Showing posts with label gemstones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gemstones. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Crystal Grid Therapy: Fertility Grid Layout

When you have problems conceiving a child, you can feel powerless over the situation.  Keep the faith, though!  The family that you dream of CAN happen!  One method to try is crystal therapy.  Yes, it's hard to understand if you're not a crystal healing enthusiast, but no matter what, it certainly cannot hurt in your quest for pregnancy.

I've devised a simple crystal grid layout that can work for beginners or novices alike.  But you all know I like to keep things simple. :)   For this layout to become even more powerful, by all means feel free to wear your favorite pearl and/or diamond jewelry when performing this layout.  Both are reputed to be fantastic for women's reproductive health, especially during pregnancy.  I'd also throw in a ruby or two since it promotes healthy childbirth... why not? :)

The grey splotches represent moonstones.  Use four of them; place one against each breast or along the chest area, and place the other two parallel to these in the lower abdomen in the ovarian area.  This is to help you lay the best and most farm-fresh possible eggs for your upcoming pregnancy!  Moonstones are said to posses powers that help the female body cycles align correctly and naturally.  By adding them into this crystal grid layout, you are syncing your body with nature's cycles as well.  If you cannot find moonstones, you can also try gems such as pearls, mother-of-pearl, agate of any type (though I'd go with violet agate or the black and white types first as they have fertility powers)... even seashells from your nearest beach can provide nice energy!

Along your uterine area, lay a red jasper, garnet, or other red stone and make sure that the stone itself is making contact against your skin.  (Below the navel but above the genitals.)  When I first drew this, I made two red stones but then decided to connect them with a third, because I wanted to show multiple stones in this area.  Feel free to use several if you don't have a larger one available.  Even a small pile of different red stones would be great.  The trick here is to use the spiritual color energy of the root chakra and get your body to align with those passionate red fertility vibes!

If you have crystals with points to place beside you parallel with your hips, I'd recommend using them.  If not, feel free to use round tumbled stones.  My preference for you here is rose quartz or amethyst.  Face the pointed parts of your crystals outward.  Concentrate on picking up the ambient fertility energy with the crystal points, and absorbing it into your reproductive system in order to have the strongest and most fertile lady parts ever!

Here's to a happy, healthy pregnancy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Powers of Aquamarine

Aquamarines are beautiful, valuable, and very powerful!  Named for the blue-green shades of the ocean which are remeniscent of this gem's beautiful hues, the aquamarine is part of the beryl family.  These crystal gemstones are often found near deposits of tungsten and tin ore, and beryls can come in an array of beautiful shades like greens, blues, yellows, and reds.

The words "aqua marina" mean "water of the sea."  The turquoise shade of aquamarines make it a stunning and desireable stone for jewelry; at the turn of the 19th century, it was extremely prized and often paired with silver.  This stone is associated with the month of March and the element of water.

This gem is a wonderful stone for healing all parts of the body, though it is said to be especially effective for the heart, circulatory system, and immune system.  It is also thought to be healing to the eyesight, as gazing upon the stone can produce a soothing and calming effect on the eyes.

It is also healing for emotional issues, too.  Aquamarine is an ideal talisman when used to level one's moods, as well as to help one to open up and share his or her feelings.  Many blue-toned gemstones have had legendary powers to cool and subdue harsh feelings like anger and aggression; this one is no exception, having the power to relax and soothe hurt feelings.  Aquamarine can also enhance psychic visions and mental clarity, as well as to enhance the inner charisma of whomever chooses to wear it.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Halo: Crystal Grid Layout for Head Pain, Migraines & Headaches

As promised, here's another crystal grid layout for you!  I call this one "The Halo" for pretty obvious reasons. :)  I have illustrated it with round circles to represent your gemstones.  If you have pointy crystals to use, those would be just fine.  Remember to lay the crystals so that the points face outward, though!  Otherwise, your standard polished/tumbled crystal gemstones will work perfectly here.

I would always recommend using three amethysts for headaches and migraines; not only has it been typically carried and used for such ailments for thousands of years, the color purple also corresponds to the crown chakra which is just where we want to concentrate on when pain occurs in the head.  You can also use indigo stones like lapis if you would prefer to do so.  (Use what you like -- I happen to like amethyst!)  Place two just above the sides of your head, and add one to your forehead.

You'll need two orange stones as well.  I also recommend using orange or brown agate, or perhaps tourmaline to represent the sacral chakra, which is a great source of fortification for pain management.  Place them just above your eyebrows.  Agate is well known for its healing properties, and pain soothing attributes.  I'd try to find some agate first, but tourmalines are also wonderful healing stones. 

