Showing posts with label personal power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal power. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2013

The "X" Crystal Grid Layout for Arthritis & Fibromyalgia Pain

Pain can be such a debilitating thing.  I know I have days where I can only dream of getting out of bed!  But that's why crystal therapy can be so great.  It can never hurt you, only help.  Even if you're not quite convinced, think of it as mind over matter.  Or imagine it to be a way to meditate on your issues in order to gain some perspective.  Either way, it is non-invasive and worth a shot!

I have devised a crystal grid layout to free you of those aches and pains which are brought on by stiff creaky joints, arthritis, neurological disturbances such as neuropathy and fibromyalgia.  This one is great for the knees!  You will need to be seated or laying down for this position.

For help with pain, I tend to use items from the orange or brown color families, as the Root Chakra is the place in the body where pain management energy tends to be stored.  (When people "brace themselves" for something that's gonna hurt, it's usually those muscles which tense and brace!)  However, for this grid layout I have come up with something a little different.

You will need two blue stones, such as lapis, sapphire, or blue agate, in order to absorb the healing and soothing energies around you.  If you can get crystals which are pointed, all the better.  The other gemstones you can use are turquoise (and do try to get points, arrowheads, or something elogated if possible) or even clear quartz points will work.

In the middle of the X, you should place a green calcite gemstone in the middle of affected area in order to have a "pain conductor."  Direct the discomfort into the calcite, and allow it to then disperse through the blue and aqua crystals around it.  Calcite stones are best for this purpose, but amethyst can also work well, as can jasper or any color of agate (though I do recommend moss agate or another green crystal shade as it promotes healing from the Heart Chakra).

Happy healing!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life: Lesson #4, Hilarity Ensues

Today is April Fool's Day, which perfectly coincides with my newest Awesome Life Lesson.  And that, in a nutshell is:  Laugh your ass off.

Have you ever seen the way that kids can giggle and practically make themselves ill with laughter?  Could you do that as a child?  I can remember some vivid incidents where I laughed so hard that I peed my pants.  And I'm not embarrassed to admit it, either.  (Well, maybe a little.) 

As adults, we need to get those pants-peeing laughter moments back into our lives.  This time around, though, most of us are old enough to control our bodily functions.  It's not always an easy thing to do... the laughing part, I mean.  Hopefully the peeing part is much more simple nowadays.

If you have family and friends, you probably share certain facets of your humor with them.  Why not explore that funny, silly side of yourself?  Read and tell jokes.  Even if they're stupid, I bet you'll get a few smiles and giggles -- if only for how silly you are while telling them.  Laugh at yourself, and laugh at one another.  Good-naturedly, though, of course.  Get silly.  Stop worrying so much about looking cool to other people, and start enjoying yourself.  (And anyway, isn't it soooooo much cooler to not give a crap what people think?)

Watch a movie that looks hilarious to you.  Read funny books.  Go back and remember the funniest moments of your entire life -- or some of the things you used to take seriously, which you can now laugh as they come into better perspective.  Check the internet for things that give you a chuckle.  I won't judge you if your idea of humor is Scumbag Steve or those insufferable Lolcats, though I'm partial to Success Kid memes and The Daily Bunny, which tend to be a cute-funny hybrid.  If you aren't sure where to start, type "funny" into your favorite search engine, and see what pops up.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Jesus and the Storm

22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. 
23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.
24 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”  He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. 
25 “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples.  In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.”

This story in the bible (Like 8:22-25) shows that Jesus was so powerful, he was even able to tell a wicked sea storm to shut up and quit bothering his boat. Jesus had been out teaching that day, so he was likely very tired during the trip. When he woke up, everyone around him was going crazy with the chaos of the storm, but he simply told the storm to quit being a jerk, and the storm obeyed. Then it was smooth sailing all the way back home.

Even if people aren't Christian, there are things that anyone can learn from this story. Being calm and collected in any stressful situation, even when you think it's a hopeless one, is infinitely more useful than fluttering around crying. Also, when you need something to be done: firmly state what it is that you want, and go about doing it. Be driven. Take control of your fate. Granted, we don't all have control over a stormy sea in the literal sense -- but if you can show a sense of command in those small storms raging around you on a daily basis, you can succeed in conquering them!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Is a Spiritual Awakening?

A spiritual awakening is also known as a mystical experience, spiritual emergency or crisis, religious experience, or sacred transformation.  It can be known by many other names as well, and is prevalent throughout various cultures throughout the word.  It is a transformative experience that occurs when someone makes contact with the divine, also known as a transcendent reality, higher power, or even with God.  This experience can usually involve coming to a spiritual or mystical epiphany, gaining insight that the person did not possess before the experience.  It may arrive with such speed and clarity that everything seems more clear, but can also be a frightening experience as this knowledge may contradict previously held beliefs or understanding.  It may also involve conversion or the adaptation of a new spiritual framework, a spiritual healing, or some other type of religious or spiritual enlightenment.  The spiritual awakening is brought forth usually by joining forces with the divine, as opposed to the person experiencing it simply coming upon it as a natural part of their thought process.  Sometimes, the higher power reaches out to the querent without any effort on the querent's part, perhaps sensing the person to be in some form of crisis (as in a spiritual emergency), but this is a more rare form of awakening.

