Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Speak Up & Save the Internet!

Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S.

Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, would censor the Web and impose harmful regulations on American business. Millions of Internet users and entrepreneurs already oppose SOPA and PIPA.

The Senate will begin voting on January 24th. Please let them know how you feel. Sign this petition urging Congress to vote NO on PIPA and SOPA before it is too late.

Sign the petition here.  And be sure to use the widget below to call your representatives to urge them NOT to censor the internet!

To help even more, please share this blog entry (or the links) with anyone and everyone that you can -- repost in your blog!  Forward to your friends and family via email!  Share via Twitter and Facebook.  Do it now, before the internet is changed (for the worse) forever!

Thank you!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Healing Art of Reflexology

Reflexology is an ancient healing technique involving massage, usually of the feet, but sometimes of the hands. It has been used in Egypt as well as in Asian countries such as China for over three thousand years. Reflexology can have wonderful benefits on one's emotional and mental well-being, which can in turn improve physical health as well.

Western medicine's view of the human foot is that it is merely another part of the body. It is composed of muscles, joints, and bones; but the premise of reflexology shows that within the foot is the power to heal other parts of the body. The main premise is that all of the organs and cells in the body are connected by a network of nerves that are concentrated in the feet, through specific reflex points. A reflexologist knows how to apply pressure to each of these reflex points upon the sole of the feet, or on the sides of each foot, in order to stimulate these spots to promote healing throughout the body.

Foot massage as a general practice has become much more prevalent in Western society as a remedy for stress-related ailments, and also as a holistic method of treatment because it can help to treat conditions as a whole, rather than just to address the symptoms of one specific illness. Using reflexology is a gradual and gentle treatment, so patience and a big-picture outlook will be needed. Multiple visits to a reflexologist are often suggested in order to get the most out of this practice.

Please note: While reflexology is fun and enjoyable, and is largely non-invasive, please check with your doctor before doing this.  Some massage techniques may not be advisable for people with certain health issues.  Be safe and enjoy!

Also, feel free to have a look at the reflexology chart that I just made!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Healthy Boundaries: Getting There

Now that we've discussed the basics of boundaries which are unhealthy for being too loose or too rigid -- and the importance of having healthy boundaries for their positive impact on your self-esteem and your relationships with others, let's learn how to establish those boundaries with others.

Step 1. What do you need?  Sit down and really figure out what you need in a relationship. What makes you feel respected? What makes you feel uncomfortable? Determine what your own personal needs, wants, and rights are. Establish boundaries based on what you think is reasonable. Remember that your rights and needs should be separate entities in and of themselves, and that your rights should end where those of others begin.

Step 2.  Discuss these boundaries with others. State your case clearly, and in with a neutral but firm attitude. Don't speak angrily or in a long-winded way. Just keep it clear and concise. You do not need to apologize for, rationalize, or argue while establishing this boundary. Be firm and respectful.

Step 3.  Remember why you're setting this boundary. If you expect people to understand and respect your needs, you must also understand that their reactions to this may be negative, especially if they are used to behaving in ways that are contrary to these boundaries. Don't apologize for protecting yourself. Don't feel selfish or guilty, just stand by your decision and remind yourself why you need your rights and needs to be respected by those who should care about you. This is a normal, natural and healthy part of the process. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but things will get easier with time.

Step 4.  Prepare yourself for the possibility of being tested. Most people will understand your feelings and respect them, but there might be people in your life who will not respect these boundaries. Others might accuse you of being selfish or mean for denying their unreasonable requests. But nevertheless, if their behavior is unacceptable to you, you must be confident and assert yourself. You cannot set a boundary and then apologize or rationalize it to others -- this sends a mixed message which might enable others to take advantage later. You can be respectful of the fact that some may not agree with your boundaries, but stay true to yourself. You have the right to be treated with respect. If people still don't respect your boundaries, you may have to put distance between yourself and them, possibly end the relationship or even pursue legal options if the other person still doesn't respect your rights.

Step 5. Establish a support system. This should be made up of people who do care about you, and who are willing to respect your boundaries. Healthy relationships with friends, family, and other people whose jobs are to care for you will make you stronger and more confident in yourself. Eliminate disrespectful, controlling, or abusive people from your life. Make more room for relationships with people who are caring and respectful.