Thirdly, turquoise stones are required -- you will need two of them.  They should go directly underneath the amethysts which are laid around your head.  Turquoise is great for its uplifting and positive energy, as well as its protective properties.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The "X" Crystal Grid Layout for Arthritis & Fibromyalgia Pain

Pain can be such a debilitating thing.  I know I have days where I can only dream of getting out of bed!  But that's why crystal therapy can be so great.  It can never hurt you, only help.  Even if you're not quite convinced, think of it as mind over matter.  Or imagine it to be a way to meditate on your issues in order to gain some perspective.  Either way, it is non-invasive and worth a shot!

I have devised a crystal grid layout to free you of those aches and pains which are brought on by stiff creaky joints, arthritis, neurological disturbances such as neuropathy and fibromyalgia.  This one is great for the knees!  You will need to be seated or laying down for this position.

For help with pain, I tend to use items from the orange or brown color families, as the Root Chakra is the place in the body where pain management energy tends to be stored.  (When people "brace themselves" for something that's gonna hurt, it's usually those muscles which tense and brace!)  However, for this grid layout I have come up with something a little different.

You will need two blue stones, such as lapis, sapphire, or blue agate, in order to absorb the healing and soothing energies around you.  If you can get crystals which are pointed, all the better.  The other gemstones you can use are turquoise (and do try to get points, arrowheads, or something elogated if possible) or even clear quartz points will work.

In the middle of the X, you should place a green calcite gemstone in the middle of affected area in order to have a "pain conductor."  Direct the discomfort into the calcite, and allow it to then disperse through the blue and aqua crystals around it.  Calcite stones are best for this purpose, but amethyst can also work well, as can jasper or any color of agate (though I do recommend moss agate or another green crystal shade as it promotes healing from the Heart Chakra).

Happy healing!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Crystal Work for Beginners

Everything in our universe has some type of vibration at their base molecular level.  Sometimes, such vibrations will cancel one another out; but some objects, such as crystals, are structured so that the vibrations can be enhanced by one another.  This causes their energy to be stronger and more powerful.  Even though the vibrations cannot be felt in an obvious way, there is strength and wonder in their energy.  At the center of each crystal, there is a dynamic atomic heart, with the particles moving around the center in a constant and steady motion.  While the crystal may appear to be still and placid, it is actually a dynamic molecular structure that vibrates at a specific frequency.  Our bodies operate in much the same way; each organ and part has a specific chemical structure that is made up of a mixture of elements which vibrate exude energy.  The vibrations are at a high frequency, but they exist as a body of energy that exists around our physical body.  Toxins or impurities in the body will change your body's vibration, but cleansing toxins and keeping healthy will keep each part's vibrations working just as they should.  Crystals can help keep your vibrations in tune with one another, as each gemstone emits a vibration to help your body vibrate to its proper frequency.  Just match the right crystal with the right area of the body, and over time, it should help to correct any imbalances.  These techniques have been used by spiritual people since ancient times, and are perfectly safe to try in conjunction with a doctor-approved healthcare regimen.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Sage's Little Book of Gemstones and Their Meanings

Earlier this year, I published one of my very first eBooks! It is called Sage's Little Book of Gemstones and Their Meanings.  This interesting little book will give you some background about the history and lore of some of the world's most popular gemstones and crystals. It also reveals birthstones for each month of the year, and gives some practical advice on how to choose a gem to use as your own personal power stone.

You can buy the book here at Smashwords (in any format you need), or purchase it at Amazon for Kindle.  I hope that you enjoy it! :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Magickal & Healing Properties of Amber

Amber is a type of stone with usually has a rich, honey brown shade.  However, it is occasionally seen in shades of green, or even some types tinged with blue or red.  This stone is actually a fossil, made from petrified tree resin.  Amber has electromagnetic properties as well; if you rub a piece of amber with a soft cloth, it will build up static electricity and lightweight objects will be able to stick to it.  Amber originates from places such as Eastern and Mediterranean Europe, Mexico, and parts of South America.

Because of its electromagnetic properties, amber has some interesting abilities.  It's great for purging the body of impurities, protecting from radioactive waves or energy from electronics, sunlight, and energy that emanates from other people.

Amber comes from trees and plants, so this connection with the earth gives it a wonderful association with nature and the earth element.  This makes amber a great choice for grounding, and for attuning with the natural elements around us.  It can also promote mental and emotional stability and help fight depression, even in its stronger forms.  Amber helps to promote positivity and a healthier outlook on life.  It can also help someone adjust to new situations and to weather changes well.

Not only does amber promote mental and emotional health, but also promote healthier brain activity.  Amber's powers may be utilized to protect the user from "brain fog" and for those who lack clarity.   It can be used for enhancing memory, logic, and powers of concentration and creativity as well.

