Showing posts with label legends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legends. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mystical Properties of Sunstone/Citrine

Not only are crystals and gems beautiful to look at as we adorn our homes and bodies with them, but they're also wonderful tools to help us focus positive energy, healing us from the inside.  Since the dawn of civilization, crystals and precious or semi-precious stones have been used for their healthful vibrations on our lives, relationships, and our living or workspaces.

Like the dynamic force of the sun, a sunstone crystal can help encourage strength in rising to meet challenges, to inspire leadership, and to strengthen the will of the bearer.  Even better, it is especially powerful when the intentions are meant to benefit a larger group of people rather than for individual fulfillment.  Sunstone can help to generate faith, hope, and positivity.  It is associated with love, prosperity, progress.  Sunstone is a crystal that can help strengthen you emotionally for tough times to come, but also to encapsulate the positivity of happy times and to repel negative energy.  Sunstone can also help you to keep goals and personal standards in mind, so that you're strong enough to reject temptation or to refuse requests which are unreasonable.    It can also help with anxieties and phobias, helping to center and ground you.

Sunstone is a wonderful all-purpose stone, and is an excellent tool to have in your crystal repertoire.  It has many wonderful and helpful properties for those whose lives need a little extra brightening.  It is a type of feldspae, with a Mohs hardness number of around 6; this makes it fairly sturdy, but not extremely hard.  It often occurs in yellows, oranges, and reddish-browns.  The crystal itself is obviously associated with the sun, bringing with it proactive and energetic forces which help to bring about change.  The Sun rules the heart and emotions according to astrological teachings, and sunstone can be utilized to help enhance these within us as well.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Quick Color Correspondences

Lots of people use color for spiritual practices, such as rituals, prayers, or spells.  Some people choose certain colors for various "lucky" purposes, believing that a specific shade might help to elicit a feeling or attract good things their way.

Color magick is a very special subject to me -- I feel that all colors have important significance to my own personal well-being.  Bright colors are difficult for me to be around, though I do love vivid and deep shades of darker hues.  And, like everyone, there are some colors I gravitate toward, as well as some that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing. :)

Below is a quick-and-dirty list of basic correspondences.  Feel free to check other sections of my blog in the future as I'll be doing more articles on color magick in the future!

Red is very often associated with the planet Mars (the red planet!).  It's a color of the physical body and usually symbolizes very visceral and passionate feelings feelings, such as lust or anger.  It is excellent for promoting physical health, love, and protection.  However, remember, the darker your red, the more violent your outcome may be!  Light reds and pinks are good for soothing anger and calming someone when they're in a difficult emotional state.

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow, thus carries both of these elements within its power.  Warm orange shades are fantastic for physical healing and to promote vigorous health and growth.  A more yellow-toned orange is best for prosperity and abundance.

Yellow is a very happy, positive color which is often used in rituals to combat sadness, anxiety, or depression.  It is also good for promoting understanding between two parties, as well as enhancing communication and memory.

Green is frequently associated with money and financial prosperity here in America, because our money is green.  However, as a general rule, green is one of the best colors to use when you're seeking good health, as well as seeking assistance with matters of nature (such as planting or gardening).  Like yellow, it is an uplifting color, and has the ability to also promote positivity and good feelings.

Blue is my personal go-to color for spiritual protection and personal safety.  Any shade will do, from the darkest navy to the palest periwinkle.  It is also proven to be a relaxing and emotionally soothing color, particularly in lighter incarnations.

Purple has long been the color which is most associated with royalty.  It is a combination of the passion of red and the submissive of blue, so with it carries a balance of these feelings -- a mix of the intense and the soothing.  This makes it a wonderfully grounding color, helping with emotional balance and honor, with a focus on helping the practitioner find the moral high ground and do the right thing.

Brown is a color that I often associate with nature and sensuality.  It can be used in spells or rituals involving the earth or its elements.  Brown is a grounding and stabilizing color as well.  It's also just right to use when dealing with protection and well-being of animals.