In his book, "The Varieties of Religious Experience," American philosopher and psychologist William James attempted to describe this type of religious experience by certain variables which have been shared by most of the people who have had them.  His criteria for the classic spiritual awakening are that the experience must be transient (meaning that it is a temporary state in which the person experiences the awakening, then returns to a regular state of mind); it must be ineffable (which means that it cannot adequately be described by mere words, it is instead something which can only be understood through personal experience); it must be noetic (meaning that the individual should feel as though he or she has gained some type of insight or knowledge from the experience); and it must be passive (which means that it cannot be actively forced, it must simply occur -- though prayer, meditation, and other actions may put the querent in a more prepared mindset for the spiritual awakening).

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sex Goddess Lesson #3: Glamour Basics

Feeling happy and free can help you to feel beautiful, too!
Once you've learned to focus on what makes you sexy, dress to play up those physical or mental qualities.  Now, this doesn't mean that you should be glopping on the makeup, squeezing into push-up bras, pinchy shoes, and miles-too-tight clothing and then parading around in public like a piece of meat on display. If these are things that make you feel like a sex goddess, then knock yourself out.

But this really should be just about what you feel is sexy, not what other people do. Do certain fabrics just make you feel lovely and special -- silk, satin, velvet, lace?  Even a conservative clothing item that features sensual fabrics can make you feel different.  Perhaps you feel best in something that's comfy and cozy, or something chic and slinky and fabulous.

Maybe the clothes don't matter as much as the attitude -- try some deep red lipstick or sassy shoes to channel your inner vamp.  Even a spirtz of your favorite scent can make you feel especially alluring and intriguing.  It doesn't really matter what you choose, as long as it evokes that wonderful Goddess-like feeling.

Envision yourself as a Goddess in your private chambers, pampering yourself with your own special beauty rituals.  Whenever you're having an especially sad day, or you're just not feeling awesome, do this beauty ritual to cheer yourself up and get in touch with your inner sensuality.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Difference Between a Boss and a Leader

A BOSS drives his or her employees...
    A LEADER coaches them.

A BOSS depends on their authority for respect...
    A LEADER depends on goodwill.

A BOSS inspires fear...
    A LEADER generates enthusiasm.

A BOSS says "I..."
    A LEADER says "We..."

A BOSS places blame for any breakdowns that occur...
    A LEADER fixes those breakdowns.

A BOSS may know how it's done...
    A LEADER shows people how it's done.

A BOSS uses people.
    A LEADER develops people.

A BOSS takes credit for others' work.
    A LEADER gives credit where it is due.

A BOSS commands.
    A LEADER asks.

A BOSS says "Go!"
    A LEADER says "Let's go!"

Friday, March 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life: Lesson #3, Passion for Compassion

One of the best things that you can do in life is to focus on other people from time to time.  This has a multitude of benefits, including three important ones which are immediately apparent.

1.  It takes your mind off of whatever is wrong with your life. When you think of people who are less fortunate than you, what comes to mind?  People without food or clothes?  Folks who have no internet?  People whose problems are so overwhelming to them that they can't get out of bed in the morning?  Sick kids and adults?  Try zooming out and putting your own problems into a new perspective.

2.  It makes you appreciate what you do have.  Sure, there are people who have it better than you.  But plenty of folks have it worse, too.  Try not to be too envious of "luckier" people; you never know what lurks beneath their smiles.  There are plenty of people who'd trade lives with you in a second.

3.  By practicing compassion, you may feel compelled to help make a difference.  And the difference benefits multiple parties.  You feel great for helping someone else, but even more importantly, even a small gesture of compassion can make a major difference to someone else.

I'd also like to add that realizing not everything is about you all the time is also just the plain-old right thing to do.   There are billions of people in the world, and we all have a back story which includes good stuff and bad.  It takes courage to zoom out and look at the big picture, so try to be brave and do it every now and again.

Get busy!  Run through your house and donate your old clothes, that chair you like but never use, the spare "doubles" of things you don't need anymore.  You'll be de-cluttering your living space, and helping someone else at the same time:  Win-win!  Volunteer to cook a meal and bring it to a local shelter -- invite your friends and make it a party!  Karma points for all, a great time that people will be talking about for months to come, and full bellies for those in need.  Another win-win!  Visit your favorite old person; be their hero for the day and give them lots of much-needed hugs.  Raise awareness for a cause that you care about.  Write a letter to your representatives about something that you'd love to improve.  Go click on The Hunger Site and allow a corporation to match your click with food for someone in need.  Adopt a pet, a highway, or a child.  Even with limited time and money, you always find ways to make the world -- and your corner of it -- a better place. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Command Respect & Jump-Start Your Self-Esteem!