Amber has also been thought to help ease pain in the solar plexus area, to enhance the strength of one's liver, gall bladder, and stomach.   It also can be effective to lessen labor pains when its user is about to give birth.  Some superstitions also claim that it can alleviate headaches, fever, dental pain, nose bleeds, sore throats, and bone or joint ailments such as rheumatism and arthritis.

Feng Shui lore states that, when placed in the northeastern area of a home, it can help to promote wisdom and self-improvement.  If it's placed in the southwest, it can help fill the home with love and positivity.

Amber is a great stone to have in your crystal repertoire for its versatility, its beauty, and its power.  Enjoy the benefits of amber whenever you're in need of a strong helping hand to get you through whatever challenges you may face.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Crystal Grids and More Layouts for Healing & Cleansing

Regardless of whether your actions are positive or negative, the theory of Karma will keep you responsible for your behavior.  Whatever you live and present to the universe is the same energy that you will come to receive in return.  Often, we carry our karma with us from lifetime to lifetime.  At times, it may be necessary to heal the damage from the past which is carried over into the present life.

Crystals can play a part in the healing and purification of this damage.  As your karma is repaired, you will be more able to move on with your current life in a more positive and meaningful way.  

To utilize crystals in this way, hold your favorite cleansing gemstones with your fingers or lay them against your "third eye" in the middle of your forehead -- this is your sixth chakra, the brow chakra, which deals with our natural intuition. Lay these crystals in the desired position around your third eye, and allow them to cleans and purify the area.  This can help to reduce or even eliminate stagnation or congested energy, making way for the fresh and vibrant stuff which is waiting to cross over.

You can also use what is called a "crystal grid" for a purifying ritual.  This is just a technical term for any type of arrangement of crystals.  If you place multiple stones on yourself, your meditation space, or another person for healing in any shape that you desire, it can be referred to as a crystal grid.

The best shapes to use are religious and spiritual shapes that are meaningful to you.  Try a cross, a star of David, a pentacle, crescent moon, or other mystical symbols that represent your higher power.  If you'd rather not use a religious symbol, try using other shapes that are positive and promote healing -- for example, hearts, stars, a peace sign, or even a smiley face.  Some crystal aficianados will say that there are specific rules and symbols that will be more powerful than others, but my personal feeling is that you will never be steered wrong by your own intuition.  Choose the shapes that are meaningful to you.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Quick Guide to Using Gems

Since the beginning of recorded civilizations, people have been using crystals to heal and destress.  We can still get the benefits of crystal therapy today -- this is, of course, best when done in conjunction with modern medicine.

Stones of specific colors are used to help specific ailments.  For example stones which are red, orange, and yellow, are thought to produce energy vibrations.  Crystals in cooler colors, such as blues and greens, are reputed to give the user a more relaxing and peaceful effect.  Clear stones and neutral colors are frequently used for healing as well.  You can combine your favorite crystals to make a customized healing regimen just for you!

Here are a few of the most common crystals, along with their reputed abilities.  Choose which ones are right for you and give yourself a tailor-made crystal therapy treatment.

Amethysts:  Good for enhancing patience and alleviating anger or stress.

Aquamarine:  Supposed to be good for the heart, helpful with communication and beneficial for the immune system as well.

Carnelian:  This lovely red stone is just right for cleansing your system of toxins; it works well on your kidneys and circulatory system.  Carnelian is also good for emotional and physical passions, great for enhancing confidence and determination.

Citrine:  Try this one for digestive issues like heartburn or allergies to something you ate.  It's another good detox stone as well, for the intestines or bladder, as well as the liver and kidneys.  This stone is also prized for clear thinking, enhancing one's positivity and willpower.

Coral:  Helps with bone disorders, particularly that of the spine.  It can also help speed up muscle and tissue repair.  Coral is also great for an enhancement of already positive emotions.

Diamond:  Long prized for its beauty and durability, diamonds are said to help reproductive issues.  A diamond can also make you seem more trustworthy to those who are suspicious of others.  They can enhance clarity of thought and also help you strengthen positivity (yours and others').

Emerald:  Wonderful for the lungs and other respiratory functions.  Also a good choice to help you relax and rest, as well as to lessen female complaints.

Jade:  For general longevity, as well as a spiritual and emotional stabilizer.  Jade can also help with the memory and knowledge retention.  It is also reputed to be an abundance stone.

Lapis:  Another great de-stressor that also promotes learning and creative tendencies while reducing fear and anxiety.  This is especially good for people with social anxiety, insomnia, or those who are seeking to expand their intuitive abilities.

Malachite:  This one tames a multitude of beasts; it's a wonderful choice to block or neutralize anger, negativity, or sadness.  It can also put out the fires of inflammatory pain.

Ruby:  Where there are blood disorders, seek a ruby to alleviate them -- enhances the circulatory system, helps blood clots or women's monthly cycles.

