The Lifetime movie, Stalked at 17, is a true eye-opener for people who consider teen romance to be a trivial story. "He's only overprotective because he loves me," Angela offered this explanation as a reason for why her boyfriend, Chad, flipped out at the night before.
But the guy from the restaurant had Chad's number. "The way he treats other people... someday he will treat you that way," he said in response.
Angela, who was only sixteen, met Chad while touring a university. They hooked up at a party later that night, and from there, the two were inseperable. On the surface, Chad seemed like the perfect guy. He was gorgeous, smart, and going places with his life. A student in college just on the verge of graduating, Chad seemed to have everything going for him. He seemed to come from a good family, with a mother was on the city council with friends in high places. And Chad had treated her so lovingly at first. His true colors began to show quickly, though.
But Chad was a very controlling boyfriend. He manipulated Angela at every opportunity; large betrayals such as getting her pregnant on purpose, and even small controlling things such as deciding what she should drink when she visited his mother's house. He had an extremely volatile temper. Chad's first reaction always seemed to be yelling and violent behavior -- from causing an embarrassing scene at a restaurant when Angela's chicken was undercooked, to wigging out when his roommates played their music too loudly -- Chad would show his terrible temper at every turn.
And Chad wasn't being up front with Angela about his past. Although he'd told her that his biological mother had been murdered, the truth was that she was actually a drug addict who was serving time in prison for armed robbery. And Angela wasn't the first girl that he had gotten pregnant; there was another one in his past, who had refused his proposals of marriage, gotten an abortion, and ended their relationship.
When Angela's parents decided that it was best for the two of them to stop seeing each other, Chad's true colors emerged. Chad harrassed Angela's dad on the phone, calling his home and work incessantly. He was hostile and threatening toward Angela's mother. He would go to Angela's school and home to visit her without her parents' permission. Eventually they filed a restraining order, which he and Angela periodically ignored. When Chad attacked Angela's father in a parking lot with a tire iron, he was sent to jail for assault. Angela's friend Tenaya calls him, "violent and creepy... a nut case."
While Chad was in jail, Angela continued living her life. She stayed in school, saw her pregnancy through, and had a baby boy whom she named Josh. When Chad turned to his biological mother for help, she agreed to his plot to kidnap Angela and the baby.
Chad and his mother didn't get very far, however. After showing a remarkable amount of weak will throughout the entire movie, finally Angela becomes motivated to fight for herself and her child. She finds a way to notify someone that she is in need of help, and takes control of the situation in order to escape from under his thumb.
I had never heard of this movie until I started reading other people's search terms, which were leading Stalked at 17 enthusiasts my way. I found it to be a fairly entertaining movie with some redeeming qualities. It was a nice way to spend a snowy afternoon. However, I still love Obsessed way more. :)
Many people seemed to also be seeking the name of the song from Stalked at 17's trailer. Allow me to help you! It's called "All Alone" by David O'Dowda. I've also found a video for it on YouTube.
Was "Stalked at 17" based on a true story? According to this tweet from the star of the movie Taylor Spreitler who plays the main character, this movie is not based on a specific story. However, it was inspired by some true events.
What other Lifetime movies do you enjoy? Please leave me a comment below! :)
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Stalked at 17: The Story That's a True Warning
Friday, August 2, 2013
Prophecies of Nostradamus: Century III
Century III
After combat and naval battle,
The great Neptune in his highest belfry:
Red adversary will become pale with fear,
Putting the great Ocean in dread.
The divine word will give to the sustenance,
Including heaven, earth, gold hidden in the mystic milk:
Body, soul, spirit having all power,
As much under its feet as the Heavenly see.
Mars and Mercury, and the silver joined together,
Towards the south extreme drought:
In the depths of Asia one will say the earth trembles,
Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity.
When they will be close the lunar ones will fail,
From one another not greatly distant,
Cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers,
Even where the oracle has had its beginning.
Near, far the failure of the two great luminaries
Which will occur between April and March.
Oh, what a loss! but two great good-natured ones
By land and sea will relieve all parts.
Within the closed temple the lightning will enter,
The citizens within their fort injured:
Horses, cattle, men, the wave will touch the wall,
Through famine, drought, under the weakest armed.
The fugitives, fire from the sky on the pikes:
Conflict near the ravens frolicking,
From land they cry for aid and heavenly relief,
When the combatants will be near the walls.
The Cimbri joined with their neighbors
Will come to ravage almost Spain:
Peoples gathered in Guienne and Limousin
Will be in league, and will bear them company.
Bordeaux, Rouen and La Rochelle joined
Will hold around the great Ocean sea,
English, Bretons and the Flemings allied
Will chase them as far as Roanne.
Greater calamity of blood and famine,
Seven times it approaches the marine shore:
Monaco from hunger, place captured, captivity,
The great one led crunching in a metaled cage.
The arms to fight in the sky a long time,
The tree in the middle of the city fallen:
Sacred bough clipped, steel, in the face of the firebrand,
Then the monarch of Adria fallen.
Because of the swelling of the Ebro, Po, Tagus, Tiber and Rhône
And because of the pond of Geneva and Arezzo,
The two great chiefs and cities of the Garonne,
Taken, dead, drowned: human booty divided.
