Showing posts with label self-improvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-improvement. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2014

Signs & Symptoms of Emotional Eating

You feel guilt, fear, or shame about the way that you relate to food.

Food is a constant thought or obsession.

You snack when you are feeling bored, worried, or other times when you aren't really hungry.

Food is a source of comfort to you.

When you're feeling happy, you "celebrate" with certain types of food.

You consume food in order to make yourself feel happier.

Even if you are full, you continue to eat.

You are unable to stop yourself from overeating.

You continue to obsess over food long after you have finished eating; you think about food even after your stomach is full.

You crave food at random times, and have trouble functioning without it even if you are not really physically hungry.

When emotions of any type run high, you choose to eat.

Because of the way you eat, you have a problem with your weight.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How To Be Sexier For Your Man, Lesson #1: Confidence

Let's talk a little about how to be sexy for your man -- whether it's a new boyfriend that you're just connecting with, or your lifelong husband who knows you all too well.

Before we begin, I do want to state that in a relationship that's based on love and respect, it's healthy to take your lover's needs and wants into consideration. Please the one you love, and be pleased in return.

Have you ever noticed that some girls seem to attract a lot of guys, even if they aren't particularly beautiful, and don't seem really special in any way? There's a secret that they know, which I'm going to let you in on right now.

The real key is confidence. Confidence can make anyone -- from the beautiful to the downright ugly -- seem exceptionally intriguing.

The best place to start is within your own mind. If you project a sexy energy and try to keep a positive, confident mindset, your man will definitely feel that energy. And he'll sense that sexy inner glow that you're projecting for him.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Faith For a Spiritual Awakening

Faith is a vital ingredient in a spiritual transformation.  It's easy to have faith in practical things.  If we fall, we know that there will be solid ground underneath to catch us.  If it's supposed to rain, we merely need to open an umbrella or seek shelter.  Whether we possess this faith or not, the ground shall always exist.  A strong shelter will always protect us from the elements.  However, believing in what we cannot see or know is much more difficult.  You do not need to believe in God or any one religion in order to experience a spiritual transformation, but you should have an understanding that the universe is filled with mysteries that you cannot yet comprehend.  The understanding and faith in a higher power, or the might of the universal energies around us, must be present in order to commune with the divine.  There is a love and a spiritual connection that bonds us all to one another.  Faith will open your eyes and help you to see the spiritual meanings in everything around it.  Just as a key can unlock a door to the unknown, your faith can unlock the powerful spiritual mysteries around you.  It can also unlock your heart and allow you to connect with others, as well as with the divine love which binds us all.

"Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck."

I'm sure that most people reading this have already gone well beyond their first paychecks by now!  But if you haven't, do consider starting to save now.  100 years ago, the average human life expectancy was less than 50 years.  We're living well into our 80s now in many parts of the world!  However, old age can be expensive.  Even though we think we'll be young forever, we will all eventually need to slow down and grow up -- if we're lucky!  Do the best you can to take care of yourself, physically, emotionally, and financially.  Remember that needs must come before wants. 

Visit Regina's website here.

Try to see the big picture and put something away for those far-off rainy days.  You will thank your past self someday.

Friday, January 10, 2014

"When in doubt, just take the next small step."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  This week, I am reflecting on the following lesson:  "When in doubt, just take the next small step."

These days, life seems to be more complicated than it has ever been.  Or, is it?  We all remember simpler times when choices were a lot easier, and our paths might have seemed a lot more clear-cut.  When you simplify everything and focus on the path ahead of you -- the small step in front of you -- things will seem more manageable.  When you're overwhelmed, try breaking things down and just go for that small step.  Those little victories can add up to a big success!

Visit Regina's website here.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Three Gunas

Gunas are a concept in Samkhya Hindu philosophy.  The word "guna" is Sanskrit for "string;" it can also mean "single thread of a cord."  They each represent a type of principle or motivation in the human personality. While there are several types of philosophy that refer to gunas, the Samkhya philosophy recognizes three of them: Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva.  Together, these make up the Triguna.

