Monday, March 15, 2021

What Are the Birthstones for Each Month?

picture of a Ruby — birthstone of July

Did you know that there is more than one birthstone for each month? Traditional stones were established for centuries. But when retailers got involved to try to increase sales, they invented modern “equivalents” that are based on nothing except what extras they had in stock and wanted to unload.

Tiffany & Co printed a now-famous pamphlet of birthstone poems, which were totally inaccurate, in order to sell more gems. It was full of poems detailing the birthstones and their powers, credited to an “unknown author,” ostensibly someone in the marketing department to cash in on these traditions.

January’s birthstone is garnet.

February’s birthstones are amethyst, pearl, and zircon.

March’s birthstones are aquamarine, bloodstone, and jasper.

April’s birthstones are diamond, sapphire, and mystic topaz.

May’s birthstones are agate, emerald, and chrysoprase.

June’s birthstones are agate, alexandrite, cat’s eye, moonstone, pearl, and turquoise.

July’s birthstones are carnelian, onyx, ruby, and turquoise.

August’s birthstones are carnelian, moonstone, peridot, sardonyx, spinel, and moonstone.

September’s birthstones are chrysolite, lapis, and sapphire.

October’s birthstones are aquamarine, opal, and tourmaline.

November’s birthstones are citrine, pearl, and topaz.

December’s birthstones are bloodstone, lapis, ruby, turquoise, and zircon.

Although most birthstones were pretty well-established by the 1400s, modern jewelers have altered the traditions by inventing new birthstones for the months. There aren’t any real reasons for this spiritually speaking — it was just a marketing ploy to sell more of certain gems. Therefore, don’t worry too much about it. The powers are inside of you, and you’ll intuitively know which crystal should be yours!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Green Aventurine Properties: Crystal Magick

There’s a reason that this cool, green stone in the quartz  family is so popular with beginners. It’s a powerful crystal, but so easy to work with!

Aventurine is a great all-purpose crystal! It works wonders for attracting wealth, healing, & confidence. It also turns negative energy into positive!

Monday, March 1, 2021

The History of Amber: Its Meanings, Legends, and Science

Did you know that amber can be used for healing your soul and body? It’s true. Even cooler: it’s been scientifically proven to heal.

Wise women in villages along the ancient Baltic coastline  would recommend wearing a piece of amber jewelry against your skin near an aching part for relief. We can attribute the peace and comfort of amber to, perhaps, its cosmic mysteries. But there is also a science-based explanation for amber’s medicinal properties.

A beautiful close-up of an amber piece carving to a heart. There are insect fossil pieces inside of it.

 As the resin makes contact with your skin, a chemical reaction occurs and released small amounts of succinic acid into the skin, which helps inflammation and pain. Even teething rings were — and are — made out of amber to soothe babies’ aching gums.

Spirit of amber is hailed as a miracle potion by gemstone shaman, enthusiast, and scientist alike. Studies have indicated that amber does, indeed, contain healthful elements — and best of all, these can be extracted for even more benefits to humankind.

Baltic amber is specifically used to create a potion called “spirit of amber,” used by the local Vedma of the Baltic region, as well as people all over the world! Ancient Baltic people prepared this distillation of succinic acid, found only in their version of this gem, as a pain reliever. Today, spirit of amber is also considered one of the most important biomass platform chemicals. Amber is considered an organic source for some of our most important medicine, tools, and even our food. Its derivatives serve as an ingredient in plastics, solvents, and antibiotics as well.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Manifesting Money Fast: The Attachment Rule

  So to really know what’s happening with your manifestation, you have to learn to listen to what the mind is telling you. Here are some ways to do that:

Use all your senses, especially your ears. Hear what’s in your heart, which is the primary key to knowing the mind. Whenever you feel unhappy, happy, or frightened, let your feelings flow. It’s important for feelings to be processed, and (if they don’t serve your greatest good), released.

Be mindful of your body as well as your kind, and experience what you feel holistically. Be totally honest with yourself. 

Acknowledge what’s happening. Is there depression about something in your past? Is it anxiety about something happening in the future? Is this excitement about something that’s coming up? Whatever it is, this is what the mind is saying. Then let it go. 

Practice non-attachment. Remember, you’re not attached to anything in the external world. It doesn’t matter if you get what you’re wishing for. The mind doesn’t judge. It doesn’t care about anything in the external world.

In that way, when you see things happening, you can take a non-attached attitude and let them be.

Be happy for the blessings that you do have. If you’re still doing all of these things and not manifesting just what you want... that’s okay. Keep going. The universe delivers in its own time, so trust the process.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Learning How to Self-Heal Emotionally

As adversity knocks us down, we develop resilience to get back up and keep fighting.

However, some parts of emotional healing can be difficult for those of us who are experiencing especially different challenges  or transitional periods Everyone needs a self-healing process. Having a plan for soothing yourself when things can tough, can help improve your quality of life.

Listen to some great tips for spiritual self-healing here on SpiritClique. My advice has helped thousands of people, and it’ll help you too! 

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