Friday, March 22, 2013

The Cross Crystal Grid: An Easy Crystal Grid Layout for Pain

I have recently seen some searches to my blog which are seeking crystal grid layouts, so within the next few months I'm going to try adding some for you. :)

This grid layout is an easy, but somewhat unusual one.  You only need four crystals for this grid layout.  My personal preference for this layout is to use green and orange crystals -- tourmalines of either or both shades, agate, or amber would be perfect choices.  If you can find tourmalines in both orange and green, that would be ideal!  Orange is, of course, the color of the sacral chakra where many of our pain management abilities are stores.  And the green represents the heart chakra, which I feel can help to lessen the worry of the pain itself.  Trust me, when I have a fibromyalgia flare-up (and even when I don't!)  I stress about whether or not some activity is going to make me hurt.  Green is a stabilizing and comforting color here!

You can use typical polished or tumbled stones for this grid, but I have found that it can be even more powerful when choosing crystals which have points.  The unusual thing about this layout is that the points actually focus inward, as opposed to outward and away from the body.  You are essentially harnessing your own energy in the achy spot, and helping it to fight the pain and soothe your body naturally, as opposed to seeking an outside source of energy. 

It may be tempting to add more crystals than four, but I'd keep it to just four.  This layout is meant to be simple and fuss-free.  Besides, more than four points focusing inward might be too much energy in one spot.  Keep it gentle!

You can use this layout anywhere on the body that you choose.  If you need to surround the body part with the crystals instead of putting them directly onto your body (such as with a smaller area, like a finger or an earlobe), that's fine.  The crystals don't need to be on or off the body specifically, as long as the points are facing the area of discomfort.  I have used the back in my example because it's a relatively common pain area, as well as a big part of the body, just to show you how it's done.

I hope this layout is helpful for you! :)  Namaste!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Aries!

Birthday greetings to our strong and competitive adversary (or lover!), the awesome Aries!

Ruled by Mars, Aries are naturally full of energy, and love being "first" in everything.  Aries people tend to be strong and physically robust; they love a challenge in any form.  Whether it's a physically competitive sport or a bracing game of chess, the Aries can't resist jumping in to play! Independence and a pioneering spirit comes naturally to the Aries.  At times, people may find that Aries enthusiasm annoying, but rest assured, there is seldom malice behind it.  Aries are also pretty bad liars, so they tend to be honest and forthright; they also trust other people to do the same.  They are just high-energy performers, and they expect the best from themselves as much as they do from others.  An Aries can inspire others with their natural vibrance and their interest in people around them.

These are the pioneers of the zodiac!  With an Aries by your side, you've got an exciting and awesome friend in your life. :)

Happy Birthday, Aries friends!  We love you!

P. S.  I made some cute birthday images of each zodiac sign... keep checking back all year for more!  I hope that you enjoy these!  They're licensed under "Creative Commons" (non-commercial only) so feel free to share them and use them for personal stuff on Facebook, Myspace, or wherever you like to network with your friends.  Have fun!

Creative Commons License

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Crystal Work for Beginners

Everything in our universe has some type of vibration at their base molecular level.  Sometimes, such vibrations will cancel one another out; but some objects, such as crystals, are structured so that the vibrations can be enhanced by one another.  This causes their energy to be stronger and more powerful.  Even though the vibrations cannot be felt in an obvious way, there is strength and wonder in their energy.  At the center of each crystal, there is a dynamic atomic heart, with the particles moving around the center in a constant and steady motion.  While the crystal may appear to be still and placid, it is actually a dynamic molecular structure that vibrates at a specific frequency.  Our bodies operate in much the same way; each organ and part has a specific chemical structure that is made up of a mixture of elements which vibrate exude energy.  The vibrations are at a high frequency, but they exist as a body of energy that exists around our physical body.  Toxins or impurities in the body will change your body's vibration, but cleansing toxins and keeping healthy will keep each part's vibrations working just as they should.  Crystals can help keep your vibrations in tune with one another, as each gemstone emits a vibration to help your body vibrate to its proper frequency.  Just match the right crystal with the right area of the body, and over time, it should help to correct any imbalances.  These techniques have been used by spiritual people since ancient times, and are perfectly safe to try in conjunction with a doctor-approved healthcare regimen.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Is the Lifetime Movie "Stalked at 17" a True Story?