Black is often thought to be a color of "evil," but in reality, it's just the opposite.  Black represents the unseen and unknown.  This makes it a perfect choice for protection.  Because it isn't really a color, but a lack thereof, it's the best possible color for cleansing, absorbing and destroying negativity or unwanted energies.

White is a combination of all colors, and therefore is what every practicioner needs for a good "all purpose" item.  If you don't have the right color, or can't quite figure out which one to use, white is your best bet.  It symbolizes purity and a powerful connection with the divine.

Grey is similar to black in that it can absorb negativity, but I've heard that it's better for neutralizing rather than destroying that energy.  Because this neutral shade symbolizes the middle ground, neither one thing nor the other thing, grey is the right choice for rituals of glamorie or ones involving hidden or private activities.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Calcite Crystals & Magickal Properties for Healing

Gemstone therapy is the use of crystals and gems for the betterment of one's life.  Throughout the ages, civilizations across the world have utilized precious stones to enhance their physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being.  The energy of each stone is different, and each energy can have an effect on the mind, spirit, or body.  Methods can vary between cultures, but the basic premise is that when one comes into contact with a crystal, these transformations can happen subtly over time.  Therefore, in order to gain the benefits from these crystals, it is vital to choose your gemstones carefully.

Calcite's physical properties make it a very interesting choice as a therapeutic crystal.  Calcite crystals are of a softer variety which are found in all types of colors -- red, yellow, green, blue, brown, black, grey, or white -- and many variations on these shades as well!  Calcium carbonate, also known as calcite, is a major component in limestone and chalk, as well as marble, which is just calcite which has been re-crystallized.  Under pressure, calcite stones release electrical energy.

The magickal properties of calcite crystals are varied and can be used for many purposes.  Calcite's reputation is that of a very spiritual type of stone, and is associated with the higher form of consciousness; thus, it is also reputed to aid in astral projection and out-of-body experiences. 

Each form of calcite has its own specific magickal properties.  Because calcium is a primary component, this stone is often felt to be of therapeutic use for joints and bones, and is therefore used by athletes and people who have physically demanding jobs.  Calcite can also contribute to the development and growth of the physical body, especially the bones and joints.  There is also an old belief that calcite, when ground and combined with creams, oils, or petroleum jelly, it can be used as a balm to treat inflammation or infections.

Calcite can also have varying attributes based on its color.  For example...

Red and pink calcites can be of great benefit in bringing love, understanding, compassion, and patience into one's being.  Associated with the heart chakra, stones in pinks and reds can also ease mental unrest or anxiety, or people who are experiencing spiritual crises.

Orange calcite is associated with the sacral chakra (i.e. the spleen) and can help uplift one's general mood.  Orange promotes happiness, joy, and good humor.  It is an uplifting stone which is good for grieving, depression, or stress.

Calcites in yellows and golds are good for help in meditation, being that these colors are often associatd with the sun.  These hues can also help to aid the bones and the skin, and also in detoxification of the spleen, pancreas, and the kidneys.

Green calcite crystals of all shades are wonderful for affecting change in one's life.  Not only are green calcites allgedly helpful in removing impurities from the body, they can also help someone transform a negative situation into a more positive one.  It can also alleviate anxiety or fear.  This is a wonderful crystal for helping to really change bad situations into your life, and to "make lemonade" from all of those negative things that life throws at you! :)

Calcites in blues are associated with the throat chakra.  It can protect you and help tough situations from getting worse.  Physically it can be used to treat conditions which are degenerative, such as degenerative disc disease, arthritis, and other degenerative illnesses.