Here are a few more ways to feel successful and great with people, while making a good impression.  Take these pieces of advice, and watch others' behavior toward you change for the better. :)

The first thing to remember is that no situation is going to be all about you.  There are always other people that are feeling the impact of just about everything.  Choose your battles wisely.  Sometimes, it's perfectly fine to put on your diva shoes and demand some extra attention.  Other times, you'll need to remember to hang back and let others have their own moments.  Pay attention, and try to show empathy toward others.  Let people know that you do care about them, their feelings, and their experiences.  People will appreciate it and remember your kindness.

As tough as it can be, actively seek out the good in others.  This can be especially effective when dealing with people you dislike -- when you have to put up with someone who annoys you, try to think of the qualities that they have which you can appreciate.  You don't have to be best friends with them, but giving them a chance, or at least acknowledging that they aren't 100% awful can go a long way toward a better relationship.

Listen to people when they speak -- really listen!  Ask them questions about what they say.  Say their names, but not too often; people like it when other people call them by name.  Use open body language; much of what we're saying is conveyed nonverbally, so remember that your physical cues are being read, whether consciously or not, by anyone with whom you are interacting.  And don't forget to give people your attention; interrupting verbally is rude, but interrupting them mentally is just as bad.  (And yes, people know when you're not mentally present.)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life: Lesson #2, Courage and the Power of Change

Courage comes in  many forms.  You don't need to be a police officer, firefighter, or a life-saving superhero to be brave.  I'm sure you've already heard the saying about how "courage is not the absence of fear, but bravery in the face of fear," so I won't bother repeating that to you now. ;)

Another thing that takes courage is changing your life.  You're reading this article, so clearly you must be interested in amping up the awesomeness of your existence.  I think this is easier said than done.  Our last lesson (#1, Positivity), helps us acknowledge what is right with our lives, instead of what is wrong with it.  But it often takes real courage to admit the truth.  There are things about everyone's lives that just plain suck.  For a few minutes, I want you to get real about those areas.  We're not going to gloss them over with phrases like "needs improvement" or "not my best quality," it is OK to say "Hey, this sucks!"  Do it right now: take some time, think of maybe four or five things in your life that really just suck.  Make a brief list and come back when you're ready.

Many people's lists revolve around things like money, relationships with other people, health, or their jobs.  Some people spend their entire lives complaining about these four things.  There's always going to be something you can't fix or change, such as a debilitating illness, or the need to pay your bills.  But there are things you can do to change your life.

I don't often talk about myself in my blog articles, but this series is different than anything I've written to date, so here's a bit of background for you:  I have a rare genetic disorder (you could call it a disease, but I hate that word) which actually does make life much tougher for me than other people. It is called X-linked Dominant Erythropoietic Protoporphyria, and I'm the genetic lottery winner; only a handful of people alive today have XDEPP.  I'm sensitive to light, which means I need to bundle up whenever I go outside.  On certain days, I get get by with pretty scarves or hats and sunglasses, and I try to glamorize it all by imagining I'm the reincarnation of Jackie O.  Nevertheless, it does suck.  I can't change it, but I can make my life a bit more comfortable by dressing it up the way I like.

This also makes me much more flexible about other things.  I have to spend a lot of time indoors because sunlight is not my friend.  And yes -- it sucks not being able to go to the beach and swim around, it sucks not to be able to just go shopping or out for coffee with my friends anytime I want.  Lengthy road trips also suck, because I'm basically held hostage by the sun.  There's no use complaining about it; I just deal with it.

But as I deal with it, I also make changes to my life so that I can enjoy what is available to me.  Since I spend lots of time indoors, I make the most of my time.  I throw parties for my friends, read avidly, play video games, cook unusual things, exercise in the house (thanks to my recumbent bike & a series of great yoga & pilates DVDs); I work hard out of my home, providing readings for many of you, tweeting, blogging, and applying my skills to various business tasks.  I enjoy time inside my "bubble."  This is the environment I create for myself.  On good days, I get to go visit other people, have coffee, see live music, go on the occasional vacation, and of course, go see my healthcare providers.  I am always changing and evolving inside my bubble.  And, in recent years, as I've begun to manage my health issues better -- to my delight, the bubble is expanding, too.  Anyone can expand their bubble.  Try to seek areas that are just out of your comfort zone, and soon they will be a part of the bubble too.

Change.  Grow.  Find exciting and pleasurable things to fill the holes.  It's fine to look through the positive lens, but sometimes you also need to actively seek more for yourself.  You deserve it!

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Meaning of a Pink Aura

Pink is a pale, yet warm color within the aura spectrum. It reflects the passion of red, yet with a light and positive spin all its own. Corresponding to the element of fire and to the Root chakra, pink is a shade positivity, harmony, and love.

People with pink auras tend to be generally happy with their lives, or they strive to maintain positivity even in more negative and difficult circumstances.  Pink aura bearers can also thrive when being allowed to share their happiness with others.  As it does have an echo of a red auric energy, there is also a creative and determined vibration to this shade as well. 

Pale pink is a light and bright pink shade.  When present in an aura, pale pink can indicate a loving and caring presence.  This person may be a natural healer and nurturer, striving to make the world a better place.  However, this person may also be unrealistic, with a tendency to over- or underestimate the reality of a situation.

