Showing posts with label lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lessons. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2012

Aura Polishing Techniques

A friend of mine who's very much into aura healing and cleansing shared this ritual with me. He does this every few days or so, in order to keep things balanced. It's unusual, to say the least, but definitely worth a shot if you're inclined toward working with your auras. This is what I've learned about aura cleansing, so I hope you enjoy it!  Every aura is different, and different things may work for various aura colors and aura patterns.

Strengthening and healing one's auras should be done each day, in order to keep things running smoothly. This is especially true if you know that you're going to be in a stressful situation, or if you're going to be around emotional vampires or other negative folks who drain away your energy.

In order to protect your aura, the first thing to do is to put up a spiritual "stop sign" to protect yourself from outside energy interfering. One way to do this is to cross your arms and legs in a protective stance (or sitting position).

Then, you can try my friend's unusual breathing technique which is said to clear the aura and balance the chakras. With this cleansing, your auric area is cleansed and your mind-body connection is balanced. It is done by breathing in with one nostril, then out with the other.

First, hold your nose as if you're going underwater; just pinch it between your fingers, but don't apply any pressure. Close off one nostril and breathe out. Keep your tongue steady and low in the mouth, just behind the front teeth. Apply pressure to the other nostril while releasing the original one, and then breathe in for a few seconds. Hold the breath for 10-15 seconds if you can; otherwise, just do it for as long as you can. Then exhale, and do the same thing with the other nostril. Repeat the entire process half a dozen times or so. It shouldn't take longer than a couple of minutes.

I'm still learning about auric work, so I'm not sure how standard the above exercise is. However, one thing I can say about it is that with all of the concentrating on breath, it certainly can help to refocus your mind onto something new if you're worried or stressed. Breathing exercises are often quite calming and strengthening. I often do a similar breathing exercise without all of the nose pinching. Do what feels most comfortable for you.

As you're breathing, you can also try a "cleansing vortex" visualization. To do this, as you're breathing, visualize a swirling vortex of light, beginning in your midsection, and whirling outward and away from you, cleansing and healing your entire body, removing and dispeling all negativity that is embedded within. Imagine the negativity changing to positive energy, then visualize the whirlwind scattering this positive energy outward and away, releasing it into the general environment and doing good things for others.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Quick Color Correspondences

Lots of people use color for spiritual practices, such as rituals, prayers, or spells.  Some people choose certain colors for various "lucky" purposes, believing that a specific shade might help to elicit a feeling or attract good things their way.

Color magick is a very special subject to me -- I feel that all colors have important significance to my own personal well-being.  Bright colors are difficult for me to be around, though I do love vivid and deep shades of darker hues.  And, like everyone, there are some colors I gravitate toward, as well as some that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing. :)

Below is a quick-and-dirty list of basic correspondences.  Feel free to check other sections of my blog in the future as I'll be doing more articles on color magick in the future!

Red is very often associated with the planet Mars (the red planet!).  It's a color of the physical body and usually symbolizes very visceral and passionate feelings feelings, such as lust or anger.  It is excellent for promoting physical health, love, and protection.  However, remember, the darker your red, the more violent your outcome may be!  Light reds and pinks are good for soothing anger and calming someone when they're in a difficult emotional state.

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow, thus carries both of these elements within its power.  Warm orange shades are fantastic for physical healing and to promote vigorous health and growth.  A more yellow-toned orange is best for prosperity and abundance.

Yellow is a very happy, positive color which is often used in rituals to combat sadness, anxiety, or depression.  It is also good for promoting understanding between two parties, as well as enhancing communication and memory.

Green is frequently associated with money and financial prosperity here in America, because our money is green.  However, as a general rule, green is one of the best colors to use when you're seeking good health, as well as seeking assistance with matters of nature (such as planting or gardening).  Like yellow, it is an uplifting color, and has the ability to also promote positivity and good feelings.

Blue is my personal go-to color for spiritual protection and personal safety.  Any shade will do, from the darkest navy to the palest periwinkle.  It is also proven to be a relaxing and emotionally soothing color, particularly in lighter incarnations.

Purple has long been the color which is most associated with royalty.  It is a combination of the passion of red and the submissive of blue, so with it carries a balance of these feelings -- a mix of the intense and the soothing.  This makes it a wonderfully grounding color, helping with emotional balance and honor, with a focus on helping the practitioner find the moral high ground and do the right thing.