Sapphires:  Another great calming and "dreamy" stone to help you become more intuitive.  They can also help inflammation and fevers.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mystical Properties of Ruby

The ruby has a long and fascinating history. Nicknamed the "King of Gems," the ruby is the birthstone of July.  The word "ruby" iteself comes from the Latin word "ruber," which means "red."  Ruby is a 9 on the Mohs scale, making it very hard and strong.  Along with emeralds, diamonds, and sapphires, the ruby is considered one of the most precious stones on earth.

While a ruby can range in color from the deepest crimson all the way to lighter pink shades, the darker reds tend to be the rarest and most valuable.  In fact, the rarity of a quality ruby with that sought-after dark red color is so rare that it can often be worth more than a diamond of the same size.
Throughout history, rubies have been revered for their mystical properties.  Healing qualities include treatment for blood disorders, or heart problems.  It has also been thought to aid digestion and to provide extra energy to the wearer.  It is a wonderfully curative, protecting stone; warriors would wear ruby jewelry when going off to battle, and women would keep rubies nearby during childbirth.

If you're looking to buy ruby jewelry, the most important thing to keep in mind is the quality of the stone.  Remember that size isn't as important as the quality and color of the ruby.  Seek out deep, dark red shades.  Also, realize that most stones have inclusions, but in my opinion, this only makes your ruby more interesting and unique.  What is important, however, is the cut -- your crystal should be cut so that its brilliance and beauty are maximized.  Be sure to carefully inspect your ruby to make sure that there aren't any small scratches or chips.  Some people prefer synthetic lab-created gemstones for their beauty and affordability; if you're interested in something pretty to wear, feel free to go down this road.  However, a ruby that occurs in nature is going to be a better choice for its natural power and authenticity.

Rubies have amazing spiritual properties!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mystical Properties of Sunstone/Citrine

Not only are crystals and gems beautiful to look at as we adorn our homes and bodies with them, but they're also wonderful tools to help us focus positive energy, healing us from the inside.  Since the dawn of civilization, crystals and precious or semi-precious stones have been used for their healthful vibrations on our lives, relationships, and our living or workspaces.

Like the dynamic force of the sun, a sunstone crystal can help encourage strength in rising to meet challenges, to inspire leadership, and to strengthen the will of the bearer.  Even better, it is especially powerful when the intentions are meant to benefit a larger group of people rather than for individual fulfillment.  Sunstone can help to generate faith, hope, and positivity.  It is associated with love, prosperity, progress.  Sunstone is a crystal that can help strengthen you emotionally for tough times to come, but also to encapsulate the positivity of happy times and to repel negative energy.  Sunstone can also help you to keep goals and personal standards in mind, so that you're strong enough to reject temptation or to refuse requests which are unreasonable.    It can also help with anxieties and phobias, helping to center and ground you.

Sunstone is a wonderful all-purpose stone, and is an excellent tool to have in your crystal repertoire.  It has many wonderful and helpful properties for those whose lives need a little extra brightening.  It is a type of feldspae, with a Mohs hardness number of around 6; this makes it fairly sturdy, but not extremely hard.  It often occurs in yellows, oranges, and reddish-browns.  The crystal itself is obviously associated with the sun, bringing with it proactive and energetic forces which help to bring about change.  The Sun rules the heart and emotions according to astrological teachings, and sunstone can be utilized to help enhance these within us as well.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Beauty & Mystery of Agate

 Agate is a lovely type of crystal with a smooth sheen; it is part of the quartz family.  It occurs naturally in North America, as well as Australia, Morocco, and some South American countries.  Many different types of agate exist, and quite a few of them feature multiple layers of color.  Agate is often a bit opaque and can be found in a stunning array of shades -- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, pink, white, grey, and more.

As with many types of crystal, agate has its own special healing properties to improve the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of its users.  It is often used for relaxation and balance, to ground and provide tranquility to its owner.  Agate is also useful for improvement of logic skills, eyesight, to bring hidden abilities to the forefront, and promote agility.  It can also be used for pain relief, and can promote healing of the lymphatic, circulatory, and respiratory systems.  Agate can also promote good digestion and a healthy appetite.

Each color of agate has its own specific healing abilities as well:

Fire agate is a gorgeous multicolored stone that often features reds, yellows, and browns prominently.  It can enhance the user's natural sense of courage and alleviate fear and anxiety.  This type of agate is also helpful to enhance psychic abilities, blood circulation, and the nervous system.  It can also aid in digestive issues.

Rose agate is an excellent choice for soothing wounded emotions.  It can promote forgiveness and healing of a wounded soul.  It is said to enhance the owner's capacity for love and caring.

Botswana agate is an amazing type of agate streaked with white and many shades of grey, sometimes brown and pale blues as well.  It is said to promote physical virility as well as fertility and passion, inspiration to artists, emotional peace and protection.