The guna that is known as Tamas (literally translated as "darkness") tends to be a self-centered and slow-moving motivation.  It can be described as apathetic, lazy, and senseless.  Emotions and actions such as hostility, bad reasoning, and self-delusion can often be rooted in Tamas.

Rajas, which means "passion," seems to go toward extremes.  While it is indeed a passionate and active guna, it also has the tendency to go overboard.  Rajas is active, creative, emotional, sensitive, but can also anxiety ridden, overly boastful, and aggressive.

Sattva is translated as "goodness," and this is the guna which one should strive to allow to shine.  It corresponds to our better nature: industriousness, compassion, and focus on helping and caring for others as opposed to material attachments.

It is said that everything in the world corresponds to at least one of these three gunas.  According to Samkhya belief, they are separate entities, yet they are all still somehow attached to one another.  Passion cannot exist without Darkness, which cannot exist without Goodness, which cannot exist without Passion, and so on.  They are a part of each other, while being apart from each other at the same time.

Monday, December 2, 2013

How to Cut Toxic People & Negative Friends Out of Your Life

Connections with other people are one of life's greatest joys. Interacting with those that you love and who love you can make the difference between an awful day and an amazing one.

However, we all have people in our lives who are less than perfect. In fact, no one in this world is perfect! There will be times when our best friends, loved ones, and life partners will have bad days. They might grumble, they might be negative, or they may even be snarky and mean to us. Or, we might be the ones who are feeling negative, and will do the same to other people. This is normal and natural -- everyone has good days and bad. If we love each other, we'll put up with it, because the bad is often outweighed by the good.

But there are also people who don't quite fit this mold. You know the types I'm talking about -- the drama queens, the judgmental jerks, the negativity sinks, the time wasters, negative friends, and the users. (I have a book about emotional vampires, which you can peruse here, which goes into greater depth about the types of emotional vampires that we deal with on a day to day basis.) When you care about someone, but they are depleting you, perhaps it's time to have a heart-to-hear with them about what's going on. It is okay to speak up and explain to your negative friends when your needs aren't getting met. Don't assume that you're being selfish just because you're standing up for yourself and your own well-being. (Also… here's a radical thought: What's so wrong with being a bit selfish now and again, anyway?) Dump that toxic friend! You do not need to spend time with someone who's draining away your energy.

If you've already had these conversations with those negative friends, and you're still searching for ways to end a friendship gracefully, chances are that your needs are still not being met. I'm assuming that you've already taken a good, long look at the friendship, including the parts that you had played in your dealings with this emotional vampire.

You may be feeling as though you've tried all of the solutions that you can -- speaking from the heart, setting limits, enforcing boundaries, or saying "no" once in awhile, only to continue to be met with disrespect, negativity, or a lack of reciprocity. It's now time for you to cut this toxic friendship from your life, so that you can invest that time in focusing on bigger and better things.

There are two ways that you can go about this: The easy way (which is often harder!), and the hard way (which is often easier!). Either can be effective; it simply depends on the type of negative person you are cutting out of your life.

The easy one has one basic step: Just cut them out. Quit calling or texting them. Stop taking their calls, unfriend them online, quit inviting them to your functions, and stop going to theirs. If you have mutual friends, you must also resist the temptation to talk about them with those friends. The drawback of this is that there could be some backlash, particularly if you're close. However, if this "friend" has done an egregious thing to you, betrayed a major trust, or committed some significant act of betrayal, it may be the way to go.

