Monday, February 1, 2021

Amber’s Magickal Properties and Spiritual Power

Baltic amber has been a crucial part of spiritual work among the Vedma pagan culture for thousands of years, as the gems collected from the salty beaches of the Baltic Sea are rich with healing, anti-inflammatory properties. It is venerated within many circles in both modern and historical spirituality.

Amber is said to help with pain, stress, and other physical or mental ailments. It’s especially helpful for respiratory issues, such as asthma. Amber is prized for its beauty and range of stunning colors — rich honeys and caramels, flaming oranges and sunny yellows. These shades link amber with the Root Chakra (responsible for sustaining life force & reproduction) and the Solar Plexus Chakra (ruling over personality and self-expression). 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Spiritual Self-Help Snapchat Group!

Snapchat is the public’s favorite social media platform of the moment! And it’s only getting bigger and bigger.

SpiritClique is in the process of organizing a Snapchat group for people who are looking for real ways to heal mentally, spiritually, & emotionally. I’ll be raising new questions, sending fun inspiring quotes and info, and maybe even do  some free card reading for the Clique and its members! 

If you’ve followed my blog for the past decade, you’ll know how much love and care we have been putting into things around here. The blog and podcast will be staying 100% the same — we’re just adding more amazing free shit! 

Come hang out and talk with us on Snap!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Why Is My Manifestation Not Working?

Do you have a question you’re often asking yourself? Do you feel like you’re not getting the results you’re hoping for with your manifestation?

Do you feel like the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you right now?

Do you feel like you can’t trust the process?

What is it that you’re really asking?

 When we think about our dreams, it’s difficult to remember that these are a “waiting to happen.” Every dream is the future manifested in the present moment. The ultimate goal of our awareness is to realize that all dreams are waiting to happen, no matter how difficult we may think they are to achieve.

It’s natural to become impatient when the waiting is interminable. We grow frustrated, and before we know it, we begin to question our ability to manifest a manifestation. “I’m not good enough,” we think. “My mind doesn’t work right.”

We need to come to terms with the fact that it takes time to manifest any manifestation, because our mind is like a river and the path is like a riverbed. As long as the riverbed is soft and the riverbed is wet, the river will continue flowing. It takes time for the riverbed to dry up so that the riverbed can become solid.

When the riverbed dries up, our dreams will begin to rise up to the surface. When the riverbed is solid, our dreams will float up to the surface. Our mental perfection is inseparable from our conscious manifestation.

Don’t expect anything too soon, or you may miss the manifestation that is right for you. Trust the process.

Monday, January 18, 2021

What does having a moon in Virgo mean?

Lunar signs can emerge in strange and unusual ways. You may not show these to the general public. However, Virgos are fabulous with communication, serving others, being useful, and caring about the environment.

I have known a lot of people with Moon in Virgo, and the general consensus is that they’re pretty smart and caring. Unfortunately, their caring nature makes it easier to take advantage of — so don’t forget to protect yourself!

Recently I did a podcast about this very subject on SpiritClique. I discussed the lunar Virgo placement in detail, including all their strengths. (We’ll do weaknesses another time!) I also instruct about really basic essential use, so that it can be done safely and carefully.) Listen here!

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Why Should We Make Meditation a Habit?

Meditation is not always easy.

People who have problems with anxiety can find meditation to be especially challenging.

It takes focus and concentration, and must be practiced for years to reap the full benefits.

But it can be a vital part of managing stress, controlling our thoughts, and decreasing our feelings of irritability.

It is important to develop a meditation practice that helps you stay focused and flexible.

Doing some meditation is like taking a yoga class, but on a much smaller scale.

One of the benefits of meditating is the ability to reduce stress.

It is often difficult for people to concentrate when they are stressed, so meditating can help us to find an even deeper sense of relaxation.

So when you are tempted to take on more responsibilities, think about ways that you can reduce your workload and concentrate on other, more positive things.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Value of Amber: How Much Is It Worth?

Amber is a gorgeous honey-colored gemstone. While technically a wood resin, amber holds its own with the best and brightest jewels and minerals in the world.

Country artisans have used time-honored techniques to carve and shape this mysterious substance. Families in the artisanal Baltic amber trade pass down secrets from one generation of craftspeople to the next — turning already stunning natural amber into beads, cabochons, and other objects of beauty. However, amber is fragile. Unless stored and maintained properly, small pieces can become brittle or wear down. 

Even the simplest of amber creations can rival the most ethereal gems in value. Clearer amber is worth more, but gemstones that contain well preserved specimens of prehistoric living things can fetch a pretty penny. In some parts of the world, a gram of fine amber is so rare that it can fetch a better price than gold.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What are the different birthstones for each month?

Crystals and jewels

Did you know that there is more than one birthstone for each month? Traditional stones were established for centuries. But when retailers got involved to try to influence the sale of certain jewels... the traditions changed. Here’s a list of all the stones which correspond to each month. Enjoy!

January’s birthstone is garnet.

February’s birthstones are amethyst, pearl, and zircon.

March’s birthstones are aquamarine, bloodstone, and jasper.

April’s birthstones are diamond, sapphire, and mystic topaz.

May’s birthstones are agate, emerald, and chrysoprase.

June’s birthstones are agate, alexandrite, cat’s eye, moonstone, pearl, and turquoise.

July’s birthstones are carnelian, onyx, ruby, and turquoise.

August’s birthstones are carnelian, moonstone, peridot, sardonyx, spinel, and moonstone.

September’s birthstones are chrysolite, lapis, and sapphire.

October’s birthstones are aquamarine, opal, and tourmaline.

November’s birthstones are citrine, pearl, and topaz.

December’s birthstones are bloodstone, lapis, ruby, turquoise, and zircon.

Although most birthstones were pretty well-established by the 1400s, modern jewelers have altered the traditions by inventing new birthstones for the months. There aren’t any real reasons for this spiritually speaking — it was just a marketing ploy to sell more of certain gems. Therefore, don’t worry too much about it. The powers are inside of you, and you’ll intuitively know  which crystal should be yours!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Magickal Properties of Sand

Is sand really magical the way crystals are? Take a look at the pyramids and tell me what you think.

 It might sound obvious, but sand is made from organic materials (like animal skeletons or plant matter) as well as pieces of rock sediment. Over time, water flow breaks these things up... and sand is born! So it’s basically components of what we already consider crystals: lovely minerals of all types (depending on where you live), including tiny crystals and other organic things. Bits of shells, pearls, driftwood, and coral are all contained there.

If you think coral, pearls, and shells all have special properties, sand might be a nice medium to work with. It also contains rocks, minerals... baby crystals. Of course sand has magickal use! Whether wearing a crystal point of pressed sandstone or even just molten glass, you can depend on its good vibes.

After all... sand makes glass and in a lot of cases, the glass we make gets returned to the beach.

In short, sand contains a bit of all elemental forces. It’s merely pieces of our earth tossed and broken by air and water, warmed by a fiery sun and cooled by the light of a million moonlit skies.  I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a shitload of magic to me. I use sand bits in some of my crafts for this very reason. 

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