Brown is a color that I often associate with nature and sensuality.  It can be used in spells or rituals involving the earth or its elements.  Brown is a grounding and stabilizing color as well.  It's also just right to use when dealing with protection and well-being of animals.

Black is often thought to be a color of "evil," but in reality, it's just the opposite.  Black represents the unseen and unknown.  This makes it a perfect choice for protection.  Because it isn't really a color, but a lack thereof, it's the best possible color for cleansing, absorbing and destroying negativity or unwanted energies.

White is a combination of all colors, and therefore is what every practicioner needs for a good "all purpose" item.  If you don't have the right color, or can't quite figure out which one to use, white is your best bet.  It symbolizes purity and a powerful connection with the divine.

Grey is similar to black in that it can absorb negativity, but I've heard that it's better for neutralizing rather than destroying that energy.  Because this neutral shade symbolizes the middle ground, neither one thing nor the other thing, grey is the right choice for rituals of glamorie or ones involving hidden or private activities.

Your Guardian Angel: Feel the Love!

Many people swear by communication with their "angels" in order to have happier, more productive, and fulfilling lives! The idea of a benevolent being who cares for us and watches over us is a lovely one indeed. However, not everyone knows just how to get a connection with their own guardian angel started. Try following these tips!

First of all, try calling out to your angel. Just say "Hello, angel!" and alert him or her to your presence. It may feel a bit silly at first, but rest assured, this step is very important if you wish to connect.

Secondly, just as people have names, so do angels. Ask for this information, out loud to your angel. Simply say "What would you like me to call you, Guardian Angel?" or ask for his or her name. The name may pop right into your mind! If not, think about it for a little while. The name will come to you. If you've tried this over the course of a few days and there doesn't seem to be a name that "pops," I'm sure it would be fine to name the angel yourself. The right name will come!

It's also important to discuss your needs with your guardian angel. Don't abuse the privilege of having this protector, but feel free to call on him or her if you need some assistance. For example, if you need help finding a lost object or you're waiting for a phone call, there is noting wrong with requesting some help. State your need clearly and specifically, i.e. "Angel, I request your help in finding my car keys." You get the idea! If you're seeking help with something more complex, such as a new line of work or the meeting of your ideal soul mate, be patient for these things to manifest. Your angel does not want you to make the wrong choices, so you must understand that the perfect outcome will occasionally take time -- sometimes quite a long time -- but hang in there. Your angel is tirelessly and lovingly working on your behalf. But remember, unless you're in a dire situation, angels can't assist you unless you ask for their assistance!

While guardian angels serve humankind lovingly and joyfully, it's also important to help others as well.  Keep the cycle of giving going.  You needn't be rich or powerful to give -- the most important gift is the gift of yourself!  Help a neighbor in need, volunteer your time, or make even a small donation to whatever organization that you feel will do the most good.  Always seek ways to help people.  Giving of yourself is beneficial for other people, and it also makes you feel great.

Above all, remember to keep the communication going. Connecting with your angel will take practice, so don't give up!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Spells, Prayers, and Rituals Defined

In the simplest sense, all spiritual practices, such as wishes, rituals, spells, and prayers, are all essentially the same.  They are thoughts which we consciously guide toward a certain direction; when we pray or practice spiritual activities, they have the power to change our very lives.

When you are requesting help from the divine in order to achieve a certain goal, each request and thought can have a very specific effect in the form of your desired outcome.  If you ask for a spell, ritual, or prayer to be performed for you -- or you practice this yourself -- you are requesting divine intervention to help repair an area of your life which you feel needs a little help.  Therefore, you must understand that wishes, prayers, and other rituals are very important practices.  These are spiritual tools which are designed for serious and specific purposes.

Throughout human history, we have used these types of practices across all cultures.  Spiritual practices such as alchemy, reiki, shamanism, druidry, kabbalah, wicca, santeria, voodoo, prayer, hoodoo, hermeticism, religions of all types, and more have been instruments to affect changes.  Even the simple power of positive thought and meditation can be beneficial in times of turbulence or whenever a life change is needed.

