Showing posts with label psychic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychic. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I've Been Waiting for You

I've Been Waiting For You is a slice of grunge-era 1990s horror cinema that's just plain fun!  Sarah Zoltanne, a boho hippie chick (played by the stunning Sarah Chalke) moves from California to a sleepy New England town, where she must contend with a teen clique's suspicion due to an ancient curse which was put on their families.  The curse, cast by a witch named Sarah Lancaster, promised to exact revenge on her accusers' descendants, which all just happened to be the cool, popular kids at school.  The kids befriend Sarah in a way that goes hopelessly wrong when they find out that the fake "psychic readings" she does at a Halloween party turn out to be real.  One by one, the kids fall prey to witch's curse, and when Sarah Zoltanne is accused of being the witch reincarnated, she gets caught in the middle of the drama.  Of course, there is a spooky plot twist at the end, but you'll have to see it for yourself.

This move was based on a 1997 young adult book called Gallows Hill which was written by Lois Duncan. While the book was a framework for this move, there were tons of changes.  For example, in the original novel, the curse was placed on the families by a group of people accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts; several of the real victims of false accusations were referenced in the book.  In the movie, the historical bit about the Salem witch trials were omitted completely; instead, the curse was placed by a townswoman who'd been the spurned lover of one of the teens' ancestors.  Additionally, the book had a much neater, happier ending (if you could call it that).  Personally, I enjoyed the campy horror and the artistic license which was taken by the movie creators much more.  While the movie does have some scenes which may be somewhat frightening to younger kids, I'd say that most kids over eleven or twelve would probably be just fine watching this fun film.

This movie usually plays during the Halloween season, but can occasionally be seen on Lifetime Movie Network on a regular basis.  Check Lifetime's I've Been Waiting For You official site to see when this movie airs next!

Thanks to Jason Pier in DC for sharing his photo under Creative Commons!  Public domain elements have been added to the original. :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tarot Love Reading

This week, I was hired to do an online tarot reading.  Like many of my clients, this one was curious about an ex with whom she was considering a reconciliation.  I was sensing that while the difficulties that the two of them had in the relationship weren't horribly destructive, her ex still had a bit of growing up to do.  My intuition was saying that he still needed some time before he'd be ready to give her what she needs, but this is a woman who is strong and impressive in her own right.  The reading itself is probably of little interest to my readers, but I wanted to post it here for posterity.  It's not too often that I get to *write* a reading for someone -- usually I just tell them what I see!

The spread that I used was the classic Celtic cross.  The deck is called "The Universal Tarot Deck," which is basically a classic Rider-Waite deck with more vivid, updated colors and details.  I really love this little deck when I do readings for clients -- the cards are a nice compact size, and they come in a cute little box.  They feel wonderful in my hand, and the updated version on an old classic has made me pay attention to those little aspects of the Rider-Waite that I'd never really noticed before.  I highly recommend this great deck for beginners and experts alike!

1. Your current situation. I drew "The Empress." When considering your question, I would interpret this to mean that you're extremely creative, nurturing, and strong -- especially where relationships are concerned. You're the kind of woman who can take care of her man, but you also have strength in your own right. You need a guy who's going to be able to match this strength, and respect your independence as well.

2. What's "crossing" you. 9 of Wands. This card gave me a sense of positivity, and perhaps some over-optimism. While it's very important to have a positive outlook and lots of hopes in dealing with your relationship, it's also important to keep your feet firmly on the ground. A lot of times, we want someone just because we can't have them -- this isn't necessarily the case with you, but you need to guard against that part of yourself which is forgetting the hardest parts of your relationship. Unless the issues surrounding your breakup are resolved, then you and this guy are doomed to repeat the same mistakes!

3. Your past. 4 of Wands. When I see this card in the "past," I often think of good experiences, and success after a tough struggle. It can also indicate being reunited with someone after an absence. I know that the two of you have broken up, and you're considering another try -- this card shows that your relationship did have its peaks and valleys. The tumultuous nature was exciting -- the arguing was draining, but the making up was amazing. It's understandable that you miss that connection with him!

