Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Magickal Properties of Garnet

Garnets are loved and revered the world over for their breathtaking beauty, their lustre, and their mystical powers.  While they have similar physical characteristics to crystals (such as structural formations), garnets are actually composed of crystal silicate materials that can vary in hardness.  They are found all over the world in a stunning array of shades.  The most commonly known garnet hues are red and pink, but they are also seen in oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, browns, blacks, and even clear.  Some garnets even change their reflective color depending on how much light is reflecting off of them.

Because of the common red color of garnet crystal, it is often associated most with the more aggressive emotional moods, such as anger and aggression.  Long ago, it was known as the "warrior stone," as it was carried into battle to protect soldiers and warriors from injury and illness, and to help them come out as the victors in their battles.

Garnets are also often used in love spells, to keep a man or woman faithful to the garnet's owner.  It can also enhance the wearer's sex life, making him or her appear more physically attractive to the one she or he desires. It’s also the January birthstone — and can be used for all birth months as a powerful talisman.

Like most crystals and minerals, garnets have some great healing properties as well.  Garnets are great for detoxifying the body, drawing out negative physical elements as well as bad energies from the bearer.  It is also great for reviving the libido and rekindling emotional passion, not just for sex, but for anything where the bearer feels the need to focus and get down to business.  Try garnets for giving yourself a bit of extra drive in business and personal endeavors as well.

Friday, March 14, 2014

"Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present."

What's in the past is over and done forever, but that might not stop some of us from reliving those painful memories.  It can be really hard to live with past regrets, past hurts, and past transgressions.  If you have done wrong, seek forgiveness from others as well as from yourself.  If someone else has wronged you, strive to forgive; even in cases where forgiveness seems like light-years away, you can at least forgive yourself for allowing feelings of resentment or distrust to rule over you.  Instead of being a victim and a slave to your past, try to examine things with the intention of learning valuable lessons that can carry over into your present and future.  Don't allow previous traumas to break you.  Be brave.  Be strong.  Put the past in its place, and embrace the future with a renewed sense of self.

Visit Regina's website here.

Friday, February 14, 2014

"Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone."

"Misery loves company."  This old chestnut is pretty well-worn into the collective subconscious.  When we share our disappointments with someone who can relate, life doesn't seem to hurt so much.  People who are hurting over the same loss can find strength and comfort in grieving together.  Even if you're crying and the other parties involved are not, accept the love and help of those around you who wish to be there for you in your time of emotional need.  Chances are good that in the future, they'll need to be with you, too, when their time comes. 

Visit Regina's website here.

Friday, February 7, 2014

"You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "You don't have to win every argument.  Agree to disagree."

It's never easy to argue with someone unpleasantly, especially someone that you love.  However, because we're all human, we've all got our own personal convictions.  Sometimes, these are so deeply held that we just can't understand why someone else's would be any different.  When the person is close to us, or is someone that we really respect, it can be really hard to wrap our minds around this difference.  We may get wrapped up in trying to "convince" others that our way is the right one.  But guess what?  That other person's thoughts and feelings likely run just as deep as yours do.  You won't always be able to convince everyone of everything.  Don't worry about it.  When you put your ego's need to be right on the back burner, you can agree to disagree.  This is a big world, and there's room for opinions of all kinds.

Visit Regina's website here.

Friday, January 31, 2014

"Pay off your credit cards every month."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!
I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Pay off your credit cards every month." 

Oh boy, this one's a toughie for some people!  I do my best to pay my bills on time, but hey, sometimes it's hard to remember every last thing.  And we've all had our share of financial crises from time to time.  Things happen sometimes.  Cars break.  People get sick and need things that their insurance may not cover.  Things at home need to be fixed.  Clothing emergencies occur (and I'm talking about actual wardrobe malfunctions, not "Oooh my favorite store is having a shoe sale!).  Holidays come and go, along with the often high expectations of our loved ones.  And... let's face it... sometimes our favorite store has a shoe sale that we just can't resist!  When money comes in slow, it seems to go out quickly.  The trick is to live within our means.  We need to take a look around us, and really prioritize what we need over what we want.  Paying our bills are a legitimate "need."  If you're able to pay off your credit cards 100% every month, you'll sleep a lot better knowing that your charges aren't out there garnering crazy amounts of interest.  If you cannot do this, at least get your minimums paid... but then consider doing the work to get as far out of debt as you can.  Life is so much sweeter when you have lots of room on those credit cards for rainy days.