Some spiritual and religious practices benefit from the use of tools such as talismans or other tangible items for more effectiveness.  These can include candles, herbs, religious amulets, the drawing of symbols (such as Christians making the sign of the cross), and many other types of methods to manifest change.  However, you do not always need to use "hard" goods for these purposes.  It can be as easy as putting your hands together and praying, or sitting in a comfortable spot to meditate and reflect on manifesting the desired changes.  Requesting aid from your higher power, or any Divine presence that you choose to work with, is the most important aspect of any spell, prayer, or ritual.  The other items may help to center or focus the requester, but they are powerless without the intention within you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Healthy Boundaries: Getting There

Now that we've discussed the basics of boundaries which are unhealthy for being too loose or too rigid -- and the importance of having healthy boundaries for their positive impact on your self-esteem and your relationships with others, let's learn how to establish those boundaries with others.

Step 1. What do you need?  Sit down and really figure out what you need in a relationship. What makes you feel respected? What makes you feel uncomfortable? Determine what your own personal needs, wants, and rights are. Establish boundaries based on what you think is reasonable. Remember that your rights and needs should be separate entities in and of themselves, and that your rights should end where those of others begin.

Step 2.  Discuss these boundaries with others. State your case clearly, and in with a neutral but firm attitude. Don't speak angrily or in a long-winded way. Just keep it clear and concise. You do not need to apologize for, rationalize, or argue while establishing this boundary. Be firm and respectful.

Step 3.  Remember why you're setting this boundary. If you expect people to understand and respect your needs, you must also understand that their reactions to this may be negative, especially if they are used to behaving in ways that are contrary to these boundaries. Don't apologize for protecting yourself. Don't feel selfish or guilty, just stand by your decision and remind yourself why you need your rights and needs to be respected by those who should care about you. This is a normal, natural and healthy part of the process. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but things will get easier with time.

Step 4.  Prepare yourself for the possibility of being tested. Most people will understand your feelings and respect them, but there might be people in your life who will not respect these boundaries. Others might accuse you of being selfish or mean for denying their unreasonable requests. But nevertheless, if their behavior is unacceptable to you, you must be confident and assert yourself. You cannot set a boundary and then apologize or rationalize it to others -- this sends a mixed message which might enable others to take advantage later. You can be respectful of the fact that some may not agree with your boundaries, but stay true to yourself. You have the right to be treated with respect. If people still don't respect your boundaries, you may have to put distance between yourself and them, possibly end the relationship or even pursue legal options if the other person still doesn't respect your rights.

Step 5. Establish a support system. This should be made up of people who do care about you, and who are willing to respect your boundaries. Healthy relationships with friends, family, and other people whose jobs are to care for you will make you stronger and more confident in yourself. Eliminate disrespectful, controlling, or abusive people from your life. Make more room for relationships with people who are caring and respectful.

Step 6.  Grow and evolve.  These changes may be uncomfortable or even scary for you at first.  But just keep in mind that you're doing this to improve the overall quality of your life, so some unpleasant backlash may be necessary for this growth.  Protecting yourself with healthy boundaries can enhance your relationships, boost your self-confidence, and radiate outward to inspire other positive changes in your life as well.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Relationships Video

For those of you who are following my series on healthy boundaries, I have created this video as a companion piece to the first article.  In this video, the concept of boundaries is explored and further defined.  You will also learn the difference between healthy boundaries and unhealthy ones, as well as to determine if your boundaries are too rigid or too loose.

Also, remember that the most important thing about boundaries is that they help keep you safe.  No one can set or enforce those boundaries but YOU.  Protect yourself -- LOVE yourself -- you deserve it!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Calcite Crystals & Magickal Properties for Healing

Gemstone therapy is the use of crystals and gems for the betterment of one's life.  Throughout the ages, civilizations across the world have utilized precious stones to enhance their physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being.  The energy of each stone is different, and each energy can have an effect on the mind, spirit, or body.  Methods can vary between cultures, but the basic premise is that when one comes into contact with a crystal, these transformations can happen subtly over time.  Therefore, in order to gain the benefits from these crystals, it is vital to choose your gemstones carefully.