Through lightning in the arch gold and silver melted,
Of two captives one will eat the other:
The greatest one of the city stretched out,
When submerged the fleet will swim.
Through the branch of the valiant personage
Of lowest France: because of the unhappy father
Honors, riches, travail in his old age,
For having believed the advice of a simple man.
The realm, will change in heart, vigor and glory,
In all points having its adversary opposed:
Then through death France an infancy will subjugate,
A great Regent will then be more contrary.
An English prince Marc in his heavenly heart
Will want to pursue his prosperous fortune,
Of the two duels one will pierce his gall:
Hated by him well loved by his mother.
Mount Aventine will be seen to burn at night:
The sky very suddenly dark in Flanders:
When the monarch will chase his nephew,
Then Church people will commit scandals.
After the rather long rain milk,
In several places in Reims the sky touched:
Alas, what a bloody murder is prepared near them,
Fathers and sons Kings will not dare approach.
In Lucca it will come to rain blood and milk,
Shortly before a change of praetor:
Great plague and war, famine and drought will be made visible
Far away where their prince and rector will die.
Through the regions of the great river Guadalquivir
Deep in Iberia to the Kingdom of Grenada
Crosses beaten back by the Mahometan peoples
One of Cordova will betray his country
In the Conca by the Adriatic Sea
There will appear a horrible fish,
With face human and its end aquatic,
Which will be taken without the hook.
Six days the attack made before the city:
Battle will be given strong and harsh:
Three will surrender it, and to them pardon:
The rest to fire and to bloody slicing and cutting.
If, France, you pass beyond the Ligurian Sea,
You will see yourself shut up in islands and seas:
Mahomet contrary, more so the Adriatic Sea:
You will gnaw the bones of horses and asses.
Great confusion in the enterprise,
Loss of people, countless treasure:
You ought not to extend further there.
France, let what I say be remembered.
He who will attain to the kingdom of Navarre
When Sicily and Naples will be joined:
He will hold Bigorre and Landes through Foix and Oloron
From one who will be too closely allied with Spain.
They will prepare idols of Kings and Princes,
Soothsayers and empty prophets elevated:
Horn, victim of gold, and azure, dazzling,
The soothsayers will be interpreted.
Libyan Prince powerful in the West
Will come to inflame very much French with Arabian.
Learned in letters condescending he will
Translate the Arabian language into French.
Of land weak and parentage poor,
Through piece and peace he will attain to the empire.
For a long time a young female to reign,
Never has one so bad come upon the kingdom.
The two nephews brought up in diverse places:
Naval battle, land, fathers fallen:
They will come to be elevated very high in making war
To avenge the injury, enemies succumbed.
He who during the struggle with steel in the deed of war
Will have carried off the prize from on greater than he:
By night six will carry the grudge to his bed,
Without armor he will surprised suddenly.
On the field of Media, of Arabia and of Armenia
Two great armies will assemble thrice:
The host near the bank of the Araxes,
They will fall in the land of the great Suleiman.
The great tomb of the people of Aquitaine
Will approach near to Tuscany,
When Mars will be in the corner of Germany
And in the land of the Mantuan people.
In the city where the wolf will enter,
Very near there will the enemies be:
Foreign army will spoil a great country.
The friends will pass at the wall and Alps.
When the eclipse of the Sun will then be,
The monster will be seen in full day:
Quite otherwise will one interpret it,
High price unguarded: none will have foreseen it.
From the very depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop:
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.
Buried apoplectic not dead,
He will be found to have his hands eaten:
When the city will condemn the heretic,
He who it seemed to them had changed their laws.
The speech delivered before the attack,
Milan taken by the Eagle through deceptive ambushes:
Ancient wall driven in by cannons,
Through fire and blood few given quarter.
The Gallic people and a foreign nation
Beyond the mountains, dead, captured and killed:
In the contrary month and near vintage time,
Through the Lords drawn up in accord.
The seven in three months in agreement
To subjugate the Apennine Alps:
But the tempest and cowardly Ligurian,
Destroys them in sudden ruins.
The great theater will come to be set up again:
The dice cast and the snares already laid.
Too much the first one will come to tire in the death knell,
Prostrated by arches already a long time split.
Hunchback will be elected by the council,
A more hideous monster not seen on earth,
The willing blow will put out his eye:
The traitor to the King received as faithful.
The child will be born with two teeth in his mouth,
Stones will fall during the rain in Tuscany:
A few years after there will be neither wheat nor barley,
To satiate those who will faint from hunger.
People from around the Tarn, Lot and Garonne
Beware of passing the Apennine mountains:
Your tomb near Rome and Ancona,
The black frizzled beard will have a trophy set up.
When the animal domesticated by man
After great pains and leaps will come to speak:
The lightning to the virgin will be very harmful,
Taken from earth and suspended in the air.
The five strangers entered in the temple,
Their blood will come to pollute the land:
To the Toulousans it will be a very hard example
Of one who will come to exterminate their laws.
The sky ( of Plancus' city ) forebodes to us
Through clear signs and fixed stars,
That the time of its sudden change is approaching,
Neither for its good, nor for its evils.
The old monarch chased out of his realm
Will go to the East asking for its help:
For fear of the crosses he will fold his banner:
To Mitylene he will go through port and by land.