Visit Regina's website here.

Friday, January 17, 2014

"Life is too short to waste time hating anyone."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!
I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Life is too short to waste time hating anyone."

If we're very lucky, most of us will see about seventy years worth of laughter, tears, fun, fear, garbage, and awesomeness.  We'll have dreams and we'll see them through, or maybe they won't work out at all.  But we should all aspire to fill our lives with as much love as we can -- love for ourselves, for each other, for the world.  Hate is a difficult emotion to handle, because it poisons everything that it touches.  Emotions like hurt and fear often turn into hate.  It can be hard to control.  I'm not going to say "If someone hurts you, forgive them and everything will be wonderful and you can love them again!"  It doesn't always work like that.  Stuff's complicated.  But one thing I do know is that if you dwell on all of the bad things which are done to you, and obsess over the people that you dislike or even hate, you'll be taking time away from doing what you love -- and you could also be spending that time with the ones who love you.   Hating can be a tempting thing indeed.  But even if you can't forgive or forget readily, remember not to lose sight of the fact that you are in control of how you share your emotional time.  Don't harm yourself with negativity.  Try to rise above it and place your focus elsewhere.

Visit Regina's full list of life lessons on her site, here. :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #11: Do What You Love

This lesson sounds way too simple to be true -- but it is!  If you're anything like the rest of the world, you have little things that you secretly love.  Those guilty little pleasures that you'd rather die than admit to, but secretly, you're loving every nasty little second of it.

I'm talking about things like the secret way that you sing in the shower, or dance in the bathroom when no one's around.  Or the illicit thrill you get when flipping through the TV channels, and you come across a tacky talk-show or a really bizarre movie that you're way to "cool" to admit to loving.

Why not embrace those little quirks that you try so hard to deny?  There is nothing wrong with doing what you love, and being proud of it.  Even if you consider those loves to be too trivial, too silly, or too out of character -- so what?  You need to make time in your life for a bit of levity and fun.  Not every second of your life has to be dedicated solely to accomplishing goals and achieving successes.  You need to make time to appreciate the simple, fun, and enjoyable things as well. 

Pursue happiness wherever it pleases you.  Remember how things where when you were a child, chasing fun and frivolity when the mood strikes.  Balancing work and play can make your life much happier, much more productive, and much more awesome!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Powers of Aquamarine

Aquamarines are beautiful, valuable, and very powerful!  Named for the blue-green shades of the ocean which are remeniscent of this gem's beautiful hues, the aquamarine is part of the beryl family.  These crystal gemstones are often found near deposits of tungsten and tin ore, and beryls can come in an array of beautiful shades like greens, blues, yellows, and reds.

The words "aqua marina" mean "water of the sea."  The turquoise shade of aquamarines make it a stunning and desireable stone for jewelry; at the turn of the 19th century, it was extremely prized and often paired with silver.  This stone is associated with the month of March and the element of water.

This gem is a wonderful stone for healing all parts of the body, though it is said to be especially effective for the heart, circulatory system, and immune system.  It is also thought to be healing to the eyesight, as gazing upon the stone can produce a soothing and calming effect on the eyes.

It is also healing for emotional issues, too.  Aquamarine is an ideal talisman when used to level one's moods, as well as to help one to open up and share his or her feelings.  Many blue-toned gemstones have had legendary powers to cool and subdue harsh feelings like anger and aggression; this one is no exception, having the power to relax and soothe hurt feelings.  Aquamarine can also enhance psychic visions and mental clarity, as well as to enhance the inner charisma of whomever chooses to wear it.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Worse Things Than Being Alone

I've been writing eBooks lately, based on some of the relationship nightmares that I've been hearing about.  When we look around and see what other people are experiencing, it's easy to feel lucky that we've got the problems that we have!

Sometimes, we put up with someone who mistreats us or doesn't respect our rights.  Some people say that even a bad relationship is better than having none at all; the loneliness is too frightening to face for some.  This may prompt those people to remain in a relationship that is unhealthy, negative, or even damaging to them.