Calcite's physical properties make it a very interesting choice as a therapeutic crystal.  Calcite crystals are of a softer variety which are found in all types of colors -- red, yellow, green, blue, brown, black, grey, or white -- and many variations on these shades as well!  Calcium carbonate, also known as calcite, is a major component in limestone and chalk, as well as marble, which is just calcite which has been re-crystallized.  Under pressure, calcite stones release electrical energy.

The magickal properties of calcite crystals are varied and can be used for many purposes.  Calcite's reputation is that of a very spiritual type of stone, and is associated with the higher form of consciousness; thus, it is also reputed to aid in astral projection and out-of-body experiences. 

Each form of calcite has its own specific magickal properties.  Because calcium is a primary component, this stone is often felt to be of therapeutic use for joints and bones, and is therefore used by athletes and people who have physically demanding jobs.  Calcite can also contribute to the development and growth of the physical body, especially the bones and joints.  There is also an old belief that calcite, when ground and combined with creams, oils, or petroleum jelly, it can be used as a balm to treat inflammation or infections.

Calcite can also have varying attributes based on its color.  For example...

Red and pink calcites can be of great benefit in bringing love, understanding, compassion, and patience into one's being.  Associated with the heart chakra, stones in pinks and reds can also ease mental unrest or anxiety, or people who are experiencing spiritual crises.

Orange calcite is associated with the sacral chakra (i.e. the spleen) and can help uplift one's general mood.  Orange promotes happiness, joy, and good humor.  It is an uplifting stone which is good for grieving, depression, or stress.

Calcites in yellows and golds are good for help in meditation, being that these colors are often associatd with the sun.  These hues can also help to aid the bones and the skin, and also in detoxification of the spleen, pancreas, and the kidneys.

Green calcite crystals of all shades are wonderful for affecting change in one's life.  Not only are green calcites allgedly helpful in removing impurities from the body, they can also help someone transform a negative situation into a more positive one.  It can also alleviate anxiety or fear.  This is a wonderful crystal for helping to really change bad situations into your life, and to "make lemonade" from all of those negative things that life throws at you! :)

Calcites in blues are associated with the throat chakra.  It can protect you and help tough situations from getting worse.  Physically it can be used to treat conditions which are degenerative, such as degenerative disc disease, arthritis, and other degenerative illnesses.

White and clear calcite crystals can help someone improve communication and envisioning new aspects of their lives.  It can be instrumental in cleansing the body and removing toxins from the outer parts of the body.  It can also assist in providing mental clarity, particularly when the stone is implemented during meditation.  When a predicament is especially difficult, white and clear crystals of all types can help to open you to new possibilities and clarity.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Astrological Compatibility Chart

This weekend, I constructed a basic chart for compatibilities based on astrological sun signs.  This is some very simple, basic compatibility data.  For best results, I'd recommend checking the natal charts of yourself and the person you're analyzing.  Even so, this is a nice quick-and-dirty bit of information that may help you learn a bit about yourself and someone else.  (Note: I may even make a YouTube companion video for the chart -- we shall see!)  To see the chart in a larger format, just click on it below.

1.  Hearts.  Generally a great dynamic with lots of attraction.  Called "conjunct" by astrologists everywhere, it is a dynamic that is very beneficial because you can understand one another quite well: your likes, dislikes, and values will very likely be quite similar.  Sometimes this can cause friction, since occasionally people who are extremely alike may annoy one another and know how to push one another's buttons; however, in any case, these people will often have an innate knowledge and understanding of one another.  Love 'em or hate 'em, this often proves to be a very emotionally intense relationship.  Includes:  Aries and Aries, Taurus and Taurus, Gemini and Gemini, Cancer and Cancer, Leo and Leo, Virgo and Virgo, Libra and Libra, Scorpio and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Sagittarius, Capricorn and Capricorn, Aquarius and Aquarius, Pisces and Pisces.