4. What's beneath you. 6 of Wands. This card represents the qualities that you possess, which you'll need most in order to resolve this situation. The 6 of Wands speaks of a strong determination (notice the soldier marching into battle). It shows determination; once you have your mind made up to do something, nothing is going to stop you from achieving it.

5. What's above you. 8 of Cups. When a card is above you, it means that this is one of the aspects of your life which you need to start thinking about -- doesn't mean you need to address it immediately, but know that it will be appearing on the horizon. The 8 of Cups, as you may guess from the picture, is about moving on with your life. (Cups is often about emotional well-being, relationships, and love -- so it's very interesting you'd have this here!)There is a risk involved with this card, because you will be venturing into unknown territory. This can be extremely scary for some people, and they will put it off as long as they possibly can. But, remember, as the "Empress," and with the 6 of Wands beneath you, I feel you have a LOT of courage and tenacity. You can definitely succeed in this, and you're sensitive enough to changes to work them out and grow from them.

6. Short-term future. 9 of Cups. Again, cups is about emotional well-being and relationships. The 9 is one of the best that you can get -- in this placement, it represents good health, happiness, and positivity -- as well as a BIT of a proud streak! I see a streak of good luck coming up your way, and if anyone deserves to brag a little, it's you. :)

7. Hopes. Knight of Cups. When I see a knight, I think it as being something you need to act upon. Each knight suggests different ways to handle an area where you need to take action -- this one is not moving quickly, but is instead stopping and contemplating his next move. In this placement, and considering the question you asked, it also means that your wish for a reunion are very solid, but this time you've learned your lessons through the past -- you should definitely take things slow!

8. Fears. 10 of Wands. Like the picture of this card, the 10 of Wands addresses the heavy burdens in your life. Your worries about your relationship (and I sense, a lot of other aspects of you life) center around the fear that there will be too many problems, or that the problems come too quickly, for you to handle. However, this isn't likely to happen. Again, with the strength of the Empress, you have a lot more strength than you give yourself credit for. And this card also represents that although you may struggle under the weight of the occasional heavy burden, it will never be more than you can carry.

9. Family opinion. 9 of Wands (Wow, you had a lot of wands!) This placement can be either your biological family, your close friends, or people that you live and work around regularly. From this card, I would sense that some of the folks in your life have some reservations about you reuniting with your ex. I know that I told you before, he isn't a bad guy, but he does have some growing up to do. Unfortunately, because of the past problems you have had, people who are close to you don't always see him favorably. Plenty of them think that you deserve to be with someone with less issues, or at least someone who will prioritize you over other things which may be less significant. (Please keep in mind that their opinions aren't always right, this is just how they feel!)

10. Final outcome. Ace of Swords. This placement is the culmination of all the other cards. I see this as a beginning, but not a beginning that starts off quickly or easily. In fact, just the opposite -- there will be lots of challenges in the next phase of your life, particularly where the subject of your question is concerned! From this, I would say that your relationship with him could be quite strained, and if the two of you chose to continue the relationship, there will be plenty of things that have to be addressed. However, since you do have the strength and also the practical hopes in position #7 (Knight of Cups, who wants to go slowly and carefully) I sense that you have the willingness to see it through and try to work on the issues.

11. Any other information? I always pick an extra card when I lay these out, just to see what else I can find out when someone asks me a question. (It's not part of a typical Celtic spread, it's my own twist!) You got the Wheel of Fortune card. It's one of my favorite cards, because it refers to the way that life goes in cycles and that you can find patterns wherever you look. Paying attention to these patterns can help you learn how to address bad situations when or if they come around again; or to notice the good things sooner so that you can maximize their impact on your life. It also represents good luck, karma, and blessings -- which I sense that you have a lot of in your life. Somehow, you're always able to find your way through a problem, and you have the natural ability to avoid You can use your natural gifts to help other people, as well as to help yourself, which will enable the cycle of love and positivity to continue in your life and those around you. But remember, you want to use your knowledge of the past to avoid problematic issues in the future, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for signs. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Care and Feeding of Your New Crystals

So you've decided to acquire some crystals of your own, but you're not quite sure how to go about buying one.  What should you look for?  Where should you go?  How do you know which crystal is the right one for you?