Here's a list of things that are worse than being alone.  If your mate does any of the things on this list, it may be time to take control of your own life, to let go of the relationship, and enjoy the freedom of being alone -- without having to worry about being mistreated by someone who doesn't deserve you!

1. Being in a relationship with someone who uses you.
2. Being in a relationship with someone who lies to you.
3. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect you.
4. Being in a relationship with someone who expects you to do everything for them.
5. Being in a relationship with someone who demeans you.
6. Being in a relationship with someone who belittles you.
7. Being in a relationship with someone who keeps secrets from you.
8. Being in a relationship with someone who is unfaithful.
9. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about your problems.
10. Being in a relationship with someone who emotionally abuses you.
11. Being in a relationship with someone who physically abuses you.
12. Being in a relationship with someone who makes you feel worthless.
13. Being in a relationship with someone who physically violates you.
14. Being in a relationship with someone who tries to control you.
15. Being in a relationship with someone who forces you to do things that you don't want to do.
16. Being in a relationship with someone who kicks you when you're down.
17. Being in a relationship with someone who has a problem with anger.
18. Being in a relationship with someone who takes their troubles out on you.
19. Being in a relationship with someone who has addiction issues and will not get help.
20. Being in a relationship with someone who values everything else above their relationship with you.
21. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect your boundaries.
22. Being in a relationship with someone who threatens you with violence.
23. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't love you.
24. Being in a relationship with someone who cheats on you.
25. Being in a relationship with someone who manipulates you.
26. Being in a relationship with someone who plays mind games with you.
27. Being in a relationship with someone who does not respect your personal space.
28. Being in a relationship with someone who feels no remorse for hurting you.
29. Being in a relationship with someone who threatens you.
30. Being in a relationship with someone who makes unreasonable demands of you.
31. Being in a relationship with someone who has an addiction that is out of control.
32. Being in a relationship with someone who has problems for which he is unwilling to get help.
33. Being in a relationship with someone who does not take responsibility for his actions.
34. Being in a relationship with someone who blames you for all of his failures.
35. Being in a relationship with someone who makes you feel unsafe.
36. Being in a relationship with someone who uses you.
37. Being in a relationship with someone who lies to you.
38. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect you.
39. Being in a relationship with someone who expects you to do everything for them.
40. Being in a relationship with someone who demeans you.
41. Being in a relationship with someone who belittles you.
42. Being in a relationship with someone who keeps secrets from you.
43. Being in a relationship with someone who is unfaithful.
44. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't care about your problems.
45. Being in a relationship with someone who emotionally abuses you.
46. Being in a relationship with someone who physically abuses you.
47. Being in a relationship with someone who makes you feel worthless.
48. Being in a relationship with someone who physically violates you.
49. Being in a relationship with someone who tries to control you.
50. Being in a relationship with someone who forces you to do things that you don't want to do.
51. Being in a relationship with someone who kicks you when you're down.
52. Being in a relationship with someone who has a problem with anger.
53. Being in a relationship with someone who takes their troubles out on you.
54. Being in a relationship with someone who has addiction issues and will not get help.
55. Being in a relationship with someone who values everything else above their relationship with you.
56. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect your boundaries.
57. Being in a relationship with someone who threatens you with violence.
58. Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't love you.
59. Being in a relationship with someone who cheats on you.
60. Being in a relationship with someone who manipulates you.
61. Being in a relationship with someone who plays mind games with you.
62. Being in a relationship with someone who does not respect your personal space.
63. Being in a relationship with someone who feels no remorse for hurting you.
64. Being in a relationship with someone who threatens you.
65. Being in a relationship with someone who makes unreasonable demands of you.
66. Being in a relationship with someone who has an addiction that is out of control.
67. Being in a relationship with someone who has problems for which he is unwilling to get help.
68. Being in a relationship with someone who does not take responsibility for his actions.
69. Being in a relationship with someone who blames you for all of his failures.
70. Being in a relationship with someone who makes you feel unsafe.
71. Being in a relationship with someone who has sex with you against your will.
72. Being in a relationship with someone who seems fine in public, but lashes out at you privately.
73. Being in a relationship with someone who mistreats your children.
74. Being in a relationship with someone who isolates you from friends or family.
75. Being in a relationship with someone who tries to keep you down.
76. Being in a relationship with someone who steals from you.
77. Being in a relationship with someone who does not respect what is important to you.
78. Being in a relationship with someone who makes promises and never keeps them.
79. Being in a relationship with someone who treats you like an object instead of like a person.
80. Being in a relationship with someone who takes more than he gives back.
81. Being in a relationship with someone who does things to upset you on purpose.
82. Being in a relationship with someone who you can never depend on.
83. Being in a relationship with someone who has sex with you against your will.
84. Being in a relationship with someone who seems fine in public, but lashes out at you privately.
85. Being in a relationship with someone who mistreats your children.
86. Being in a relationship with someone who isolates you from friends or family.
87. Being in a relationship with someone who tries to keep you down.
88. Being in a relationship with someone who steals from you.
89. Being in a relationship with someone who does not respect what is important to you.
90. Being in a relationship with someone who makes promises and never keeps them.
91. Being in a relationship with someone who treats you like an object instead of like a person.
92. Being in a relationship with someone who takes more than he gives back.
93. Being in a relationship with someone who does things to upset you on purpose.
94. Being in a relationship with someone who does not value you.
95. Being in a relationship with someone whom you cannot trust.
96. Being in a relationship with someone who intimidates you in order to get what he wants.
97. Being in a relationship with someone who tries to minimize your achievements.
98. Being in a relationship with someone who ignores your basic needs.
99. Being in a relationship with someone who does not recognize your rights as a human being.
100. Being in a relationship with someone who has any of the issues above -- yet doesn’t have any interest in doing something about them.