2.  Thumbs-Up.  You've got similarities and complimentary styles.  These dynamics are "trine" and often quite positive for friendships, romances, and family relations.  While there are enough differences in, say, execution and expression of personal style, many values will remain similar between the two of you.  This is often a very respectful and close partnership where both people can feel an instant connection.  Includes:  Aries and Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, Taurus and Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, Gemini and Libra, Gemini and Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces, Leo and Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Virgo and Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, Scorpio and Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, Sagittarius and Aries, Sagittarius and Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo, Aquarius and Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, Pisces and Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

3.  Peace Sign.  Called a "sextile," these are signs which have complimentary elements that "feed" off of one another's differences.  You and the other person may not be similar in a lot of ways, but you genuinely like and respect one another.  This makes for a very interesting partnership and it can help you learn a lot about yourself, as well as appreciate the differences that other people have to offer.  Great for collaborations, and also makes for very interesting friendships and romances. Signs which are sextile include:  Aries and Gemini, Aries and Aquarius, Taurus and Cancer, Taurus and Pisces, Gemini and Aries, Gemini and Leo, Cancer and Virgo, Cancer and Taurus, Leo and Gemini, Leo and Libra, Virgo and Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio, Libra and Leo, Libra and Sagittarius, Scorpio and Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn, Sagittarius and Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, Capricorn and Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius, Aquarius and Aries.

4.  Swirly Arrow-Circle Thing.  These are known as "opposition signs" because they are at a perfect 180 degrees apart in the zodiac -- and yes, opposites do attract!  While there can often be an extreme and intense attraction between these two signs, it can also be a very trying dynamic.  Dealing with someone who is so different than you can be wonderful and intriguing, yet also dramatic and frustrating at the same time.  It takes two very special opposition parties to overcome the differences and see them through to get to the other side -- if and when this happens, your relationship can be a match made in heaven!  This compatibility includes:  Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces, Libra and Aries, Scorpio and Taurus, Sagittarius and Gemini, Capricorn and Cancer, Aquarius and Leo, Pisces and Virgo.

5. Purple Smiley.  This is known as a "semi-square," which can create some tension since these placements will fall either before or after your sign.  While this can prove to be tough going for some relationships where emotions run high (such as a romantic or family dynamic), it can often be the basis for great friendships regardless of the differences which are present in those signs.  Often this makes a good alliance for people who have similar goals, and there can also be a lot of complimentary input and ideas coming from both sides.  While there are differences, the parties involved can often seen one another's point of view with a bit of extra effort in communication, and the relationship which results from this hard work can be very fruitful indeed.  Signs with this aspect include:  Aries and Pisces, Aries and Taurus, Taurus and Aries, Taurus and Gemini, Gemini and Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, Cancer and Gemini, Cancer and Leo, Leo and Cancer, Leo and Virgo, Virgo and Leo, Virgo and Libra, Libra and Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, Scorpio and Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius, Sagittarius and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, Capricorn and Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, Aquarius and Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, Pisces and Aquarius, Pisces and Aries.

6.   Grey "Ehh..." Smiley.  It is formally known as a "quincunx" or, sometimes informally, called an "inconjunct."  This indicates a separation of about 150 degrees, both before and after a sign's opposite.  Often there is little attraction between these signs, and sometimes even what one may consider "bad chemistry."  There are often few similarities in personality or values, and frequently one sees differences and areas where criticism can pop into the picture.  In the best of cases, this dynamic may ultimately elicit boredom, and in the worst of cases, a lot of stress and headaches for all parties involved.  Placements include:  Aries and Virgo, Aries and Scorpio, Taurus and Libra, Taurus and Sagittarius, Gemini and Scorpio, Gemini and Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius, Cancer and Aquarius, Leo and Capricorn, Leo and Pisces, Scorpio and Aries, Scorpio and Aquarius, Libra and Taurus, Libra and Pisces, Virgo and Aries, Virgo and Aquarius, Leo and Pisces, Leo and Capricorn, Virgo and Aries, Virgo and Gemini, Libra and Taurus, Libra and Pisces, Scorpio and Aries, Scorpio and Aquarius, Sagittarius and Taurus, Sagittarius and Cancer, Capricorn and Gemini, Capricorn and Leo, Aquarius and Cancer, Aquarius and Virgo, Pisces and Leo, Pisces and Libra.