The hard way involves keeping the negative friend in your life. However, you'll simply be spending less time with them. (I must admit, I've done this method before! It works!) This method is much better for people that you do like, but are just too difficult to be around all the time. Maybe they're very high-maintenance, very negative, or just really different from you in uncomfortable ways. Perhaps they don't respect your boundaries and don't seem to respond well to discussions or other attempts to correct it. However, if they genuinely mean well and are not going out of their way to hurt you, the "hard way" is worth a try. It will take a lot more time, but will also be much easier on your friendship. Encourage this person to branch out and do new things -- this way, there'll be less time for them to bug you. ;) Pare down your communication: for example, if you speak on the phone every day or two, try cutting down to a couple times a week. If you hang out every week, try canceling from time to time and see if you can get it down to a couple of times a month. Make a plan to reduce the amount of time that you spend with him or her. Write it down on your calendar if you need to, but stick to the plan. On the occasions that you do talk or hang out, keep things positive and cordial. I'd also recommend that, during any conversation that you do have, you try to insert details about things that are keeping you so busy -- talk about your kids, your job, any hobbies or interests or obligations which might take up your time. You don't need to complain about these types of things (unless they truly are driving you nuts!), but making sure to acknowledge them will help take the edge off with your friend.
If you have mutual friends, and you try the above method, you may be required to spend time with this person anyway. That's okay! Sometimes being in a group with the toxic person can make things a lot more palatable. You'll both have other people to talk with, and you can even spend time together in a more controlled setting.

A few words of caution: If you're trying valiantly to keep things civil and the other person is not being accepting of the way things are, things could get dicey. Try the following phrases to diffuse tension:

"I understand."

"I'm sorry."

"Let's talk about this later, when we've both had time to calm down."

Whether you actually agree with the above statements is not the point. Diffusing a tough situation is the name of the game. Anyone who is going to throw tantrums, though, might need you to revert back to "the easy method."

Does this technique sound passive-aggressive? I know that some aspects of it certainly are. However, when you're dealing with an emotional vampire, sometimes it's much easier to do things gently as it helps to minimize the drama which is the emotional vampire's lifeblood. It also helps to preserve your sanity, as well.

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #12: Share Your Awesomeness

This is the final lesson in my "Having an Awesome Life" series.  If you've taken the time to follow my advice all year, you've likely found lots of improvement in your life.  Congratulations on making the effort to think more positively, to connect with others, to pursue your dreams, and to enjoy as much as you can about the way things are... as well as opening your mind to how life can improve.

Now that you've begun on your path to ultimate awesomeness, the final step is to take other people in your life along for the ride!  If you've begun to notice that other folks in your life seem aimless, sad, anxious, or bored... share your knowledge with them.  Be supportive of others' quests to improve their situations, and be the great friend or confidante who can assist as their voice of reason, their sounding board, and the wind beneath their wings!  Celebrate your differences, similarities, and everything in between.

This is the season of love.  Sharing your knowledge, giving of yourself, and taking the time to really connect with your loved ones is the crux of this joyous time of year.  Regardless of your religious affiliation, you can enjoy spending time with those around you and celebrating the simple concept of togetherness.

By spreading this message of awesomeness, you are showering love on those who surround you.  Real love is about giving, sharing, helping and supporting.  Spread your happiness and contentment around and share the lessons that you have learned with the world!  Become the guru of your own social circle; promote love, awesomeness, and mental well-being wherever and whenever you can.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Words of Wisdom from Mother Teresa

 It is said that this beautiful quote was written on Mother Teresa's bedroom wall.  Wise words indeed!

"People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway. 
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway. 
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.   Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.   It was never between you and them anyway."

Friday, November 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #11: Do What You Love

This lesson sounds way too simple to be true -- but it is!  If you're anything like the rest of the world, you have little things that you secretly love.  Those guilty little pleasures that you'd rather die than admit to, but secretly, you're loving every nasty little second of it.

I'm talking about things like the secret way that you sing in the shower, or dance in the bathroom when no one's around.  Or the illicit thrill you get when flipping through the TV channels, and you come across a tacky talk-show or a really bizarre movie that you're way to "cool" to admit to loving.

Why not embrace those little quirks that you try so hard to deny?  There is nothing wrong with doing what you love, and being proud of it.  Even if you consider those loves to be too trivial, too silly, or too out of character -- so what?  You need to make time in your life for a bit of levity and fun.  Not every second of your life has to be dedicated solely to accomplishing goals and achieving successes.  You need to make time to appreciate the simple, fun, and enjoyable things as well. 