Moss agate is named for its mossy green and white speckled appearance.  It evokes associations with nature and freedom.  Moss agate is thought to help with health issues such as skin problems, inflammation, and infections.  It can also help the owner feel less emotionally trapped and promote a sense of freedom.

Lace agate has a delicate blue color range.  We often associate it with positive thinking, happiness, and relaxation.  It can be used to help calm stressful situations where emotions run high, or to cleanse the user of negativity and promote optimistic feelings.  Physically, it is said to be good for joint health and flexibility, thyroid issues, fever, inflammation, and trouble with the neck and shoulders.

Violet agate is another excellent choice for fertility help.  It is thought to be especially useful to women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant; violet agate can also be used to lessen the pain and problems of childbirth.  Additionally, it can be good for helping promote feelings of empathy and understanding between people.  

Brown agate comes in all types of rusty red and brown shades; everything from coffee to caramel!  It's an excellent choice to promote digestive health.  It can also be used to enhance the workings of the liver and pancreas.  Brown agate can also work to help pets and other animals, as well as to ground and stabilize the user.

White agate is an excellent all-purpose type of stone,  but most specifically it can be helpful in assisting the body in expelling toxins and promote regenerative healing.  Spiritually it does much the same thing, helping to clear the mind and soul of negativity and to enhance one's ability to not only think with clarity, but also to learn and develop further abilities faster and with greater ease.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Choosing Your Personal Power Gemstone

Since time immemorial, humankind has enjoyed the power of gemstones.  They have been used as amulets, talismans, and magical objects to enrich their lives in all manner of ways: for love, health, luck, and power of all types.  The modern person can still believe and benefit from the power of gems.  They can be worn to compliment your wardrobe or to enhance your personal style, but they can also be enjoyed for the same spiritual reasons that our ancestors once utilized them.

Every gemstone, like every person, is special and unique.  There may be two stones which are cut exactly the same way, and even from the same location, but nevertheless there will be subtle differences between each and every piece.  You don't need to choose the same stone as the one that your best friend or lover's stone; however, if you do, just know that even though they may be similar-looking, the energy of each is different.  If you have specific issues and problems that you wish to counteract, try seeking a stone that will help to filter out negative energies or direct them to another source.  Doing a bit of research is easy and will help you to choose just what you need.

Some people use birthstones as their lucky stone, which can be a wonderful idea!

JANUARY:   Garnet, pink (rose) quartz
FEBRUARY:  Onyx, amethyst
MARCH:  Aquamarine, bloodstone
APRIL:  Diamond
MAY:  Emerald
JUNE:  Alexandrite, pearl
JULY:  Ruby
AUGUST:  Peridot
SEPTEMBER:  Sapphire, lapis lazuli
OCTOBER:  Opal, tourmaline
DECEMBER:  Turquoise

Finding ways to carry gemstones on your person can be challenging, but so worthwhile!  Try incorporating them into jewelry, such as earrings or pendants.  These are great for women, but not always so easy for men to "carry" off.  Rings work well for people who don't like fussy jewelry, even a simple one will work well.

You can also decorate your home, workspace, or even your car with crystal -- A friend of mine used to have a tiny corked glass bottle hanging from her car mirror.  In the bottle was a bunch of different gemstone chips.  It was a pretty conversation piece, but it also made her feel inspired and able to harness the vibrations of her favorite gems.

Another quick word of advice: While using gem stones can't hurt you, and could possibly help, do remember that the real power is inside YOU!  Having faith and working toward your goals, while using whatever methods you prefer to enhance your positivity, will help to result in a wonderful new you. :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Blue Benefits of Sapphire Therapy

Crystal therapy is great to use in conjunction with scientifically-approved medical treatments. This New Age practice can make you feel wonderful; when the mind is relaxed and happy, it can enhance well-being and promote physical healing. Try it! 

One fabulous gemstone to add to your crystal therapy repertoire is the sapphire. The word itself comes from the Greek word "sapphieros" which means "blue stone," although at the time, this moniker probably referred to what we know today as lapis lazuli. While sapphires are often all shades of blue from the palest sky-blue to the deepest navy, they do come in other colors as well -- such as pink, yellow, green, purple, even black and white.

The magickal properties of sapphire make it a very versatile stone. They are excellent for promoting happiness and love, including faithfulness to a lover, as well as clarity of thought. They also are reputed to have specific healing powers. For example, the standard blue sapphire is associated with the throat chakra which is represented by the color blue, and therefore many choose to use it for helping this area of the body. It can be of particular benefit to people who use the voice for a living: singers, public speakers, or voice actors.