Seven hundred captives bound roughly.
Lots drawn for the half to be murdered:
The hope at hand will come very promptly
But not as soon as the fifteenth death.
Gallic realm, you will be much changed:
To a foreign place is the empire transferred:
You will be set up amidst other customs and laws:
Rouen and Chartres will do much of the worst to you.
The republic of the great city
Will not want to consent to the great severity:
King summoned by trumpet to go out,
The ladder at the wall, the city will repent.
Paris conspires to commit a great murder
Blois will cause it to be fully carried out:
Those of Orléans will want to replace their chief,
Angers, Troyes, Langres will commit a misdeed against them.
In Campania there will be a very long rain,
In Apulia very great drought.
The Cock will see the Eagle, its wing poorly finished,
By the Lion will it be put into extremity.
When the greatest one will carry off the prize
Of Nuremberg, of Augsburg, and those of Bâle
Through Cologne the chief Frankfort retaken
They will cross through Flanders right into Gaul.
One of the greatest ones will flee to Spain
Which will thereafter come to bleed in a long wound:
Armies passing over the high mountains,
Devastating all, and then to reign in peace.
In the year that one eye will reign in France,
The court will be in very unpleasant trouble:
The great one of Blois will kill his friend:
The realm placed in harm and double doubt.
Montauban, Nîmes, Avignon and Béziers,
Plague, thunder and hail in the wake of Mars:
Of Paris bridge, Lyons wall, Montpellier,
After six hundreds and seven score three pairs.
Seven times will you see the British nation change,
Steeped in blood in 290 years:
Free not at all its support Germanic.
Aries doubt his Bastarnian pole.
Near the Rhine from the Noric mountains
Will be born a great one of people come too late,
One who will defend Sarmatia and the Pannonians,
One will not know what will have become of him.
Barbarian empire usurped by the third,
The greater part of his blood he will put to death:
Through senile death the fourth struck by him,
For fear that the blood through the blood be not dead.
Throughout all Asia (Minor) great proscription,
Even in Mysia, Lycia and Pamphilia.
Blood will be shed because of the absolution
Of a young black one filled with felony.
The great band and sect of crusaders
Will be arrayed in Mesopotamia:
Light company of the nearby river,
That such law will hold for an enemy.
Near the Douro by the closed Tyrian sea,
He will come to pierce the great Pyrenees mountains.
One hand shorter his opening glosses,
He will lead his traces to Carcassone.
The Roman power will be thoroughly abased,
Following in the footsteps of its great neighbor:
Hidden civil hatreds and debates
Will delay their follies for the buffoons.
The chief of Persia will occupy great Olchades,
The trireme fleet against the Mahometan people
From Parthia, and Media: and the Cyclades pillaged:
Long rest at the great Ionian port.
When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found,
The day after a Pontiff will be elected:
Scarcely will he be approved by the Senate
Poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice.
The great Bailiff of Orléans put to death
Will be by one of blood revengeful:
Of death deserved he will not die, nor by chance:
He made captive poorly by his feet and hands.
A new sect of Philosophers
Despising death, gold, honors and riches
Will not be bordering upon the German mountains:
To follow them they will have power and crowds.
Leaderless people of Spain and Italy
Dead, overcome within the Peninsula:
Their dictator betrayed by irresponsible folly,
Swimming in blood everywhere in the latitude.
The great army led by a young man,
It will come to surrender itself into the hands of the enemies:
But the old one born to the half-pig,
He will cause Châlon and Mâcon to be friends.
The great Britain including England
Will come to be flooded very high by waters
The new League of Ausonia will make war,
So that they will come to strive against them.
Those in the isles long besieged
Will take vigor and force against their enemies:
Those outside dead overcome by hunger,
They will be put in greater hunger than ever before.
The good old man buried quite alive,
Near the great river through false suspicion:
The new old man ennobled by riches,
Captured on the road all his gold for ransom.
When the cripple will attain to the realm,
For his competitor he will have a near bastard:
He and the realm will become so very mangy
That before he recovers, it will be too late.
Naples, Florence, Faenza and Imola,
They will be on terms of such disagreement
As to delight in the wretches of Nola
Complaining of having mocked its chief.
Pau, Verona, Vicenza, Saragossa,
From distant swords lands wet with blood:
Very great plague will come with the great shell,
Relief near, and the remedies very far.
In Germany will be born diverse sects,
Coming very near happy paganism,
The heart captive and returns small,
They will return to paying the true tithe.
The third climate included under Aries
The year 1727 in October,
The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.
The chief of Scotland, with six of Germany,
Captive of the Eastern seamen:
They will pass Gibraltar and Spain,
Present in Persia for the fearful new King.
The fatal everlasting order through the chain
Will come to turn through consistent order:
The chain of Marseilles will be broken:
The city taken, the enemy at the same time.
The worthy one chased out of the English realm,
The adviser through anger put to the fire:
His adherents will go so low to efface themselves
That the bastard will be half received.
The great shameless, audacious bawler,
He will be elected governor of the army:
The boldness of his contention,
The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.
Fréjus, Antibes, towns around Nice,
They will be thoroughly devastated by sea and by land:
The locusts by land and by sea the wind propitious,
Captured, dead, bound, pillaged without law of war.