Pursue happiness wherever it pleases you.  Remember how things where when you were a child, chasing fun and frivolity when the mood strikes.  Balancing work and play can make your life much happier, much more productive, and much more awesome!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #9: The Miracles of Kindness

Are you feeling depressed?  Bogged down by your problems?  Annoyed at just about everyone else in the world?  Maybe it seems like others have an easier, funner, better life.  Perhaps you're feeling bored, stuck in a rut, or just plain inadequate.  Maybe you have no idea what direction your life should be taking.  What can you do then, you might ask.

The secret to this is actually very simple.  If you're having trouble getting your own life to the place where you want it -- whether you've lost your way, or feel at a loose end -- you can find a way to feel better in a snap.  Try showing some kindness to others!

Helping other people can give you a whole new lease on life.  It can make you feel like a hero, because that's just what you'll be.  It can help to eliminate boredom, because it will give you plenty to do and lots of satisfaction with doing it.  You will always have something on the agenda if you try volunteering for something, doing charity work, and connecting with people who share your values.  Helping other people can also make your problems seem really small and much easier to handle than they do now; by focusing on others and seeing issues that are truly devastating, it makes your complaints about the annoying co-worker who chews with his mouth open a lot more trivial and manageable.

Remember that you don't need to go running off to your nearest non-profit organization in order to help someone.  Flip through your mental inventory of loved ones, friends, family, and neighbors.  How about shoveling the snow off of your neighbor's car while you're doing your own?  Next time you're making dinner, throw twice as much in the pot to cook and take some over to a friend who's too busy or tired to make some for herself.  Offer to do some errands for that sick relative.  Even spending a few minutes to help make someone else's day a little better can do wonders for them as well as for you.

Best of all, you will get so much personal satisfaction out of helping other people.  It's better than the self-esteem boost, the extra activity, and the inner makeover of your own issues.  The great feeling that you'll get from being one of the good guys, and from seeing others benefit from your efforts, is one of the most awesome things you can experience.  And that will carry over to some serious awesome life points!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Does God Exist?

Regardless of your faith -- take a moment to imagine that God does not exist.  (If you are an atheist, this should be easy!)  Envision our lives as simply... being here.  We are born, be live, and we pass into oblivion.  The rest of civilization continues long after us; they carry the memory of us for a time.  Our genetics are passed down, but other than that, we ourselves are gone forever.

And now, ask yourself... is that really so bad?  Would our lives cease to be meaningful?  Would we love one another any less?  Would our lives be less of a struggle than before?  Would we care more or less about our lives?

Perhaps some of our ideas may shift.  Without thought of a Hell as punishment or a Heaven as reward, some of our behaviors would likely change a bit.  We may find that we live more in the moment with our behavior, our words, and our thoughts.  We may realize that instead of looking to the heavens for consequences, we can find those rewards and punishments here on earth, with our lives being created in the image of our own personal heaven or hell.  Instead of looking to God for help or being annoyed with God when live isn't up to our own expectations, we would look inside ourselves.  And the power to change our situations would exist solely within us.

Instead of blaming God for the things that go wrong in your life, try taking responsibility for your actions and situations in life.  Look around; are there things about this world that bother you?   Awful things happen every day, to so many people.  You have the power to change a part of the world, however small that part is.  Instead of blaming God, or expecting God to pick up the slack, try jumping in and helping.

Don't wait for heaven.  Create a heaven in your own lifetime.  Be good to others.  Use the powers you have been blessed with, to create change when you see a wrong that is in need of correction. Enjoy every second of your time on earth.  Love those around you.

Whether or not you believe in the existence of God is not the issue.  What is the issue, is how you choose to live your life.  Regardless of how we came to be on this planet, here we are.  This is our home, and it is our responsibility to take care of it as well as to show positive regard for those who share our home.

You can begin anytime.  You must understand that, regardless of your beliefs, that concept of God does exist.  God lives within you and me, and everyone else.  God is that perfect, loving part inside your heart that wants to do the most good possible, and to believe in the goodness of our fellow humans.  Honor that part within yourself and others by creating positive changes in the world around you.  Change happens slowly and starts small.  But it can begin with you.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mental/Cognitive Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Mental/Cognitive Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Changes in dreaming.  You may be experiencing some vivid, crazy dreams!  Everything is brighter, more detailed, and much more vivid than you have remembered your dreams to be.  Sometimes, you may be frightened to go to sleep because of the detail of your dreams can be slightly alarming.  Perhaps you find that you're remembering the dreams better as well.  One's dream life is another way for the higher powers to communicate with you.  Or, perhaps you're experiencing lucid dreaming, where you have more control over what it happening to you.  Try keeping a dream journal and writing down what you remember of your dreams, as they are often clues and messages from your own inner self.