Photo source:  Screaming guy photo by crosathorian.  Woman photo is public domain.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Halo: Crystal Grid Layout for Head Pain, Migraines & Headaches

As promised, here's another crystal grid layout for you!  I call this one "The Halo" for pretty obvious reasons. :)  I have illustrated it with round circles to represent your gemstones.  If you have pointy crystals to use, those would be just fine.  Remember to lay the crystals so that the points face outward, though!  Otherwise, your standard polished/tumbled crystal gemstones will work perfectly here.

I would always recommend using three amethysts for headaches and migraines; not only has it been typically carried and used for such ailments for thousands of years, the color purple also corresponds to the crown chakra which is just where we want to concentrate on when pain occurs in the head.  You can also use indigo stones like lapis if you would prefer to do so.  (Use what you like -- I happen to like amethyst!)  Place two just above the sides of your head, and add one to your forehead.

You'll need two orange stones as well.  I also recommend using orange or brown agate, or perhaps tourmaline to represent the sacral chakra, which is a great source of fortification for pain management.  Place them just above your eyebrows.  Agate is well known for its healing properties, and pain soothing attributes.  I'd try to find some agate first, but tourmalines are also wonderful healing stones. 

Thirdly, turquoise stones are required -- you will need two of them.  They should go directly underneath the amethysts which are laid around your head.  Turquoise is great for its uplifting and positive energy, as well as its protective properties.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Using Reflexology to Help Baby's Earache

Reflexology is a fabulous method in the arsenal of wellness.  Coupling new-age (and age-old) methods with scientific medicine can really bring about some wonderful benefits for the soul as well as the body.   Reflexology is non-invasive, comforting, and can work well with conventional medicine to ease physical ailments.

When your baby is ill, the most important thing on your mind is to help ease the little one's suffering.  One of the most common physical ailments of childhood is an earache -- even for adults, the pain and discomfort of an earache can be just unbearable.  

Shanti Burgess, an herbalist and reflexologist, of Happyzine, a New Zealand website which offers information for health and happiness, endorses reflexology as a way to help soothe the stress of earache.   To ease the discomfort of an earache, Burgess suggests working on the toes, particularly the last two toes on each foot.  She also recommends working on the "the spleen, thymus, upper body lymphatic points, throat, jaw, cervical neck, diaphragm, and adrenals" to help ease baby's discomfort.  Check my reflexology chart here for more information on those particular parts of the foot.