White and clear calcite crystals can help someone improve communication and envisioning new aspects of their lives.  It can be instrumental in cleansing the body and removing toxins from the outer parts of the body.  It can also assist in providing mental clarity, particularly when the stone is implemented during meditation.  When a predicament is especially difficult, white and clear crystals of all types can help to open you to new possibilities and clarity.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Modern Kabbalah Basics & the Tree of Life

The ancient school of thought that is known as Kabbalah has recently enjoyed some newfound popularity in the past few years; because of celebrities such as Madonna, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Lady Gaga wearing Kabbalah bracelets and speaking out about Kabbalah's positive aspects, this practice has become a subject of newfound public interest. Ancient Kabbalah has much in common with the modern version with which we're currently familiar, but the modern version has evolved into something somewhat different as well.

Kabbalah's history originates in early Jewish mysticism. It has grown and evolved into various different forms since its beginnings, including Christian Cabbalah, Islamic Kabbalah, Practical Kabbalah, as well as more secular versions that we often see today, such as Hermetic Qabbalah (spelled with a "Q" to differentiate it from the other versions, as opposed to those which are specifically associated with the Abrahamic religions). Many modern practitioners of Kabbalah are not affiliated with any specific spiritual doctrine, instead choosing to treat it as an independent school of mystic thought.

The origins of Kabbalah are said to have begun with Moses himself, as legends have told that he received Kabbalah teachings on Mount Sinai; the ten commandments were to be distributed freely and taught to everyone, yet the Kabbalistic teachings were reserved only for a chosen few, to be practiced with utter secrecy and shared with extreme discretion. Another legend involving the Kabbalistic origins says that these mystic teachings were with mankind from the very beginning of our existence, bestowed to Adam at the time of his banishment from the Garden of Eden.

Although there are many mystical and spiritual teachings within the Torah and other Judaic writings, the Kabbalah was considered to be the most important of these at the height of its prevalence. Kabbalistic tenets are viewed by many as highly spiritualized information that transcends the beliefs of most organized religions, and therefore is more spiritually flexible and can apply to people of various faiths. Because of this flexibility, Kabbalistic teachings have moved from being a strictly Judaic faith-based concept into a more secularized version of itself, to provide motivation, insight, and strength to people of all different spiritualities and cultures. The modern-day study of this ancient practice is associated with the "Perennial Philosophy," which is the concept that there are truths which overlap throughout all of the world's primary religions. The Kabbalah's tenets are utilized to help recognize and build upon the philosophies of various spiritual traditions, by eliminating all except the very basics of each teaching.

The mystical properties of Kabbalistic teachings are such that, instead of directing the practitioner to conduct of a strict set of rules and practices, it will instead guide each seeker on a path which is personal in nature, even while the practice is a communal and social one. The journey of Kabbalah is one of mystic philosophy, as opposed to one which is based on a strictly religious dogma.

The essence of the Kabbalah's teachings is condensed in a diagrammed classification system which is known as the Tree of Life. This image is comprised of ten spheres (called sephiroth), representing objective existence; these are connected by a total of twenty-two paths which represent the human condition. it has 10 spheres, or sephiroth, and 22 paths connecting them, which represent the human condition. The Tree of Life serves as an implement which can be used to study and compare religious thought as well; in fact, it was described as a "spiritual filing cabinet." by occultist Aleister Crowley.

 The Tree of Life can also be applied toward other practices, including rituals and meditation, as well as being used in the philosophical method which was its original intent. Each sephiroth and path can be associated with archangels, angels, spirits, and other symbols which represent the nature of these entities.

Additionally, much of the magical property of Kabbalistic practice can be explained through modern scientific thought. An ideal example of this would be the invocation, where a Kabbalistic practitioner will call upon a spiritual power within him- or herself. It can be thought of as a supernatural occurrence, however when one applies scientific knowledge to this practice, it can also be explained as a psychological phenomenon of one who is able to harness their own subconscious mental energies.

You don't need to be Jewish, or even religious at all, to appreciate the Kabbalah and to enjoy the ways that its mysteries can enhance your life.

Friday, September 23, 2011

More Ways to Use Crystals

Crystals can be wonderful tools to promote healing, cleansing, and tranquility.  But there are new ways to try them too -- like these below.