Rose pink is a deeper, red-hued shade of pink.  A bearer of this aura often has a high level of trust and faith in other people, and may work very hard to help inspire or cultivate greatness in others.  Such selflessness may come with a price, however; a rose pink aura bearer may find that at the end of the day, there is nothing left for him or her!  This can create resentment or passive-aggressive methods of acting out.  You can do these aura polishing techniques if you are in need of extra help.

Salmon pink takes the positive and uplifting qualities of pink, and combines them with the energetic powerhouse of orange (red's passion and yellow's natural people skills).  Such a person may be useful in bringing out the very best in others and would do well in an altruistic line of work.

Lavender pink auras are not often seen as a permanent fixture, but this unusual color tends to be present in those with very sensual interests.  These folks may have a tendency to overindulge in sensual activities -- be it sex, good food, or overspending -- they love pleasure and work avidly to seek it.  While this joy and conviviality is often contagious, it can be self-detrimental as well.  Moderation is the key.

Mauve is a dusty shade of pink which can often indicate innocence, trustfulness and faith in others, as well as an interest in being viewed as a trustworthy and moral person.  However, on the negative side of this aura, is the tendency to be taken advantage of without learning many lessons from it.  This aura has the potential to grow into a stronger and clearer pink shade with age and education about the ways of the world.   aura is seen as one of the more quintessential orange aura shades. There is a clarity of vision and understanding associated with it, as well as bravery and inner strength.

The next time that you wonder what a pink aura means, you only have to look inward.  Each aura is unique, and aura patterns can contain many different shades of all colors.  Do what feels right for you!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fashionfab Seeks Advice

Today, I saw that my Keen blog had received a question asking for my input.  So, here's my take on the situation...

"Fashionfab" wrote:
I need some major advice please!!!!!
Okay long story somewhat short lol. I was with a guy for 2 years I loved him, and I thought he loved me… we spoke about marriage but after a year he back away and said he has a strict family and they will pick his wife and he can’t do anything about it (this is actually true it a culture thing from where he is from) BUT he broke up with me via text out of the blue… we met one day and 2 days later he sent a message… of course I was crushed this was my first relationship. Okay so throughout the breakup I made mistakes and texted him, told him why blah blah… but I stopped later.
After about 2 years later he messaged me on e-mail saying the major reason why he broke if off was he knew it wasn’t going anywhere but refuse to tell me.. and two he wanted a girl to have sex with and I wasn’t giving it to him because I am a virgin (oh I am now 23) and he said I was a girl for a man to marry not to mess with. So he found a new girl and brags that she and him ONLY hang in a parked car and why couldn’t I do that. I just LOL at it. So the past 2 months him and I have been talking just as friends. He would always repond to my texts (which before he would ignore or cuss me out etc, and this is 3 year after the break up). I told him it great hearing from you and I hope our path cross… he replied saying God willing our paths do cross I really hope that. So I just replied saying yeah. we would text throughtout the day mostly the morning, talking about all sort of stuff, TV, our lives, just friends talking. So he keep complimenting me and I just say thanns nothing more to make him feel like I want him back (BUT I DO STILL CARE A LOT FOR HIM). He than proceeds to say he is loving the way I live my life and he is envious and jealous. I moved away from the state I used to live in that he is still in and now in law school… and he always says he is jealous of me, which I don’t like.. always saying I am beautiful, that he misses me, wants to see me, calls me a “G” but I just say don’t be your got it good too… anyways he asked to see me, I said may be when I am back. So I later told him may be if we meet in public NOT A CAR, and just get coffee. He agreed and said he would find time. I said sure. He told me last week that may be this week we would me, well, I text him saying hey did you find a day so I knew bc i would be leaving back soon, he didn’t reply.. so I left it. Hours went by nothing. I told my friend, she took his number and called private without me knowing :/ he picked up!! So I later text saying I don’t know what’s going on, but I will respect that bye friend. The next morning he text saying hey, I replied with hi 2 hours later. He wrote how are you feeling, 2o min later I said pretty good. THAN he proceeded to ignore me again so I wrote if you don;t want to talk to me than don’t text or play games. I don’t want to waste time. I am really sad because I care so much for him, and am his friend and had faith he would be a MAN and just not play this game of hot and cold anymore… we are just friends. I am away and busy so I don’t expect much from him but a polite I can’t meet up but have a safe trip back maybe next time or just if he doesnt want to talk to ne stop talking don’t talk to me than, ignore. The week is over and I am going back to my University I didn’t hear from him….

OH, and he kept saying he would come visit me in the state I am in now bc it is a tourist state, and said we would have fun and just hang… he was saying/asking would it be awkward, i said no but if we meet it would take the awkwardness away….

So will he ever text me? Because I secretly do want to hear from him again??? Why does he do this? is he fooling me? Please help, my heart is broken again. I been hurting for almost 4 year becouse of this guy… this is a long long long story that is very condense. He is kind of a jerk, obivosly a player since he left to find a sex buddy. I feel like he doesn’t care, yet I still do. He says I am a great friend and that he has love for me, but why alway do this?