Psychological, mental, or emotional confusion.  You may reach an epiphany where you begin to see all of the loose ends in your life.  You feel as if you need to get these things straightened out, but may also feel a sense of overwhelming at the thought.  It can be a daunting task to know where to begin.  The best advice that I can give you here is to take baby steps.  Decide which things that seem the easiest, or things that seem the most important, and get started on tackling them.  Although you may feel like things are a real mess right now, you can straighten these things out one step at a time.

Learning quickly, and working things through in a much more efficient manner than you did before.  You seem to be picking things up a lot more easily than you previously did in the past.  A rapid sense of understanding and quick learning seems to be pervasive in all aspects of your life.  Some people call this "being in the zone."  This is one of the benefits of a spiritual awakening: feeling that connection with other people and things, as well as to yourself, can be of great benefit to you spiritually and personally.  You may also have more internal fortitude to deal with personal issues which you previously did not feel brave enough to tackle.  Again, this is another benefit to be enjoyed.  Part of a spiritual awakening is finding that courage that you never knew that you had, and allowing it to be a new source of strength that you can call upon when you need it.

Brain fog is another common side-effect of a spiritual awakening.  You may experience moments between complete clarity, and total brain fog.  The creative, emotional, and psychic abilities are also often affected for the positive during a transitional period.  The left side of your brain -- the one that is in charge of keeping order, memory, organization, and focus -- may become duller when comparing to your right hemisphere, which controls your creative, visionary, and psychic impulses.  As your right brain becomes stronger and more thoroughly utilized, the left side may occasionally suffer some drawback from either being underutilized or from lack of interest in certain things which may previously have been more important to you.  This can result in forgetfulness, "brain farts," or procrastination in doing things that require additional focus and concentration.  You may need to push yourself a little harder in order to strike a balance.

Impatience and the consciousness of time as it passes.  As you experience the changes that go along with a spiritual awakening, you become keenly aware of the seconds as they slip past you.  You want to make the most of each morsel of time that you have, to harness all of the gifts that you currently possess. This may manifest as a feeling of impatience or even a sense of overwhelming as you struggle to determine how best to use the time you have.  Try to make lists and keep focused on one task at a time.

A feeling of restless energy which makes it difficult to relax.  With all of the physical and emotional changes that you are experiencing, it's no wonder that you're having trouble centering and calming yourself into a state that is fit for sleeping.  You may have trouble falling asleep, or once you have slept awhile, issues with staying asleep.  This is a fairly common phenomenon during the time of spiritual awakening.  Some people find it helpful to sleep in cycles of a few hours throughout the day, enjoying frequent naps rather than one 8-hour sleep session.  Do what feels right for you.

Memories from the past break through to the present.  Sometimes, we repress memories intentionally.  Other times, things that seem insignificant at the time may resurface during a spiritual awakening.  Pay attention to what's going on around you, and see if there's a way to draw correlations between what you're remembering and what you're currently living.  Don't force more memories to resurface; they will do so when the time is right, and when they do, you can use them to learn more about your current life path.

Feeling dizzy, experiencing vertigo.  Sometimes, we need a little extra grounding.  Sometimes you may feel a physical or spiritual lightness after overcoming a spiritual or emotional state of chaos.  We may feel dizzy, unbalanced, or fear falling.  This is a very common symptom of a new spiritual awakening.  Take care of yourself, rest, and give yourself some time to adjust to the new physical state.  Some say that you need to ground yourself by adding more protein into your diet; check with your doctor and do what feels right.  Be very careful, take things slow, and don't push yourself beyond your means right now.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #7: Small Victories Add Up

One important facet in leading a life of utter awesomeness is the concept of having goals.  Even the things that you think might be small, stupid, or unworthy can actually be very important pieces to your awesome life!

