Tuesday, January 28, 2014
How to Have a Spiritual Awakening
Maybe you want to know how to bring about your own spiritual awakening. The invocation of your own spiritual awakening is a difficult and ambitious undertaking. You cannot turn a spiritual awakening on and off; it must simply happen. However, you can get yourself into the right mindset to become ready for it. When you open your heart and mind, you are in a much better position to receive direction and enlightenment from the divine. Because the spirituality of every individual is completely different, you cannot expect that what works for another person will work for you, and vice versa. If you're letting nature take its course, you cannot force a spiritual awakening. Just relax. It'll happen in its own time.
new age,
protecting yourself,
spiritual awakening
Friday, January 24, 2014
"Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does."
Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom. There's something for everyone!
I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson: ""Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does."
People often worry unnecessarily about what other people think of them. It's human nature! We want to look just right; we can become consumed with looking the part, acting like we know everything, speaking with confidence. "Fake it 'til you make it" is an oft-heard mantra in the self-help game. It's not terrible advice at all, but sometimes you have to take a step back and realize that most people are too absorbed in their own needs to be confident, to look great, and to sound intelligent -- just like you are! Learn to laugh at yourself sometimes. Realize that you are good enough as you are. Aspire to your dreams, but never feel the need to put on airs or to feel shame for the person you are. If you screw up, laugh and learn. Then, when you're ready, try again!
Visit Regina's website here.
I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson: ""Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does."
People often worry unnecessarily about what other people think of them. It's human nature! We want to look just right; we can become consumed with looking the part, acting like we know everything, speaking with confidence. "Fake it 'til you make it" is an oft-heard mantra in the self-help game. It's not terrible advice at all, but sometimes you have to take a step back and realize that most people are too absorbed in their own needs to be confident, to look great, and to sound intelligent -- just like you are! Learn to laugh at yourself sometimes. Realize that you are good enough as you are. Aspire to your dreams, but never feel the need to put on airs or to feel shame for the person you are. If you screw up, laugh and learn. Then, when you're ready, try again!
Visit Regina's website here.
mental health,
protecting yourself,
regina brett
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Opal and Its Mystical Properties
The opal has a rich and mysterious history behind it. Many people revere this powerful gem... some are even afraid of its amazing virtues. The pale milky opal often has a flash of colors within it; some of the prettiest opals actually have sparkling flecks and multicolored facets that can show every color of the rainbow. The word itself is derived from a Sanskrit word, "upala," which means "precious stone."
It is said that those who are born in its ruling month, October, are doubly blessed to enjoy its powers. However, those who are born other times of the year -- watch out! The opal can actually give you the opposite of what you desire, or even be dangerous to you. Is this legend based in truth? Read on to find out the whole story.
Opals were actually prized at one time for their other amazing abilities. One ancient legend has it that a necklace made of opals will prevent blonde hair from darkening or fading into other colors. Opals were also known as "patronus forum," the patron of thieves, as it was said that opals could make the wearer invisible at will. Opals are also associated with religious fervor, thought to strengthen the power of prayer and to instill hope in those who wore it.
The opal crystal has healing powers as well. Like many stones, it has been thought to help ailments of the eye, as well as prevent more serious diseases. It can also provide its bearer with good dreams, as well as loyalty and love from others.
By the way... that reputation for the opal to be harmful? Completely false! The opal's so-called evil reputation can actually be traced to one source only: A novel called Anne of Geuerstein by Sir Walter Scott is actually to blame for this myth. A character in the story called Lady Hermione was proven to be a demoness when a drop of holy water removed the color from the opal she wore in her hair (which turned red when she was angry, and sparkled when she was happy) and turned it black. The opal was then seen as an evil gemstone with the power to harm others. Within months of the novel's completion in 1829, the value of opals declined significantly as no one wanted to buy them. But don't let this fictional story stop you. Enjoy opals -- even if you don't believe in the myths and legends, they're just gorgeous and wonderful gemstones!
It is said that those who are born in its ruling month, October, are doubly blessed to enjoy its powers. However, those who are born other times of the year -- watch out! The opal can actually give you the opposite of what you desire, or even be dangerous to you. Is this legend based in truth? Read on to find out the whole story.
Opals were actually prized at one time for their other amazing abilities. One ancient legend has it that a necklace made of opals will prevent blonde hair from darkening or fading into other colors. Opals were also known as "patronus forum," the patron of thieves, as it was said that opals could make the wearer invisible at will. Opals are also associated with religious fervor, thought to strengthen the power of prayer and to instill hope in those who wore it.