Do you think he will ever call me or text me? I need you help!!!!! please 

My response was:
Fashionfab, I definitely feel that you'll be hearing from him again.  However -- right now, he is just way too immature to give you the kind of treatment that you want.  I know that you care about him, but his games & rejection are intended to make YOU always feel like you have something to prove to him -- yet he's the one who needs to grow up and STEP up!  He has control of this situation & he knows it.  In order to get it back, stop being the one to initiate texts.  If he wants you, make him work for it. :)  And if he wants friendship, that's fine too, but same rules apply because he needs to learn to treat you with respect. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Characteristics of a Soul

This beautiful passage was forwarded to me by a friend.  If anyone knows where this is from, please let me know so that I can credit the original author.  Enjoy it! :)

At the dawn of spring, I am reminded by my children the joy of anticipating new life.

They will usually see a flower or two that has made its way through the soil to a world beyond itself. What starts out as a seedling or bulb is transformed by nature's capacity to evolve.

Inside each of us lies dormant an awareness, an identity, an ability to grow beyond what we appear to be. Every moment, we are being challenged by others and by circumstances to create a life that exceeds our present state of living.

To move toward our highest good takes a willingness on our part to let go of what we know to what can be known in and through us. You and I are part of the Created Order we see around us, and we are participants in Creating Order out of what we have been given to care for.

With this in mind, let us turn to ways our soul can be described in the characteristics that make up a flower:

1. The Ground.

The ground nurtures, protects, and gives birth to a flower. Inside the womb of the ground, life is taking root long before we can see it. Because we cannot see a flower that has been planted in the earth, does not mean life is not being created. To be full participants in our world means to be fully connected and rooted in the world we have been given.

2. The Stem.

The stem begins its growth in the earth below and into the sky above. This part of the flower is the connecting characteristic of the plant. Much like humanity, we are in this world without being fully of it. This creates a sacredness to our lives. It is our unique ability to live and grow in a way no one ever has, is, or ever will.

3. The Flower.

In full bloom, a flower is the illumination of all the life that has preceded it. The radiance and color that pour out of it create life. Notice the next time you look at a flower how you are affected by it. You may notice your heart open and be filled with joy. Or, you may notice more energy and clarity in your vision for being blessed with great beauty.

4. The Spirit of a Flower.

The spirit of a flower is the life force moving in and through it. It is the essence of a flower that identifies with your spirit. This part of you opens from the inside out and becomes ONE with the spirit of a flower. It is the same energy that runs in and through you. Like a flower, you begin to radiate your own soul from the essence of your own being.

Each spring, take the time to notice the part of you opening up to new life. Just like flowers, we grow from the inside out. What illuminates in our life began inside us. We nurture these inner qualities of attention until they eventually take root and grow into our daily lives. The growth that follows is created from what we attend to or hold our attention on within us.

Like the pedals of a flower opening to the world around it, we create a presence of awareness. In full bloom, the beauty or the lack thereof touches the lives of everyone around us. As our inner patterns of attention move through us, the world illuminates the seeds of awareness contained within us for so long. Here, a life is created. It is the life of our soul.

(Photo Credit:  USA Architect of the Capitol)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Improve Your Mood with Yummy Food!

Many people decide to make New Year's resolutions involving eating healthier, losing weight, exercising, and just generally doing things to have a more healthy lifestyle.

Instead of beating yourself up and denying yourself things, how about trying to incorporate positive and healthful things into your life instead?  One of the easiest and best ways that we can nurture our bodies and souls is with what we put inside ourselves.  It's true that food is considered an enemy to some misinformed folks seeking to lose weight, but food can be friend as well.  It nourishes you.  It helps you repair your body.  It's fuel and medicine.

With depression running rampant in many nations, it is important to step back and figure out just what we can do to address our own feelings and emotions.  If you're suffering from a depressed state, I recommend you check with your doctor for ways to alleviate this.  In the meantime, it's also good to consider your diet.  Are you getting the nutrition that you need?

My mother-in-law recently discussed how wonderful it felt to get a B-vitamin shot.  And no wonder -- the B complex is full of substances that can help to improve our well-being.  B1 (Thyamine) helps our nervous system, and B3 (Niacin) can lift the mood.  Other B vitamins can help with the joints, lessen fatigue, stabilize the mood, and help the body recover from stress.  Foods that are rich in B vitamins are dairy (such as cheese or yogurt), green leafy veggies (like kale or spinach), beans, nuts, eggs, and even liver.

Vitamin D is another often overlooked vitamin that can help to improve mood, memory, and bodily functions.  It enables us to absorb much-needed calcium; without vitamin D, we may not be getting adequate calcium regardless of how rich in calcium our diets may be.  It is often added to foods such as milk or orange juice, as well as fortified breakfast cereals.  Cod liver oil is a great source of this vitamin, but if you cannot stomach it, try incorporating other things into your diet such as fish, soy-based foods, mushrooms, and eggs.
If you're looking for a quick-and-dirty boost in endorphins, treat yourself to some vitamin C.  It helps the body to create endorphins, which are substances that create a feeling of happiness and well-being.  Oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and dark leafy greens are the perfect choices to pack your plate with vitamin C.  Of course, chocolate also produces those delicious endorphin-creating substances that we crave!  But be sure to eat it in moderation. ;)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Feel Better NOW: Boost Your Self-Esteem Instantly

Feeling down on yourself?  Instead of succumbing to those "blah" days (or years), reclaim your life by strengthening your self-esteem.  Here are a few tricks to get you started; trust me, these will work wonders on giving yourself the internal makeover that you need to feel lovely.