Make a list of goals that interest you.  Again, they don't need to all be insanely elaborate or ambitious -- it could be simple things like getting your hall closet organized, catching that new movie that you've been seeing ads for all week, or trying a new restaurant for dinner.  These things can really help on your journey to awesomeness, because even getting those small things accomplished can lead to a richer life experience.

Sometimes, we have small life goals... things that we've always wanted to do, yet never had the chance.  It might be something as simple as taking advantage of your vacation time and driving to some local tourist attraction that you've always thought about seeing.  Or, maybe you just want to make a phone call to reconnect with someone.  Get those little tasks accomplished!  You'll feel fantastic knowing that even a small victory can be an important one in leading an awesome life!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #6: Being Prepared

A stitch in time, saves nine!
Life has often been compared to chess -- and chess, to life!  The similarities are easy to see... in order to do well, you often need to sacrifice.  There are also many ways to conquer what's in front of you, and the method to success is as varied as its participants.  However, I think that the biggest similarity of all is  this:  Both of them require strategy in order for you to come out on top.

While it's fine, and fun, to fly through life by the seat of your pants, preparation for the rough times is going to make a major difference between success and failure, happiness and sorrow.  "A stitch in time saves nine," goes the old proverb.  What you're able to take care of today, can help you enjoy a better life tomorrow.  What you fail to resolve now will come back to you, and it won't leave until you make it a point to take care of it.

Planning ahead is one of the most important steps in having an awesome life.  It doesn't sound particularly awesome, I know.  But, when you plan ahead by saving for a rainy day, or by taking care of something before it becomes a full-blown crisis, you're actually saving more than just time and effort.  You are saving yourself worry, stress, and hardship.  You are saving yourself from regrets and wasted time.  Let's face it, a crisis always costs a lot more to resolve than a small bump in the road!

By planning ahead, you're also left with more time to enjoy yourself, to relax and to have fun.  Security and order can actually bring about a tremendous sense of freedom!  Try using some of that chess strategy to give yourself an edge on a little extra happiness, and I promise you, your life will be much more awesome for the effort.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #5: The Power of Now

The fifth lesson in our installment has to do with our hopes and dreams, as well as how to deal with a life that doesn't quite seem to measure up to them.  It's human nature to want what we don't have, and it's also in our nature to become comfortable and complacent with our lives, with little desire to actually change anything.  There are also those who, while feeling complacent, are too busy worrying about what will happen in the future to enjoy the present.

By taking control of the present, you are putting yourself in the best possible place for the future.  Instead of pining over something you want, but cannot have now, or fretting over potential disaster in the future, try to train yourself to stop worrying and start enjoying what is currently around you.  I'm not saying that you need to abandon your common sense or through caution to the wind; you also don't have to stop dreaming and hoping for something better than the life you're currently living.  However, while you are in the present, take the time to appreciate where you are right now.  Be thankful for things you have in your life which are going well. 

Likewise, living in the present means getting real about the problems of your present.  Try not to put off solving that puzzle, working out those issues, or taking care of something that is giving your grief.  Emotions like that are draining to your energy.  Take care of new business before it turns into old business -- and old business before it becomes ancient business, or urgent business!  Getting real about those areas where you need to improve can make a huge impact on what tomorrow will bring.

Taking time to enjoy and savor the journey to wherever it is you wish to go, is a vital step in your awesome life.  Happiness in the small moments as well as the large ones will improve your overall well-being, and that makeover of your soul will translate into future happiness and success as well.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Psychic Symptoms & Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

The psychic effects of a spiritual awakening are as varied as the people who experience them.  However, there are certain spiritual repercussions that are fairly common.  Here's a list of what to look for:

Experiencing a stronger connection to people as well as other life forms.  Perhaps you're more able to read and understand living things in a better way than you did previously.  Animals may sense this newfound connection as well.  Communication with other living things feels easier and more natural.  If animals seem to be responding better to you, try nutruring plants as well.  See if you're able to reach out and make new connections.  We are all inhabitants of the world!  During a spiritual awakening, you may feel this connection more profoundly with people, plants, and animals alike, a new awareness of sense of community and of everything working together from their own places in the universe.  Practice love and compassion in everything that you do.