The long hairs of Celtic Gaul
Accompanied by foreign nations,
They will make captive the people of Aquitaine,
For succumbing to their designs.
The great city will be thoroughly desolated,
Of the inhabitants not a single one will remain there:
Wall, sex, temple and virgin violated,
Through sword, fire, plague, cannon people will die.
The city taken through deceit and guile,
Taken in by means of a handsome youth:
Assault given by the Robine near the Aude,
He and all dead for having thoroughly deceived.
A chief of Ausonia will go to Spain
By sea, he will make a stop in Marseilles:
Before his death he will linger a long time:
After his death one will see a great marvel.
Gallic fleet, do not approach Corsica,
Less Sardinia, you will rue it:
Every one of you will die frustrated of the help of the cape:
You will swim in blood, captive you will not believe me.
From Barcelona a very great army by sea,
All Marseilles will tremble with terror:
Isles seized help shut off by sea,
Your traitor will swim on land.
At that time Cyprus will be frustrated
Of its relief by those of the Aegean Sea:
Old ones slaughtered: but by speeches and supplications
Their King seduced, Queen outraged more.
The great Satyr and Tiger of Hyrcania,
Gift presented to those of the Ocean:
A fleet's chief will set out from Carmania,
One who will take land at the Tyrren Phocaean.
The tree which had long been dead and withered,
In one night it will come to grow green again:
The Cronian King sick, Prince with club foot,
Feared by his enemies he will make his sail bound.
The world near the last period,
Saturn will come back again late:
Empire transferred towards the Dusky nation,
The eye plucked out by the Goshawk at Narbonne.
In Avignon the chief of the whole empire
Will make a stop on the way to desolated Paris:
Tricast will hold the anger of Hannibal:
Lyons will be poorly consoled for the change.
For five hundred years more one will keep count of him
Who was the ornament of his time:
Then suddenly great light will he give,
He who for this century will render them very satisfied.
The law of More will be seen to decline:
After another much more seductive:
Dnieper first will come to give way:
Through gifts and tongue another more attractive.
The Chief of Fossano will have his throat cut
By the leader of the bloodhound and greyhound:
The deed executed by those of the Tarpeian Rock,
Saturn in Leo February 13.
New law to occupy the new land
Towards Syria, Judea and Palestine:
The great barbarian empire to decay,
Before the Moon completes it cycle.
Two royal brothers will wage war so fiercely
That between them the war will be so mortal
That both will occupy the strong places:
Their great quarrel will fill realm and life.
In the grassy fields of Alleins and Vernègues
Of the Lubéron range near the Durance,
The conflict will be very sharp for both armies,
Mesopotamia will fail in France.
The last one honored amongst the Gauls,
Over the enemy man will he be victorious:
Force and land in a moment explored,
When the envious one will die from an arrow shot.
After combat and naval battle,
The great Neptune in his highest belfry:
Red adversary will become pale with fear,
Putting the great Ocean in dread.
The divine word will give to the sustenance,
Including heaven, earth, gold hidden in the mystic milk:
Body, soul, spirit having all power,
As much under its feet as the Heavenly see.
Mars and Mercury, and the silver joined together,
Towards the south extreme drought:
In the depths of Asia one will say the earth trembles,
Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity.
When they will be close the lunar ones will fail,
From one another not greatly distant,
Cold, dryness, danger towards the frontiers,
Even where the oracle has had its beginning.
Near, far the failure of the two great luminaries
Which will occur between April and March.
Oh, what a loss! but two great good-natured ones
By land and sea will relieve all parts.
Within the closed temple the lightning will enter,
The citizens within their fort injured:
Horses, cattle, men, the wave will touch the wall,
Through famine, drought, under the weakest armed.
The fugitives, fire from the sky on the pikes:
Conflict near the ravens frolicking,
From land they cry for aid and heavenly relief,
When the combatants will be near the walls.
The Cimbri joined with their neighbors
Will come to ravage almost Spain:
Peoples gathered in Guienne and Limousin
Will be in league, and will bear them company.
Bordeaux, Rouen and La Rochelle joined
Will hold around the great Ocean sea,
English, Bretons and the Flemings allied
Will chase them as far as Roanne.
Greater calamity of blood and famine,
Seven times it approaches the marine shore:
Monaco from hunger, place captured, captivity,
The great one led crunching in a metaled cage.
The arms to fight in the sky a long time,
The tree in the middle of the city fallen:
Sacred bough clipped, steel, in the face of the firebrand,
Then the monarch of Adria fallen.
Because of the swelling of the Ebro, Po, Tagus, Tiber and Rhône
And because of the pond of Geneva and Arezzo,
The two great chiefs and cities of the Garonne,
Taken, dead, drowned: human booty divided.
Through lightning in the arch gold and silver melted,
Of two captives one will eat the other:
The greatest one of the city stretched out,
When submerged the fleet will swim.
Through the branch of the valiant personage
Of lowest France: because of the unhappy father
Honors, riches, travail in his old age,
For having believed the advice of a simple man.
The realm, will change in heart, vigor and glory,
In all points having its adversary opposed:
Then through death France an infancy will subjugate,
A great Regent will then be more contrary.
An English prince Marc in his heavenly heart
Will want to pursue his prosperous fortune,
Of the two duels one will pierce his gall:
Hated by him well loved by his mother.