7.  Thumbs-Down.  Astrologists call this aspect a "square" as these are the signs which are 90 degrees apart from one another.  These signs often suffer a very disjointed relationship with one another.  Communication can be difficult, values and outlooks on the world may be very contrasting and also too difficult to understand.  Often we find ourselves attracted to those who "square" us, yet the clashes and upheavals which come from a lack of understanding can make this dynamic challenging at best, and just unbelievably crappy at worst.  Proceed with extreme caution!  This aspect includes the following signs:  Aries and Cancer, Aries and Capricorn, Taurus and Leo, Taurus and Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo, Gemini and Pisces, Cancer and Aries, Cancer and Libra, Leo and Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, Virgo and Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius, Libra and Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, Sagittarius and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, Capricorn and Aries, Capricorn and Libra, Aquarius and Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio, Pisces and Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to Become More Psychic

Have you ever experienced occasions where something happened that seemed coincidental, yet you had a funny feeling that there might have been more to it than that? Perhaps your intuition was speaking to you... it’s possible that those feelings were the kernels of your own psychic potential, ready to be planted.

A person’s extrasensory powers are quite like the pieces of a puzzle. If you focus your attention on the puzzle as a whole, you can see the big picture every easily and clearly. However, if you zoom in, and focus only on a few pieces at a time, you will notice smaller details which may have escaped your attention before. This is very much the same way that your psychic ability can be cultivated; when you zoom in and take a look at the details on each small piece of any given puzzle, you will be picking up more information and insight from inside yourself as well.

There are also ways to cultivate use of your sixth sense in natural, healthy ways. The first way is to take the time to absorb the aspects of your other senses. Be sure to experience each and every part of the world around you -- what you see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and touch. If a feeling or image comes to your mind as you do this, be accepting of it,. Allow yourself to become immersed in these impressions. Try to focus on each image or feeling that comes to you; explore how these make you feel or what else they make you think about.

Another great way to enhance your psychic abilities is to take everyday activities, and learn how to do them in new and different ways. Try to concentrate less on completing those everyday goals, and more on flexing your mental muscles by doing those activities through unfamiliar or challenging new methods. Try something unusual and different -- this will stimulate your mind and allow you to use parts of it which may not be used to functioning in this way. It’s great mental exercise which can help your overall well-being as well as aid in the expansion of your extrasensory horizons.

And finally, another way to get those psychic juices flowing is to keep learning and be creative. Introduce yourself not just to new ways of doing your usual activities, but also experiencing new things in general. Theta waves, the brain waves that measure creativity and spirituality, can flow more prolifically when new and different scenarios are experienced. In order to harness the power of your theta waves, make it your business to absorb as much new information as you can. You’ll experience more creativity and clarity as well -- these things in and of themselves can skyrocket your psychic potential.

Remember that your brain is a muscle, and like all part of your body, needs exercise to function at its best. Here are a few more ideas to help you flex those mental muscles.

1. Meet new people. Talk to all sorts of new people, even if you believe that you may have nothing in common with them. Chances are that you’ll learn something interesting.

2. Travel. Feast your eyes on some new and unusual sights that you’ve never experienced.

3. Stimulate your palate with food that you’ve never tried before. A novel and exotic experience can be had on a plate right in front of you.

4. Listen to your instincts. Try to rise to the small challenges in life by way of your intuition or hunches. Trust yourself. You may just be right!

5. Chart a new course. Instead of going to work, school, or your favorite shopping area the same old way, try finding a new direction. Mixing up your routine will be freeing and creatively fruitful.

The development of your psychic abilities can be as natural as learning any new habits for your health. Just as the health of your physical body is important, so is the health of your mind. Each of these give you the skills to reach your highest capabilities, to forge ahead and to reach the fullest potential of your life. Cultivate your extrasensory abilities slowly and carefully, by just allowing yourself to experience each moment naturally through all of your senses. In this way, you will also gradually harness the power of that sixth sense as well.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Your Personal Life Path

Following your personal life path is vital to the completion of your goals. Even if you lose your way, knowing where you want to go can enable you to get back on track when things get difficult... this makes it much more possible complete your goals and fulfill your dreams.

If, somehow, you steer yourself in the wrong direction, you will still be able to find a map to your destination, and to chart a new course for yourself. As long as you keep your focus, you will always be able to find a way toward personal fulfillment.

Success is a journey, not a destination. That is why it's so important to make each and every part of the process count toward that fulfillment. Having a positive attitude can be a tremendous help in moving your forward. Even when you're having trouble finding your way, keeping the right attitude will ensure that you're never lost. Instead, see yourself as a pioneer and a visionary. Those who come after you will learn from the path you've forged; because of your resolve to do things in a new and innovative way, you are changing the shapes of their own future maps.