Disturbances during meditation, prayer, or quiet times.  As you contact your guides, pray to God, or meditate, you may have issues focusing your thoughts or energy.  As you experience more signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening, you may find that you need less time to meditate or pray to your higher power, as your ability to communicate those thoughts and feelings simply require less time.  Perhaps you simply don't need to allot as much time as before, or you may be communicating and/or centering yourself unconsciously in small ways throughout your waking (or sleeping) day.

A keener sense of awareness of others' presences.  This manifests through an understanding or consciousness of not only the presence of living and natural beings on this plane -- pets, friends, and random folks -- but also through consciousness of supernatural beings.  It may be a stretch, but some who undergo a spiritual transformation may just be becoming aware of spirits or even spectral presences.  There are some folks who are born with this ability, and others who develop it over time.  A spiritual awakening can bring many latent talents to the surface, including hidden abilities or weaker ones which suddenly become stronger.  If this is a frightening phenomenon for you, try meditation, prayer, or even calling upon friendly angels and spirit guides to protect you.  Remember -- most angelic or spiritual presences are either intent on trying to help you, or they are neutral in purpose.  Very, very few of these presences are harmful or mean, however some fear or paranoia is natural.

An increase in psychic or extrasensory abilities.  It is not unusual when someone experiences a spiritual awakening, for the sixth sense to become keener and stronger.  You will notice a heightened sense of awareness.  Perhaps you will experience clairvoyant, psychic, or empathic abilities that have been latent up to this point in your life, beginning to come forth and give you a new sense of perspective.

The discovery of a spirituality or philosophy that works for you.  Perhaps, for the first time in your life, you have found a type of spiritual or philosophical constructs that seem to correspond with just how you're thinking or feeling.  You may possess a deep hunger to learn more about a specific type of religion or belief.  This can help you to put your other issues into perspective, to aid you in growing on your spiritual journey.  The best way to go along with this is to read all you can, talk to other people, and ask questions if you're feeling lost.  Remember that exploration leads to discovery!

More communication with your higher power.  A stronger desire to meditate, to pray, or simply to commune with nature will always manifest itself in a spiritual awakening.  Perhaps you have found a new desire to speak to your guardian angels or spirit guides, and a greater inspiration to try making that connection.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Emotional Signs and Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakenings can trigger amazing things inside your mind, heart, and of course, your spirit!  A spiritual awakening can also have interesting effects on your physical body.  In this entry, we're going to look at some of the changes which a spiritual awakening can cause in your emotional arena.  (We'll look at other types of changes later this year.)

Here are but a few of the signs of a spiritual awakening:

A stricter sense of morality.  As your spiritual awakening is experienced, you start to understand the importance of living your true will.  Along with this understanding comes a desire to treat other beings with honor and respect.  Secrets, lies, or actions that deter you from your true will may become increasingly difficult to participate or tolerate.  You place a new importance on honesty and reciprocity in all dealings with others.

A conscious need to seek your soulmate, other half, or twin flame.  When we experience a spiritual awakening, we may have the desire to share this experience with someone close to us who can understand.  In the event that you are single and seeking that person, your commitment to the search may have intensified since your awakening has come upon the horizon.  Remember that if you want this encounter to happen, you must continue to work on your own life in order to prepare and welcome this soulmate.

An anxious, nervous sense that something significant may be about to occur.  You may be experiencing worry, suspicion, or the perception of a significant impending event.  Try not to allow fear or worry to get the best of you.  Take things slowly and work on one small issue at a time.  The feeling about what's to come may be a natural reaction to any surprise, good or bad. 