You've probably already heard that old tip about taking stock of things you're grateful for, or things that are good about you.  This is a fabulous tip, and it's always good to remember that you have some good qualities.  But instead of just taking stock of the good, how about also composing a list of things you'd like to change or improve?  Be kind, and constructive, but real.  Acknowledging the weaker points in your life and addressing them can help you make improvements.

When you've made your list, be real with yourself about starting to improve these things.  Even if you just stick to your guns for a day or two, revel in the fact that you have the power to change!  You are taking control of your life and working to get to a goal.  Enjoy that.  The journey is just as important as the destination, so savor each part of your process.

Use other people, but "in a good way."  You have a lot to offer other people.  Give freely of yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for help once in awhile as well.  We've all been put in one anothers' paths to give generously and to receive graciously.  You may not always get what you want, but it never hurts to ask.  
Treat others with respect, and make everyone around you feel important.  This will ensure that you're treated largely the same way.  If those around you do not respect you in return, it may be time to reevaluate yourself as well as your relationships with others.

Be driven in your efforts to improve, but forgive yourself any setbacks.  Just stick to it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life: Lesson #1, Positivity

I have decided to dedicate 2013 to helping my readers improve themselves in a more general way.  Are you ready to have an awesome life?  Ready to enjoy each moment and live life to the fullest?  Then this is the series for you!  If you've tried all kinds of ways to improve the life you have, read on... you may find the answers you seek in my "Having an Awesome Life" series. :)

Let's start this year off on the best possible foot!  January's step toward a more awesome, more fulfilled you is the easiest (and conversely, the hardest) step of all:  Reclaim your personal power by seeing your life through a positive lens.  Now, that isn't to say that you need to ignore or dismiss all of your troubles.  However, it is important to enhance and enjoy the stuff that's already going right.  Does your day at work suck?  I'm sure you have a bad day from time to time (and possibly more bad days than good!) but think about all of the good stuff about your day-to-day routines that you love.  Are you surrounded with anyone who brightens your day or makes things bearable?  Despite whatever is going on around you, have you somehow managed to make your rent or mortgage payment?  Even small things, like getting a chance to wear your favorite jeans, or the taste of your favorite home-cooked meal for dinner, or "something good" on TV tonight can be a bright spot in your day.  Try to deal with the crappy stuff, but don't forget to focus on the good stuff.  And even though the saying "every cloud has a silver lining" is ridiculously trite, it's a saying for a reason -- so don't overlook those blessings in disguise.  And when you find things that make you happy -- even if it's just a favorite game online or the soft feeling of your pillow and blanket at bedtime -- acknowledge it to yourself.  Realize that these tiny things are also a part of life.

Try using your positive lens every day.  I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how those little bright spots can add up.  Take comfort and happiness wherever you can get it, and learn how to apply that positivity to other less-than-stellar areas of your life as well.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Of Spellwork: Ingredients, Incantations, & Gestures

Spellcasting, like any type of task, can take on different styles and forms, which largely depend on the spellcaster.  While there are many ingredients and directions to be followed, there is always room for variation. 

Spells largely consist of instructions which specify the actions, gestures, spoken or written words, and important items to use during casting.  Any spell that involves the written or spoken word requires that you write or speak clearly and legibly.  Some will require shouting, whispering, or just speaking -- in any event, do these things as firmly and with as much conviction as possible.  And don't forget to enunciate; remember what happened to Harry Potter the first time he tried going to Diagon Alley through the chimney!

Gestures may be equally important.  Strive to be as accurate as possible with these gestures.

Ingredients are another vital part of spellwork.  Try to get the best ingredients you can manage.  If there's something rare or time-sensitive that is difficult to acquire, a substitution may be allowed.  You can check online or in your spellbooks for the appropriate correspondences.  Many, if not most, ingredients should only be used once and not "recycled" for other spells.  However, in my opinion, some are fine to use over and over again.  For example, if you have a cleansing spell that requires a white candle, there is no reason you can't reuse the candle in your future magickal workings.  Just cleanse the item appropriately when you're finished, and re-consecrate it in the future.  The same goes for things like crystals, cloth items, and essential oils; you can always cleanse and re-program them.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

20 Awesome Tips for Surviving a Bad Breakup

1.  Remove the temptation of easy access.  Delete his or her number from your phone, block 'em on Facebook, get rid of old emails.  Unless you work together or share children, there is really no need to initiate further contact.  (If there was no major betrayal before the breakup, you may wish to maintain the friendship; in this case, just lay low for awhile and get some emotional distance.)
2.  Do not keep tabs on your ex.  This means no Facebook stalking (covertly or otherwise), no asking around, no driving past his or her house.  If it's over, it's over.  Let them wonder what you're doing or whom you're with now, but resist the temptation to keep that wound fresh.