When you come to a crossroads, use your instincts. Trusting yourself and your innate sense of what's right can guide you. Learn to trust your instincts and you can learn about new facets of yourself; from this, you can experience success in new and interesting ways. This can give you a tremendous sense of freedom!

If you miss an opportunity that comes along, don't despair. Know that there will be many others which come along the way, and you don't need to limit yourself, or waste time on regrets. Remember that you cannot go back, but you must go forward. Make the journey an exciting one. Once in awhile, remember to take the scenic route instead of the quickest and easiest way. And don't be afraid of taking a detour every now and again; these can enable you to find new and amazing things that you may otherwise not have seen.

You must also remember to be flexible. Even when some paths don't quite take you where you need to be, flexibility can enable you to prosper even when you don't always reach every goal along the way. It also helps you maintain the strength and resolve to keep going.

Think about how you might answer the following questions...

1. When the path before you becomes unclear, how can you continue?

2. What can you improve upon in order to increase your flexibility and openness to change?

3. How can you change your attitude in order to improve the quality of your journey?

Hopefully the answers to these questions will help you to advance along your own personal life path.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cheaters Beware, We're Onto You

As a professional psychic, one of the most common questions I'm asked each day is "Is s/he cheating on me?"  In fact, I am usually asked such a question at least twice every day.  Each situation is different; sometimes the person in question sparks a definitive yes or no inside me, but most answers are more complicated than that.  A lot of times, I'm able to pick up on the feelings of the seeker's partner of intent to cheat, especially because many people will think about it, talk about it with others, or go looking for it long before they actually commit the deed.

It is with this spirit that I present you with a new video designed to help you see the signs of whether or not your significant other is cheating.  Many of these signs have been cited by relationship experts, and shared with me by friends and clients.  As someone who has been in a relationship with an unfaithful partner, I can personally vouch for every one of these -- but remember, your mileage may vary.  Every situation will have its own unique quantifiers, so remember to get proof before deciding to take the next steps.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Powerful Gratitude :)

Today, I did a reading for someone and got the most wonderful message from them in return.  I had sent them a thank-you message first, and got this in response.


I really am the one who should be thanking you! You gave me the peace of mind I needed to carry on today. I've been making myself sick (literally) with worry about him. I feel there's a hole in my heart, like Bella Swan in "Twilight: New Moon." I've gotten mixed signals from readers (some yes, some no, some yes but only as a friend...I've blown ALL my money trying to find peace of mind) but YOU picked up on things BEFORE I gave you details, so I'm putting faith in you. I needed someone to talk to, to listen to me and help me and not be judgmental...
[this part is a bit personal, so I'm not gonna share it, have to keep the issues confidential, you know!]...

Thanks again. I can't tell you the levels you've lifted my heart today. "

I'm absolutely in awe that this person took the time to write me such a sweet and heartfelt message.  The power of "thank you" can lift anyone's heart.  It was so nice to get a message like this, that I just had to brag about it a little :)

The lesson here is this... when someone helps you, say thank you!  If you appreciate something, tell the person who's done you a solid.  Don't let the day go by without finding something to be grateful and thankful for; even in the darkest times, there is always something positive to look at and to feel relief over.  On the worst days, it can be hard to see that... but it's there.  You just have to look a little harder once in awhile. :)

Photo Credit:  Another awesome picture by joebeone!  Thank you. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"How To Win a Boyfriend"

Recently, I was doing some "winter cleaning" and found a bunch of interesting old artifacts from way back when.  Included in this was vintage-y "self-help" style pamphlet for teenage girls, which seemed to come from the 1970s or 1980s, that I assume used to belong to a relative as a young one in that era.  While a lot of the advice seems to be extremely outdated and hilarious, there are some good nuggets of timeless wisdom intertwined, mainly about being true to one's values and caring for others.  There is no copyright information, but I've decided to type it all out and share it with you for your amusement.  Enjoy!

How To Win a Boyfriend

The only way to have a friend is to be one.  Make friends with people you have something in common with, like hiking or music.  If you want to be friends with Jaime because she's always cheerful, ask yourself what makes her that way and imitate her.

Get involved in activities at school, house of worship, and in your neighborhood.  Don't stay home because no one will hurt your feelings that way.  Go to concerts, plays, and community activities.  Join the school swim team or act in the school play.  Volunteer to work your church spaghetti supper.  And if your next-door neighbor is selling homegrown vegetables from a stand at the end of her driveway, offer to help.

