Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Brown Aura Color and Its Meanings

Brown is a deep, tranquil, and earthy hue within the auric spectrum. It is generally thought to be a combination of darkest orange, with a bit of green or blue energy thrown in for good measure.  Corresponding to the earth, it is a color of practicality, warmth, and persistence.

People with a brown aura, regardless of the shade of brown represented or the amount of within the aura, tend to be very businesslike and careful, but nurturing and generally interested in helping others. They are often very brave, and wonderful team players. On the negative side, however, despite their best or most loving intentions, brown aura individuals may have control issues or anxiety.  Brown aura bearers can also be of delicate constitution, needing extra time to charge their emotional batteries.

Light brown auras are a good example of the caring nurturer with a practical approach to solving problems.  The lighter color may indicate that the aura bearer is running out of energy, or is coming to the end of a major issue in his or her life.

Tan, like light brown, also symbolizes a depleted sense of energy.  However, a tan aura bearer tends to be less focused on feelings and emotions, and more concerned with logic and facts in order to achieve goals.

Greyish brown (mushroom color) is another shade that shows a deficiency in personal energy.  Brown aura bearers tend to deplete themselves quickly, so they need to take extra energy.  This shade indicates a slower and more careful thought process, in an attempt to pace him- or herself.  Try some aura polishing techniques if you need a positive change.

Chocolate is a common shade for the environmentally conscious, outdoorsy type of person.  This person can recharge those batteries by connecting with the earth, plants and animals.

Rusty brown can be indicative of a tough-as-nails, persistent person who will fight through anything to achieve his or her goals.  The addition of a red essence in this shade boosts the aura bearer's natural "brown" tendency to fade quickly.  There is an aggression here that can be channeled positively.

Reddish-clay brown aura bearers show persistence and grace under pressure, as well as a pioneering spirit and an unconventional nature.  However, there is also the tendency for a short temper or stubbornness to rear an ugly head occasionally.

Espresso brown is a calm, quiet shade that gives its bearer a simple elegance and a lot of common sense.  There may not be too many original ideas coming from this bearer, however the logic of such an individual is quite valuable when processing or improving upon ideas from other sources.

The next time that you wonder what a brown aura means, you only have to look inward.  Each aura is unique,  and aura patterns can contain many different shades of brown.  Do what feels right for you!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

20 Awesome Tips for Surviving a Bad Breakup

1.  Remove the temptation of easy access.  Delete his or her number from your phone, block 'em on Facebook, get rid of old emails.  Unless you work together or share children, there is really no need to initiate further contact.  (If there was no major betrayal before the breakup, you may wish to maintain the friendship; in this case, just lay low for awhile and get some emotional distance.)
2.  Do not keep tabs on your ex.  This means no Facebook stalking (covertly or otherwise), no asking around, no driving past his or her house.  If it's over, it's over.  Let them wonder what you're doing or whom you're with now, but resist the temptation to keep that wound fresh.

3.  Let it out.  Write all your feelings in a notebook, a personal blog or journal, anywhere that you can vent and detox those negative feelings.

4.  Decide that, since you have now detoxed, to turn over a new leaf.  Think of this as a positive opportunity to make a fresh start, and adopt a positive attitude.

5.  Take care of yourself.  Eat healthy, exercise, and generally treat yourself well.  This is especially true if you were with someone who was not terribly concerned with your physical or emotional well-being.  When you take responsibility of your own well-being, you're taking control of your life.

6.  When you're feeling down on yourself, try thinking of all your positive qualities.  Make a list if you have to, in order to refer to it for future falterings.

7.  While you're in the habit of making lists, try making another one of all the reasons you're better off NOT in the relationship that you used to be.  If your former partner was annoying, unsupportive, selfish, or boring... write it down.  Absorb it, realize that the end of the relationship is a positive thing, and move on.

8.  Socialize with friends.  Call people that you haven't spoken to in a long while.  Re-establish touch with long lost friends, and enjoy reconnecting with those who love you.

9.  Pursue new interests, or revive much-beloved older ones.

10.  Take the focus off of yourself.  Realize that other people have issues too; do something wonderful for another person, and enjoy the glow that comes along with it.

11.  Pleasure yourself physically. 'Nuff said.

12.  Make changes to your apprearance.  Yes, it can be a bit of a cliche, but the truth is that seeing a cool new you in the mirror can help to alter your own perception of yourself.  Change your hair, try a new fashion style, get your most trusted cohorts together and devise an interesting new look for yourself.