Step 6.  Grow and evolve.  These changes may be uncomfortable or even scary for you at first.  But just keep in mind that you're doing this to improve the overall quality of your life, so some unpleasant backlash may be necessary for this growth.  Protecting yourself with healthy boundaries can enhance your relationships, boost your self-confidence, and radiate outward to inspire other positive changes in your life as well.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships Video

For those of you who are following my series on healthy boundaries, I have created this video as a companion piece to the first article.  In this video, the concept of boundaries is explored and further defined.  You will also learn the difference between healthy boundaries and unhealthy ones, as well as to determine if your boundaries are too rigid or too loose.

Also, remember that the most important thing about boundaries is that they help keep you safe.  No one can set or enforce those boundaries but YOU.  Protect yourself -- LOVE yourself -- you deserve it!

Friday, September 23, 2011

More Ways to Use Crystals

Crystals can be wonderful tools to promote healing, cleansing, and tranquility.  But there are new ways to try them too -- like these below.

Aid your meditation or relaxation by placing your favorite tranquility crystal on your brow chakra (the "third eye" in the middle of your forehead).  This energizes your mental and intuitive energies while relaxing your physical body.  Try a green crystal to help relax you.

Protect yourself from danger, negativity, or other undesirable situations.  Visualize your crystal filling with a spiritual white light and surrounding you with a protective force.  Fill the entire room with this light.  Imagine it "locking out" things which are harmful or bad, protecting you and sealing in your positivity.  Visualize the walls, windows, and doors locking out any potential threats to your well-being.  Blue gemstones are best for this.  You can also couple this with a mantra or even a simple declaration that you are protecting yourself, in the name of your chosen deity -- God, Jesus, Goddess, Buddha, anyone you worship -- or no deity at all, if you so choose.

 One's ability to visualize such things can be an invaluable technique.  The crystals can help you center that visualization and focus it so that your intentions can go in the right direction.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Astrology & Job-Styles

These are just a few tweets that I did this morning. Adding them here for posterity -- I'd sure like to do an entry for each sign and their work styles in the future, it would be a lot of fun! :)

Aries are motivated people & love to stay on top of their goals. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Taurus are great with #money, and tend to be awesome at #cooking too! #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Gemini loves communication; a great sign for people in #sales, #film, or #writing. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Cancer are often sensitive; their moods can change with the #moon. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Leo would rather give orders than take 'em! They're loyal & love to teach. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Libra sometimes have trouble making decisions because they're so objective. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Virgo are reliable, loyal, & awesome at staying organized. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Scorpio are forthright & honest friends. Even if the truth hurts, they tell it! :) #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Sagittarius would do well in a career involving travelling & adventure! :) #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Capricorn are practical & work hard; don't mind starting at the bottom & working up! #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Aquarius are smart but can be misunderstood because they're often ahead of their time. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Pisces are intuitive & creative, would do well w/ small business in a field they love. #astrology #zodiac #horoscope

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Magic Properties of Tea

Tea is traditionally made from the leaves of the tea plant, but it can also be made with various herbs which have been steeped in water.

People in cultures throughout the world drink tea.  It can be consumed with milk, lemon, or sugar.

Different types, styles, and temperatures of tea can be used for different purposed. For a relaxing beverage, try a cup of iced tea.  Hot tea is better for soothing and warming you when you're feeling cold or sad.  Try green tea if you're looking to wake up and be refreshed!  Mint tea helps to cleanse the palate and soothe the mind, getting you ready for the next meal or the next path in your life.  Tea with cinnamon or other spices can make you feel warm when the temperature is low outside.  If you're suffering from insomnia and in need of a sleeping aid, consider giving jasmine or chamomile teas a try.

The emotional benefit of teas cannot be understated.  In times of stress, sorrow, or grief, a cup of tea can stimulate you into action.  It can also help to soothe and warm you when you're feeling ill or depressed.  Tea can also help to energize you and provide an uplifting feeling, prompting good feelings and making even a happy time feel that much nicer.

There are so many varieties of teas, and many of them can be enjoyed in all sorts of different ways.  Find your favorite and enjoy! :)

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