The first step is to provide yourself plenty of access to a good crystal piece.  I would recommend buying from someplace where you can actually be present, rather than ordering something online or through a catalog.  This way, you are free to pick and choose from a selection, rather than have an employee of the shop choose one for you.  New Age shops, fairs, flea markets, and bookstores are all good choices of places to begin seeking your crystal collection.

Once there, give yourself some time.  Pick up crystals, touch and feel them until you can sense which crystal seems to "feel" right to you.  Remember to think about why you're selecting a crystal, consider the purpose for this acquisition.  When you feel the right one, that's the one you want!  Remember, just as you're choosing the crystal, the crystal is also choosing you based on your vibrations.

Some people who are fatalists also believe that when a crystal is offered to you by someone else, take it -- it will be more powerful as it has been chosen by someone else.  Both schools of thought are fine; do whatever you feel most comfortable with.  I would prefer to choose my own, but if someone gives me a crystal, I would be happy to accept it as well -- both methods can have their uses.  If you're not able to go somewhere to choose your crystal personally, you can still enjoy one which has been purchased online or given to you by someone else.

After aquiring your crystal, the first thing you need to do is to clear any vibrations or energies that it may have absorbed before it has come to you.  My family's traditional practices for this was to soak our crystals in a glass of salt water for a few days, which can cleanse and purify any unwanted energy.  However, in recent times I've also heard that crystals can be purified by simply running it under some flowing water for a minute or two.   Use a swimming pool, a stream, or even your faucet -- visualize the water flowing through the crystal, pushing all of the old energy out.  Your crystal will become purified in this manner; you will intuitively feel when the crystal has been cleansed adequately.

Once it has been cleansed, it is time to "program" your crystal with your own specific energy signature.  The easiest method of doing this is like so:  Put the crystal in your "sending hand" -- usually, this is your right hand, though it can also be your left hand if you're a lefty -- and imagine a white light shining above your body (on your crown chakra), then travelling downward, entering your body and shining all around you.  Visualize the light moving down your arms, to your hand, and then filling the crystal with your spiritual energy.  Once you are satisfied that the energy has filled your crystal, it is ready.

Strengthening the power of your crystal is optional, but can help if you feel that it needs a little extra boost from time to time.  There are a number of ways to do this... You can try burying it in the ground for a day or two, allowing it to absorb the energy of the Earth and strengthen its power.  Or, leave it outside in the sunlight for a few hours to aborb solar energy.  Some people leave it out only at night to absorb lunar and starlight power as well -- this is the tradition in my own family.  Any of these will provide varying levels of efficacy, just do what feels right for yourself, the crystal you're working with, and the situation at hand.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 2011 FREE Psychic Reading Giveaway

One of the ways that I've built up my clientele is through the word of other satisfied customers.  It always thrills me when someone says, "Oh, by the way, So-And-So recommended that I contact you."  Nothing gives me a warmer, happier feeling than knowing that I've helped someone so much that they want to share their positive experience with someone they care about.  

Another thing I love is seeing people coming to the blog and reading the stuff I've left for everyone.  So in the spirit of encouraging you all to spread the word, I've come up with a contest idea.  Here are the rules:

1.  To enter, simply advertise my website somewhere relevant on the internet, where I can see it to verify.  It can be anywhere, as long as you're not spamming.  It can be anywhere... some ideas include:  Tell your Twitter friends to come to my website, ConsultTheSage.Com, or to follow my Twitter account @YourPsychicSage.  Put my website on your Facebook wall.  Review my site on your blog.  Put a link on your website. If you belong to an online community of any type, recommend your friends come visit my site!  You get the idea.  As long as it's (a) verifiable, and (b) not spammy, it counts!

2.  Comment below with the location of the spot where you have promoted me, so that I can verify.  And make sure to give me a way to contact you in case you win!

3.  I will be offering two free readings: one voice reading (either by phone or Skype) and one e-mail reading (you can email me a question, and I will write you back).  Every promotion that you leave somewhere will count as one entry, so multiple promotions will result in multiple chances to win!

4.  Two winners will be drawn randomly.  The first prize winner gets to choose either the voice reading, or the email reading.  The second prize winner will receive the other reading (either voice or email, depending on what the first winner does not choose).

