still have close to them.

Photo credits:
Thanks to SashaW for her lovely haunting photo, and to CarbonNYC for the gorgeous broken heart pic!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, or "LBRP" for short, is a very common ritual for people who need calming, centering, and grounding.  I personally have used it for years to calm myself when I've experienced nervousness or anxiety.  It also works very well for me when I have trouble sleeping.  If you're new to meditation or centering your thoughts, try this.  You will enjoy the sense of well-being that it brings you.

Because so many other people have provided great instructions -- you need only Google "LBRP" to find a version that works for you -- I have chosen to include my favorite version available online.  This is from the RoseMoon Spiritual Centre website, and it most closely mimics the version that I do when I need to perform this ritual.

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is a tool to assist you in maintaining your own Light, and protect you from the overwhelming sea of emotions and energies flying about the world.

It takes about 40 seconds to do once you know it. Personally I like to stretch it out to take up about a minute and a half. It should be done three times a day. When you wake up, do it in your bedroom.
Before you go to sleep, do it in your living room. On your lunch break at work, do it quietly somewhere, even in the toilet stall.
First we have the longer explanation, then the short form you can read to remind you what to do. The figures can be imagined as female or male, as you choose.
Here we go.

Part 1.
"The Qabalistic Cross"
Imagine a ball of light above your head. Reach up with your right hand and grab the light. Now when you touch yourself with that hand part of the light will go into you.
• Touch your forhead and say "Atah" Let it fill with light.
• Touch your pelvis at the pubic bone and say "Malkuth". Let it fill with light.
• Touch your right shoulder and say "Ve Geburah". Let it fill with light.
• Touch your left shoulder and say "Ve Gedulah". Let it fill with light.
• Hold your hands in prayer over your heart and say "Lee-ohlam". Let it fill with light.
• Feel your whole body fill with the cross of light. Say "Amen"
These words are Hebrew. They are the last part of the Lord's Prayer. "Thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen" Jesus told his disciples to pray using these words. You can read it for yourself in the bible. I am sure that you have seen a Catholic cross themselves. You can use this Qaballistic cross anytime of the day to give you a spiritual charge. It takes about three seconds to do once you know the words and motions by heart.

Part 2.
The Pentagrams
• Face East. If this is not possible pick any direction and just pretend that it is East. East is where the sun rises.
Before you in the air draw a giant pentagram. This is done by using your right index finger, or if you prefer use the whole hand. Start by pointing down by your left hip. Draw an imaginary line from there to up above your head. Next down by your right hip. Now over to your left shoulder. Then across to the right shoulder. Lastly back down to the left hip. Now imagine that pentagram shining in front of you. Electric blue is a nice colour to see it in. If you see it a different colour that's fine.
Take a step forward with your left foot. Just the left. Leave your right one where it is. The size of the step will be determined by your space. take a tiny one in the bathroom stall. Take a Giant one in the living room. Take a medium one in the bedroom.
At the same time you step forward thrust your open hands into the pentagram.
As you do both of these there is one more thing. You have to say a name of God. Here, at the first pentagram you will say "Yud Hey Vau Heh". This is the spelling out of the Name "Jehovah" or "Yahweh". In Hebrew it is not permitted to say this name out loud so we spell it.
Now step back with your left foot so it is once again beside your right foot. Touch your right index finger to your lips like you are making the "Shhh no talking" gesture.
Point your right index finger to the center of the pentagram and make a quarter turn to your right. As you do so draw an imaginary arc of white light.
• You are now facing South.
Do the same thing here. Draw and see the pentagram the same way, enter it the same way but say "Adoni" This is Hebrew for Lord. Step back and make the "Shhh" gesture and then point to the center and once again make a quarter turn to your right drawing an arc of white light.
• You are now facing West.
In the west do the same as the previous to but say "Eh-heh-yeh" This is the name Moses was given when he asked the burning bush "Who shall I say sent me?" He was told, by God, to "Say that 'I am' sent you.". So these words mean "I am".
• Move to the North in the same manner as before; a quarter turn to your right while drawing an arc of imaginary white light.
You can probably guess by now that it's all the same except for the name of God that is spoken. So do the pentagram etc. The name this time is "Agla". 'Agla' is a kind of code word nickname for God. It's made up like an acronym from the Hebrew words "Atah Geburah Lee-ohlam Adonai" You've seen these words before. They mean "Thine is the power forever my Lord"
Do the "Shhh" thing and then draw a fourth and final arc of light to the East, back where you started.
You are now standing in the center of a circle of white light. At each quarter there is a giant electric blue pentagram.
Feels pretty good eh? It gets better. Now we post a guard at each pentagram.
Open up your arms. Stretch out like you are a cross. Call the guards to their posts.

The Guards
• Raphael in the East. Raphael is an Angel warrior with a keen intellect who has many legions at his disposal. He has the power of Air. He likes to wear Yellow trimmed with Purple. His favourite weapon is the staff.

• Gabriel in the West. Gabriel is also an Angel warrior. He can feel danger coming and defeat it before it attacks. He likes to wear Blue with Orange trim. He has the power of water. His legions are uncounted

• Michael is in the South. He carries a flaming sword and likes to wear Red trimmed with Green. He is fast and leathel. His armies are unnumbered.

• Auriel is in the North. Auriel will take the brunt of assaults. He is strong and stout. He carries a big shield to offer protection. He dresses in Browns and Olives. He may wear camoflage.
So. How do you get them in their place? Standing in the cross position call them. Better still, command them firmly: they are soldiers and you are the commander:
"Before me Raphael. Behind me Gabriel. On my right Michael. On my left Auriel." 
Now say "Around me flame the pentagrams. Within me shines a six-rayed star." Envision the sphere of light all around you, and the white light within you filling up the sphere. You are filled with divine light and protected from other energy sources.
Almost done.
Part 3.
Do part 1 again, the Qabalistic cross.
Now you're done.
Here it is in short form, without the expanations.

Short Form
Grab ball of light
Touch head "Atah"
Touch pubic bone "Malkuth"
Touch right shoulder "Ve Geburah"
Touch left shoulder "Ve Gedulah"
Hands folded in prayer "Lee-ohlam Amen"
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Yud Heh Vau Heh"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Adonai"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Eh-heh-yeh"
Turn to right drawing arc
Draw pentagram
Enter pentagram "Agla"
Turn to right drawing arc
Stand in cross position "Before me Rapahael
Behind me Gabriel
On my right Michael
On my left Auriel
Around me flame the pentagrams
Within me shines a six-rayed star"
Grab ball of light
Touch head "Atah"
Touch pubic bone "Malkuth"
Touch right shoulder "Ve Geburah"
Touch left shoulder "Ve Gedulah"
Hands folded in prayer "Lee-ohlam Amen"
Try this three times a day for a month. You will notice a substantial difference! (Most people notice a difference the first or second time they do it.) And reinforce it any time you feel you might be picking up free-ranging energy (see quiz above for examples).
When you’ve become practiced at it, you can do this even subtly in a chair or car, with small movements, or visualize it anywhere: an elevator, the street, the subway....
This will make your life better. Do it. It's magic.
And if you like this practice, check out the Rose and Cross!

Photo credit: Amazing stained glass angel photos by Lawrence OP!  Thanks so much for making them available!

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