3.  Let it out.  Write all your feelings in a notebook, a personal blog or journal, anywhere that you can vent and detox those negative feelings.

4.  Decide that, since you have now detoxed, to turn over a new leaf.  Think of this as a positive opportunity to make a fresh start, and adopt a positive attitude.

5.  Take care of yourself.  Eat healthy, exercise, and generally treat yourself well.  This is especially true if you were with someone who was not terribly concerned with your physical or emotional well-being.  When you take responsibility of your own well-being, you're taking control of your life.

6.  When you're feeling down on yourself, try thinking of all your positive qualities.  Make a list if you have to, in order to refer to it for future falterings.

7.  While you're in the habit of making lists, try making another one of all the reasons you're better off NOT in the relationship that you used to be.  If your former partner was annoying, unsupportive, selfish, or boring... write it down.  Absorb it, realize that the end of the relationship is a positive thing, and move on.

8.  Socialize with friends.  Call people that you haven't spoken to in a long while.  Re-establish touch with long lost friends, and enjoy reconnecting with those who love you.

9.  Pursue new interests, or revive much-beloved older ones.

10.  Take the focus off of yourself.  Realize that other people have issues too; do something wonderful for another person, and enjoy the glow that comes along with it.

11.  Pleasure yourself physically. 'Nuff said.

12.  Make changes to your apprearance.  Yes, it can be a bit of a cliche, but the truth is that seeing a cool new you in the mirror can help to alter your own perception of yourself.  Change your hair, try a new fashion style, get your most trusted cohorts together and devise an interesting new look for yourself.

13.  Change your surroundings.  You may not be in the position to move, but sometimes when you feel down in the dumps, and everything reminds you of your ex, you want to switch things around.  Move the furniture, paint the walls.  Burn some sage and detoxify your space.  If you're not interested in switching around your space, even a good thorough cleaning can make you feel fantastic.

14.  Throw yourself into your work for awhile.  Don't become a workaholic, though!

15.  When you're ready to see new people, try dating.  Keep in mind that "rebounds" usually don't work out, so don't go hunting for a new relationship right away.  Just enjoy socializing, flirting, and meeting new and interesting (or not-so-interesting!) people.

16.  Make new friends.

17.  Find enjoyment in solitary activities like reading, video games, or just walking through your city and seeing the sights.

18.  If your ex dumped you for someone else or was a particularly big jerk, think about the next person they end up with.  Instead of feeling jealous or tearing them down, realize how being with the ex totally sucks.  Feel simultaneously sorry for the "latest victim," and relieved that your ex is no longer your problem.

19.  Truly evolved people never stop growing, changing, and learning.  Try filling your mind with new information and perceptions.  Expanding your mind will expand every part of your life.

20.  Love yourself and love others.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Act of Contrition

The Act of Contrition is a Catholic prayer that is used during confession.  It is basically a pledge between the confessor and God, where the person confessing expresses sorrow for his or her sins, and promises to behave better in the future.  There are some versions which are more popular than others, but there is no specific right or wrong version.  In fact, when I went to confession as a child, I was encouraged just to speak from my heart if I was unable to remember one of the versions I was taught.

Here is a popular version in the original Latin:

Deus meus, ex toto corde paenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum
eaque detestor, quia peccando,
non solum poenas a te iuste statutas promeritus sum,
sed praesertim quia offendi te,
summum bonum, ac dignum qui super omnia diligaris.
Ideo firmiter propono,
adiuvante gratia tua,
de cetero me non peccatorum peccandique occasiones proximas fugiturum.

In English, this is basically translated as:

O my God, I repent of all my sins with all of my heart 
I detest them, because by sinning, 
Not only did I have gained just punishment from you, 
but most of all because they offend Thee, 
the highest good, who is deserving of all my love. 
I firmly resolve with Your help, 
to avoid the occasions of sin.

The Act of Contrition for children, which is the one I learned as I prepared for my First Holy Communion, is short and sweet: "O my God, I am sorry for all my sins because they displease you, who are all good and deserving of all my love. With your help I will sin no more. Amen."

My mother was taught this one when she was a child: "O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen."

You do not need to be Catholic, or indeed even Christian, to declare an act of contrition.  If you are Catholic, you can use the prayers above, or if not, just speak from your heart to the deity of your choice or to the universe itself.   This can be a wonderfully cleansing and uplifting practice to help switch you onto the right track, to avoid things that are unhealthy or negative for you, and to move on in a more positive direction.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What Does a Purple or Violet Aura Mean?

Purple or violet is a cool, deep color within the aura spectrum, though it also has elements of warmth to it as well.  This hue corresponds to the elements of both fire and water, as it combines the deep passion of red with the mellow tranquility of blue. Purple  corresponds to the Crown chakra, and is a versatile and visionary  color.  People with a violet or purple aura are the wise and visionary souls of the auric spectrum.  A purple aura is typically a lover of humanity, a wise person who loves knowledge, and potentially intuitive. There is also an ability to organize and direct others well.

Lavender is a pale violet-like shade of purple. It is an airy and lighthearted color, indicating innocence and trust.  Lavender spots or halo around someone can also indicate a recent near-death experience.