I can't wait to see who's spreading the word, AND how you're spreading it!  Good luck! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to Become More Psychic

Have you ever experienced occasions where something happened that seemed coincidental, yet you had a funny feeling that there might have been more to it than that? Perhaps your intuition was speaking to you... it’s possible that those feelings were the kernels of your own psychic potential, ready to be planted.

A person’s extrasensory powers are quite like the pieces of a puzzle. If you focus your attention on the puzzle as a whole, you can see the big picture every easily and clearly. However, if you zoom in, and focus only on a few pieces at a time, you will notice smaller details which may have escaped your attention before. This is very much the same way that your psychic ability can be cultivated; when you zoom in and take a look at the details on each small piece of any given puzzle, you will be picking up more information and insight from inside yourself as well.

There are also ways to cultivate use of your sixth sense in natural, healthy ways. The first way is to take the time to absorb the aspects of your other senses. Be sure to experience each and every part of the world around you -- what you see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and touch. If a feeling or image comes to your mind as you do this, be accepting of it,. Allow yourself to become immersed in these impressions. Try to focus on each image or feeling that comes to you; explore how these make you feel or what else they make you think about.

Another great way to enhance your psychic abilities is to take everyday activities, and learn how to do them in new and different ways. Try to concentrate less on completing those everyday goals, and more on flexing your mental muscles by doing those activities through unfamiliar or challenging new methods. Try something unusual and different -- this will stimulate your mind and allow you to use parts of it which may not be used to functioning in this way. It’s great mental exercise which can help your overall well-being as well as aid in the expansion of your extrasensory horizons.

And finally, another way to get those psychic juices flowing is to keep learning and be creative. Introduce yourself not just to new ways of doing your usual activities, but also experiencing new things in general. Theta waves, the brain waves that measure creativity and spirituality, can flow more prolifically when new and different scenarios are experienced. In order to harness the power of your theta waves, make it your business to absorb as much new information as you can. You’ll experience more creativity and clarity as well -- these things in and of themselves can skyrocket your psychic potential.

Remember that your brain is a muscle, and like all part of your body, needs exercise to function at its best. Here are a few more ideas to help you flex those mental muscles.

1. Meet new people. Talk to all sorts of new people, even if you believe that you may have nothing in common with them. Chances are that you’ll learn something interesting.

2. Travel. Feast your eyes on some new and unusual sights that you’ve never experienced.

3. Stimulate your palate with food that you’ve never tried before. A novel and exotic experience can be had on a plate right in front of you.

4. Listen to your instincts. Try to rise to the small challenges in life by way of your intuition or hunches. Trust yourself. You may just be right!

5. Chart a new course. Instead of going to work, school, or your favorite shopping area the same old way, try finding a new direction. Mixing up your routine will be freeing and creatively fruitful.

The development of your psychic abilities can be as natural as learning any new habits for your health. Just as the health of your physical body is important, so is the health of your mind. Each of these give you the skills to reach your highest capabilities, to forge ahead and to reach the fullest potential of your life. Cultivate your extrasensory abilities slowly and carefully, by just allowing yourself to experience each moment naturally through all of your senses. In this way, you will also gradually harness the power of that sixth sense as well.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weekend Zodiac Predictions

I decided to Tweet a couple of weekend predictions. These are based on readings that I did for each sign... just look below and find yours to gain some extra insight into your weekend... viola! :)

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Aries:
An emotional man around u will create some tension this wknd.
There's someone in your life, likely a male, who's often emotional about issues. Chances are that he'll be blowing up a bit over the weekend. Just try to be understanding and put things into proportion. Be understanding.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Taurus:
#Love is in the air this wknd. U're #sexy & u know it!
It's true: this is a fantastic time for Taurus to strut his or her stuff. Ordinarily you're quite sensual and sexy, but this weekend -- WOW.  You're particularly attractive and alluring now, so enjoy revelling in your power and the heads you'll be turning.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Gemini: 
U have some hard #work ahead this wknd, but it'll pay off.
You will have some opportunity for fun over the weekend (especially Saturday afternoon/evening), but try not to make it too much of a late night. There are other matters which need your attention right now. Play your cards right, and you could wind up reaping quite a bit of financial benefit from this work!