13.  Change your surroundings.  You may not be in the position to move, but sometimes when you feel down in the dumps, and everything reminds you of your ex, you want to switch things around.  Move the furniture, paint the walls.  Burn some sage and detoxify your space.  If you're not interested in switching around your space, even a good thorough cleaning can make you feel fantastic.

14.  Throw yourself into your work for awhile.  Don't become a workaholic, though!

15.  When you're ready to see new people, try dating.  Keep in mind that "rebounds" usually don't work out, so don't go hunting for a new relationship right away.  Just enjoy socializing, flirting, and meeting new and interesting (or not-so-interesting!) people.

16.  Make new friends.

17.  Find enjoyment in solitary activities like reading, video games, or just walking through your city and seeing the sights.

18.  If your ex dumped you for someone else or was a particularly big jerk, think about the next person they end up with.  Instead of feeling jealous or tearing them down, realize how being with the ex totally sucks.  Feel simultaneously sorry for the "latest victim," and relieved that your ex is no longer your problem.

19.  Truly evolved people never stop growing, changing, and learning.  Try filling your mind with new information and perceptions.  Expanding your mind will expand every part of your life.

20.  Love yourself and love others.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Act of Contrition

The Act of Contrition is a Catholic prayer that is used during confession.  It is basically a pledge between the confessor and God, where the person confessing expresses sorrow for his or her sins, and promises to behave better in the future.  There are some versions which are more popular than others, but there is no specific right or wrong version.  In fact, when I went to confession as a child, I was encouraged just to speak from my heart if I was unable to remember one of the versions I was taught.

Here is a popular version in the original Latin:

Deus meus, ex toto corde paenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum
eaque detestor, quia peccando,
non solum poenas a te iuste statutas promeritus sum,
sed praesertim quia offendi te,
summum bonum, ac dignum qui super omnia diligaris.
Ideo firmiter propono,
adiuvante gratia tua,
de cetero me non peccatorum peccandique occasiones proximas fugiturum.

In English, this is basically translated as:

O my God, I repent of all my sins with all of my heart 
I detest them, because by sinning, 
Not only did I have gained just punishment from you, 
but most of all because they offend Thee, 
the highest good, who is deserving of all my love. 
I firmly resolve with Your help, 
to avoid the occasions of sin.

The Act of Contrition for children, which is the one I learned as I prepared for my First Holy Communion, is short and sweet: "O my God, I am sorry for all my sins because they displease you, who are all good and deserving of all my love. With your help I will sin no more. Amen."

My mother was taught this one when she was a child: "O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen."

You do not need to be Catholic, or indeed even Christian, to declare an act of contrition.  If you are Catholic, you can use the prayers above, or if not, just speak from your heart to the deity of your choice or to the universe itself.   This can be a wonderfully cleansing and uplifting practice to help switch you onto the right track, to avoid things that are unhealthy or negative for you, and to move on in a more positive direction.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What Does a Purple or Violet Aura Mean?

Purple or violet is a cool, deep color within the aura spectrum, though it also has elements of warmth to it as well.  This hue corresponds to the elements of both fire and water, as it combines the deep passion of red with the mellow tranquility of blue. Purple  corresponds to the Crown chakra, and is a versatile and visionary  color.  People with a violet or purple aura are the wise and visionary souls of the auric spectrum.  A purple aura is typically a lover of humanity, a wise person who loves knowledge, and potentially intuitive. There is also an ability to organize and direct others well.

Lavender is a pale violet-like shade of purple. It is an airy and lighthearted color, indicating innocence and trust.  Lavender spots or halo around someone can also indicate a recent near-death experience.

Lilac is another pastel violet shade.  It possesses more pink than lavender, but with a definite pale purple hue.  Within an aura, this color symbolizes security without haughtiness, and a personal sense of spiritual stability.  These people are confident and natural leaders.

Magenta is like lilac with the volume turned way, way up! People with magenta in their auric presence have a distinct sense of originality and a pioneering spirit.  This is the color that is most prominent in entrepreneurs, inventors, and other visionaries.  This can be an aggressive color, though that isn't necessarily a bad thing.  They can be so unconventional that they are often perceived as crazy and kooky, yet there is often a method to their madness.  Try some aura polishing techniques if you need to slow down a bit.

is a dusty mixture of magenta and lilac.  It's a soft, soothing color that is actually a close cousin of the pink aura bearer.  A mauve aura indicates honesty, yet modesty, and a certain understated helpfulness.  There is much quiet beauty and unspoken confidence in this auric energy.