Other sapphire colors can have specific applications as well. Many colors of sapphires are said to be beneficial to the heart chakra, especially green sapphires, which also aid the immunities to help keep your body healthy and strong, and pink or purple sapphires which are often instrumental in filling the seeker with love and spiritual enlightenment. Black stones are often used for protection and to keep one's outlook balanced, and the black sapphire is no exception to this rule.

A sapphire which is used for therapeutic crystal ritual reasons can come from any source you like. Just make sure that it is a natural stone (not a "lab" sapphire or "created" stone). It is not hard to find sapphires in their natural, unpolished state, but if you prefer to try jewelry-quality stones which is already be set into a wearable piece, then you have the convenience of slipping the sapphire on and off your body as you need it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Fertility Treatment & Crystal Therapy

I've heard that some people who have trouble conceiving have given "crystal therapy" a shot to help. One of the most common complaints that a new age healer will address is fertility issues. Couples who are trying to conceive have often tried anything that they think may help. Since many problems with the human reproductive system revolve around stress-based ailments, I see no harm in giving crystal-based rituals a try for relaxation and for paving the way so that conventional medicine practices can do their jobs even better!

The first step in crystal therapy to aid fertility is to select the stone that is right for the job. Some stones are said to be especially powerful for women and female complaints, such as Jade, moonstones of all colors (but especially white and raibow hues), quartz in pinks and purples such as rose quartz. Many people choose shapes that are evocative of reproductive symbols, such as an egg or perhaps carvings of Venus of Willendorf or other feminine symbols. However, this is up to you -- use what makes you feel comfortable. Stones for male fertility should be selected from gemstones which have a reputation for masculine energy enhancement: pyrite stones, gold, and tiger's eye are all great choices. Again, shape is a nice touch; if you come across "lingam" type stones, or anything vaguely phallic, go ahead and give it a try. I feel that the composition of the stone is a lot more important than a pretty shape. But again, you may be the type who gets really into the esthetics. If so, do what you like!

Once you have your stones, select a nice resting place for them somewhere in your home. If you have an altar for meditation or some place where you place important things, add the stones. I've heard that some people create "nests" for their implements in fertility rituals, which I think sounds like a lovely idea. Customize and personalize your stone with your own specific energy signature, as I've described in a previous article.

Then, consecrate your fertility nest as well, dedicating the area to love, healing, and fertile energies. Then place the stones inside, and visit each day to meditate -- you and your partner should both choose times, seperately or together, to visit and contemplate, to direct abundant and fertile energy toward the subject at hand. Remember that the space you choose to place your nest should be peaceful and calm; it should make you feel safe and reaffirm your dedication to the act of conception.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Magickal Properties of Amethyst

Each crystal of every type has a particular sort of energy.  The vibration has an effect on the mind and body, resulting in transformation of spiritual and physical health.  Crystals can be used in a number of different ways, but the underlying premise of each of these philosophies is that if you come into contact with your crystal on a regular basis, it will benefit you.

It is important to find the right crystal for the condition that you're trying to change.  Amethyst may be the right type of gemstone for your purposes, depending on the type of help that you seek.

Amethyst is a type of quartz crystal, and most amethysts come from Brazil, Sri Lanka, Canada, and eastern parts of Africa.  Amethysts are often purple in hue, but shades can differ from extremely pale lilac or translucent purple, to deep rich violets and plums.  Amethyst is one of the most famous purple gemstones, and has been used to make jewelry since ancient times.  England's monarchy possesses some fabulous Crown Jewels which prominently feature royal purple amethysts of astounding size and beauty.   Additionally, the Roman Catholic church favors it as a popular choice for clergy; every pope since the sixteenth century has worn amethyst jewelry of some type.

Amethyst has been long reputed to have healing properties.  Many myths and legends describe it as being a powerful stone for spiritual as well as physical strength.

Spiritual uses of amethyst have long been celebrated.  It is said to be a wonderful stone to enhance meditation, to strengthen trust, common sense, and mental flexibility as well.  Amethyst is also useful to keep a person grounded and provide the ability to flow well with life changes that may be experienced.  Amethyst is also instrumental for recalling dreams, as well as a mineral of humility and can be used for us to help see the bigger picture, as well as our place in that picture, instead of focusing on trivial or unimportant matters that do not help us in the long run.  Because of its association with helping mental energies, it can also aid those who are suffering from worry and anxiety.

Common folklore also suggests than amethyst has many healing properties as well.  It is said to make one's immune system stronger, as well as to aid the metabolism, circulation of the blood, and hormone production.   Amethyst is also beneficial for headaches and to control the body's blood sugar.  Amethyst's healing properties are also legendary as a stone of help and solace for those seeking aid with addictions -- whether it is food, alcohol, drugs, or other issues, amethyst is said to help one control their addictions.  Amethyst can motivate and inspire, helping people to gain focus in order to achieve their goals.  It is also useful in treating unrest and nervousness, helping insomniacs relax and sleep, and assisting those with emotional troubles to let go of anger and fear.