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Cancer:
Someone's been trying to annoy u. Steer clear!
Someone is definitely trying to start trouble with you or someone close to you; they're vying for attention due to some jealousy and/or resentment. Ignore them if you can. Focus on improving your own life, rather than indulging them with any extra attention.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Leo:
New information leads to #financial #gain in a creative way.
This is an inspiring time for Leo. The abundance won't be coming immediately, BUT the inspiration will. Check with the people around you to see if anyone nearby shares your vision, or is willing to lend a hand.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Virgo:
U feel stuck in a rut lately but stay there 4 now. Changes soon.
Stagnation can be so very frustrating, but right now is the time to rest, relax, and plan. The time for action will come soon enough, but this isn't it -- just yet. It's now time to think and prepare for the future, but not yet to act upon your notions.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Libra:
A situation will turn in ur favor, so try 2 be fair 2 the loser.
You're not usually a sore winner, but in this case, you should be even more gracious and understanding. That isn't to say you can't enjoy your king-of-the-hill status; but know that no one likes someone who's obsessed with tooting his or her own horn. Be modest. :)

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Scorpio:
Nostalgia. Enjoy memories of past; dont worry abt future now.
You've been inundated with feelings, memories, and thoughts that evoke the past. Use these inspirations to get in touch with those you may have put onto the back burner. Reconnecting with those who are meaningful to you will not just reinstate some great memories, but will create more for the future.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Sagittarius:
Get ur head out of the clouds.Reality's better than u think!
You're yearning for something that's not currently attainable. While fantasies are often a source of comfort for you, you have been much too "dreamy" recently. Look around you -- what's right in front of your face is pretty terrific too. Revel in the reality; there's lots to appreciate.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Capricorn:
Someone close 2 u needs extra help. Be there for them!
Capricorns are known for their steady, hardworking nature. It's not uncommon for people to look to you for that dependable personality. However, someone's being rather quiet about their feelings. If you sense that someone needs you, help them. Don't wait for an engraved invitation.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Aquarius:
Spend time w/ those close 2 u & make the most of it!
Nothing is more wonderful than being with those who are near and dear. You've been needing a bit of TLC from your buds for awhile now. See if you can schedule it within the next couple of days. Make it fun and low-maintenance; fill this weekend with healing laughter.

Weekend #psychic #prediction for #Pisces:
An important realization ahead; will help a recurring problem.
Just when your time seems to be darkest, you will be presented with an unusual realization. This information is like an epiphany; it will serve as a stepping stone to enable you to deal with an issue which has been plaguing you for some time. Keep your mind open and your heart strong.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Psychic Sage Forecast for June 2011

Aries:  This month, new information will lead to greater success with your work, but those who are close to you will be feeling neglected.  The end of the month brings "surprise" expenses... so you'll end up breaking even, except for the lessons you've learned!

LOVE DAYS: 1, 7, 11

Taurus:  Try to stick close to home and go slow this month, and save your pennies for a rainy day.  Someone who you respect will be criticizing you for what they perceive as "laziness," but they don't know the whole story.  Be careful and take things one step at a time.

LOVE DAYS: 20, 29, 30

Gemini:  You've been mired in feelings of nostalgia for the past: simpler times, moments of youthful enthusiasm and fun.  But the truth is, it's time for you to move on and live in the present.  Stop escaping from the conflicts at hand and delve into them.  This will be a struggle.  Hang in there!

LOVE DAYS: 12, 29
PROSPERITY DAYS:  18, 20, 28

Cancer:  The next few weeks will be full of possibility.  An endeavor that you've been working on will finally begin to turn in your favor, but only if you take control of the situation.  You will gain new insight about a difficult problem, which will give you new ideas about how to handle it.

LOVE DAYS:  2, 19, 24

Leo:  You're focused on some important projects this month.  The direction that your biggest priority will take is still unclear to you; you need to explore all avenues before making up your mind.  You're going to get much closer with someone who really interests you.  The end of the month will bring a calm after the storm.

LOVE DAYS:  3, 4, 18, 22

Virgo:  There are hidden details surrounding something that has been worrying you.  Try to shake things up a bit this month by exploring new places -- whether it's a new coffee shop down the street, or a vacation somewhere truly exotic -- this will bring peace, companionship, and a whole new perspective to your life.  Keep your emotions in check; try not to let little things bother you this month.

