Friday, March 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life: Lesson #3, Passion for Compassion

One of the best things that you can do in life is to focus on other people from time to time.  This has a multitude of benefits, including three important ones which are immediately apparent.

1.  It takes your mind off of whatever is wrong with your life. When you think of people who are less fortunate than you, what comes to mind?  People without food or clothes?  Folks who have no internet?  People whose problems are so overwhelming to them that they can't get out of bed in the morning?  Sick kids and adults?  Try zooming out and putting your own problems into a new perspective.

2.  It makes you appreciate what you do have.  Sure, there are people who have it better than you.  But plenty of folks have it worse, too.  Try not to be too envious of "luckier" people; you never know what lurks beneath their smiles.  There are plenty of people who'd trade lives with you in a second.

3.  By practicing compassion, you may feel compelled to help make a difference.  And the difference benefits multiple parties.  You feel great for helping someone else, but even more importantly, even a small gesture of compassion can make a major difference to someone else.

I'd also like to add that realizing not everything is about you all the time is also just the plain-old right thing to do.   There are billions of people in the world, and we all have a back story which includes good stuff and bad.  It takes courage to zoom out and look at the big picture, so try to be brave and do it every now and again.

Get busy!  Run through your house and donate your old clothes, that chair you like but never use, the spare "doubles" of things you don't need anymore.  You'll be de-cluttering your living space, and helping someone else at the same time:  Win-win!  Volunteer to cook a meal and bring it to a local shelter -- invite your friends and make it a party!  Karma points for all, a great time that people will be talking about for months to come, and full bellies for those in need.  Another win-win!  Visit your favorite old person; be their hero for the day and give them lots of much-needed hugs.  Raise awareness for a cause that you care about.  Write a letter to your representatives about something that you'd love to improve.  Go click on The Hunger Site and allow a corporation to match your click with food for someone in need.  Adopt a pet, a highway, or a child.  Even with limited time and money, you always find ways to make the world -- and your corner of it -- a better place. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Meaning of a Black, White, or Grey Aura

Black and white are not technically part of the color spectrum, but shades of those hues, including metallics and grays, are often prevalent in auras of all types.

People with these colors may be troubled.  Blacks, greys, and whites are often temporary or transitional auric presences that appear during times of great emotion and drama: either for good or for ill.

A silvery-grey color is often associated with a strong mind-body connection.  People who practice yoga, faith healing, or other forms of spiritual-physical improvement programs will often have shades of this color within their auric presence.

Black is a troubling color to see, as it often indicates extreme emotional or spiritual stress.  Those who are experiencing a crisis, abuse, addiction, or depression can reveal black within their auras.  Again, this is a transitional color, and as the spirit heals, so too can the aura.  Try some aura cleansing rituals if you need a positive change.

Heather grey can indicate a prolonged illness or a tendency toward pessimism, despite the experiences of the aura bearer.  It can also indicate a highly sensitive and fragile state of being which may need extra care.

Charcoal grey is seen in the auras of people with more severe depression, mental illness, or even suicidal tendencies.  It can also present in people who are feeling trapped and hopeless in their lives or situations.  These people need tending and nurturing, and more importantly, to find the ability to climb out of such a state before the aura darkens further.

White is a shade that is seen often in people who are seeking spiritual truth.  There can also be a shyness or introspection that sets these people apart from the rest of the crowd.  People with white in their auras may also be protected by a guardian angel, benevolent spirit, or bestowed with good fortune.

People may ask what a black aura means, what a grey aura looks like, or the meaning of a white aura.  The truth is that all of these colors and more can be incorporated in their aura patterns.  You're unique and have many different facets!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Who is Clark Rockefeller?

The kidnapping of Reigh Rockefeller in 2009 sparked a huge interest in her father and kidnapper, Clark Rockefeller.  Was he really the person that he seemed to be?  Or was he someone else -- an emotional vampire of the deadliest kind?