A heightened sense of emotional sensitivity.  Even small things may suddenly become overwhelming to you.  You may cry easily, become sad or upset at things that may perhaps not have affected you so much in the past.  You may also have unexpected and intense bouts of inexplicable bliss, profound elation, comfort and peace.  The heart chakra may also be presenting with aches, pains, or a sense of pressure.  This is often due to your chakra opening and accepting new information or energy.  Try to be open to your newfound sensitivity; let the feelings ebb and flow naturally.  Try some cleansing exercises or deep breathing as you allow the chakra to naturally expand, strengthen, and grow.

A new need for solitude and alone time.  During a spiritual awakening, you may feel that being around others is more draining of your emotional and psychic resources.  Even if you're very gregarious and love people, they can be especially draining and taxing as you're more attuned with your own inner changes lately.  Perhaps you just want to stay home more instead of going out and doing the things you used to enjoy.  Or, instead of running with your usual crowd, you are now preferring to keep to yourself.  You may not be depressed or anxious, but you might just need this time alone.  Go with it an enjoy, but do your best to keep connections with others alive -- you don't want them to think you've forgotten about them!

A newfound need for spiritual connection and meaning.  Your spiritual awakening will spark a craving for purpose and a deep desire for understanding of the world around you.  It is also possible that, for the first time ever, you find yourself longing for something you cannot name.  An inner peace or a connection to spiritual ideas in order to make you feel whole.  Listen to your heart, and go where it takes you.  This can be an exciting time in your life to learn and grow!

Moments of newfound clarity.  Perhaps you're going through a significant epiphany in your life now.  After what may be an entire lifetime of living or thinking in a certain way, a shift in perspective (through whatever means) has caused you to see things in a whole new light.  You may feel a stronger attunement with your higher power, or with a force that is greater than yourself.  You may find yourself suddenly more concerned with humanity or healing the world around you.

A sense that you have gone through some changes, or that you are currently experiencing change.  You may not feel the same as you used to feel.  You may not even be able to pinpoint what those differences are between the old and new "you."  However, the differences are there, and you can sense them even if you are unable to put the changes into words just yet.  Remember that that best is yet to be.  Continue to move on this spiritual journey and you will be able to find these answers. 

A heightened sense of creativity.  This one is huge for many people!  It could be that the changes you've been witnessing inside yourself are simply giving you more to think about, and therefore you are feeling more inspired than you ordinarily are.  However, you may also be attracting more creative impulses, or setting off an enhanced ability to draw inspiration from external sources.  As you pick up these new ideas, do your best to keep track of them for future use.  They may be needed not just for new projects that will require future attention, but also as a way to chart and track your own spiritual progress.

A deep need to find your true sense of self and life purpose.  What has worked for you in the past is just fine, but when a spiritual awakening occurs, maybe your old ways of doing things are simply not going to work for you anymore.  You may feel restricted by attachments, people, or lifestyles which do not suit your true purpose.  You may need to let go of toxic relationships or bad situations that do not enable you to live your true will.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine's Day Spa Indulgence Ideas for Your Love!

While Valentine's Day can be fun and sensual for you and your romantic interest, you can enjoy these recipes with anyone -- have a good time with friends during your own personal at-home "spa party," or just relax and enjoy these recipes by yourself.  Here are a few ideas to pamper that "special someone" at home with a few easy spa-inspired preparations! :)

1. Make a rosewater toner using fresh rose petals! Pour a cup of boiling water over a cup of rose petals. Cover and steep the mixture until it's cool enough to handle. Strain the petals from the liquid, giving them a good squeeze to release all the yummy rose essence. Keep this in a sterilized spray bottle in the fridge for a cool pick-me-up anytime.

2. Bath salts are so easy to make! Get your favorite coffee mug, fill it halfway with any salt you happen to have around (epsom salt is great, but so is sea salt or even your standard iodized table salt!), a few pinches of baking soda, and a couple drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour this into your bath water for a purifying and enjoyable soak in the tub.

3. Take your favorite lotion and immerse the container in a sink filled with hot water for a soothing, warm massage.

4. Sugar scrub is another little treat that's sure to delight the skin when it's in need of a little exfoliation. Mix two parts sugar (white or brown) to one part olive oil. Add a few pinches of cinnamon and/or ginger from your spice rack, and voila, a luscious treatment for sexy, glowing skin!

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