PROSPERITY DAYS:  16, 17, 24, 25

Libra:  Many responsibilities from your past are now coming to a "head" this month.  Seek advice from someone older and wiser who's been there before.  You will learn some new information which leads to a burst of creativity in resolving some of the issues at hand.  Go with your instincts!

LOVE DAYS:  14, 23, 25

Scorpio:  May is going to be awesome for Scorpio!  Prosperity and love are both in the cards for you this month.  There will be some important action required of you as well.  Proceed with caution only at the beginning; as soon as you've figured out which actions to take, move swiftly.  Your instincts are right on point with the situation.

LOVE DAYS:  7 ,13, 21, 29

Sagittarius:  Your hopes have been high lately.  Some may say you're wearing rose-colored glasses, but don't let their dour viewpoints get to you.  People will be watching you carefully this month, but the opinions they form will be rash and filled with inaccuracies.  Don't be afraid to let others know how you feel. 

LOVE DAYS:  26, 21

Capricorn:   You need to separate yourself from the crowd this month, and give yourself a bit of a break.  Other people's drama is stressing you out quite a lot.  Ordinarily it's good to resolve issues, but now is a better time to lay low and wait for the storm to pass.  Someone unexpected will defend you in the middle of the month.  Be sure to express thanks for it.

LOVE DAYS:  1, 6, 21

AQUARIUS:  Even though you'll be expected to play by some pretty strict rules thoughout May, you just won't be able to get ahead this month.  There will be quite a strain on you physically and financially within the coming weeks, but fortunately you can rely on your friends to keep your head on straight.  

LOVE DAYS:  18, 24, 30
POWER DAY:  19, 22

PISCES:  You need to focus on yourself this month or else you will not be much good to anyone else.  You have some pretty lofty dreams right now and your creativity is high, so enjoy planning for the future.  Do not allow criticism to go to your head; the source of these negative words is actually jealousy and resentment which will be worked out when the time is right.

LOVE DAYS:  12, 21, 24

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Free Psychics Online: Too Good to Be True?