Mount Aventine will be seen to burn at night:
The sky very suddenly dark in Flanders:
When the monarch will chase his nephew,
Then Church people will commit scandals.
After the rather long rain milk,
In several places in Reims the sky touched:
Alas, what a bloody murder is prepared near them,
Fathers and sons Kings will not dare approach.
In Lucca it will come to rain blood and milk,
Shortly before a change of praetor:
Great plague and war, famine and drought will be made visible
Far away where their prince and rector will die.
Through the regions of the great river Guadalquivir
Deep in Iberia to the Kingdom of Grenada
Crosses beaten back by the Mahometan peoples
One of Cordova will betray his country
In the Conca by the Adriatic Sea
There will appear a horrible fish,
With face human and its end aquatic,
Which will be taken without the hook.
Six days the attack made before the city:
Battle will be given strong and harsh:
Three will surrender it, and to them pardon:
The rest to fire and to bloody slicing and cutting.
If, France, you pass beyond the Ligurian Sea,
You will see yourself shut up in islands and seas:
Mahomet contrary, more so the Adriatic Sea:
You will gnaw the bones of horses and asses.
Great confusion in the enterprise,
Loss of people, countless treasure:
You ought not to extend further there.
France, let what I say be remembered.
He who will attain to the kingdom of Navarre
When Sicily and Naples will be joined:
He will hold Bigorre and Landes through Foix and Oloron
From one who will be too closely allied with Spain.
They will prepare idols of Kings and Princes,
Soothsayers and empty prophets elevated:
Horn, victim of gold, and azure, dazzling,
The soothsayers will be interpreted.
Libyan Prince powerful in the West
Will come to inflame very much French with Arabian.
Learned in letters condescending he will
Translate the Arabian language into French.
Of land weak and parentage poor,
Through piece and peace he will attain to the empire.
For a long time a young female to reign,
Never has one so bad come upon the kingdom.
The two nephews brought up in diverse places:
Naval battle, land, fathers fallen:
They will come to be elevated very high in making war
To avenge the injury, enemies succumbed.
He who during the struggle with steel in the deed of war
Will have carried off the prize from on greater than he:
By night six will carry the grudge to his bed,
Without armor he will surprised suddenly.
On the field of Media, of Arabia and of Armenia
Two great armies will assemble thrice:
The host near the bank of the Araxes,
They will fall in the land of the great Suleiman.
The great tomb of the people of Aquitaine
Will approach near to Tuscany,
When Mars will be in the corner of Germany
And in the land of the Mantuan people.
In the city where the wolf will enter,
Very near there will the enemies be:
Foreign army will spoil a great country.
The friends will pass at the wall and Alps.
When the eclipse of the Sun will then be,
The monster will be seen in full day:
Quite otherwise will one interpret it,
High price unguarded: none will have foreseen it.
From the very depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop:
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.
Buried apoplectic not dead,
He will be found to have his hands eaten:
When the city will condemn the heretic,
He who it seemed to them had changed their laws.
The speech delivered before the attack,
Milan taken by the Eagle through deceptive ambushes:
Ancient wall driven in by cannons,
Through fire and blood few given quarter.
The Gallic people and a foreign nation
Beyond the mountains, dead, captured and killed:
In the contrary month and near vintage time,
Through the Lords drawn up in accord.
The seven in three months in agreement
To subjugate the Apennine Alps:
But the tempest and cowardly Ligurian,
Destroys them in sudden ruins.
The great theater will come to be set up again:
The dice cast and the snares already laid.
Too much the first one will come to tire in the death knell,
Prostrated by arches already a long time split.
Hunchback will be elected by the council,
A more hideous monster not seen on earth,
The willing blow will put out his eye:
The traitor to the King received as faithful.
The child will be born with two teeth in his mouth,
Stones will fall during the rain in Tuscany:
A few years after there will be neither wheat nor barley,
To satiate those who will faint from hunger.
People from around the Tarn, Lot and Garonne
Beware of passing the Apennine mountains:
Your tomb near Rome and Ancona,
The black frizzled beard will have a trophy set up.
When the animal domesticated by man
After great pains and leaps will come to speak:
The lightning to the virgin will be very harmful,
Taken from earth and suspended in the air.
The five strangers entered in the temple,
Their blood will come to pollute the land:
To the Toulousans it will be a very hard example
Of one who will come to exterminate their laws.
The sky ( of Plancus' city ) forebodes to us
Through clear signs and fixed stars,
That the time of its sudden change is approaching,
Neither for its good, nor for its evils.
The old monarch chased out of his realm
Will go to the East asking for its help:
For fear of the crosses he will fold his banner:
To Mitylene he will go through port and by land.
Seven hundred captives bound roughly.
Lots drawn for the half to be murdered:
The hope at hand will come very promptly
But not as soon as the fifteenth death.
Gallic realm, you will be much changed:
To a foreign place is the empire transferred:
You will be set up amidst other customs and laws:
Rouen and Chartres will do much of the worst to you.
The republic of the great city
Will not want to consent to the great severity:
King summoned by trumpet to go out,
The ladder at the wall, the city will repent.