And, feel free to look at Happyzine's article, How to Soothe Your Three-Year-Old's Ear Ache By Pressing Points on Their Feethere, to learn more about using reflexology for an ear ache.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #5: The Power of Now

The fifth lesson in our installment has to do with our hopes and dreams, as well as how to deal with a life that doesn't quite seem to measure up to them.  It's human nature to want what we don't have, and it's also in our nature to become comfortable and complacent with our lives, with little desire to actually change anything.  There are also those who, while feeling complacent, are too busy worrying about what will happen in the future to enjoy the present.

By taking control of the present, you are putting yourself in the best possible place for the future.  Instead of pining over something you want, but cannot have now, or fretting over potential disaster in the future, try to train yourself to stop worrying and start enjoying what is currently around you.  I'm not saying that you need to abandon your common sense or through caution to the wind; you also don't have to stop dreaming and hoping for something better than the life you're currently living.  However, while you are in the present, take the time to appreciate where you are right now.  Be thankful for things you have in your life which are going well. 

Likewise, living in the present means getting real about the problems of your present.  Try not to put off solving that puzzle, working out those issues, or taking care of something that is giving your grief.  Emotions like that are draining to your energy.  Take care of new business before it turns into old business -- and old business before it becomes ancient business, or urgent business!  Getting real about those areas where you need to improve can make a huge impact on what tomorrow will bring.

Taking time to enjoy and savor the journey to wherever it is you wish to go, is a vital step in your awesome life.  Happiness in the small moments as well as the large ones will improve your overall well-being, and that makeover of your soul will translate into future happiness and success as well.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The "X" Crystal Grid Layout for Arthritis & Fibromyalgia Pain

Pain can be such a debilitating thing.  I know I have days where I can only dream of getting out of bed!  But that's why crystal therapy can be so great.  It can never hurt you, only help.  Even if you're not quite convinced, think of it as mind over matter.  Or imagine it to be a way to meditate on your issues in order to gain some perspective.  Either way, it is non-invasive and worth a shot!

I have devised a crystal grid layout to free you of those aches and pains which are brought on by stiff creaky joints, arthritis, neurological disturbances such as neuropathy and fibromyalgia.  This one is great for the knees!  You will need to be seated or laying down for this position.

For help with pain, I tend to use items from the orange or brown color families, as the Root Chakra is the place in the body where pain management energy tends to be stored.  (When people "brace themselves" for something that's gonna hurt, it's usually those muscles which tense and brace!)  However, for this grid layout I have come up with something a little different.

You will need two blue stones, such as lapis, sapphire, or blue agate, in order to absorb the healing and soothing energies around you.  If you can get crystals which are pointed, all the better.  The other gemstones you can use are turquoise (and do try to get points, arrowheads, or something elogated if possible) or even clear quartz points will work.

In the middle of the X, you should place a green calcite gemstone in the middle of affected area in order to have a "pain conductor."  Direct the discomfort into the calcite, and allow it to then disperse through the blue and aqua crystals around it.  Calcite stones are best for this purpose, but amethyst can also work well, as can jasper or any color of agate (though I do recommend moss agate or another green crystal shade as it promotes healing from the Heart Chakra).

Happy healing!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

About Energy Healing and Your Aura Type

The aura, which is a metaphysical layer of energy surrounding a body, is thought to have seven layers of energy which affect our physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being.  The aura around each person is different, and thought to have various color energiess contained inside it. Aura condition can be determined by its color and thickness. 

There are six basic colors which are associated with the human aura.  Each of these colors occur in everyone, but in most people, only one or two are dominant in each aura.

Shades of red tend to belong to passionate, active individuals with lots of aggression and proactivity.  Remember that having an aggressive personality doesn't necessarily mean something bad -- however, the brighter the shade of red, the more anger or rage one possesses.  Darker reds tend to be quietly aggressive, or use their assertive and passionate tendencies in a more positive and productive way.

Orange hues are all about creativity and ideas, as well as the need to communicate those ideas to others.  People with bright orange auras are often unconventional, and tend to think of creative solutions to problems.  These are the world's innovators.  Orange aura bearers must take care, however, to keep their minds open to more rational and logical ideas as well, as they sometimes take flights of fancy a bit too far.