In fact, Rockefeller's true identity is Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, who was actually born in the small town of Bergen in Germany to parents Simon and Ermengard Gerhartsreiter.  As a teenager, he came to the United States, and soon began using aliases and adopting different identities.  At one period of time, Gerhartsreiter lived in San Marino, California under the name Christopher Chichester.  The high-society set there had been so taken with him that he'd actually run for political office and had his own television talk show, Inside San Marino.  During his time there, it is thought that he murdered his landlords, Jonathan Sohus and his wife, Linda Sohus, who had gone missing during this time.  Jonathan Sohus's skeletal remains were found years later, but the whereabouts and status of Linda Sohus have never been determined.

Eventually, Gerhartsreiter made his way to New York and gained membership into a prestigious church where he mingled with the movers and shakers of society.  He introduced himself as "Clark Rockefeller" and led hundreds of people to believe that he was part of the famous Rockefeller clan.  While still impersonating a member of the prestigious Rockefeller family, Gerhartsreiter met and married Sandra Boss, graduate of Harvard Business school and successful businesswoman, and the two had a daughter together.  Living off of his wife's income, Clark Rockefeller became a "house husband" and dedicated his life to the home, while the family lived off of Sandra Boss's hard-earned money as a business consultant.  They had homes in both Boston and New Hampshire, and lived an opulent lifestyle which forced Sandra to work even harder in order to keep up with Rockefeller's profligate spending habits. 

Finally, Sandra Boss had had enough of her husband's emotional abuse, controlling behavior, and financial recklessness.  She owned up to the fact that her husband had been deceiving her.  She filed for divorce, and gained custody of Reigh in exchange for $800,000 and the engagement ring that Gerhartsreiter had given her when they had agreed to marry -- a price that Clark Rockefeller himself had set in exchange for his daughter.

In July of 2008, Gerhartsreiter orchestrated a plan to kidnap their daughter which involved an elaborate ruse to separate Reigh from her chaperone, abscond the girl, and leave the city with her.  The two were found about a week later in Baltimore, where Gerhartsreiter was arrested and Reigh was returned to her mother.  Many people have been fascinated by the story, and wondering who the real Clark Rockefeller is.  Christian Gerhartsreiter has longed for fame and attention during the course of his entire life of lies, and now it looks like his "wish" has come true since the kidnapping of his daughter.  I'm sure that more information about Clark Rockefeller (or Christian Gerhartsreiter)'s life will come to light as his murder trial begins.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Pisces!

Birthday greetings to our dreamy, emotional friends, the lovable Pisces!

Ruled by Neptune, Pisces are naturally adaptable to change, and can help inspire change in others as well.  While they are constitutionally strong, many Piscean folk feel the need to have a little extra guidance in their life, valuing the advice and information that they can learn from others.  Helping other people is very important to Pisces, and comes naturally to them.  There are times when a Pisces must take care not to fall into depression, as this may lead to escapism or bouts of self-pity; however, when channeled into positive directions, this Piscean sensitivity can bring love and warmth to everyone it touches!

These are the true creative forces of the zodiac!  With a Pisces by your side, you've got a loyal and loving friend!

Happy Birthday, Pisces friends!  We love you!

P. S.  I made some cute birthday images of each zodiac sign... keep checking back all year for more!  I hope that you enjoy these!  They're licensed under "Creative Commons" (non-commercial only) so feel free to share them and use them on Facebook, Myspace, or wherever you like to network with your friends.  Have fun!

Creative Commons License

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cord Blood, Stem Cells, and a Promising Future

I was inspired by an article that I recently read I about the Gift of Life Foundation, and all of the good work that they do for people around the world who are suffering from terminal and life-threatening diseases such as leukemia.

The Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation was founded in 1991, and has helped to facilitate transplants of stem cells and bone marrow for patients worldwide. Gift of Life plans for its newest program, the Cord Blood Program, to be of great benefit to people with life-threatening and debilitating illnesses.