What are you doing?  What any sensible business person does.  You are building a network of contacts that will pay off later when people invite you to parties and football games.

But just going places isn't enough.  You need to act alive, to really enjoyy ourelf, to have fun.  Even though you are shy, people may misinterpret that shyness as conceity.  Smile, laugh, and take part in conversations.

If you feel out of place at school dances, join the committee that sets up the chairs and provides the refreshments.  Work does more than take your mind off your shyness.  It allows you to feel part of the action and gives you coruage.  Act like you belong there and people will assume you belong there.  So will you and the confidence will radiate like a light that everyone will see.

Remember, enthusiasm attacts enthusiastic people.  Keep a positive attitude.  Don't be offended if someone rejects your advances.  Everyone gets turned down.  They don't lock themselves in their rooms.  They get out and try again.  You are worthy of other people's affection and if you treat others well, tey will see that you're the kind of person they want to hang out with.

A positive attitude is related to another important part of the puzzle.  It's called positive imaging.

Always try to act with grace, dignity, and maturity.  Don't think you have al of that?  You do, although it might be buried beneath the surface.  Here's a hint:  Think of someone you admire and respect.  Create a vision of that person in your mind, an image of that person performing well in a difficult situation.  Whar does he or she do to cope?  Adopt that style.

One word of caution.  Smiling and acting friendly doesn't mean bending over backwards for all people all of the time.  Are you sure you want to become friends with the kids who do drugs and get into trouble?  How will the attention they give you make you a better person?  They may seem to like you if you do favors for them, but when they're tired of using you, they'll dump you just like they did to others in your school.

Before you do them any favors ask yourself this:  Will I feel guilty or ashamed of what I'm about to do?  If the answer is yes, don't do it.  There are people who would be glad to have you as a friend, just the way you are.  

Now that you've landed some new friends, you have to take care of them or they and your old friends will slip away.  How do you keep friends?  The same way you attract them:

* Be a friend all of the time.  Listen to your friends' problems.  Smile and nod to show you understand.  Defend them from unjust attacks.  If they need a favor, offer your help.  If they need more than you can give, know your limits; suggest they talk to their parents, their minister, or the school counselor.

* Don't badmouth people behind their backs.  This gives both them and you a bad reputation.  If someone did this to you, it would hurt, so why do it to a potential friend?  If a person has hurt your feelings, talk it over with him or her.  Don't accuse or attack.  Say you value the persons friendship and that you want to work things out.  Talk is not cheap; it is one of the most valuable things you can do.

*  You have worked hard to feel good about yourself and you have a right to brag a little.  But don't carry it too far.  If your new friends misinterpret your pride as a belief that you're better than everyone else, they'll try to take you down a peg.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Healing Words For a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime

Recently I was asked to give someone an update on a friend who hadn't been seen in a year, though who certainly hadn't been forgotten.  My impressions on this subject were that the person in question wasn't so good for this querent to begin with, and that there was quite a lot of secret dealings going on without her knowledge or understanding.

In life, we meet all sorts of different people.  As the saying goes, "People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."  Sometimes, a relationship is born with an expiration date... these relationships can change you for the better or for the worse.  If it's for the better, accept it and enjoy all of the good things that knowing this person has yielded.  Pass along the positivity to others.

Sometimes, however, people can come into our lives, and before we know it, things have turned to chaos.  Not everyone that we meet is going to enrich our lives in the same way.  But even the people that cross our paths who change us for the worse can be viewed as a blessing.  In the short term, an unpleasant person may have stripped away something important from us, or something that we think is important, but in the end, we are left with the freedom to rebuild.  This realization alone can help so much with putting a bad relationship into perspective, being grateful for the thing that we do have, an reprioritizing as we learn what truly is meaningful in our lives.  Such endings give us room to improve and rebuild in ways that we never would have done without such interference.  It may be difficult to believe that such hardships are actually blessings, but hardship can often make people stronger and better in the long run, as well as help people to appreciate all of the good things in life that they still have close to them.

Photo credits:
Thanks to SashaW for her lovely haunting photo, and to CarbonNYC for the gorgeous broken heart pic!

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