Paris conspires to commit a great murder
Blois will cause it to be fully carried out:
Those of Orléans will want to replace their chief,
Angers, Troyes, Langres will commit a misdeed against them.
In Campania there will be a very long rain,
In Apulia very great drought.
The Cock will see the Eagle, its wing poorly finished,
By the Lion will it be put into extremity.
When the greatest one will carry off the prize
Of Nuremberg, of Augsburg, and those of Bâle
Through Cologne the chief Frankfort retaken
They will cross through Flanders right into Gaul.
One of the greatest ones will flee to Spain
Which will thereafter come to bleed in a long wound:
Armies passing over the high mountains,
Devastating all, and then to reign in peace.
In the year that one eye will reign in France,
The court will be in very unpleasant trouble:
The great one of Blois will kill his friend:
The realm placed in harm and double doubt.
Montauban, Nîmes, Avignon and Béziers,
Plague, thunder and hail in the wake of Mars:
Of Paris bridge, Lyons wall, Montpellier,
After six hundreds and seven score three pairs.
Seven times will you see the British nation change,
Steeped in blood in 290 years:
Free not at all its support Germanic.
Aries doubt his Bastarnian pole.
Near the Rhine from the Noric mountains
Will be born a great one of people come too late,
One who will defend Sarmatia and the Pannonians,
One will not know what will have become of him.
Barbarian empire usurped by the third,
The greater part of his blood he will put to death:
Through senile death the fourth struck by him,
For fear that the blood through the blood be not dead.
Throughout all Asia (Minor) great proscription,
Even in Mysia, Lycia and Pamphilia.
Blood will be shed because of the absolution
Of a young black one filled with felony.
The great band and sect of crusaders
Will be arrayed in Mesopotamia:
Light company of the nearby river,
That such law will hold for an enemy.
Near the Douro by the closed Tyrian sea,
He will come to pierce the great Pyrenees mountains.
One hand shorter his opening glosses,
He will lead his traces to Carcassone.
The Roman power will be thoroughly abased,
Following in the footsteps of its great neighbor:
Hidden civil hatreds and debates
Will delay their follies for the buffoons.
The chief of Persia will occupy great Olchades,
The trireme fleet against the Mahometan people
From Parthia, and Media: and the Cyclades pillaged:
Long rest at the great Ionian port.
When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found,
The day after a Pontiff will be elected:
Scarcely will he be approved by the Senate
Poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice.
The great Bailiff of Orléans put to death
Will be by one of blood revengeful:
Of death deserved he will not die, nor by chance:
He made captive poorly by his feet and hands.
A new sect of Philosophers
Despising death, gold, honors and riches
Will not be bordering upon the German mountains:
To follow them they will have power and crowds.
Leaderless people of Spain and Italy
Dead, overcome within the Peninsula:
Their dictator betrayed by irresponsible folly,
Swimming in blood everywhere in the latitude.
The great army led by a young man,
It will come to surrender itself into the hands of the enemies:
But the old one born to the half-pig,
He will cause Châlon and Mâcon to be friends.
The great Britain including England
Will come to be flooded very high by waters
The new League of Ausonia will make war,
So that they will come to strive against them.
Those in the isles long besieged
Will take vigor and force against their enemies:
Those outside dead overcome by hunger,
They will be put in greater hunger than ever before.
The good old man buried quite alive,
Near the great river through false suspicion:
The new old man ennobled by riches,
Captured on the road all his gold for ransom.
When the cripple will attain to the realm,
For his competitor he will have a near bastard:
He and the realm will become so very mangy
That before he recovers, it will be too late.
Naples, Florence, Faenza and Imola,
They will be on terms of such disagreement
As to delight in the wretches of Nola
Complaining of having mocked its chief.
Pau, Verona, Vicenza, Saragossa,
From distant swords lands wet with blood:
Very great plague will come with the great shell,
Relief near, and the remedies very far.
In Germany will be born diverse sects,
Coming very near happy paganism,
The heart captive and returns small,
They will return to paying the true tithe.
The third climate included under Aries
The year 1727 in October,
The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame.
The chief of Scotland, with six of Germany,
Captive of the Eastern seamen:
They will pass Gibraltar and Spain,
Present in Persia for the fearful new King.
The fatal everlasting order through the chain
Will come to turn through consistent order:
The chain of Marseilles will be broken:
The city taken, the enemy at the same time.
The worthy one chased out of the English realm,
The adviser through anger put to the fire:
His adherents will go so low to efface themselves
That the bastard will be half received.
The great shameless, audacious bawler,
He will be elected governor of the army:
The boldness of his contention,
The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.
Fréjus, Antibes, towns around Nice,
They will be thoroughly devastated by sea and by land:
The locusts by land and by sea the wind propitious,
Captured, dead, bound, pillaged without law of war.
The long hairs of Celtic Gaul
Accompanied by foreign nations,
They will make captive the people of Aquitaine,
For succumbing to their designs.
The great city will be thoroughly desolated,
Of the inhabitants not a single one will remain there:
Wall, sex, temple and virgin violated,
Through sword, fire, plague, cannon people will die.
The city taken through deceit and guile,
Taken in by means of a handsome youth:
Assault given by the Robine near the Aude,
He and all dead for having thoroughly deceived.