Royal purple is bold and luscious, as is the person who shows this aura shade in their auric field.  There is a dreamy, imaginative quality in this shade which can prompt its bearer to be blessed with an amazing sense of vision.  This is another entrepreneurial, pioneering aura, yet care must be taken that this person does not spend his or her entire life dreaming and making big plans without following through!  Like a king or a queen, this person is bold and dynamic, with a flair for imagination.  Look for other aura colors to help strike a balance; with the proper motivation, or by seeking practical cohorts, these visions can be brought into reality.

Grape violet is a paler shade of royal, with a bit of dustiness to it.  It is still rather bold, but with less of an edge.  There is the bold visionary spirit present in royal shades, yet there is more idleness.  These are often folks who have big plans and dreams, yet much trouble following through or bringing those thoughts into any meaningful practice.  Laziness can be the downfall of the grape-hued aura, but with dedication and a desire to work through the troubled spots, this can be modified to a more positive violet hue.

Darkest violet purple is a deep, dark, intense version of royal purple.  It can be so dark that you might compare it to a purple midnight sky. This color has the humility and vision that accompanies most purple shades, but as the darkest shade on the purple auric spectrum, it is also one of the most powerful.  These are the true visionaries of the world.  Many psychics (including yours truly!) possess a dark violet or purple aura which indicates a mystic sense of empathy as well as a deep desire to aid and comfort others. 

Many people want to know, "What does a purple aura mean?" And hopefully, I have answered this question.  All auras are unique.  Every aura is different, and different things may work for various aura colors and aura patterns.  Do what feels right for you!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Vibrational Crystal Healing to Channel Your Inner Doctor

Crystals are prevalent in all places in ordinary, everyday life.  Computers, radios, televisions, cell phones all have crystals in them.  Technology can certainly benefit from their power, but crystals can also benefit people in other ways.  One new age technique that explores this concept is that of crystal vibrational healing.

Vibrational healing is done through harnessing the frequency of energy that radiates through the crystal and to a person's physical body.  This energy can cleanse the body of negativity -- sadness, fear, bad energy, and possibly even ill health -- and replace this unwanted energy with more positive vibrations.

I've heard some people claim that the physical body is never really ill, but rather it is our perception that illness exists.  I don't agree with this statement at all.  If this were true, then there wouldn't be any sick people in the world; instead, illness could be abolished by simply wishing it away.  Choosing not to believe you're sick is very risky and could be dangerous.  Instead, I believe that it's best to take sensible measures in addressing your health concerns.  See your doctor, eat well, exercise and do the best you can to maintain your body.  At the same time that you're using medical science to aid in your journey to wellness, you can also try vibrational healing to keep your mind positive and your spirit determined to fight.  This way, you will get the best of both worlds.

While you may not be able to control everything that happens in your body, you can work on your mental and spiritual outlook.  Studies have shown that meditation has had a wonderful effect on the well-being of illness sufferers.  Trying new age methods until you find one you're comfortable with, can't hurt you, and can possibly help.

The first step with crystal healing is to focus on what you want to change.  To transform your feelings or physical state, try feeling those negative states with the opposite aspect.  For example, feed fear with courage.  Feed anger with tranquility.  Feed pain with relief.  Feed illness with health.  You can use crystals as tools to aid you in these transformations.

Find your favorite crystal, or one that feels right for the job, and place it against your heart, your third eye, or any chakra where you feel the need for relief.  Center on that negative feeling or state.  Feel it strongly.  If it helps, remember a time when you felt it the most -- it can be your fear, your illness, your pain.  Now, after you've zeroed in on that feeling, imagine it being attracted into the crystal like a magnet.  Meditate on that negativity being drained completely from your body, and being trapped inside the crystal.  Envision your body being cleansed completely of that feeling as it empties into the crystal.  Now, envision a glow around the crystal as it transforms and heals the energy.  Imagine the cleansed, positive, wonderful energy filling you completely and fortifying you with positivity and well-being.

You can use this technique whenever you feel the need for some extra cleansing or peace in your life.  It is a wonderfully quick and easy form of meditation for both the seasoned meditator, and the novice, alike.

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