The opal crystal has healing powers as well. Like many stones, it has been thought to help ailments of the eye, as well as prevent more serious diseases. It can also provide its bearer with good dreams, as well as loyalty and love from others.
By the way... that reputation for the opal to be harmful? Completely false! The opal's so-called evil reputation can actually be traced to one source only: A novel called Anne of Geuerstein by Sir Walter Scott is actually to blame for this myth. A character in the story called Lady Hermione was proven to be a demoness when a drop of holy water removed the color from the opal she wore in her hair (which turned red when she was angry, and sparkled when she was happy) and turned it black. The opal was then seen as an evil gemstone with the power to harm others. Within months of the novel's completion in 1829, the value of opals declined significantly as no one wanted to buy them. But don't let this fictional story stop you. Enjoy opals -- even if you don't believe in the myths and legends, they're just gorgeous and wonderful gemstones!
Friday, January 17, 2014
"Life is too short to waste time hating anyone."
Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom. There's something for everyone!
I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson: "Life is too short to waste time hating anyone."
If we're very lucky, most of us will see about seventy years worth of laughter, tears, fun, fear, garbage, and awesomeness. We'll have dreams and we'll see them through, or maybe they won't work out at all. But we should all aspire to fill our lives with as much love as we can -- love for ourselves, for each other, for the world. Hate is a difficult emotion to handle, because it poisons everything that it touches. Emotions like hurt and fear often turn into hate. It can be hard to control. I'm not going to say "If someone hurts you, forgive them and everything will be wonderful and you can love them again!" It doesn't always work like that. Stuff's complicated. But one thing I do know is that if you dwell on all of the bad things which are done to you, and obsess over the people that you dislike or even hate, you'll be taking time away from doing what you love -- and you could also be spending that time with the ones who love you. Hating can be a tempting thing indeed. But even if you can't forgive or forget readily, remember not to lose sight of the fact that you are in control of how you share your emotional time. Don't harm yourself with negativity. Try to rise above it and place your focus elsewhere.
Visit Regina's full list of life lessons on her site, here. :)
I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson: "Life is too short to waste time hating anyone."
If we're very lucky, most of us will see about seventy years worth of laughter, tears, fun, fear, garbage, and awesomeness. We'll have dreams and we'll see them through, or maybe they won't work out at all. But we should all aspire to fill our lives with as much love as we can -- love for ourselves, for each other, for the world. Hate is a difficult emotion to handle, because it poisons everything that it touches. Emotions like hurt and fear often turn into hate. It can be hard to control. I'm not going to say "If someone hurts you, forgive them and everything will be wonderful and you can love them again!" It doesn't always work like that. Stuff's complicated. But one thing I do know is that if you dwell on all of the bad things which are done to you, and obsess over the people that you dislike or even hate, you'll be taking time away from doing what you love -- and you could also be spending that time with the ones who love you. Hating can be a tempting thing indeed. But even if you can't forgive or forget readily, remember not to lose sight of the fact that you are in control of how you share your emotional time. Don't harm yourself with negativity. Try to rise above it and place your focus elsewhere.
Visit Regina's full list of life lessons on her site, here. :)
regina brett
Monday, January 13, 2014
Physical Signs and Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening
When physical manifestations of a spiritual awakening occur, you may or may not be feeling like our muscle-bound friend here! But there are some documentations of what a spiritual awakening feels like in your body, as well as how to deal with the repercussions. Enjoy!
New and unusual physical changes. Physical issues or complaints that you thought were long resolved may be popping back up, or perhaps the reverse is true; issues which seem to plague you on a regular basis seem to be fading or, at least, not bugging you as much. You may experience tiredness, muscle cramps, changes in hearbeat, libido changes (for good or ill), migraines or back pain. It's always best to talk to your doctor when you experience physical changes, illness symptoms, or pain, and it is what I always recommend. However, do not panic (unless your medical professional advises you to do so!). Many times, spiritual awakenings will tax our bodies in ways that we would not realize or expect.
Surprising and unexpected energy bursts that prompt you into action, along with periods of overwhelming lethargy and tiredness. You may feel like you're ready to leap out of your chair and go slay a dragon one day, followed by a wave of fatigue only moments later. Your energy levels may be shifting and it will take you some time to get used to those changes. The best way to handle such energy shifts is to go with the flow. When you have an energy burst, use it to your advantage. Try to recognize a pattern so that when you do have bouts of energy, you can accomplish things without getting stuck halfway through. If you feel tired and need to rest, do it. Sleep when you need to sleep, even if you happen to require more rest than you previously did; if you're tired but not able to fall asleep, try doing something soothing but productive; I like to read, catch up on my emails, blog or work on whatever book I'm writing. Find ways to occupy your mind and get things done until you are suitably ready to rest.