Those with green auras are said to be ambitious Type-A personalities.  They notice the little details that others often miss, and care about adjusting those little things in order to improve the bigger picture.  On the downside, these people can sometimes get mired in the small details so much that they can miss the bigger picture entirely.

Blue aura bearers are spiritual, introspective, and love peace.  They are also interested in creating a peaceful environment and nurturing conditions for other people.  Brighter blues tend to be more nurturing and considerate of others, but the peace-craving darker blues can also be prone to depression and anxiety.  It's important for these people to find a balance, and also to allow others to take care of them once in awhile too, in order to recharge their batteries and to renew their sense of faith in other people.

Violets and purples are the psychics of the world!  Indigo shades tend to represent wisdom and knowledge, as well as a desire to continue learning and to seek further wisdom.  Deeper purples are also wise, filled with insight and vision.  Vivid purple aura bearers are people who have the ability to impact the world with their love and kindness.  (I'm a dark purple, by the way!)

People say that those with white auras are protected by angels, benevolent spirits, and positive energy.  They are also able to bring out the best or worst in other people, reflecting their energies back at others like a mirror.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life: Lesson #4, Hilarity Ensues

Today is April Fool's Day, which perfectly coincides with my newest Awesome Life Lesson.  And that, in a nutshell is:  Laugh your ass off.

Have you ever seen the way that kids can giggle and practically make themselves ill with laughter?  Could you do that as a child?  I can remember some vivid incidents where I laughed so hard that I peed my pants.  And I'm not embarrassed to admit it, either.  (Well, maybe a little.) 

As adults, we need to get those pants-peeing laughter moments back into our lives.  This time around, though, most of us are old enough to control our bodily functions.  It's not always an easy thing to do... the laughing part, I mean.  Hopefully the peeing part is much more simple nowadays.

If you have family and friends, you probably share certain facets of your humor with them.  Why not explore that funny, silly side of yourself?  Read and tell jokes.  Even if they're stupid, I bet you'll get a few smiles and giggles -- if only for how silly you are while telling them.  Laugh at yourself, and laugh at one another.  Good-naturedly, though, of course.  Get silly.  Stop worrying so much about looking cool to other people, and start enjoying yourself.  (And anyway, isn't it soooooo much cooler to not give a crap what people think?)

Watch a movie that looks hilarious to you.  Read funny books.  Go back and remember the funniest moments of your entire life -- or some of the things you used to take seriously, which you can now laugh as they come into better perspective.  Check the internet for things that give you a chuckle.  I won't judge you if your idea of humor is Scumbag Steve or those insufferable Lolcats, though I'm partial to Success Kid memes and The Daily Bunny, which tend to be a cute-funny hybrid.  If you aren't sure where to start, type "funny" into your favorite search engine, and see what pops up.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Emotional Signs and Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakenings can trigger amazing things inside your mind, heart, and of course, your spirit!  A spiritual awakening can also have interesting effects on your physical body.  In this entry, we're going to look at some of the changes which a spiritual awakening can cause in your emotional arena.  (We'll look at other types of changes later this year.)

Here are but a few of the signs of a spiritual awakening:

A stricter sense of morality.  As your spiritual awakening is experienced, you start to understand the importance of living your true will.  Along with this understanding comes a desire to treat other beings with honor and respect.  Secrets, lies, or actions that deter you from your true will may become increasingly difficult to participate or tolerate.  You place a new importance on honesty and reciprocity in all dealings with others.

A conscious need to seek your soulmate, other half, or twin flame.  When we experience a spiritual awakening, we may have the desire to share this experience with someone close to us who can understand.  In the event that you are single and seeking that person, your commitment to the search may have intensified since your awakening has come upon the horizon.  Remember that if you want this encounter to happen, you must continue to work on your own life in order to prepare and welcome this soulmate.

An anxious, nervous sense that something significant may be about to occur.  You may be experiencing worry, suspicion, or the perception of a significant impending event.  Try not to allow fear or worry to get the best of you.  Take things slowly and work on one small issue at a time.  The feeling about what's to come may be a natural reaction to any surprise, good or bad. 

