Thursday, August 28, 2014

Patience In Your Quest for a Spiritual Awakening

You must also remember that spiritual awakenings can take time to brew.  Only the very few lucky ones are able to simply have this awareness "pop" instantly into their levels of consciousness!  You cannot expect to be that fortunate.  As long as you're making progress through keeping your faith high, asking the universe for assistance, working hard and putting to use the gifts that the universe has given you, you're doing just fine.  However, you can't forget that these things do not happen overnight.  Sometimes, the connection to Spirit can be a bit fuzzy or your higher power's cell signal can get a bit weak at times!  But don't give up.  Persistence will pay off if you allow nature to take its course.  The connection is always there, we just need to take the time to allow things to happen.  Don't question if it will happen, or if it is meant to happen.  It is!  You must focus more on "when" it will occur, rather than "if" it will. 

Just as in all spiritual endeavors, you must remember to believe in yourself.  It is vital that you not only place this faith out into the universe, but you must also have faith in yourself as well.  By putting yourself in the right mindset and position to experience a spiritual awakening for yourself, you are enabling the universe to give you the gifts that you’ll need when the time comes.  Remember that you deserve to treat yourself with love, and to consciously experience joy and gratitude every day!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Limitations of Your Past

Everyone has his or her own history.  Sometimes, your previous accomplishments can propel you in to bigger and better achievements.  However, it can also work in the opposite way, as well.  Your failures, your mistakes, and your losses can also freeze you into place.

What you need to remember is that the past is just that -- the past.  Today is a new day, and you can do things in a brand new way.  You don't need to ride on the coattails of previous successes.  You don't have to allow former mistakes and screw-ups to limit your current abilities.  Yesterday's terrible choices may have resulted in difficult predicaments for you today, but that doesn't mean tomorrow will be equally awful.  Make better choices today.  Turn over a new leaf.  Develop new habits, start new mindsets, and begin trying new ways of doing things.

Instead of allowing past hurts and losses to keep you afraid from living in new and healthy ways, take that chance.  Know that self-improvement can be hard, but it is a doable and workable thing.  Life can surprise you.  Just try it and see.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

How to Manifest Change, Positivity, and Vibrations at a Higher Spiritual Level

Every living living thing has its own vibration.  We are composed of particles that are constantly in motion, vibrating.

Philosophers and those who practice Eastern spiritualities have understood for thousands of years that the power our own vibrations can be utilized toward manifesting our personal and spiritual goals.  By using the power of intention, we can manifest change in our own lives.

First, we need to learn how to vibrate at a higher spiritual level.  Meditation can help.  We can also use the power of intention, which is sometimes referred to as the Law of Attraction.  It can be used to help the mind concentrate on positive outcomes, intend of dwelling on the negative and impressing those patterns into our subconscious mind.  When you think in positive ways, you operate at a higher vibration.

When you look for the positive things in life, you are opening yourself up to receiving more positivity.  Better opportunities will come to you, and you'll be better able to make the most of them. 

Release negativity from your life.  Anger, fear, and resentment will cause you to live on a lower plane of existence, and this will hinder your mind and spirit.  Let it go, and raise your vibrations so that your present and future life begins to improve. 

Practice positive self-talk, use affirmations if you need to do so -- they really can help to reverse undesirable thought patterns, and aid you in harnessing the powers of your subconscious mind.

Meditation can help you to clear your head as well.  Try it in order to focus on what's important to you, and to release that which no longer serves you well.  Regular meditation and deep-breathing exercises can help you to achieve peace and it clears your mind. 

Remember, that you cannot live your true will without determining what that means to you in the first place.  Using these techniques can help you to figure out which directions you'd like to go, to release what isn't currently working for you, and to embrace positive change.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Seeking Help on Your Spiritual Quest

While you ask the universe for assistance to further your spiritual journey, try asking others around you for insight as well.  We're all moving along our own personal paths to spirituality at different rates, different times, and in different ways.  No two people will have the same experiences, and no two people will require the same type of help along the way.  However, you never know where inspiration will strike.  Talk to the people around you; ask about their own spiritualities.  Get insight and information on what the cornerstones of others' faith may be.  If you find something interesting in your research, take what you learn and try to find ways to apply those pearls of wisdom to your own life.  Remember to do your research, as well.  Don't be afraid to read books and do some research on the internet as well.   Without expanding your world and learning new things, you can grow spiritually stagnant.  You'll never get anywhere if you stay still!  You must open your heart and mind in order to receive what the universe and those around you are willing to give to you.  Your higher power may be reaching out to you through other sources, such as people and books that you encounter.  Receive these gifts, as they are given with love, and use them to empower yourself as you progress in your journey.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Futility of Blaming Yourself and Others

The common saying goes, "When you point a finger at someone else, you have three more pointing back at you."  It's true that many folks tend to use the power of blame as a weapon against being wrong, taking responsibility, and losing the current argument!  And many times, the person who's doing the blaming tends to be at least as responsible for the problem on the table.

Naturally, there is a difference between misplacing blame on others, and legitimate blame which falls squarely in the court of a transgressor who has made mistakes (or consciously detrimental choices).  However, in the moment of crisis, blaming others is not really a very productive way to handle things.  If you are being blamed, you must clean up your own mess.  If the mess is the fault of another, you need to decide:  is this action going to help the situation?  Or will it make things worse?  Most of the time, a bad situation really needs to be handled before adding another layer of problems on top of what already exists.

Once your mess has been cleaned up, it is then time for the offending parties to take responsibility for his or her actions.  If that's you, take your medicine.  Learn.  Make amends in whatever reasonable ways are required by the people and situations at hand.  If it's someone else, give that person the chance to make things right.  Forgive, forget, and move on with your life.

If the person to blame has no remorse for his or her transgressions, you may need to re-evaluate the realities of this relationship.

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