Feng Shui teachings laud amethyst's abilities to affect change, and it can be used in almost any context where a need for change is concerned.  Placing an amethyst in the very center of a room, or even of the entire home, can help balance the living space and improve the spiritual quality of the residence.  Amethyst can also assist the gaining of knowledge and intelligence when place in the northeastern corners of a home or a room.

Amethyst is a lovely and powerful stone which may just be the right cure for what ails you.  Try harnessing the power of this beautiful and amazing gemstone whenever you need it!

Thanks Katherine_Davis from Flickr for the awesome picture! :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Care and Feeding of Your New Crystals

So you've decided to acquire some crystals of your own, but you're not quite sure how to go about buying one.  What should you look for?  Where should you go?  How do you know which crystal is the right one for you?

The first step is to provide yourself plenty of access to a good crystal piece.  I would recommend buying from someplace where you can actually be present, rather than ordering something online or through a catalog.  This way, you are free to pick and choose from a selection, rather than have an employee of the shop choose one for you.  New Age shops, fairs, flea markets, and bookstores are all good choices of places to begin seeking your crystal collection.

Once there, give yourself some time.  Pick up crystals, touch and feel them until you can sense which crystal seems to "feel" right to you.  Remember to think about why you're selecting a crystal, consider the purpose for this acquisition.  When you feel the right one, that's the one you want!  Remember, just as you're choosing the crystal, the crystal is also choosing you based on your vibrations.

Some people who are fatalists also believe that when a crystal is offered to you by someone else, take it -- it will be more powerful as it has been chosen by someone else.  Both schools of thought are fine; do whatever you feel most comfortable with.  I would prefer to choose my own, but if someone gives me a crystal, I would be happy to accept it as well -- both methods can have their uses.  If you're not able to go somewhere to choose your crystal personally, you can still enjoy one which has been purchased online or given to you by someone else.

After aquiring your crystal, the first thing you need to do is to clear any vibrations or energies that it may have absorbed before it has come to you.  My family's traditional practices for this was to soak our crystals in a glass of salt water for a few days, which can cleanse and purify any unwanted energy.  However, in recent times I've also heard that crystals can be purified by simply running it under some flowing water for a minute or two.   Use a swimming pool, a stream, or even your faucet -- visualize the water flowing through the crystal, pushing all of the old energy out.  Your crystal will become purified in this manner; you will intuitively feel when the crystal has been cleansed adequately.

Once it has been cleansed, it is time to "program" your crystal with your own specific energy signature.  The easiest method of doing this is like so:  Put the crystal in your "sending hand" -- usually, this is your right hand, though it can also be your left hand if you're a lefty -- and imagine a white light shining above your body (on your crown chakra), then travelling downward, entering your body and shining all around you.  Visualize the light moving down your arms, to your hand, and then filling the crystal with your spiritual energy.  Once you are satisfied that the energy has filled your crystal, it is ready.

Strengthening the power of your crystal is optional, but can help if you feel that it needs a little extra boost from time to time.  There are a number of ways to do this... You can try burying it in the ground for a day or two, allowing it to absorb the energy of the Earth and strengthen its power.  Or, leave it outside in the sunlight for a few hours to aborb solar energy.  Some people leave it out only at night to absorb lunar and starlight power as well -- this is the tradition in my own family.  Any of these will provide varying levels of efficacy, just do what feels right for yourself, the crystal you're working with, and the situation at hand.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quartz for Spiritual Clarity

You can find quartz crystals almost anywhere. Whether in the stone's natural form, a beautifully faceted crystal formed by nature, or even as the smooth tumbled and polished version, these stones are extremely potent as a tool for meditation, providing spiritual or physical healing, cleansing, and balance for the entire biomagnetic area of the body.

Quartz crystals are stabilizers and storer of electromagnetic forces naturally. In fact, it does this job so well, quartz crystal is an important component in various electronic mechanisms -- computers, TVs, radios, and even cell phones, all have parts made of quartz crystal. Without quartz, these tools would not be able to function.

The process by which crystals form is a slow and arduous one -- it began hundreds of millions of years ago, when water and quartz combined with the perfect blend of heat and pressure. Deep within the earth they grew in locations which had these very specfic balances. The locations of these deposits were actually vital in regulating the earth's electromagnetic polar energy. It has been argued by some that without these quartz crystal deposits, Earth -- and indeed, life as we know it -- may not have existed.

Quartz vibrates at a very specific rate, and although many don't realize this, the vibrations can be harnessed and transferred by the human brain. Many new-age schools of thought believe that by focusing our energies, we can transmit the force of these crystals to elicit healing powers to ourselves, as well as toward those around us.