A heightened sense of emotional sensitivity.  Even small things may suddenly become overwhelming to you.  You may cry easily, become sad or upset at things that may perhaps not have affected you so much in the past.  You may also have unexpected and intense bouts of inexplicable bliss, profound elation, comfort and peace.  The heart chakra may also be presenting with aches, pains, or a sense of pressure.  This is often due to your chakra opening and accepting new information or energy.  Try to be open to your newfound sensitivity; let the feelings ebb and flow naturally.  Try some cleansing exercises or deep breathing as you allow the chakra to naturally expand, strengthen, and grow.

A new need for solitude and alone time.  During a spiritual awakening, you may feel that being around others is more draining of your emotional and psychic resources.  Even if you're very gregarious and love people, they can be especially draining and taxing as you're more attuned with your own inner changes lately.  Perhaps you just want to stay home more instead of going out and doing the things you used to enjoy.  Or, instead of running with your usual crowd, you are now preferring to keep to yourself.  You may not be depressed or anxious, but you might just need this time alone.  Go with it an enjoy, but do your best to keep connections with others alive -- you don't want them to think you've forgotten about them!

A newfound need for spiritual connection and meaning.  Your spiritual awakening will spark a craving for purpose and a deep desire for understanding of the world around you.  It is also possible that, for the first time ever, you find yourself longing for something you cannot name.  An inner peace or a connection to spiritual ideas in order to make you feel whole.  Listen to your heart, and go where it takes you.  This can be an exciting time in your life to learn and grow!

Moments of newfound clarity.  Perhaps you're going through a significant epiphany in your life now.  After what may be an entire lifetime of living or thinking in a certain way, a shift in perspective (through whatever means) has caused you to see things in a whole new light.  You may feel a stronger attunement with your higher power, or with a force that is greater than yourself.  You may find yourself suddenly more concerned with humanity or healing the world around you.

A sense that you have gone through some changes, or that you are currently experiencing change.  You may not feel the same as you used to feel.  You may not even be able to pinpoint what those differences are between the old and new "you."  However, the differences are there, and you can sense them even if you are unable to put the changes into words just yet.  Remember that that best is yet to be.  Continue to move on this spiritual journey and you will be able to find these answers. 

A heightened sense of creativity.  This one is huge for many people!  It could be that the changes you've been witnessing inside yourself are simply giving you more to think about, and therefore you are feeling more inspired than you ordinarily are.  However, you may also be attracting more creative impulses, or setting off an enhanced ability to draw inspiration from external sources.  As you pick up these new ideas, do your best to keep track of them for future use.  They may be needed not just for new projects that will require future attention, but also as a way to chart and track your own spiritual progress.

A deep need to find your true sense of self and life purpose.  What has worked for you in the past is just fine, but when a spiritual awakening occurs, maybe your old ways of doing things are simply not going to work for you anymore.  You may feel restricted by attachments, people, or lifestyles which do not suit your true purpose.  You may need to let go of toxic relationships or bad situations that do not enable you to live your true will.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Cross Crystal Grid: An Easy Crystal Grid Layout for Pain

I have recently seen some searches to my blog which are seeking crystal grid layouts, so within the next few months I'm going to try adding some for you. :)

This grid layout is an easy, but somewhat unusual one.  You only need four crystals for this grid layout.  My personal preference for this layout is to use green and orange crystals -- tourmalines of either or both shades, agate, or amber would be perfect choices.  If you can find tourmalines in both orange and green, that would be ideal!  Orange is, of course, the color of the sacral chakra where many of our pain management abilities are stores.  And the green represents the heart chakra, which I feel can help to lessen the worry of the pain itself.  Trust me, when I have a fibromyalgia flare-up (and even when I don't!)  I stress about whether or not some activity is going to make me hurt.  Green is a stabilizing and comforting color here!

You can use typical polished or tumbled stones for this grid, but I have found that it can be even more powerful when choosing crystals which have points.  The unusual thing about this layout is that the points actually focus inward, as opposed to outward and away from the body.  You are essentially harnessing your own energy in the achy spot, and helping it to fight the pain and soothe your body naturally, as opposed to seeking an outside source of energy. 

It may be tempting to add more crystals than four, but I'd keep it to just four.  This layout is meant to be simple and fuss-free.  Besides, more than four points focusing inward might be too much energy in one spot.  Keep it gentle!