Feeling more in sync with cyclical changes in nature. As the moon goes through each of its phases, you may be experiencing certain physical or emotional sensations that are associated with those phases. You may notice that you are increasingly aware of weather patterns and seasonal cycles. A stronger connection to nature and a heightened sense of awareness of the earth's changes can be beneficial to you.
Nails and hair growing faster than usual. This may be a sign that you're also craving additional protein in your diet, and the body is making use of it. You may also notice that the quality of the hair and nails has changed as well. Perhaps your nails are stronger and break less. Or your hair is smoother and more luminous, with less breakage and more durability.
Fluttering heartbeat. Spiritual awakenings can cause disturbances in several of the body's natural processes. The circulatory system, and the major organs, are no different. When you heart chakra becomes extremely full and sensitive, you may experience what is known as benign PVCs. A racing, pounding heart which begin and ends with no rhyme or reason can indicate stress or an opening of the heart chakra. Always check with your doctor whenever you have any cardiac issues, however. Make sure that there are no other issues which may be making you ill, as heart conditions are serious business!
A heightened sense of physical sensitivity, especially with the skin. A spiritual awakening can cause dermatological issues such as rosacea, shingles, breakouts, and hives. Many of these conditions are often caused by stress and nerves; spiritual changes are no different. Some psychological issues, when left unchecked, can come out through the pores as people tend to bottle up traumatic or problematic issues. Try to de-stress as much as you possibly can. Treat both your symptoms as well as your underlying emotional issues.
You may also experience more physical sensitivity with your other senses. Eyesight may be clearer and more keen, though the sensitivity could also become painful where there are bright lights or with visuals that require more focus and concentration. Your senses of smell and taste can also become quite intense, particularly the sense of smell. With a sharper sense of smell, you can pick up on a great many additional things, however, you must be careful; scents that you usually love may become too intense for you, and may make you ill. Sense of touch can also manifest a great deal more sensitivity; textures and temperatures that are ordinarily pleasurable or at least tolerable may be too difficult for you to handle. Hearing may also be sharper and you might find that you can hear things much more easily than you used to do, but noises and sounds which are too loud or intense may become harder to tolerate.
Migraines, headaches, and other unfamiliar sensations of the head or scalp. You may be experiencing more frequent sensations along your crown chakra as it begins to accept new information. These can come in the form of migraines, pressure, tingling, or itching. Some people have reported feeling a gentle pressure or the feeling of "picking up" new energies from this chakra. If your doctor rules out any other conditions, and you feel it is your crown chakra opening to accept new energy, simply wait it out. The sensations become less stimulating over time.
New eating habits, unplanned weight losses and gains, unusual cravings. Your weight may fluctuate in unexpected ways. Or, your eating habits might change; you may be experiencing cravings that you never used to have. Perhaps you've developed the adverse reaction, and have been having issues tolerating something that you used to enjoy. Maybe you're famished during each meal, when before you'd merely pick at your food. Regardless of the new changes in your food and weight habits, these are all signs of other spiritual, physical, or emotional changes in your life. Try not to worry so much about the weight issues, unless you're approaching unhealthy over- or underweight states; these may be temporary. Take some exercise, make sure you're staying healthy and keeping in touch with your doctor or nutritionist, and pay attention to the signals that your body is sending you. It is telling you what it needs.
Unexpected surges of energy. You may be getting hot and cold flashes at random times, or perhaps you feel waves of power or energy surges coursing through your body. These may be gently felt, or they could be more powerful waves of energy. Rather than worry about the source of this energy, embrace it and appreciate that it is just your body changing and reattuning itself to a new spiritual level.
New and unusual physical changes. Physical issues or complaints that you thought were long resolved may be popping back up, or perhaps the reverse is true; issues which seem to plague you on a regular basis seem to be fading or, at least, not bugging you as much. You may experience tiredness, muscle cramps, changes in hearbeat, libido changes (for good or ill), migraines or back pain. It's always best to talk to your doctor when you experience physical changes, illness symptoms, or pain, and it is what I always recommend. However, do not panic (unless your medical professional advises you to do so!). Many times, spiritual awakenings will tax our bodies in ways that we would not realize or expect.