Aid your meditation or relaxation by placing your favorite tranquility crystal on your brow chakra (the "third eye" in the middle of your forehead).  This energizes your mental and intuitive energies while relaxing your physical body.  Try a green crystal to help relax you.

Protect yourself from danger, negativity, or other undesirable situations.  Visualize your crystal filling with a spiritual white light and surrounding you with a protective force.  Fill the entire room with this light.  Imagine it "locking out" things which are harmful or bad, protecting you and sealing in your positivity.  Visualize the walls, windows, and doors locking out any potential threats to your well-being.  Blue gemstones are best for this.  You can also couple this with a mantra or even a simple declaration that you are protecting yourself, in the name of your chosen deity -- God, Jesus, Goddess, Buddha, anyone you worship -- or no deity at all, if you so choose.

 One's ability to visualize such things can be an invaluable technique.  The crystals can help you center that visualization and focus it so that your intentions can go in the right direction.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Prayer to St. Theresa

This particular entry is actually a chain letter that's been going around; you don't have to use it as a chain letter, though.  It's provided here just to give you a bit of background on this interesting saint.  I may do a bit more research on St. Theresa and add more information to a later entry.  :)

Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little Ways. Meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love. She is also the patron Saint of flower growers and florists. She is represented by roses. May everyone be blessed who receives this message.  Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of reward.

May today there be peace within.
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly
where you are meant to be.....
May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and
pass on the love that has been given to you....
May you be content knowing you are a child of God....
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow
your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is
there for each and every one of you....

Picture credit: Price Photography.  Thanks, my friends, it's lovely! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the Thirteenth and Other Superstitions

Another Friday the Thirteenth is here once again, and with it has come awareness of superstitions and the supernatural. Friday the Thirteenth may be unlucky for some people, but I've always enjoyed it. I usually associate it with neither positive nor negative luck. However, it definitely is a day of mystical and unusual occurrences, either for good or bad. Make sure you keep a lucky charm on hand! Here are a few interesting myths and superstitions to remember for next Friday the Thirteenth, and for all year 'round.

1. Black cats are said to be inherently unlucky, however having one "cross your path" as you're walking is especially unlucky.

2. When you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck. To reverse this back luck streak, you can bury the pieces of the mirror, or throw them into a stream.

3. "Step on a crack, break your mother's back." Avoid cracks in streets, sidewalks, and even the floor, as they are reputed to have unlucky consequences for you and those around you.
4. If a wild bird enters your house, someone close to you will die.

5. An old eastern European legend says that if you have accidentally put on your underwear inside out, you will have an especially lucky day. If you need a little extra luck on a particular day... go ahead and put it on inside out anyway... it couldn't hurt!

6. Opening an umbrella in the house is said to bring bad fortune to those inside the house, so keep those umbrellas closed unless you're outside.

7. When you move, do not take your old broom with you. Throw it away, and get a new broom for your new house.

8. If your palms itch, money will be changing hands -- your right palm itching indicates that you'll be receiving money; An itch on your left palm means that you will be lending or paying money to someone soon.

9. Horseshoes are good luck! If you hang one above the doorway, it will bring good luck to your household. In Ireland, it is believed that the horseshoe must be facing upward so that the luck "catches" in the curve of the horseshoe.

10. If you spill salt, you must throw some over your shoulder to prevent back luck from coming. Some say that it must be your left shoulder, other say that either shoulder will do.

11. When you sneeze, your soul might try to escape your body, or the devil may possess you. Therefore it's important to bless someone when you hear them sneeze.

12. If you see a shooting star, make a wish. All wishes that are made on shooting stars are said to come true. But if you tell your wish, it won't come true!

13. If thirteen people sit down to eat a meal together, then one of those people will die within a year.

Photos credits: Calendar pic (c) W. J. Pilsak; Kitty pic, thanks to DrL

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