Lilac is another pastel violet shade.  It possesses more pink than lavender, but with a definite pale purple hue.  Within an aura, this color symbolizes security without haughtiness, and a personal sense of spiritual stability.  These people are confident and natural leaders.

Magenta is like lilac with the volume turned way, way up! People with magenta in their auric presence have a distinct sense of originality and a pioneering spirit.  This is the color that is most prominent in entrepreneurs, inventors, and other visionaries.  This can be an aggressive color, though that isn't necessarily a bad thing.  They can be so unconventional that they are often perceived as crazy and kooky, yet there is often a method to their madness.  Try some aura polishing techniques if you need to slow down a bit.

is a dusty mixture of magenta and lilac.  It's a soft, soothing color that is actually a close cousin of the pink aura bearer.  A mauve aura indicates honesty, yet modesty, and a certain understated helpfulness.  There is much quiet beauty and unspoken confidence in this auric energy.

Royal purple is bold and luscious, as is the person who shows this aura shade in their auric field.  There is a dreamy, imaginative quality in this shade which can prompt its bearer to be blessed with an amazing sense of vision.  This is another entrepreneurial, pioneering aura, yet care must be taken that this person does not spend his or her entire life dreaming and making big plans without following through!  Like a king or a queen, this person is bold and dynamic, with a flair for imagination.  Look for other aura colors to help strike a balance; with the proper motivation, or by seeking practical cohorts, these visions can be brought into reality.

Grape violet is a paler shade of royal, with a bit of dustiness to it.  It is still rather bold, but with less of an edge.  There is the bold visionary spirit present in royal shades, yet there is more idleness.  These are often folks who have big plans and dreams, yet much trouble following through or bringing those thoughts into any meaningful practice.  Laziness can be the downfall of the grape-hued aura, but with dedication and a desire to work through the troubled spots, this can be modified to a more positive violet hue.

Darkest violet purple is a deep, dark, intense version of royal purple.  It can be so dark that you might compare it to a purple midnight sky. This color has the humility and vision that accompanies most purple shades, but as the darkest shade on the purple auric spectrum, it is also one of the most powerful.  These are the true visionaries of the world.  Many psychics (including yours truly!) possess a dark violet or purple aura which indicates a mystic sense of empathy as well as a deep desire to aid and comfort others. 

Many people want to know, "What does a purple aura mean?" And hopefully, I have answered this question.  All auras are unique.  Every aura is different, and different things may work for various aura colors and aura patterns.  Do what feels right for you!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Vibrational Crystal Healing to Channel Your Inner Doctor

Crystals are prevalent in all places in ordinary, everyday life.  Computers, radios, televisions, cell phones all have crystals in them.  Technology can certainly benefit from their power, but crystals can also benefit people in other ways.  One new age technique that explores this concept is that of crystal vibrational healing.

Vibrational healing is done through harnessing the frequency of energy that radiates through the crystal and to a person's physical body.  This energy can cleanse the body of negativity -- sadness, fear, bad energy, and possibly even ill health -- and replace this unwanted energy with more positive vibrations.

I've heard some people claim that the physical body is never really ill, but rather it is our perception that illness exists.  I don't agree with this statement at all.  If this were true, then there wouldn't be any sick people in the world; instead, illness could be abolished by simply wishing it away.  Choosing not to believe you're sick is very risky and could be dangerous.  Instead, I believe that it's best to take sensible measures in addressing your health concerns.  See your doctor, eat well, exercise and do the best you can to maintain your body.  At the same time that you're using medical science to aid in your journey to wellness, you can also try vibrational healing to keep your mind positive and your spirit determined to fight.  This way, you will get the best of both worlds.

While you may not be able to control everything that happens in your body, you can work on your mental and spiritual outlook.  Studies have shown that meditation has had a wonderful effect on the well-being of illness sufferers.  Trying new age methods until you find one you're comfortable with, can't hurt you, and can possibly help.

The first step with crystal healing is to focus on what you want to change.  To transform your feelings or physical state, try feeling those negative states with the opposite aspect.  For example, feed fear with courage.  Feed anger with tranquility.  Feed pain with relief.  Feed illness with health.  You can use crystals as tools to aid you in these transformations.

Find your favorite crystal, or one that feels right for the job, and place it against your heart, your third eye, or any chakra where you feel the need for relief.  Center on that negative feeling or state.  Feel it strongly.  If it helps, remember a time when you felt it the most -- it can be your fear, your illness, your pain.  Now, after you've zeroed in on that feeling, imagine it being attracted into the crystal like a magnet.  Meditate on that negativity being drained completely from your body, and being trapped inside the crystal.  Envision your body being cleansed completely of that feeling as it empties into the crystal.  Now, envision a glow around the crystal as it transforms and heals the energy.  Imagine the cleansed, positive, wonderful energy filling you completely and fortifying you with positivity and well-being.

You can use this technique whenever you feel the need for some extra cleansing or peace in your life.  It is a wonderfully quick and easy form of meditation for both the seasoned meditator, and the novice, alike.

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