A chief of Ausonia will go to Spain
By sea, he will make a stop in Marseilles:
Before his death he will linger a long time:
After his death one will see a great marvel.
Gallic fleet, do not approach Corsica,
Less Sardinia, you will rue it:
Every one of you will die frustrated of the help of the cape:
You will swim in blood, captive you will not believe me.
From Barcelona a very great army by sea,
All Marseilles will tremble with terror:
Isles seized help shut off by sea,
Your traitor will swim on land.
At that time Cyprus will be frustrated
Of its relief by those of the Aegean Sea:
Old ones slaughtered: but by speeches and supplications
Their King seduced, Queen outraged more.
The great Satyr and Tiger of Hyrcania,
Gift presented to those of the Ocean:
A fleet's chief will set out from Carmania,
One who will take land at the Tyrren Phocaean.
The tree which had long been dead and withered,
In one night it will come to grow green again:
The Cronian King sick, Prince with club foot,
Feared by his enemies he will make his sail bound.
The world near the last period,
Saturn will come back again late:
Empire transferred towards the Dusky nation,
The eye plucked out by the Goshawk at Narbonne.
In Avignon the chief of the whole empire
Will make a stop on the way to desolated Paris:
Tricast will hold the anger of Hannibal:
Lyons will be poorly consoled for the change.
For five hundred years more one will keep count of him
Who was the ornament of his time:
Then suddenly great light will he give,
He who for this century will render them very satisfied.
The law of More will be seen to decline:
After another much more seductive:
Dnieper first will come to give way:
Through gifts and tongue another more attractive.
The Chief of Fossano will have his throat cut
By the leader of the bloodhound and greyhound:
The deed executed by those of the Tarpeian Rock,
Saturn in Leo February 13.
New law to occupy the new land
Towards Syria, Judea and Palestine:
The great barbarian empire to decay,
Before the Moon completes it cycle.
Two royal brothers will wage war so fiercely
That between them the war will be so mortal
That both will occupy the strong places:
Their great quarrel will fill realm and life.
In the grassy fields of Alleins and Vernègues
Of the Lubéron range near the Durance,
The conflict will be very sharp for both armies,
Mesopotamia will fail in France.
The last one honored amongst the Gauls,
Over the enemy man will he be victorious:
Force and land in a moment explored,
When the envious one will die from an arrow shot.
new age,
other writers,
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Having an Awesome Life: Lesson #8, Keep It Real
You might notice that the drawing style for this month's Awesome Life affirmation is a little different than those from the months before it. Well, there's a reason for that.
In a world that often seems to push a homogenized lifestyle, uniqueness is given a rather low value at times. But there's no way around it: we're all different. Every person on this planet has unique traits, qualities, abilities, and thoughts. There's nothing wrong with being a special snowflake, is there? Of course not!
An emotion that many people seem to experience is fear of rejection. We often worry that the ways that we may be different from others will alienate us; our values, thoughts, or lifestyles will drive other people away or cause us pain because we will not be accepted. While there's always the risk of experiencing disapproval from those around us, it's also important to be able to look in the mirror each day and realize that you are living your true will.
As long as you're not infringing on other people's rights to safety and happiness, there is nothing at all wrong with keeping it real. In fact, there's a lot of good that comes out of being yourself and meeting life on your own unique terms. It is very satisfying to be admired and respected for being your own original self.
Learn what makes you special and unique. Keep it real!
In a world that often seems to push a homogenized lifestyle, uniqueness is given a rather low value at times. But there's no way around it: we're all different. Every person on this planet has unique traits, qualities, abilities, and thoughts. There's nothing wrong with being a special snowflake, is there? Of course not!
An emotion that many people seem to experience is fear of rejection. We often worry that the ways that we may be different from others will alienate us; our values, thoughts, or lifestyles will drive other people away or cause us pain because we will not be accepted. While there's always the risk of experiencing disapproval from those around us, it's also important to be able to look in the mirror each day and realize that you are living your true will.
As long as you're not infringing on other people's rights to safety and happiness, there is nothing at all wrong with keeping it real. In fact, there's a lot of good that comes out of being yourself and meeting life on your own unique terms. It is very satisfying to be admired and respected for being your own original self.
Learn what makes you special and unique. Keep it real!
having an awesome life,
personal power,
take action now
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Spiritual Awakening: The Dark Side
In some cases, an individual will experience an extremely intense spiritual awakening, which can also be likened to a spiritual emergency or crisis. This is because the person cannot handle the experience. The individual may not realize or understand what is happening to him or her. Some people may mistakenly feel or believe that they are invincible, as if they have reached a point of ultimate enlightenment which disconnects them from reality. I have heard some stories about people who have experienced a spiritual emergency due to loss or moments of extreme crisis, and have experienced moments of madness with this awakening.
A spiritual awakening can also come spontaneously to someone through a life-altering event, such as a medical problem like epilepsy, a stroke, or other condition that involves extreme pain or physical trauma. A near-death experience can trigger a religious experience as well. Psychosis, schizophrenia, and depression can not only cause a sacred experience, but can also be triggered by the spiritual awakening as well in people who are predisposed to mental illness.