Cord blood is the residual blood which is left over from the placenta and umbilical cord after a baby is born. In the past, cord blood was viewed as medical waste, and was disposed of accordingly. However, we now know that cord blood is composed of a unique type of tissue which promises many advances in the treatment of various illnesses, due to the high content of stem cells that are contained within cord blood.

After a baby has been born, the cord blood can be harvested and preserved by freezing, and then stored in order to be used at a later point in the future. Cord blood collection is not painful to the baby or the mother, as the blood is collected after the umbilical cord has been cut and sutured. Harvesting cord blood does not cause any additional pain or risk to either the mother or baby; the delivery process remains the same, regardless of whether or not cord blood is collected.

After the cord blood is accepted by Gift of Life, it is shipped to the lab to be tested, processed, and stored until it is needed in the future for treatment of certain life-threatening diseases, as well as some genetic disorders.

I find the concept of using cord blood for life-saving stem cells to be extremely fascinating; the ability to harvest such vital components of potential cures for some of the world's worst illnesses, without any additional pain or risk to other life, to be such an inspiration! Such advances fill me with hope for a brighter and healthier future for the generations to come!

You can donate cord blood to the Gift of Life Foundation, as well as the National Marrow Donor Program.  By bringing a new life into the world, you may also be saving someone else's!

Q&A: Color-Changing Purple Aura

Recently, I had an anonymous question which was asked on one of my other posts.  My article about the purple aura had prompted a question from a mystery reader:

"in response to so my aura is a contstant purple, a mix between dark and light yet the ONLY time it has ever changed is when i become angry.. what does this mean?"

My answer is:  Fear not, Anonymous!  This is the sign of a completely normal, healthy aura.  Each aura is unique,  and aura patterns can contain many different shades of colors.  When you're dealing with high-stress situations, or experiencing intense emotions, the aura may change in color, pattern, brightness, or consistency.  For example, a person with a smoky grey aura might be depressed or self-absorbed, but perhaps during a time of crisis, the aura may lighten or change to another shade (say, a pale sky blue which indicates wisdom and sensitivity) as he or she gains awareness of his or her surroundings.  A solid aura may develop a sparkling texture, indicating the presence of a divine guardian, during stressful times as a departed friend or relative might be looking over your shoulder just when you need it.

Another possibility is that you are young or just not quite finished growing to your highest emotional potential.  As a result, your aura may change quickly as you flash from one state to another.  You might be experiencing a period of turbulence which makes the aura more quickly changeable than those of other people.  As things even out over the course of your life, you may experience more consistency in your auric shade.  Another thing that might help are some aura cleansing techniques.

Do you have any questions for me??  Please, feel free to leave me some comments and I'll be happy to post answers in an upcoming entry! :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Q&A: Twitter Help Badges

A reader, Cypherinfo, has asked me for some assistance on Twitter help badges.  (I had a bronze one.)

"Hello, all of the users gained their Twithelp "Bronze Helper Badge" has seen disappeared their badge if any was embedded in their web site like me. The related web site is no more accessible; it seems that only its twitter account is still running at @twithelpme What to do now to see displayed again it please? My twitter handle is: @cypherinfo."

Well, Cypherinfo, it seems that you're right!  TwitHelp doesn't seem to be as functional as it was back when I got the badge.  That's very unfortunate too, because I thought it was a great service.  Who knows, maybe it'll be back in the future!  I did embed mine into my website through Twithelp.  I am no technological wizard, but I did want to try to help you out. Since you needed to find where to get it, I did a little bit of research & was luckily able to find a copy on the internet!

If you want to display it on your website or somewhere else...  feel free to download and use the one I have placed on this page!  I hope this helps you!  (And I'll be Tweeting you later this week to make sure you've read my Q&A!)

By the way... I am on Twitter as well, at @YourPsychicsSage -- so feel free to follow me or add me.  I love talking to people and helping out folks all over the world!

Does anyone else have a question I can help with?  Feel free to ask me in the comment section below!

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