While I always recommend that you receive advice from a licensed physician about any and all health issues that you may have, I also have to add -- adding crystals to a sensible health program, in addition to following your doctor's orders, certainly can't hurt, and might even boost your natural healing powers in conjunction with your doctor's medical treatment.

Under most normal conditions, our bodies have been created to heal themselves. All curative processes, whether traditional medical practices or alternative ideas, often include focus on relaxation and de-stressing so that it can do its job more readily. Crystals may help to provide a balance of energy to your body, in order to ease stress and unease while your more scientific health treatments are underway.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Calcite Crystals & Magickal Properties for Healing

Gemstone therapy is the use of crystals and gems for the betterment of one's life.  Throughout the ages, civilizations across the world have utilized precious stones to enhance their physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being.  The energy of each stone is different, and each energy can have an effect on the mind, spirit, or body.  Methods can vary between cultures, but the basic premise is that when one comes into contact with a crystal, these transformations can happen subtly over time.  Therefore, in order to gain the benefits from these crystals, it is vital to choose your gemstones carefully.

Calcite's physical properties make it a very interesting choice as a therapeutic crystal.  Calcite crystals are of a softer variety which are found in all types of colors -- red, yellow, green, blue, brown, black, grey, or white -- and many variations on these shades as well!  Calcium carbonate, also known as calcite, is a major component in limestone and chalk, as well as marble, which is just calcite which has been re-crystallized.  Under pressure, calcite stones release electrical energy.

The magickal properties of calcite crystals are varied and can be used for many purposes.  Calcite's reputation is that of a very spiritual type of stone, and is associated with the higher form of consciousness; thus, it is also reputed to aid in astral projection and out-of-body experiences. 

Each form of calcite has its own specific magickal properties.  Because calcium is a primary component, this stone is often felt to be of therapeutic use for joints and bones, and is therefore used by athletes and people who have physically demanding jobs.  Calcite can also contribute to the development and growth of the physical body, especially the bones and joints.  There is also an old belief that calcite, when ground and combined with creams, oils, or petroleum jelly, it can be used as a balm to treat inflammation or infections.

Calcite can also have varying attributes based on its color.  For example...

Red and pink calcites can be of great benefit in bringing love, understanding, compassion, and patience into one's being.  Associated with the heart chakra, stones in pinks and reds can also ease mental unrest or anxiety, or people who are experiencing spiritual crises.

Orange calcite is associated with the sacral chakra (i.e. the spleen) and can help uplift one's general mood.  Orange promotes happiness, joy, and good humor.  It is an uplifting stone which is good for grieving, depression, or stress.

Calcites in yellows and golds are good for help in meditation, being that these colors are often associatd with the sun.  These hues can also help to aid the bones and the skin, and also in detoxification of the spleen, pancreas, and the kidneys.

Green calcite crystals of all shades are wonderful for affecting change in one's life.  Not only are green calcites allgedly helpful in removing impurities from the body, they can also help someone transform a negative situation into a more positive one.  It can also alleviate anxiety or fear.  This is a wonderful crystal for helping to really change bad situations into your life, and to "make lemonade" from all of those negative things that life throws at you! :)

Calcites in blues are associated with the throat chakra.  It can protect you and help tough situations from getting worse.  Physically it can be used to treat conditions which are degenerative, such as degenerative disc disease, arthritis, and other degenerative illnesses.

White and clear calcite crystals can help someone improve communication and envisioning new aspects of their lives.  It can be instrumental in cleansing the body and removing toxins from the outer parts of the body.  It can also assist in providing mental clarity, particularly when the stone is implemented during meditation.  When a predicament is especially difficult, white and clear crystals of all types can help to open you to new possibilities and clarity.

Friday, September 23, 2011

More Ways to Use Crystals

Crystals can be wonderful tools to promote healing, cleansing, and tranquility.  But there are new ways to try them too -- like these below.

Aid your meditation or relaxation by placing your favorite tranquility crystal on your brow chakra (the "third eye" in the middle of your forehead).  This energizes your mental and intuitive energies while relaxing your physical body.  Try a green crystal to help relax you.

Protect yourself from danger, negativity, or other undesirable situations.  Visualize your crystal filling with a spiritual white light and surrounding you with a protective force.  Fill the entire room with this light.  Imagine it "locking out" things which are harmful or bad, protecting you and sealing in your positivity.  Visualize the walls, windows, and doors locking out any potential threats to your well-being.  Blue gemstones are best for this.  You can also couple this with a mantra or even a simple declaration that you are protecting yourself, in the name of your chosen deity -- God, Jesus, Goddess, Buddha, anyone you worship -- or no deity at all, if you so choose.

 One's ability to visualize such things can be an invaluable technique.  The crystals can help you center that visualization and focus it so that your intentions can go in the right direction.

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