Some people attempt to coax a spiritual awakening through drug use or dangerous meditation practices that I cannot recommend. A spiritual experience can make someone feel a flood of very powerful, intense emotions and sensations all at once. If the person is not yet ready for this experience, he or she can encounter physical, emotional, or mental health problems which may continue to be present long after the spiritual awakening has come and gone. The individual may have reached a point of enlightenment or connection with the divine for a fleeting moment, but must also pay for these experiences with a lifetime of difficulties in return. It is much better to allow the divine love of the universe to come to you and flow through you when you are truly ready, rather than simply when you feel you are ready. For these reasons, I must recommend that you do not rush or force your awakening. Instead, let it come at just the right moment; your higher power will know when you are ready to handle the experience.
A spiritual awakening can also come spontaneously to someone through a life-altering event, such as a medical problem like epilepsy, a stroke, or other condition that involves extreme pain or physical trauma. A near-death experience can trigger a religious experience as well. Psychosis, schizophrenia, and depression can not only cause a sacred experience, but can also be triggered by the spiritual awakening as well in people who are predisposed to mental illness.
Some people attempt to coax a spiritual awakening through drug use or dangerous meditation practices that I cannot recommend. A spiritual experience can make someone feel a flood of very powerful, intense emotions and sensations all at once. If the person is not yet ready for this experience, he or she can encounter physical, emotional, or mental health problems which may continue to be present long after the spiritual awakening has come and gone. The individual may have reached a point of enlightenment or connection with the divine for a fleeting moment, but must also pay for these experiences with a lifetime of difficulties in return. It is much better to allow the divine love of the universe to come to you and flow through you when you are truly ready, rather than simply when you feel you are ready. For these reasons, I must recommend that you do not rush or force your awakening. Instead, let it come at just the right moment; your higher power will know when you are ready to handle the experience.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
How To Deal With the Loss of a Pet
Here's a picture of my beloved Clovis, who will have been gone for 10 years today. She was my first bunny, and I can't tell you how much I lover her still. What an amazing girl she was! She was only 4 pounds, but this Holland Lop taught me about bunnies, and a lot about myself too. Even now, I know she's watching over me from the beyond.
Not everyone can understand how it feels to lose a cherished pet. Whether you're experiencing with the loss of your cat, trying to handle the death of your dog, or dealing with losing another pet who has passed away, the shock of grief can be surprising to you. Perhaps you did not expect this loss to affect you the way it is doing. However, many people across the world have experienced this pain. You're not alone. We all need a hand in dealing with our pain sometimes. Here are a few tips to help you get through this difficult time.
Give yourself ample time to grieve. This cannot be overstated! Folks who are not animal lovers will never understand. Even though our pets are not humans, they are are still a part of our family. You won't feel better overnight, so allow yourself a few days to get over the initial shock and grief. If you can take a day or two off of work, go for it. Take a "mental health day" or two if you feel that you need it. Give yourself a bit of time to feel your emotions and to adjust.
Talk with others who will understand. Not everyone is going to acknowledge that your pet is worth mourning. I still remember when my favorite rat, who had lived almost 3 years, passed suddenly when I was across the country. I got the phone call from my brother, and later when my great-grandmother called me to see how I was doing, she said "You shouldn't feel that way about an animal." (I loved my Gram dearly, but she just wasn't an animal person!) When Clovis was ill in the hospital, one of my in-laws told me not to worry, I can just buy a "Clovis #2" if she didn't make it. Neither of these statements were meant to make me feel bad; they both came from people who love me! But some folks will get it, and some won't. It's a lot better to talk about your pet (and your feelings) with those who do get it. Anything less will just make you feel worse, belittle your feelings (unintentionally, I'm sure!), and just piss you off unnecessarily.
Share the memories with folks who knew your pet. This is a common healing technique that people often use with their kids, when a beloved dog or cat dies. But why limit it to young people, when it can be beneficial to just about anyone? Talk about the good times. Remember the funny things that your cat used to do. Talk about how cute your dog was when you first brought him home. Look at pictures, tell stories, and enjoy the stroll down memory lane. Remembering is a wonderful way to begin healing after the loss of your pet.
Keep their things close by. You'd think that this might make it hurt more, but in those first days after your pet dies, having their toys, their special blankie, or their other important items near can actually be comforting to you. Over time, you may want to start boxing up their things. Toss some of them if and when you feel ready. You can also donate things that are still good, or maybe just save their things. I still have Clovis's "bunny bed" (it was actually a small dog bed that she'd snooze on in the living room sometimes), and her soft stuffed carrot that squeaks -- a full decade later! I also have my Seamus's "cone of shame" from the bunny vet. I don't think I'll ever give them away. Right now, they're in my storage space, but it feels nice just knowing I can visit them whenever I feel the need.
When you're feeling ready, adopt a new pet! I know you'd feel like you're "cheating" on them... but after a suitable time, you may want to open your heart and home to a new dog or cat. The loss of a pet can be traumatic and upsetting, but after your pet has died, you may find that you want to get a new one at some point. I waited about six weeks after Clovis died; I knew that she would have wanted me to adopt a bunny who was homeless, and who needed me. We wound up adopting two, and they were with us for seven great years! (And after they were gone, we adopted two more bunnies!) Knowing Clovis gave 4 other bunnies the chance to be adopted and loved! When your pet dies, try to think of what would do the best good. Taking that into consideration can help you to make the right decision.
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