The internet has been abuzz about the Lifetime movie, Stalked at 17.  Because my readers tend to be fans of media that focuses on relationships, I thought I'd answer this question once and for all.

Taylor Spreitler, who plays Angela, the victim of Chad's insane and possessive love in this movie, commented on the status of this movie through Twitter a few months back.  While she says that the movie is a composite which is "inspired by true events," it does not follow a particular case play-by-play.  Instead, it is a worst-case-scenario cautionary tale about what can happen when you allow the person you love to overstep boundaries and to take complete control of your heart, your body, and your life.

Spreitler does add that this type of dysfunctional behavior in relationships is indeed "an issue," which should be discussed more in the mainstream consciousness.  Teen relationship abuse, also known as "dating abuse" in some circles, is more prevalent than you might think.  10% of all teens have been hit, slapped, or otherwise physically harmed by their boyfriend or girlfriend.  And a whopping 25% of  teenage girls are the victims of sexual or physical abuse.  These saddening statistics might change if more light would be shined on this subject, in order to send the message that physical or sexual violence in a relationship is never okay! 

For more information, visit to learn more about healthy relationships.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Soothing Your Baby's Tummy with Reflexology

As many of you know, I'm a big fan of reflexology.  It's a favorite form of healing for me, because it is non-invasive, easy to do, and feels great.  The soothing touch and human contact is wonderful for erasing physical and emotional stress.

When you have a sick child, few things matter more to you than helping that little one to feel better.  A young child may be able to talk and tell you what hurts, but when it's a baby, there is often a lot of guesswork involved.  One common cause for complaint in a cranky baby is a digestive problem, or simply put, a tummy ache.

Shanti Burgess, an herbalist and reflexologist, of Happyzine, a New Zealand website dedicated to health and happiness, suggests trying reflexology to soothe your baby's tummy.  Because babies are so small, their foot pressure points may be difficult to handle with any degree of accuracy.  Instead, focus some light pressure on the ball of your baby's foot.  The digestive system responds to the areas just under the ball, so a light massage should help to alleviate some of your baby's discomfort.  If you're confused about where to start, a gentle foot massage on the entire foot can't steer you wrong.

Check out Happyzine's article, How to Soothe Your Baby's Tummy with Reflexology, here, for more information.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Sage's Little Book of Gemstones and Their Meanings

Earlier this year, I published one of my very first eBooks! It is called Sage's Little Book of Gemstones and Their Meanings.  This interesting little book will give you some background about the history and lore of some of the world's most popular gemstones and crystals. It also reveals birthstones for each month of the year, and gives some practical advice on how to choose a gem to use as your own personal power stone.

You can buy the book here at Smashwords (in any format you need), or purchase it at Amazon for Kindle.  I hope that you enjoy it! :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sex Goddess Lesson #3: Glamour Basics

Feeling happy and free can help you to feel beautiful, too!
Once you've learned to focus on what makes you sexy, dress to play up those physical or mental qualities.  Now, this doesn't mean that you should be glopping on the makeup, squeezing into push-up bras, pinchy shoes, and miles-too-tight clothing and then parading around in public like a piece of meat on display. If these are things that make you feel like a sex goddess, then knock yourself out.

But this really should be just about what you feel is sexy, not what other people do. Do certain fabrics just make you feel lovely and special -- silk, satin, velvet, lace?  Even a conservative clothing item that features sensual fabrics can make you feel different.  Perhaps you feel best in something that's comfy and cozy, or something chic and slinky and fabulous.

Maybe the clothes don't matter as much as the attitude -- try some deep red lipstick or sassy shoes to channel your inner vamp.  Even a spirtz of your favorite scent can make you feel especially alluring and intriguing.  It doesn't really matter what you choose, as long as it evokes that wonderful Goddess-like feeling.

Envision yourself as a Goddess in your private chambers, pampering yourself with your own special beauty rituals.  Whenever you're having an especially sad day, or you're just not feeling awesome, do this beauty ritual to cheer yourself up and get in touch with your inner sensuality.

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