As a professional psychic, I am often asked by people where to go for reliable, accurate psychic readings... for free. While it's true that virtually anything is available for free online, via samples or trial periods, there are a few pieces of information that some people fail to take into account when searching for free stuff. Psychic readings are no exception to these misconceptions.
It is a common, though erroneous, opinion that someone who is truly giften with psychic abilities will not accept money for the simple act of providing help for other people. However, this is not really the correct outlook to have. A professional psychic is just that: a professional. Just about every consumer would expect other service providers to charge for their time and attention -- your family doctor, your plumber, and your most trusted car mechanic also make their livings by providing services that help other people -- and your psychic spiritual advisor is no different. While psychic ability is largely an innate gift that one must possess from birth, many of these skills and talents also require a great deal of study, training, and experience as well. Thus, charging a fee for one's time and services rendered is a completely acceptable practice.
Although a professional spiritual worker does dedicate his or her life to the practice of helping others, even the most gifted psychic in the world still needs to pay the bills and make a living. This is especially true for the full-time psychic who has devoted all of his or her time to honing skills. A full-time psychic may not have any other "day job" aside from his or her calling as a spiritual worker; giving psychic readings is not only their passion, but also their livelihood. Because it may be their sole means of income, it simply wouldn't be possible for such a person to give free readings.
One exception to the rule above is when a psychic gives a free "introductory" service, such as a mini-reading where the customer is given the opportunity to ask a question, by means of a free sample, for the client to follow up with a paid order for more time if it goes well. Many professional psychics are committed to their craft, and in order to help as many people as possible, the psychics must invest quite a bit of their own time, money, and energy, educating themselves and improving their own abilities. Additionally, a good psychic will spend their time getting to know clients so that they can understand them well, in order to provide the services and advice which are best for them. Obviously, investing these energies is not possible if the full-time psychic is unable to make a living for him- or herself. Psychic ability is a God-given gift, and such gifts are meant to be shared with the world; however, everyone has the right to set a value on their and energy in order to avoid people who might overuse or overtax their valuable assets. Psychics who claim to possess spiritual gifts yet who do not charge anything for their services often possess a diminished sense of self-worth, which is not a positive attitude to channel these gifts. Therefore, if you are seeking an accurate or helpful psychic reading, it is always best to do your homework and seek the services of a professional with enough confidence to do the job.
I enjoy being a professional spiritual advisor, and while there is some financial benefit to having my skill set, I don't feel that money should be a primary motivating factor in assisting others. I have given free readings to people to show a preview of my abilities, should they decide to become part of my client base. However, I am not a full-time psychic; spiritual advising is something that I do because I enjoy the challenges of it, the rewards of interaction with interesting people, and the opportunities to help and educate others with the gifts I have been given. I also provide regular "bonus time" for those clients that I know well and enjoy speaking with, because after all, it is this group of people who has made me successful at what I do, and it's my way of thanking them for it. Additionally, because I do have other means of income, I also give the public at large an opportunity to ask me questions via my Twitter accountmy YouTube channel, and my Facebook fan page, which I find to be an extremely positive and fun experience for everyone. If the askers decide to book time with me through Skype or via telephone, or they decide to pursue a more detailed reading via email, that's wonderful; however, it isn't the sole reason that I choose to give a little of my extra time to such causes. Social networking provides me a great deal of satisfaction in assisting other people, but also opportunities to hone my skills through the practice of beneficial psychic work. It's also a lovely way to help others, and my small way of making the world a better place.
If you certainly don't have $50 or more to book half an hour with a seasoned professional, though you do have a couple of dollars to spend, it may be in your best interest to find a professional psychic who is willing to charge you for only a portion of the time. For example, I dedicate certain blocks of my time to providing $5 email readings or 10-minute phone and Skype consultations to customers through a commercial website. I also provide psychic services and Tarot readings via my Keen listings, charging a low per-minute fee in an effort to give counsel to people who only want to ask a quick question or two. This provides access to my services for people who otherwise cannot afford to consult with a psychic. You may do well to find an established professional who, like me, provides their services for a reduced cost to those who are in need of a little extra help. Many people enjoy taking advantage of these services, and my $5 email reading promotion has been very well-received by people who enjoy this service. Other psychics will often do the same thing in order to help people, or in an effort to drum up business when seeking new clients.
There are some people who are in need of psychic readings, yet who do not have the finances to seek the services of a seasoned professional who charges a standard "professional" rate. In fact, perhaps even a reduced cost sample is a financial hardship in many cases. In such circumstances, it is understandable and may well be advisable to invest your time and energy in scouring the internet for a psychic who is willing to give you a free reading. Doing a search for "free online psychics" may help you come up with several possibilities. Be sure to do your research before choosing the one that is right for you.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Psychic Forecast Video, June 2011

It's my first YouTube video!  I have predictions here for next month, a brief reading for each sign.  For your convenience, I have also predicted and included "Love Days," "Prosperity Days," and a "Personal Power Day" for every sign so that you can schedule all those important events. :)

I hope that you enjoy it!  Please subscribe to my channel 'cause I have lots of cool new things coming up. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Artwork and a Big "Thank You"

I recently made myself an interesting new piece of artwork for my listings on --
Don't you just love that adorable "moon bunny angel" watching over her city from above?

The building in the picture, by the way, is historical landmark 
the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
My husband and I have some happy memories of spending time there together.
As a child, I remember touring the rooms and admiring the breathtaking art and architecture!

The original picture was taken by the amazing Joey Gannon who has graciously allowed
others to use it under the Creative Commons share-alike license.

Joey, I thank you most sincerely for sharing your inspiring vision of this place that's brought me so many wonderful times, both as a child and as an adult!  I couldn't have made my ad without your contribution!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Affordable Email Readings :)

I like using all forms of media to communicate with people.  Currently, I have a few specials on email readings... They're easy to buy, and you'll usually hear back from me within 2-3 days (and usually even less).

One Question, only $1.99!

Ask 3 questions or request a more detailed answer, only $4.99!

For a super-quick response, or for a truly difficult situation, a steal at $9.99!

I also conduct email readings on Fiverr.Com, payable with PayPal.
(Fiverr takes $1 from these, and I make $4.)
Because I'm not allowed to promote my site at Fiverr, I use the handle MoonBunny999 there. :)

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