You can use this layout anywhere on the body that you choose.  If you need to surround the body part with the crystals instead of putting them directly onto your body (such as with a smaller area, like a finger or an earlobe), that's fine.  The crystals don't need to be on or off the body specifically, as long as the points are facing the area of discomfort.  I have used the back in my example because it's a relatively common pain area, as well as a big part of the body, just to show you how it's done.

I hope this layout is helpful for you! :)  Namaste!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Crystal Work for Beginners

Everything in our universe has some type of vibration at their base molecular level.  Sometimes, such vibrations will cancel one another out; but some objects, such as crystals, are structured so that the vibrations can be enhanced by one another.  This causes their energy to be stronger and more powerful.  Even though the vibrations cannot be felt in an obvious way, there is strength and wonder in their energy.  At the center of each crystal, there is a dynamic atomic heart, with the particles moving around the center in a constant and steady motion.  While the crystal may appear to be still and placid, it is actually a dynamic molecular structure that vibrates at a specific frequency.  Our bodies operate in much the same way; each organ and part has a specific chemical structure that is made up of a mixture of elements which vibrate exude energy.  The vibrations are at a high frequency, but they exist as a body of energy that exists around our physical body.  Toxins or impurities in the body will change your body's vibration, but cleansing toxins and keeping healthy will keep each part's vibrations working just as they should.  Crystals can help keep your vibrations in tune with one another, as each gemstone emits a vibration to help your body vibrate to its proper frequency.  Just match the right crystal with the right area of the body, and over time, it should help to correct any imbalances.  These techniques have been used by spiritual people since ancient times, and are perfectly safe to try in conjunction with a doctor-approved healthcare regimen.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Sage's Little Book of Gemstones and Their Meanings

Earlier this year, I published one of my very first eBooks! It is called Sage's Little Book of Gemstones and Their Meanings.  This interesting little book will give you some background about the history and lore of some of the world's most popular gemstones and crystals. It also reveals birthstones for each month of the year, and gives some practical advice on how to choose a gem to use as your own personal power stone.

You can buy the book here at Smashwords (in any format you need), or purchase it at Amazon for Kindle.  I hope that you enjoy it! :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life: Lesson #3, Passion for Compassion

One of the best things that you can do in life is to focus on other people from time to time.  This has a multitude of benefits, including three important ones which are immediately apparent.

1.  It takes your mind off of whatever is wrong with your life. When you think of people who are less fortunate than you, what comes to mind?  People without food or clothes?  Folks who have no internet?  People whose problems are so overwhelming to them that they can't get out of bed in the morning?  Sick kids and adults?  Try zooming out and putting your own problems into a new perspective.

2.  It makes you appreciate what you do have.  Sure, there are people who have it better than you.  But plenty of folks have it worse, too.  Try not to be too envious of "luckier" people; you never know what lurks beneath their smiles.  There are plenty of people who'd trade lives with you in a second.

3.  By practicing compassion, you may feel compelled to help make a difference.  And the difference benefits multiple parties.  You feel great for helping someone else, but even more importantly, even a small gesture of compassion can make a major difference to someone else.

I'd also like to add that realizing not everything is about you all the time is also just the plain-old right thing to do.   There are billions of people in the world, and we all have a back story which includes good stuff and bad.  It takes courage to zoom out and look at the big picture, so try to be brave and do it every now and again.

Get busy!  Run through your house and donate your old clothes, that chair you like but never use, the spare "doubles" of things you don't need anymore.  You'll be de-cluttering your living space, and helping someone else at the same time:  Win-win!  Volunteer to cook a meal and bring it to a local shelter -- invite your friends and make it a party!  Karma points for all, a great time that people will be talking about for months to come, and full bellies for those in need.  Another win-win!  Visit your favorite old person; be their hero for the day and give them lots of much-needed hugs.  Raise awareness for a cause that you care about.  Write a letter to your representatives about something that you'd love to improve.  Go click on The Hunger Site and allow a corporation to match your click with food for someone in need.  Adopt a pet, a highway, or a child.  Even with limited time and money, you always find ways to make the world -- and your corner of it -- a better place. 

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