Surprising and unexpected energy bursts that prompt you into action, along with periods of overwhelming lethargy and tiredness. You may feel like you're ready to leap out of your chair and go slay a dragon one day, followed by a wave of fatigue only moments later. Your energy levels may be shifting and it will take you some time to get used to those changes. The best way to handle such energy shifts is to go with the flow. When you have an energy burst, use it to your advantage. Try to recognize a pattern so that when you do have bouts of energy, you can accomplish things without getting stuck halfway through. If you feel tired and need to rest, do it. Sleep when you need to sleep, even if you happen to require more rest than you previously did; if you're tired but not able to fall asleep, try doing something soothing but productive; I like to read, catch up on my emails, blog or work on whatever book I'm writing. Find ways to occupy your mind and get things done until you are suitably ready to rest.
Feeling more in sync with cyclical changes in nature. As the moon goes through each of its phases, you may be experiencing certain physical or emotional sensations that are associated with those phases. You may notice that you are increasingly aware of weather patterns and seasonal cycles. A stronger connection to nature and a heightened sense of awareness of the earth's changes can be beneficial to you.
Nails and hair growing faster than usual. This may be a sign that you're also craving additional protein in your diet, and the body is making use of it. You may also notice that the quality of the hair and nails has changed as well. Perhaps your nails are stronger and break less. Or your hair is smoother and more luminous, with less breakage and more durability.
Fluttering heartbeat. Spiritual awakenings can cause disturbances in several of the body's natural processes. The circulatory system, and the major organs, are no different. When you heart chakra becomes extremely full and sensitive, you may experience what is known as benign PVCs. A racing, pounding heart which begin and ends with no rhyme or reason can indicate stress or an opening of the heart chakra. Always check with your doctor whenever you have any cardiac issues, however. Make sure that there are no other issues which may be making you ill, as heart conditions are serious business!
A heightened sense of physical sensitivity, especially with the skin. A spiritual awakening can cause dermatological issues such as rosacea, shingles, breakouts, and hives. Many of these conditions are often caused by stress and nerves; spiritual changes are no different. Some psychological issues, when left unchecked, can come out through the pores as people tend to bottle up traumatic or problematic issues. Try to de-stress as much as you possibly can. Treat both your symptoms as well as your underlying emotional issues.
You may also experience more physical sensitivity with your other senses. Eyesight may be clearer and more keen, though the sensitivity could also become painful where there are bright lights or with visuals that require more focus and concentration. Your senses of smell and taste can also become quite intense, particularly the sense of smell. With a sharper sense of smell, you can pick up on a great many additional things, however, you must be careful; scents that you usually love may become too intense for you, and may make you ill. Sense of touch can also manifest a great deal more sensitivity; textures and temperatures that are ordinarily pleasurable or at least tolerable may be too difficult for you to handle. Hearing may also be sharper and you might find that you can hear things much more easily than you used to do, but noises and sounds which are too loud or intense may become harder to tolerate.
Migraines, headaches, and other unfamiliar sensations of the head or scalp. You may be experiencing more frequent sensations along your crown chakra as it begins to accept new information. These can come in the form of migraines, pressure, tingling, or itching. Some people have reported feeling a gentle pressure or the feeling of "picking up" new energies from this chakra. If your doctor rules out any other conditions, and you feel it is your crown chakra opening to accept new energy, simply wait it out. The sensations become less stimulating over time.
New eating habits, unplanned weight losses and gains, unusual cravings. Your weight may fluctuate in unexpected ways. Or, your eating habits might change; you may be experiencing cravings that you never used to have. Perhaps you've developed the adverse reaction, and have been having issues tolerating something that you used to enjoy. Maybe you're famished during each meal, when before you'd merely pick at your food. Regardless of the new changes in your food and weight habits, these are all signs of other spiritual, physical, or emotional changes in your life. Try not to worry so much about the weight issues, unless you're approaching unhealthy over- or underweight states; these may be temporary. Take some exercise, make sure you're staying healthy and keeping in touch with your doctor or nutritionist, and pay attention to the signals that your body is sending you. It is telling you what it needs.
Unexpected surges of energy. You may be getting hot and cold flashes at random times, or perhaps you feel waves of power or energy surges coursing through your body. These may be gently felt, or they could be more powerful waves of energy. Rather than worry about the source of this energy, embrace it and appreciate that it is just your body changing and reattuning itself to a new spiritual level.
alternative therapy,
spiritual awakening,
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